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I suppose worst is over
Knife pulled from the wound

Or like a broken bone freshly set

But being through the worst
Wonder what comes next

Chest tight

To not consider there ever could be an 'after' for us was just foolish

We thought we would be able to withstand any storm

So giving in like that after hurricanes and tornadoes
Amidst a light drizzle

Twist story however you like

We were convinced love had the answers

Existed in a plane above the rest of the world

Which sounds like beautiful scenario until you look closer

And realize when you're up that high you've got a helluva long way to fall
Is the worst ever REALLY over?
Closing off all I can't decide
Gotta lock myself inside
I hate my indecisiveness
If getting the chance to read this
Every day a brand new start
Don't dare give up on a wish
If what you long for in your heart
A dream is a wish your heart makes ♥️
I dread the day you will inevitably die
I'll never be ready to say goodbye
We fight every now and then
Cycles repeating again and again
So every morning count every blessing
When life feels extra depressing
I can be much too bad to tolerate
Some things do I'm sure you hate
I severely want you to view me succeed
Atone for every last misdeed
It's been long time coming now
Countless occasions made and broken that vow
Time flew by in what feels like a flash
Cherished treasures crumbling to ash
I sense I've stretched patience thin
Behavior worked it's way under your skin
I recall being younger and naively carefree
Back then world was too big to (truly) see
The shape of hands as they lifted me high
A comfort on which I've grown to rely
Heart bogged down by weight of this shame
Don't recognize the person I became
Your imprint forever will be etched into my soul
Same anchor that throughout the years has played a vital role
I'm afraid before I realize you will slowly slip away
For my iniquities your absence is the hefty price I'll pay
You're the only dad I have and the best by far
I wrote this to tell you how important you are
Which is louder heart or head?
Why can I not ever decide?
Silence is my only answer
Solution I have yet to find

You create escape for yourself
Why did you not just say so?
Silence is the deepest cut
Worse than you letting me go
Written 2-13-21
Seeing you and her together would certainly scathe a lot
It is seeing the epitome of everything we're not
But may be better than not seeing you at all
Except in the photographs hanging on my wall
You sent a message (I haven't bothered to read)
The first three words;
"Amanda I need"
No apology for torturing me bad
That made me pretty mad
I've liked always talking to you
Was on a ledge with a helluva view
But I am determined never to jump
I'm not going to hit the ground with a thump
I will not let you control me anymore
Best way to do that is to ignore
I hate the way I am under your magic spell
There's nothing that can save me from this hell
Seeing is believing...
Winters Death

     As spring arrives it ushers in a re birth
Of life as its rain quenches Earths thirst
And every year I enjoy being a witness
To this dance that seems well rehearsed

Within a blink of an eye summer arrives
And comfort comes in the form of ice cream
The shade of a tree, a summer breeze
and a nap so deep it includes a dream

And the Summers can seem to be too long
But soon comes the October morning wind
And fall is knocking on the door like
A once old lost and forgotten friend

The life cycle that comes with the four
Seasons is such a wonderful thing
Each of us having our favorite in our
Hearts and mine is the life of  Spring

I always dread the Winters darkness
And its cold poisonous breath
And unfortunately now I’m stuck
Smack dab in the middle of Winters Death

Written By:Charles Kean
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