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4.2k · Mar 2019
Brawlstarsmann Mar 2019
There are things called chromebooks, and they are like laptops
but they have one small difference,
they can fit in your bag,
they can run offline,
they can by used by schools,
they can be monitored,
they are cool
they are lightweight
they are good-looking
and most of all
they are fun to use
this is something close to my heart, so I like it
1.1k · May 2019
The Marmalade Bear
Brawlstarsmann May 2019
There once was a bear called Marmalade.
She was a Peruvian brown bear.
She was abandoned in peru.
She was found in the only patch of desert in Peru.
She was rescued by 2 bears that found her.
In the only tornado to strike Peru in a century, her aunt perished saving her home.
In the aftermath of it, her uncle retired to the TrumpyMcTrumpface home for retired bears.
Marmalade's aunt told her to go to a place called London.
Her aunt's friend had an adopted bear there as well. They were good friends
When she got to london she went to the address that her aunt had told her.
When she went there, a weird human knocked on the door.
She called for someone called paddington.
Paddington was a bear.
When Marmalade told her story to Paddington, she was warmly welcomed into her home.
Her and Paddington fell in love and had lots of little baby cubs and lived happily ever after.
Brawlstarsmann Mar 2019
The Labour Party is made of spam
They are communists and are as smart as Pam
They l spend and spend more and more
Until the U.K is poor

Jeremy Corbyn is mad
He is very sad
He is made of trash
Just like an annoying ****
That is why I think the Labour party is *******
MMMM            MMMM
530 · Mar 2019
Here come dat boi
Brawlstarsmann Mar 2019
Here come dat boi hey wassup?
Here come dat boi hey wassup?
Here come dat boi hey wassup?
Here come dat boi hey wassup?
Watch him rollin watch him go
Watch him rollin watch him go
He be rolling down the street he be rolling to dat beat
He be rolling down the street he be rolling to dat beat
Watch him roll
Hey wassup
Watch him roll
Here come dat boi
508 · Mar 2019
Water and Cats and Dogs
Brawlstarsmann Mar 2019
When you are at a swimming pool, and you see a dog, you know that it will be pushed into the pool by a cat.
then it is frowning, like grumpy cat
and humans are laughing
and it goes on youtube
and you've been framed
here comes the dosh £$€
353 · May 2019
Robots and books
Brawlstarsmann May 2019
There once was a robot.
His name was Bo-bot.
He was a robot with two eyes,
Two arms
Two legs
Two feet
And his body went squeak.

Bo-bot loved books,
His favourite ones were about robots
And the way humans portrayed his kind
He lived in a house for robots

Each one had its own room.
Bo-bot's was filled with books.
He had even made a machine to pick them up and give them to him.
Bo-bot loved this.

One day he came across a book called
'When The Apocalypse Comes'
Bo-bot was very interested about this
He used a friend called Intynet to find out about it.
When he found out about it he gasped.
If this terrible event came, he would have no more books!
He became a Professor of Anti Apocalyptic Destruction.
(There is a simple course that you do on the intynet to do it.)

He even wrote a book about it.
He met up with the top scientists of the day.
They discussed how to stop this happening.
(under the official secrets act I can't tel you what happened)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then they put these measures into place and the Apocalypse never happened
Bo-bot is now at a secret location happily reading books.
He is now very happy.

— The End —