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Cynthia May 2014
For so long I've waited for you to notice me.
Your hair has turned gray from the stress,
lost hope is marked on your face.  
I wonder if deception or courage is to blame.

The missed train
the last stop—the getaway—

Every run reflecting your cowardliness
How dare you abandon me in this hollow place,
holding the key of faith and opportunities.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
kenye Feb 2013
She's tapped into another realm
Sitting on top of the world
Resonating the astral plane
At least in my mind
She's above me
So divine

A crown wrapped in flowers and gold
Diamonds in the sky
Cut through the noise
and crack down to shatter the Earth
Looking pretty amongst the chaos

She catches my eyes to bring the temptation of the Goddess
Always within reach
but afraid to touch
to release
Let go of everything

This is where our souls intertwined
The tango of our 9-5
Looking forward to breaks in reality
Our survival mechanisms
From the bottom to top
Where her crown connects realms of telepathic foreplay
A mindfuck of sorts
Black and blue balled by the true cowardliness of reality.
I'm scared of pain,
I'm scared of blood,
I'm scared of heights,
I'm scared of blades,

maybe that's why ending my life would be

mission impossible for me.

I'm scared of clowns,
I'm scared of spiders,
I'm scared of horrors,
I'm scared of dark rooms,

I guess that's why I seem to live up my days,

holding against all hardships, troubles, and fear in me,

leaving "the end" out of my bucket list,

for all of my cowardliness has saved me instead.
I have faced a lot of things in life, but not even once I thought of ending every pain I faced...
I guess I'm such a coward after all.
Born of barrows blood and acorn goodness:
honest as nature and prodigious as her harvest.

Cursed with cowardliness, blessed with bulk
but an irksome intellect invariably finds fault.

The pain of creation softened by canine affectation,
and artificially-altered perception.
Bats4Brains Jul 2013
Inside breastbones of all humans contained
Two wolves, one white one black, endure a fight
Each rages war against its brethren named
They lunge, they gnash, and bite with all their might.

The white is pure of heart and pure of soul
It is joy, forgiveness, and charity
The goodwill, love, and hope that makes us whole
And teaches us courage and humility

The black is one heartless and corrupted
Spills sorrow, wrath, and greed into the air
It exploits our pride, envy, and hatred
Fills us with cowardliness and despair

And in the duel that dwells within each host
The one that wins, the one you feed the most
I met you first in the light
on that very night
I look into your bright
eyes and I felt great
so I fell in love from that sight
and went to bed that night

I had an option to tell you the truth
but decided to shut my mouth
because I feel it was still at youth
to speak such unusual truth

which could be so disgraceful to my personality

short awhile I fell to sleep
In my sleep, I bleed the pain
of unsaid feeling
thinking of seeing her again
so I can pasture her like a sheep
following the awe to ascertain
and satisfy its feeling

she was a passer-by
so not certain I will meet her again
but the feeling I can't say to anybody in vain
because it's her I feel this for
cowardliness is an awkwardness
he watches Her because she is one of those people who demands attention
She is wild and bold and sarcastic
he sees, though he is blind to Her insensitivity

she stares at Another because He is one of those people who sits at the back beautifully
He is good and charming and kind to His mother
she sees, though she closes her eyes to His cowardliness

he longs after The Girl who is taken because She is one of those people dreamt of
She is polished and pure with a bright smile
he sees, though he is oblivious to Her vanity
cassiopeia miel Nov 2015
You're searching for even the slightest validation for your inexcusable actions, transient in both values and the physical realm, collecting conquests and usurpees like how one might collect trophies from animals they hunt, faces frozen in a false expression with unseeing glassy eyes as they are forever immortalised in your sick collection to be made a mockery of long after the passage of time takes it's toll on both the images and the subjects.
A calculated maliciousness disguised as an indecisive personality, you are a bottom-feeder grafting onto the bellies of whomever are blissfully unaware or trusting enough to swim by you; but your own is yellow as a summer's day is long; not from just cowardliness, no, but from **** (sans the vinegar), and I wish I could compose this prose into something a little less hateful and a little more tasteful, but I won't spare you another second of my time, I'll erase you from my mind.
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
bodes well

in shadows we are crawling
in secret we make vows
in total silence we learn of all things

bodes well

wars shall end the earth soon
wars of madmen's greed

wars allowed by our lazy carelessness
our cowardliness
our own greed

bodes well

knowing what matters


knowing eachother
and bidding

to do eachother


Jo Baez Jan 2016
My thoughts stopped visiting my brain.
My imagination got lost somewhere in the infinity of my aloneness but I don't feel loneliness.
I'm a walking comatose and I feel so futile, so deterrent of myself.
But I guess these feelings are inevitable.
Maybe I'm too afraid to sit in a sail boat without a paddle and drift into the sea.
Maybe the circumspec of my cowardliness, has dived so deep into the depths of mind.
I don't feel alive, I don't feel alone,
I don't feel numb anymore.
I used to believe that pain was the God of life.
For if pain didn't exist, I wouldn't know what being alive meant.
Not even if it shrunk into a tiny razor blade and cut an entrance on scars or scabs on my body.
To rediscover past wounds and lessons learned.
Just to make me feel humility or little more human.
Maybe I'm just caught in between that moment before unconsciousness strikes.
When the lack of oxygen slowly expires.
As you gasp for air and grasp for something to breath life back into your soul again.
The only thing I have left is my sadness
The jagged pieces of myself scattered across the floor
I wish there was something else
I wish I could do something other than fall apart
But it seems I have no choice

Could blame it on my brain
Irony gets me once again
For I try to avoid weakness, cowardliness
But in doing so I make myself just that:
Weak and pitiful to think any different
Ryan Nyberg Jul 2014
my mascara became my foundation
and my lipstick now turned into blush.
just like you once were my inspiration
just like our car ride is now a car crash.

and my hair used to be bright and healthy
my skin used to feel lively to touch.
now i can't even see my reflection
i don't think i have got one as such.

once i smiled and felt so rejoicefull
now i can't look up, not when you're there
never thought i could be so regretful
left alone with so much love to spare.

i won't hold on to you, you are hollow
empty like a life for those who live
once they no longer have who to follow
and they're just not yet ready to lead.

only the guy above knows i have suffered
tortured like a witch, like a weak slave
i will always love you, you're unworthy,
but your cowardliness did make me brave.
Javaria Waseem Apr 2015
Self given scars
do not sing the songs
of one's glory
only of the
And I was once a coward.
Ken Voltaire Nov 2018
I am minuscule.
Shame and remorse lie on my breath,
An ample bed.
Fear overcame me,
And thus I was deceived by my own self.
An abundance of cowardliness,
That lead to pain and suffering,
Continuing ever still.
My mind and will are weak,
But bound by love,
I hope to keep.
That I will never be good enough.
Too many mistakes.
Too many slips and falls.
Too many cliches.
Too much dependency.
Too much weakness.
Too much reliance.
Too much regret.
Not enough affection.
Not enough truth.
Not enough surety, confidence.
Not enough time.
I fear,
That I will not grow fast enough.
Gigi Langer Apr 2021
a competitive narcissist
dressed in fear
you suffocate me
with shallow love

you wear jealousy in silence
over accessorize
with cowardliness
holding fists of everything left unsaid
as your knuckles bleed white
you make reality darker

step outside your reflection
get out of your head
let your flaws glisten
let them be seen
and burned to ashes
to fill the void kept between us
trudge through
create a path

up the mountain of humility
when the white wave crashed over us
as i told you no
and the colors that bled through
were louder
than the screams of a prey being hunted

till your ears bleed
and you’re locked out of ego
leave the key
never to be felt again
Jeffrey Robin Jun 2016

The long ride

Thru the great dessert

Visions of a California

In the midnight dream




( Memory )


We used to talk of love

We wanted so desperately to know

The world

Now we just grovel here

Amid the rest

Of the homeless and terrified



We refuse to truly

Identify ourselves

We pretend to be merely a

Figment of light in the heart of

The earth's great shadows

we talk numbly of the pain of

Our lovelessness

But we really are not seeking love





do something real !

live ...... (?)

Or just die

no one really cares anymore

about your self inflicted sorrow

Or your general sense

Of cowardliness

Emmie monticelli Apr 2020
What is this world we live in, with no real rules or regulations, but still having a guideline? Having a sense of freedom, but yet, you don't. Look around this would and you'll see the pain and suffering of the broken and poor, and the unjust rankings of today's wealthy. This isn't a world we live in, it's a prison. A prison of our self doubts and beliefs of ourselves. A prison that we ourselves have made to make sure we all keep in line. But yet this isn't a prison as we all have freedom. So why don't we use it? Because we can't. We're told we can't. As children were told to follow orders of people above us, so we all fall in line and look like one. To become the perfect creation of man. But **** your rules, **** society. I am my own free will. Why follow a broken justice system, just because your told to? Why conform to other people's norms so you can believe your Happy? Be who you want to be, don't listen to the cowardliness of change, as you are your own free will
While shuttered within abyss of darkness
psyche terrorized tortured twisted courtesy
sinister malevolent forces besiege, curry, distill
impeding ability to experience joie de vivre
suspicion points to coalescence while in utero
inchoate cellular cluster vaguely hinting yours

truly condemned to experience woe linkedin
among conglomeration heralding differentiation
bursting nsync with parturition anatomical defects
set figurative stage where blistering, devastating,
excoriating, incriminating, tormenting, withering
zealotry (me decreed de facto scapegoat) suffered,

hence absolute zero impetus to regale myself when
cruelly inured within venomous snake pit otherwise
known as garden variety schoolhouse subjected to
unequivocal teasing, spitting, rude quipping - this
then extremely socially withdrawn boy the **** of
jokes, lacking machismo (ha...imagine meek measly

mostly mutely passive pencil necked geek (Matthew
Scott Harris) hurling fisticuffs exhibiting dukes of
hazzard, (albeit quite puny knuckles - yielding small
hands in accordance with small model chassis), a
guaranteed bullseye (red due lee marked target)
unavoidably tempting prey sited within crosshairs,

whether mocked while exiled to front of school bus
ad nauseum allowed quick exit out from door in the
event... suffering compounded while rooted as wall
flower slinking along quietly deaf vine pretending
not to exist, and attempting to vanish in thin air, and
nearly succeeded as a bag of unlovely bones during

analogously pugilistic bout with anorexia nervosa,
these days starkly bitter at absent gumption to assert
fighting spirit (Irish I did pass test doling out giving
bullies taste of their own medicine even if such act
of atypical defensive stance kilt me), but fear of
reprisal, I would be beat to pulp kept hunger to lash

out...did paralyze, mortify, and condemn worse fate
than death, even if afflicted with Bubonic plague,
flesh eating disease, leprosy, et cetera would pale
compared to self induced agony cumulative instances
cowardliness triumphed buzzfeeding lifetime
inferiority complex, where ****** daggers forever
rent asunder atrophied prisoner of eternal damnation.
Denish Karki Apr 2019
Heart full of gestures,

yet I'm speechless.


tapping legs,

pounding heart,

so restless.

I blame your existence,

Plus my cowardliness.

Man, ***** this complex Emotions,

May be i'm just too ugly to be your boyfriend...
What do you see?

Behind these bright crystal blue eyes

Do you even see my bright and warm soul?

My silent messages beaming into your psychic?

Can you hear the cries of my damaged inner child?

“WHY? WHY am I so easy to be Harmed?”

A magic trick of words

The illusion of what you consider what I need as care

From someone who I had held held so far above me

On their pedestals…..

Why must you spit upon me as I remain weak?

Anger creates a musical heart beat fast and rhythmic

The war drums of Treason

Against the Monster that you have become

Don’t run away in cowardliness

You earned this boxing match

Feel my battle scars?

Let me carve them into your soul…

So you can feel the acid of arguments and doubt

The fear and anger that you tried to push me

around and down through…

As I rise up and start to beat you, silly.

******* thrashings at your own game.


I won’t complete this tempting revision of abuse and it’s corrupt

Circle of lost souls.

Just because you solicited fear, anxiety, and a wealth of what feelings and money that you have needed..

For you from me…

Does not mean I have to fund the payments.

Feel yourself  as your greedy soul starts to go bankrupt.

As I walk on still.

Far from you and your insanity.

I refuse to be less than what I am supposed to be.

Because of and the acts in which you are scared I might catch onto..

I Become stronger.

You shall be left in the cold

on your own

Lost in the deserts of your own neglected relations

with this beautiful soul

That you failed to treat in sane moments

However, you, like Stalin, created another identity

within yourself

that became the opposite of who had drawn me closer

You failed to snap out of your role

as an actor

Life is no play

Your curtain has been lowered.

I am the one applauding my true self

Wearing the shoes of strength as I never stopped walking

to my rightful promise lands
A couple nights ago
(today being August 4th, 2021)
while walking around the parking lot after dark
over yonder shrieking catcall heard - hark
at first methought, a baby experienced distress,
I immediately scratched that notion
far fetched as sound out the beak of bewailing lark
but Highland Manor apartments
generally quiet as cemetery park.

Truth be told yours truly an overgrown fraidy cat
who naturally sought to turn sharp
on his heels and beat path
for domicile entrance within seconds flat.

Hypothesization generated imagination
to conjure fate worse than death
predicated after huffing and puffing
(pertaining to above mentioned activity)
gasping for my last breath
praying to dog to escape
versus being figurative cooked goose
cowardliness quickly dismissed lame excuse
to avoid become laughingstock
with addled pate stuck within noose.

Maybe ferocious feral rabid animal on the loose
oh if only seen courtesy Doctor Seuss
what with me with hair raised straight up
and/or the wild beast
charging faster than lightning greased
impossible mission to call a truce
where creature waggled her/his tail
analogous to derailed caboose

prompting joker within me
to splutter what the deuce,
not wanting to discover vis a vis
common denominator most least
cuz mortal kombat witnessed ****** bloke
pronouncing one lapsed (Aloe there)
spidery legged wandering Jew deceased.

aforementioned scenario fabrication of truth
insipid since contents
(reasonably rhyming materiel)
devoid remotely labeled uncouth
fiction employed to entice reading poem
tastefully accomplished akin to wine
knowingly spiked with brandy
infused with herbs and spices
such sweetened drink constitutes
one of two varieties regarding
never drinking teetotaler vermouth;
red (sweet), which originally
hails from Italy, and white (dry)
which first appeared in France.
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Crawling thru creepy cobwebs climbing these old stairs..I purposely try not to ponder on my state of I listen to floorboards creaking and screeching rocking chairs..Oh my God I am frightened midst my moment of awares

But I betted on a challenge rather foolhardy I have no other choice than to be brave and proceed.. and if I can conquer all my cowardliness I will win and succeed..mind you if I can carry out my mission it is victory guaranteed.. coz can you just imagine an old haunted house.. that would even scare the likes of a scuttling mouse..I wish i wasn’t alone right now..I should have brought my spouse..I did ask him along but he did only grumble and grouse

Well the only thing that I absolutely fear the most.. is coming face to face with the ‘Grey lady ghost’ and they do say that she isn’t the nicest of a she chases mischievious children around from pillar to post.. That’s thirty three steps done already so only twenty two to go.. I had to get to the very top of the fifty five you know..but I hear moaning and groaning from down below..that’s it I’ve had more than enough as I decend with gusto...👻
Fourth of July

So I thought first of July was the US,s national day
I guess I was thinking of Trump and America first
histrionics and naively hopes the virus killing his nation,
will fade away like the morning mist.
No such luck Mr President and you have nowhere to go
except for down and into the sand of times
that will remember your cowardliness and buffoonery
echoing as Homeric laughter in the sky.
But as I said I wish America well and hope the virus
leaves some alive to tell how Lovely the country was
before it was caught in a tidal wave by the enemy
within, and suicidal behaviour by those who cry freedom
at the cost of the individual.

— The End —