Stop putting his name in every phrase,
Stop describing that you belong to him in anyway,
The fake feeling that you're mine,
I love that I wanna live in it all the time,
Do you know what i love the most?
Your warm soft hands and I will save them from getting cold,
I need to gaze every in few minutes,
I do care but it's more than it and its intensity and have heights,
Uplifting you everytime that's what I try,
That's why when you do something stupid I just stop myself from scolding you: I just smile,
There is a beautiful soul inside,
It makes me lively just being near to you and by your side ,
Even if there's immense pain it will automatically subside ,
Just take a look of my view ,
You will get to know how amazing are you,
Giving those stupid nicknames aren't just for fun,
I feel complete when you respond on them my just heart jumps,
And pumps harder when I smile ; you smile back ,
I try to find you & try to relate in every beautiful track ,
The good bye hug is a sweet guesture by you,
When you do that for few seconds my mind blows and my eyes lost there hue,
Thus everything will be like fiction in future,
I know my fate ;I will try to cope but always smile while remembering how beautiful those days were.