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 May 2017 Aurelia
Mane Omsy
I chose to hammer the obstacles
They trying hard to pluck me out
My mind is fixed, glued with you
No fire can burn my love down
Your love is the liquor
A single drop had me wasted
So I just stare at your eyes
Sparkling stars
Lighting my heart to shine
The passion you put in me
Ranged the highest mount
I can cuddle you all my life
The best I've ever had
If I stop, the headache won't heal
Be with me in life and death
From my heart to you
 May 2017 Aurelia
Basil lee
When we are close
The ground lights on fire
When we are far
The ground covers in ice
If you are too far
I freeze
if you are too close
I burn
 May 2017 Aurelia
Zoe Byrd
She's a suicide bomb
Ready to go off at any minute
Waiting for the person who will push her over the edge
Into a black abyss full of tears and self-hate
Exploding once she reaches rock bottom
Lashing out at those around her
Trying to make them feel what she feels
Giving back the hate she was given
And causing the same tears that she shed
I knew I was playing with fire
so why was I so surprised when
I got burned?
He told me to make sure I don't fall
in love with him.
He told me he wasn't comfortable talking.
He told me he wanted to make me happy.
I had cigarette burns up and down my body
and I should've known it would hurt
because you had ones to match.
There's something about tracing over your own skin after someone's touched you.
Almost as if the traces will never disappear,
like the scars from cigarette burns.
This took me so long to write because I couldn't find the words. I still don't know if I have.
 May 2017 Aurelia
Lynn Al-Abiad
What if, the secrets and answers lie in me?
I love myself,
I find myself,
And become enough for my own self.
No heaviness, no sadness, no ambiguous questions, no self-inflicted madness, no what if's, no imagining scenarios, no feeding sugar to my thoughts, no harm in being alone with my feelings.
What if, I am my sole saviour?
I would have to do nothing but redeem myself, because I should, because it's the law of the jungle - I get my own prey, I am my own alpha wolf, I lead my own pack.

- LynnAA
// It is all about choices.

 May 2017 Aurelia
 May 2017 Aurelia
I believe you show your finest hour
Within your darkest time
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