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Akash mazumdar Mar 2018
And she wasn't seeking any praise affirmatively,
But what her body was on ice block ceasing; craving for insanity,
Insanity of "love" one of the unique curse ,
She had the thirst,
Of Station to the location for a pair of eyes,
Admiring inmost from blood to where the insecurities lies,
Facing towards the absolute sky,
Repeating the uttermost fantasies of her life,
Smiling and setting peace beyond a mile ,
Beautiful than thousands of successful rhymes,
What she wants I know she barely knows but she lies ,
I wish she could have a look through my eyes.

Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
So no more sending messages to you,
The conversation streak of full of feelings,
There are so many things from which you should go through,
Seems like you never mind ignoring them for no reason,
Then why you started showing care and now you're sailing away with boredom,
Even when I saw you today,
You were looking at me like am a useless dead fish by three side of lake ,
**** I can not bear this awkward change,
Give me the reason or just hide out never see me again.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
While serving the hot tea cups he was strongly imagining one of his favourite things ,
that someday he will get a big shop and his real name upon it,
That name which he learned to write on the painted wall with chalk with straight long strokes ,
Generally we call it blackboard ,
It's been years he went to see that single room and somebody told him it was school,
That was the one which was affordable one he used to go but with no writing tool,
He sleeps less dreams Big ,
Wishing someday everything will be great and with every pretty thing.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Before I die please tell me how you do all this ,
How are you carrying me? how you kept a stupid me sharing extreme bliss,
How you do all of this ; being polite and kissing with your prayers,
Knowing that may be it won't give you what you deserve and end up devastated with a sharp spear ,
That spear dipped in poison of pain,
And sorrow along with only threatening thunder but no soothening rain,
The rain which relieves the painful emotions,
Which are highly toxic and in extreme end up with potions ,
It's not just a big heart which take all hurt inside ,
And just pushing endless Love outside,
Even if I annoy you; tease you or push you off the ease and stab you from inside ,
You don't manage you just put them aside ,
Put it in the trash can and wrap me with care and made yourself so polite ,
Is it really possible to do without no reason at all,
Or there is something like a big treasure at the end of this fall?
I mean really is there any big worth behind all of this?
Or just it's only you and only just board me up in your boat; oh no not a boat it's a ship ,
Ship carrying every thing which can make things more than ease,
Counting from a little help upto a endless number of beautiful moments with ,
Are you a human? do you really exist?
I have numerous of questions for you; will you stay in contact forever ?
And if you don't I don't have a problem but I wish for you God must give you happiness in a big basket everyday and a person to love you every second.
Every time I've been a stupid making mistakes thousand of times.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
I wish I could figure  out what is my dream,
What is the most important thing and what is most beautiful colour theme,
I don't know didn't had a thought about them,
I don't know how many times i have better thoughts about self ,
It's always was to seeing others happy and ending up praying up for everyone,
Either is it for my enimes or my loved ones ,
It gets hard to write about someone for whom I hardly have a feeling about ,
Trying to geues who's inside so when I'll know someday I'll give him a shout ,
That I know you now ,
And write a book for that inner self without any doubt.
Akash mazumdar Nov 2017
Yeah it's over!  that's what you said right?
Now you see what I can do just by tonight,
No more reading our conversations,
Will stop adoring every photo i have ours in any folder  in every location,
Even those ones which I got printed ,
From the black n brown nostalgic film tinted,
Tinted in memories which I can never forget,
I'll try to consider that the person except me in the photos is dead ,
No more looking for your last seen on WhatsApp,
Will unstar all the best conversations we had ,
Stop remembering every word you said to me,
Even they are not so good or extremely sweet,
I'll stop writing for you,
No more poems nor a single thought even if have to stop thinking I'll do,
I will move on I guess but I know I lost by best friend,
I'll try to do all of the above things I said ,
You left me! may be it's just a bad dream  may be it's not the truth,
I wish you could understand these feelings not all of them but you didn't tried for few.
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