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 Jul 2014 Aditi
it's funny how
your muscles have a certain memory of things.

like how you can automatically tie
your shoelaces without even thinking
because you've done it so many times,

and how you can play this one song
on piano without even looking
because you've played it so many times,

and you kind of just lived with it
for a short while.

so when you spend a long enough time with someone
your muscles start to memorize
every action they make like how
they breathe into your chest as if you were the only oxygen left
on earth,
or how they fit perfectly
curled up inside you, like it was what your body
was made for in the first place,
and your bodies remember each other,
every slightest touch
can easily be replayed.

and what's funny is that
i can still remember you
even after all this time,
my muscles still imagine you
next to me
and it's funny that
you're not here anymore
yet my body still knows
where your leg would wrap
over mine (just above the knee)
and it's funny that
i'll never stop loving you
because that's what my muscles
will never forget.
uhm so this is trending?
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Left Foot Poet
when together,
agreed this rule,
no devices
no phones

this is the rule of

lest we let the devices rule

thus interfering with our own
interfering with our own
 Jul 2014 Aditi
 Jul 2014 Aditi
I've never been a sentimental person
but too soon did the
smell of salty air,
the sound of waves gaining
and receding
endlessly, reliably
become dear to me.
My memory betrays me
long enough to drag up the
sound of your laugh
(the unintentionally honest kind
that still raises goosebumps
on my skin)
along with the feeling of
Normandy sand beneath my toes.
No matter how much I want to let go,
I'll keep the jar of sand
on my dresser
and the image of you
with your arm around me,
our hair and our hearts wild,
in my mind forever.
I miss Europe.
While watching people I realized
That folks are a lot like squirrels
They don't pay much attention at all
To what's going on in their world

They scurry about to and fro
Doing what it is they do
Digging holes and burying nuts
A lot like me and you

They run aimlessly upon their way
Never looking both ways to cross the street
I guess that's why we see so many
Dead squirrels at our feet

Run to here and scurry to there
He lives within his own little world
Yep, watching people I realize
Folks are a lot like squirrels
 Jul 2014 Aditi
THE Apache Tomcat
He thought long and pondered why
Tricking snakes are composed of rose's vines
It's been once before he heard this rhyme
"Can a clock truly erase the time?
When time is but a fabrication set in line
Midnight strikes once if we're lucky"

..and he's heard the chime

He's saving grace, but who is it for?
An open window reveals the closed door
Sat alone with Poe, and the Plutonian shore
He never implied, yet yielded more
And wary now that once before
His heart had sung
But nevermore

He thought

'I must be in a dream.'
Doubting, feigning, proclaiming this obscenity
Yet still burns the daunting question..
*'Famed whisper, play with me.
Shame me, maim me, tame me,
let us cavort as cohorts
Ever so jauntily.
Daunt me, taunt me, haunt me,
take me gaunt and bare..
Bestow on me, throe on me,
unveil this absolutely there.
Now grant this plea, take my words with heed,
enchant this melody I doth hear.
Any jest would be cruel at best
For I truly hold this dear
Revive within what once has been
My faith in the unseen
I ask of thee, I do implore
Save me from this nevermore
Such a marvelous spectacle
N'er again vacate my receptacle
Adorn thyself as would a wreath
This world is formed of plastic
And porcelain
Yet there you sit
And breathe.'
Doesn't it change
The course we've taken
If I say
I Love you?
Doesn't it mean
The end of what we had
If what we had
Was a beginning?
“If I Say” is about the hard words “I Love you”. As Charles Bukowski wrote in his poem “Confession” – “….the hard words I ever feared to say….”. It’s about beginnings and endings and about poetry itself and what it means. I’ve always thought of a poem as a beginning, as Walt Whitman wrote in “Song of Myself” – “Beginning my studies the first step pleased me so much, ….. I have hardly gone and hardly wish’d to go any further, But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs”. What I’ve always sort in poetry is truth. The style of writing, or the “beauty” of the poem itself, means nothing to me. Only the beauty to be found within the words.
                  The poem is about moving from poetry to prose. From the beginning to what’s next. All done by the words “I Love you”, if those words are said. It’s about the potential of words and their impact on our lives.
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Ignite Me
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Pouring rain and thunder clouds
Roiling over and shooting lightning
Racing hearts as chaos pounds
Your feel and touch intoxicating
Crackling power and moving lips
Pressing hard and we're pulling closer
Yearning bodies and sliding hips
High off you I'm an overdoser
Electric eyes and wicked grin
You know I can't resist this sin
Our burning skin and heated blood
Power and passion come in floods
Set me to Fire upon your gaze
Live in paradise for all my days
Breathe me to Life with your lips
Heart dancing and doing flips
Turn me to Infinite with your love
To be eternal with worlds above
So kiss me hard while it pouring rains
Just how I like to be
Electric euphoria in my veins
Ignite Me
Inspiration from passion
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Charles Bukowski
little dark girl with
kind eyes
when it comes time to
use the knife
I won't flinch and
i won't blame
as I drive along the shore alone
as the palms wave,
the ugly heavy palms,
as the living does not arrive
as the dead do not leave,
i won't blame you,
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
little dark girl with kind eyes
you have no
knife. the knife is
mine and i won't use it
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Nirali Shah
 Jul 2014 Aditi
Nirali Shah
What do I want?
Good question..
I thought I knew what I want
I WISH I knew what I want
I really want to know what I want.
****** words
****** memories
Dancing in my head
Won't allow me to think.

You know,
I have never thought about anything
In my life.
I just went with
This instinct..
This strange emotion
Some people call it "HEART" or "GUT"
But it's just another ***** in the body..
Ok Look..
I didnt even bother
To think about the rhyme scheme.

And when you asked me
"What do you want?"
I didn't know what to say
I WISH I knew..
And the knowing is just for you
So that you get your answer
I don't need it
Because I found my answers in you..
Because till now,my love,
I only taught myself
How to feel.
Don't defy me.
You won't get a response
You may only get a reaction
For I'm just a thoughtless person
Writing a thoughtless poem
Don't think what this means
It's a blank verse
Oozing out of a blank mind
Going nowhere
But going somewhere
Just to find you.
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