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 Oct 2018 Allison Ruth
I fear doing something wrong
Speaking the wrong way
Dressing the wrong way
Acting the wrong way

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear being in trouble
Talking when I shouldn’t
Doing things when I shouldn’t
Speaking when I shouldn’t

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear being wrong
Answering incorrectly
Acting incorrectly
Doing incorrectly

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear judgement
Speaking oddly
Dressing oddly
Acting oddly

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear commitment
Loving someone forever
Working a job forever
Taking care of a child forever

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear independance
Feeding myself alone
Doing my taxes alone
Living completely alone

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear ignorance
Coming off as stupid
Acting like I’m stupid
Speaking like I’m stupid

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake

I fear other people
Their anger towards me
Their judgement towards me
Their love for me

My lungs fill with rocks
Heat runs through my body
My heart beats too fast
My limbs shake
My long *** poem about anxious fears
 Oct 2018 Allison Ruth
When my inner self and my outer self disagree
I tend to let my inner self free
I will not be repressed by society.

I am labeled straight forward
Some say it with respect and admiration
Others, like I have a disorder

They can call me abrasive
I'm prepared for it to continue
until my inner self fully replaces
judgement with Love

I am determined to seek empathy
I will continue to let my inner self free
I will not be repressed by society.

I have a long way to go
but, I trust me.
 Oct 2018 Allison Ruth
Day Wing
When happiness and smiles you have within grasp
They’ll charge in with swords of pain and sadness
Raise your shield with a tighter clasp
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

As achievements and great success chimes
They’ll attempt to feed it with arrogance and pride
Keep watch and be aware at all times
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

While innocence and upright honesty comforts
They’ll rebel on with lies and sly deceits
Restrict them from ever passing forth
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

Among the midst of compassion and pure love
They’ll counter with anger and ugly hatred
Fend them off with all the might you have
Be strong, be strong against your demons!

They will be close your whole life
They will force themselves in
Do not let them win
Be strong, be strong against your demons!
May 'they' be something, someone, or even yourself.
Be strong my friend! Be Strong!
I am the zombie of Tinkerbell
Her living corpse
Dress sparkles all faded
Tinkling like a broken bell
My fairy dust no longer brings children the gift of flight
But endows my prey with the curse of second life
That I may twice devour their
Squirming, wriggling,
Writhing, scriggiling
Just the way I like it
With a wide dark grin across my face
Teeth stained with blood and broken into points
Eyes dim, dull, and hallowed
Skin sallow and torn by the fighters,
Who battle for their death
Combatting the loss of their dignity
I lure them in with stale illusions and sickly sweet snares
Torn wings are no match for swift feet, but I manage
Pushed onwards, pulled forwards by a need, urge
To devour, consume, and engorge myself
Again with tender meat
And imbibe upon the sharp lifeblood
Of faerie.
For I, am the zombie Tinkerbell, and I hunger.
It's dinner time...
Per a friend's suggestion
 Oct 2018 Allison Ruth
she was the maker, he was her muse
a creative girl with everything to lose

she colored her canvas with her bleeding heart
she loved him and watched her world fall apart

she got her heart broken but kept a blank face
knowing that there are some mistakes you can't erase

she gave up her art, a lover betrayed
her pure white mind turned a darker shade.
And then there were seven.
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