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Jan 2015 · 586
No Winter For A Lover
Fatih Gul Jan 2015
I thread upon this snowy path
Staring upon the face of winter's wrath
The freezing cold chills me to the bone
In this blizzard I turn as hard as stone

My heart burns amidst the frost
Warmth is but little I have lost
The love I carry is a kindle that burns
The flame that the malice heart yearns

Come winter come, I care not
My flesh, my body, I have forgot
There is no harm that a breeze can bring
Outside is winter, but in my heart is spring
So when you go home after a walk in the cold outside, don't drink hot cocoa, but read a poem to remind you of love. That would suit one better, don't you think.
Dec 2014 · 397
To A Seeking Friend
Fatih Gul Dec 2014
What an ease to scream to silent hills,
"Hear this heart out, lover be thy name."
But sadly it is not the silence that kills,
Rather tides of heart one cannot tame.

The tides are restless, tides are raged.
Lover's a pebble drifting in its wrath.
Screeches eternally heart, once caged,
No mortal woe can obstruct its path.

Eyes are closed, love leaves blinded.
Sight once lost cannot be restored.
To pain and misery lover is binded.
By the slave, the master is adored.

Whips and chains of love and misery,
All fly amidst the sad heart to torture,
By eternal screech, lover's left weary,
Constricted the heart is put in seizure.

There is only one cure for the demise,
Such a cure that soothes all open scars,
It is not a bottle nor powder for eyes,
But a boon raising the soul to the stars.

None has found the antidote to heal,
A plague without braving hardship,
But warranted is this generous deal,
Won't sink those who ride this ship.

A doctor seeks the cure for a disease,
By understanding germs responsible,
If the lover has a naive heart to please,
He must understand love irrepressible.

To elucidate the ways of love, the heart,
The awe of humanity, is the specimen,
Understanding one's most vivid part,
Is understanding every breath taken.

Love's why the heart exists, love is all.
Without love, man has no existence,
None is more charming than its call,
To bathe in its showers is insistence.

A feeling so sacred can only be divine,
How can mortal be the source of awe?
In desperate hearts, we all carry the sign.
It is His greatness of art that man saw.

Flesh does not bless beauty upon one.
The vivid eyes are sight for Him to gaze.
It is foolishness of man to have done,
An idol of world in the mind to praise.

Seek the love of the bestower of love.
Search for emotions that bear truth.
With the love you have found above,
You shall forget the crimson fruit.
Written to my dear friend Çatlı...
Nov 2014 · 528
The Talk
Fatih Gul Nov 2014
Oh, what I will say, I know not,
My throat swells, as well as my heart,
Am I ready, was this what I sought,
Your deep eyes, they have me caught.

I am stunned in your gracious presence,
Your curls have weaved my very essence,
Am I ready to stare into your luminescence,
Deaf I walk, but not in my eyes' absence.

My veins suffer in my heart's beat,
This dreaded moment is my mind's defeat,
Am I ready to approach your burning heat,
My frosted heart has become obsolete.
That moment...
Nov 2014 · 711
Without You
Fatih Gul Nov 2014
The kiss of your eyes will be no more,
As this cruel life will depart our ways,
Without you, this heart will be in sore,
I lost this game that on me fate plays.

The beauty of your face left my side,
All smiles are now nothing but bitter,
Without you, my suffering heart died,
This lonesome is the end of my tether.

The warmth of your breath vanished,
My heart has frozen in shivering cold,
Without you, winter left me perished,
My soul's been left with none to hold.

The light of your dazzling gaze faded,
Shadows of my heart enshroud all joy,
Without you, I face dusk most dreaded,
Darkness blinded the sight of this boy.

The rosy bloom of your face departed,
My smile's now swept away in sorrow,
Without you, I am left desolate hearted,
Grace is banished in hell's afire burrow.

All that is left behind is sweet memory,
And the shatters of my ever lone heart,
Without you, all that I know is misery,
Paved by the miles that keep us apart.
A woe of lonesome, engendered by the worrisome of the greatest beauty's departure
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
The Grand Hall of Misery
Fatih Gul Oct 2014
This is but an ode in love's wake,
I write in sorrow as my hands shake,
My lament stays strong for this heart's sake,
As this agony I face, I can no more take.

The flames of love have burnt my wandering soul,
The drift of the sands of time have taken their toll,
Love has cracked my spirit as it plays its role,
In my despairing heart that is now a grand hall.

I watch silently as my miserable heart turns black,
As this hall that falls apart with each crack,
I turn numb as I am deprived of the sense I lack,
And falter as I suffocate in this morose love plaque.
Sep 2014 · 625
Love's Bitter Wine
Fatih Gul Sep 2014
Fill my morose heart with sorrow,
So I can wake up in grief tomorrow,
To be chased by agony's harrow,
And in screech in pain of love's arrow.

Fill my cup with bitter wine,
Drink until I am numb or fine,
The grief has my heart to dine,
When my sun sets, does it shine?

Fill my ears with somber criers,
And surround my body in hellfires,
To forget what this heart inspires,
And to banish love's wretched desires.

— The End —