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Smart people
    there are too many
    not all achieved their goals-
    they lacked curiosity -

    how they did bask
   in their past each victory
   resting too long on their laurel
   they faded away in complacency
My muse is unreliable
Silent most of the time
But when he finally sings
It’s a sound sublime
For all of us
Including mostly me
He doesn’t
 Jun 2024 Anugraha
someone once told me
you never forget your first love
you always love them
maybe in some strange twisted way
your brain forgetting
all the pain they caused
you love them
and i think they were right
because in a way
i love you
and i think i always will
for some nonsensical reason
i will never see the world
the same because of you
and sometimes i wish
i could change that
erase you from my thoughts
as you distort them
with your unwavering power
but then i remember
i wouldn’t want it any other way
you have shaped me
into the person i am today
and because of that
and i wouldn’t change a thing

- i'll never forget you
 Dec 2023 Anugraha
Kit Scott
 Dec 2023 Anugraha
Kit Scott
i believe in a gentle kind of love
all soft and soothing and
just right
when i am so terribly, irritatingly fragile
fingers running down my back while we lie
rib to rib, heart to heart
listening to the beat, and to the breath
and perhaps it is that, in this world of rough and tumble
of screaming and aching, to believe in a love kind and sweet is
a naivety but i find that
because of all this roaring outside our window, i much prefer
to think of that love sweet and kind
and us, tangled around each other, i think, yes

i find that i believe in a gentle sort of love
 Feb 2023 Anugraha
rose hopkins
When I was young  and time was infinite
I was spontaneous,impulsive, impatient.
Now I am older
and life is precious
and timeless becomes time
with an end in sight.
Love becomes more visible.
I am adventurous,
pensive and patient,
riding the next dream
into a timeless future.
 Feb 2023 Anugraha
Niki Gray
 Feb 2023 Anugraha
Niki Gray
Pain is better than numbness,
because at least I can feel
my life not just move through it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry.  Also a thank you to all my family and friends that remind me to be the best me I can be.  Thank you Sheela, Courtney, Christian, Favour, my daughter Sydney and my son James.  Also, a big thank you to my husband Jim.
 Feb 2023 Anugraha
I love a miserable day

tomorrow should decay

Just like yesterday
When one knows
something is wrong
and does nothing about it.
 Aug 2022 Anugraha
Suresh Gupta


in death lies the seed of birth,

so as we are cradled in one form,

so shall we be cradled in another.

no reason for dismay,

no cause for anguish
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