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I'm terrified
Of loving you
Wanting you
Giving my heart to you

Losing it
Having it break in two
Believing every word you say
And it mean nothing to you

I'm terrified of it failing
I don't want to give up on you
Give me a reason to believe
Feel safe with you

Take this fear from me
Hold me close
Protect me from outside forces
And give me warmth

I'm terrified of this love
Wanting you
Loving you
Giving myself to you
I'll be terrified

But you'll help me feel safe

Be patient with me
Remind me of your love
Enough to take this fear from me
And forget about it...
All these emotions,
all these perfect feelings to put on a paper.
But still nothing seems right.
I hate this more than myself lmaooo
 Sep 2019 Arjay Gementiza
I let the plane fall from the sky.
Pieces broke off, and
Landed in forests nearby.

Now things are damaged;
They can’t be fixed.
Do all relationships end like this?

The pilot until the end
I let the plane fall
In it me and my only “friend”.

— The End —