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Tatiana Mar 2013
we all must exist,
for a reason.
We all must have something to do,
in our lives.
We all must be the best,
we can be.
we'd just exist,
and float through our lives,
watching life
flow right out the window.
And we'd just slowly waste away,
and our existence,
would have meant,
Tatiana Jan 2019
Extra terror rests its soul
in the shoes of those alone.

© Tatiana
Tatiana Jan 2017
I've walked many trails
through forests full of colors.
Leaves crunching, hues changing,
and with it, my emotions were ranging.

I've felt many breezes
that stirred branches and leaves.
My hair lifting, my feet trailing,
yet the wind kept on wailing.

I've seen many animals
living their lives in these woods.
So unassuming, never knowing,
my ache inside kept growing.

But I've never traveled trails like these,
so dark and can bring me to my knees.
But you traveled a trail like this,
it's dark yet there's a light you can't miss.

I still have a long trail to walk,
to even stray from time to time.
But your trail has faded away
and you'll never be here today.
My Oma passed away on January 14, 2017 may she rest in peace.
Tatiana Jan 2018
I've once said failure was kind
It teaches you lessons in the end.
But sometimes the suffering
you have to endure
is absolutely meaningless.
It seems naive to me to believe
that failure is kind
and that pain builds character
without believing the opposite
to be true as well.
Failure is mean
and pain can break you down.
I've lived my whole life so far
thinking that there had to be
a reason for all of this.
And sometimes,
there isn't a reason.
It just *****.
So failure is kind and mean
pain builds character and destroys it
and I can accept that
My sadness is real
and tangible
even though its reason
may not be.
I was inspired by "sometimes suffering is just suffering" quote that I can't remember where it's from.
Tatiana Jul 2012
Failure is not kind,
there is no soft landing,
only a pillow covering your face
and cutting off your wind pipe,
till you feel you are done,
for once,
but you're not.
The pillow comes off your face
just before you admit defeat,
and you push forwards,
even if you have no will left inside you.
If you fail again,
you move on,
never learning that,
failure is kind.
Tatiana Dec 2012
Pale brown eyes
wander around,
with a slight daze,
watching everything around them.
Their gaze swept over a girl,
that I was standing next to,
then those eyes lingered on me,
unnerving me,
scaring me.
I didnt trust those eyes.
The girl and I left,
and I ran to my friend,
he was horrified,
I have never seen his blue eyes
Alight with so much anger.
A protective arm came around me,
he glared those pale brown eyes down,
until they faded,
down the road,
and around the corner.
We ran,
never had I run faster,
those pale brown eyes
were filled with chaotic,
malicious, intent,
and my gut was screaming
to get help,
and run,
just leave this place,
and never return.
I felt those eyes watch me,
as I ran with my friends
down the road,
through the woods,
back to my friends house.
His blue eyes were angry,
with just a hint of fear.
Fear for me,
and the girl,
fear that those pale brown eyes,
would find,
and hurt us.
And seeing that,
I breathed a sigh of relief,
because right now,
that means I am safe.
Tatiana Aug 2014
It's interesting to have freedom,
something that one desires fervently,
but now one fears it
as if it were a deadly drug.
And in a way,
it can be.

There is something frightening about freedom.
One realizes that they must take control
of their one short life.
They must decide what their goals are.
Do they serve
a higher purpose?

This fear of responsibility
can weigh one down,
make them feel insecure,
uncertain of what will happen next.
One is in control of their future,
yet terrified of what is to come.

One may want to hide,
and pretend that this wasn't happening.
The pressure may just be too much,
and one may want to end it all,
with a rope,
or a bullet.

But there is so much more life has to offer,
so why end it?
Life will try to beat you down,
so keep getting back up.
Take hold of your freedom,
and love it.

Have the courage to exist

And in the end,
you will be happy.
Tatiana Aug 2016
Everyday he used his tools
to work on a fence.
He hammered and sawed
and hoped to God
that he would not cause offense.
To his neighbors,
to his friends,
he just could not let them see
how much he had let his yard
become overrun with weeds.

His heart was too weak
to deal with the stares
of people who said they cared.
So he built a fence
that was ten feet high
around his yard
around his mind.

He hammered in that last nail
to the beat of his pounding heart.
As the clouds gathered overhead
and he realized that it was getting dark.
He pushed himself up hastily
but he tripped over his own feet.
His hands covered in splinters
while he felt his heart shatter
he dropped to the ground
ignoring the clatter
of the wood and the nails
that flew from his hands.
His crippled heart skipped a beat.

The rain started to fall
and he forced himself to his feet.
He sprinted into his home
as his splintered heart hammered
in his shaking chest.
He sat down on his couch
forgetting his tools outside
and the whole mess.

Weeks then months then years passed by
and people who wandered the streets.
Saw a fence that went up one night
start to decay before their very eyes.
"What happened to the man who lived in that house?"
"I know the answer."
"You do?"
"*I do."
Here's the poem for the letter F in the alphabet. This series is going to take such a long time but I'll finish it because I was inspired very recently to write more so I will.
Tatiana Dec 2012
Hello blue sky,
how are you today?
and oh the grass,
why are you so green
and soft?
Such a comfortable cushion,
for my weary body.

Hello blue sky,
why are you so close to me?
I'm on the green grass
aren't I?
I feel like i'm floating,
silently, slowly
up onto a cloud.

"Hello blue sky"
the wind whispered,
and the grass beneath me disappeared.
There was nothing to hang on to,
I was grabbing at the air,
hoping, praying,
that I would stop moving.

Go away blue sky!
I shouted in my head.
Let me go,
let me gain control,
of my chaotic thoughts,
and movements,
I must be in charge.

Leave blue sky,
you are no longer kind.
You're just faking that everything
is alright.
Well it's not ,
so please return the ground,
I need it.

Come back green grass,
and solid earth.
I need the support,
of you right now.
Please return,
so I can stand
and fight.

Why am I fighting?
I don't really know,
all I know is,
i'm being accused.
I'm defending myself,
and fighting for what is right,
with the only way
that will work.

I'm using my words,
standing on the green grass,
looking up to the blue sky
and shouting
"Show me who you really are!"
The sky turned gray,
and I smiled.

There will be no more lies in my mind.
We all have our own inner battles, some are darker than others. But if we can see the light and the opportunity to fight and speak up for ourselves, we could destroy those inner demons, that chose to reside deep within our souls.
Tatiana Dec 2014
Just put your head down,
just keep moving forwards.
Ignore everything
except yourself.
Remember who you are.
Fight it.

The restraints are there,
like this is some sick game.
You beat yourself up,
you strap yourself down,
unable to move
Fight it.

That blank wall isn't very nice looking,
I don't know why you continue to stare.
I mean I do the same thing,
when I become...
Oh. I get it.
Fight it.

Eyes glazed over.
Lips sown shut.
Limbs tied down.
Mind locked up.
The dark is so inviting.
Fight it.

But I'm not too sure I want to leave.
Oh, how easy it would be,
to stay in these waters
and fall asleep.
Just stay asleep
Fight it.

Don't forget me anymore.
Such a sad plea that comes from me.
Myself where did you go?
Who are you anymore?
I'm losing my mind.
Fight it.

What is there to fight?
I'm drowning in the tidal waves
of my own emotions.
There isn't a clear enemy.
Who could it be?
Oh, I think I see.
The enemy is me.
Fight it.
But I can't.
Fight it.
Fight it.
Fight it.

Yes you can.
*Fight it.
Tatiana Oct 2012
The darkness masks ideas
Your perception is not
what it can be.
Everything’s gloomy
But yet we strain,
Our eyes to see.
Every dark figure,
That reaches out
With unsteady hands.
To steady our
In this dimly lit world,
We believe,
That these figures,
Are not what they seem.
Tatiana Feb 2013
It's over,
Well almost over.
Bug-a-boo is safe,
We have full custody.
It's a huge weight,
That's been taken off my shoulders,
But im still worried,
About my niece.
I don't know if we will ever,
Gain custody of her as well.
But I guess you have to win the battles,
Before you win the war,
and were closer than ever,
To making these kid's lives,
Tatiana Apr 2013
You're running,
drained mentally
and physically,
but you push on
because the finish line is in sight,
and then it all explodes,
right next to you,
and you fall to the ground.
You know you're injured,
you know you can't get up,
you know you're panicking
as the debris and smoke cloud around you.
People are running and screaming and crying,
and you're laying there,
to you your surroundings have an under water feel,
as if you were in a dream,
and you were watching and listening from outside your body.
The only problem is,
this isn't a dream,
it's a living nightmare,
and in this state you wonder,
are we at the finish line?
Or are we starting a new race?
My heart goes out to all who are suffering from the bombings in Boston, and I am praying to God that no one else gets injured or passes away in the coming weeks.
Tatiana Jul 2013
Harsh, bright lights,
rise into the smokey night sky.
The red is so bright,
and no one knows why.

The flames explode,
and there is an earsplitting scream.
You feel yourself implode,
as the pressure trickles in like a stream.

A wall of heat and you're pained,
it blocks your way out.
It can not be contained,
and you're starting to doubt.

There is no escape,
the water is trying to cut through the raging wall.
But it can not scrape,
enough flame away at all.

Could words even describe,
the ashy, smoke-filled sky.
It penetrates you like a jibe,
that shoots you down when you fly.

Now you're surrounded,
being saved is no longer an option.
And oddly, you feel calmed,
by the flames that threaten to make you a part of their concoction.

As you prepare to die,
you lay down to rest your head.
The fumes make you close your eyes,
and you pass out before you're dead.

As enchanting as it is,
it could **** you brutally.
The flames and fumes are dangerous,
and you won't pass silently.
Tatiana Dec 2019
Though I want to be ash
don't burn me alive
I can't take it a second time
to see the crowd
with their buckets of water
watching in awe
as I, the dry kindling
light up
as I, the roaring flames
as I, the intense heat
evaporate the water
they had with them
to put me out
when my burning was done

rapid fire poems right now
Tatiana Feb 2014
Flowing down the river of attention,
a young boy cries.
Begging for a home.
Screaming for help.

Soaring on the wind that is greedy,
an old man lies.
He's so charismatic.
Scamming every life.

Falling from the skies of beauty,
a woman races.
She has deadly speed.
The impact is coming.

Floating in the ocean that is empty,
is a mind that can no longer think.
It can not connect.
It can not find its self.

Living on the ground that is wary,
is a now tired teenage boy.
He looks tough, he's weathered the pain.
But he is not okay.
Tatiana Jan 2015
The twisting road stretches to the setting sun,
and you need to get to the end.
Follow the road
get there before the sun sinks,
for you don't want this journey to end
in failure.
You mimic the pattern of the sun,
fading when the last light disappears
over the horizon,
letting the moon reign over the night.
But the time is now,
and you must make it.
So you run and run to reach that sun,
but it's sinking quickly
and the twisting road is making it difficult.
Let the rays of light bend over your body
have them pull you into the sun,
so when you fall finally
a new dawn will come,
the sun will rise again
and you will be right there
Tatiana May 2018
Some went West
and others went East.
The ones in between
found they liked South the least.

The traitorous winds
carried news from the mouth
of a stranger who wandered
the dreaded South.

They said:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

Those of the West,
those of the East,
and the Northern inbetweeners
listened with incredulity.

But the Southerner just repeats:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

"If we fight not for glory,
then why fight at all?
War is a necessary evil!"
Those Westerners say, how uncivil.

"Peace cannot yield
without sacrifice.
Someone always has to lose their life!"
Easterners cry full of strife.

"Freedoms are protected
if you follow the rules.
Speech must be regulated, calm, and cool."
Said from those under Northern rule.

But the Southerner repeats like a record loop:

"Glory and war in the West.
Peace and sacrifice in the East.
The North holds freedoms and complex rules.
The South has no time for such duels."

Then the wind finally stopped
spreading its message.
But the lofty seeds that traveled with the wind,
planted themselves in places they've never been.

And they started to grow into something more.
Freedoms and rules.
Peace and sacrifice.
Glory and War.
© Tatiana
I'm not exactly certain what I was thinking when I wrote this. But it exists.
Tatiana Dec 2017
The ominous sounds of heeled boots
clack down the empty hallway.
Making it clear to those hiding
that they are approaching.

The footsteps are measured and slow
Yet loud like they want to be known
as the sound that strikes fear
into the hearts of all men.

There's nowhere to go
Nowhere to hide
the footsteps are apoaching
and we're out of time.

They are almost here.
Just one more corner.
The footsteps are approaching
the sound is like ******.

And when they arrive
we'll be gone for good
and when they leave
our ears will do us no good.

The sounds immobilize us
We can't breathe
We can't see
We duck our heads between our knees

We duck our heads between our knees
and listen while the steps cease
We pray to God
that they leave us be

We pray to God
they leave us be
We pray to God
They leave us
© Tatiana
I don't know if this came across as suspenseful, but that's what I was going for. Also, the sound of heeled-anything, echoing in an empty hallway can be terrifying.
Tatiana Nov 2014
By forces unseen
I take one step forward,
then another,
and another,
one more.
My eyes close and i'm floating.
Up I go,
into the soft white clouds.
I float indefinitely,
hoping these unseen forces
keep my head in the clouds.
Because right now,
the ground is a scary place.
Tatiana Oct 2013
Forever and always.
Forever and never.
Forever and losing.
Forever and ending.
Forever and missing.

Forever and constant.
Forever and nothing.
Forever and failing.
Forever and done.
Forever and gone.

Forever and tired.
Forever and empty.
Forever and dying.
Forever and finished.
Forever and disappearing.

Forever and together.
Forever and ever.
Forever and living.
Forever and never-ending.
Forever and here.

I'm always here,
Tatiana Jul 2013

Let fear take control of your emotions.


Let fear make you blind to others.


Let fear make you escape from Reality.


Forget fear, reach out for help.


Fear can't control you, you can rise from it.

But yet,
you could still,
Tatiana Sep 2015
How silly is the little flower
to think that it has such a large impact
on anyone's life.
It's as if it says
"I know I am just a flower
and it's well past the hour
but you picked me from the rest
so I must be the best.
So when I leave,
don't forget me please."

But it's just a little flower
that was chosen for no other reason
than to bring a little bit of happiness.
Yet the flower still speaks,
"I don't understand what you understand
but I know that I am not anything grand.
But it was me that you chose.
You watered me with the hose
and I have grown to be old
but now everything I feel is cold."

Poor little flower,
how long have you been here?
Shivering and shriviling.
But bless your soul you still speak.
"I know some time has passed
since I saw you last.
But I remember your sad smile
and how you had to sit down for awhile.
Your thin white hair has become flat
and I no longer see you sit where you sat."

That small, old flower,
drooped one last time.
With one last sigh
the flower picker spoke.
"I'm sorry little flower
it is well past my hour
and you're as thin as my hair
that has become so brittle without care.
But don't you worry
he is coming in a hurry
and I will not forget you
if you will forget-me-not, too."
© Tatiana
Tatiana Jul 2018
Follow the odd northern winds
with just some sense of indifference.
Do not become glued to the ground
its toxicity will weigh you down.
So push yourself up, fly with the wind
twist, turn, spin with the debris.
Twirl with those stuck in the breeze
enjoy the feeling of weightlessness
the kind the ground never could give.
Fly through the sky, throughout the night
do not stop even when it becomes light.
It is best to ignore the ground below
since it is not good for you, trust me, I know.
I just need you to vow to me right now
don't look down
don't look down
don't look down
© Tatiana
oh boy oh boy this is difficult
No 'E' is next.
Tatiana Jul 2018
In my thoracic cavity is a clock
that rhythmically sounds tick, tock.
Pumping blood through my body
giving my hands an opportunity
to point out a good quality
And a fault.

It is good that you know I am with you
but a fault is found in this sad room
as sounds of this hospital's gloom
absorb into my aching brain
I almost miss your words full of pain
what you said will always stay.

"I think of days of old
days of gold
days that told
us to cling and hold
onto occasions
that you and I had.
Days I thought could not go bad
  Days I thought could not go bad."

Your clock ticks, but it would not tock
arrhythmic palpitations hold your body in lock
arms turn into stiff, limp imitations of parts
your body can find out how to start
its own trip into that forlorn dark
with no comfort from a singing lark.

I'm no lark, I bring no comfort of dawn
but I'll stay up with you as you yawn.
Your soul's windows full of worry
build up this notion your light will go in a hurry.

I vow to you as your light grows old
that you and I had days of gold
that you and I had days of gold.
© Tatiana
This is sad and trying to avoid the letter 'e' is extremely challenging.
No 'I' is next
Tatiana Aug 2018
Travel under the eastern sky
keep your eyes on the road, do not ask why
that barren landscape, the color of rye
makes the hardened townspeople cry.

Legend states that the dusty flatland
was a servant to the sun so grand
the sun demanded amusement from the land
and the land created the dance of the sand.

The sand would fly throughout the desert space
for the sun to bestow her grace.
The act would make a storm and erase
any proof of fate and leave no trace.

The townspeople never spoke of the event,
but you must know what happened to an extent
when small ones run away at the advent
of these storms, the sands erase all torment.

You must vow to not wander from the road
when the sands hear the sun's lovely ode
and feel the need for a storm to explode
to dance and bury us all, as the sun foretold.
© Tatiana
Hey hey I actually wrote this one before my concussion so with a couple of edits (and after much rest) i'm ready to post it. A part of me feels like there is an 'I' somewhere in here, but I'm fairly certain there isn't. I think my use of sounds that sound like 'I' are confusing me lol. No 'O' is next.
Tatiana Sep 2018
He had wandered far in his truth quest.
A man by law, with 19 years he can attest
and ended up stuck in the west.
With limited cash in his name,
as he had abjured his family's fame.
Since his beliefs differed in his chest.

The family ideals were deceptively lenient.
Kindness was taught but he had never seen it.
His views were seen as unnaturally scenic.
A family that preached their branded acceptance,
made the man sing their praises and dance
with their rhythmic rants.

Maybe he is just a rebel;
A phase where instead he sings treble,
because the bass is in a bubble.
His head shakes and dusts rains,
falling just like earthly remains.
The ideas caused by yesterday's pains.

Heartful man, take care in the west
Listen as lives differ with the rest.
Make a pledge and mind the dread
Keep a level head.

Keep a level head.
© Tatiana
No 'O' was surprisingly more difficult to write than No 'E'. The amount of times I wanted to use the words "to," "of," "for," "you," etc. and then realized that I couldn't, was more of a challenge than I thought it would be.
Also I couldn't write "vow" so "pledge" it is.
The amount of times I've looked in a thesaurus is unreal.
Tatiana Oct 2018
Long ago, Moon reigned alone and empty
born of the Gods Sky and Sea.
The world was painted with a pale light,
that came from Moon's own might.

"Hello, I don't believe we have met before?"
    "Call me Heat."
"I am Light."

A meeting destined in the heavens above,
inspiring Heat and Light to love.
For Moon had grown sickly all night,
as she never had time to rest from her plight.

"What shall we call it?"
    "The yellow light that we lit?"
"Yes. It's like a disc. A shining disc."

Light circled Heat like a shield.
Blinding those who do not yield
with their interest or attempts to charm
Heat away from Light's arms.

"Perhaps we shall call it Light?"
    "No, we shall call it Bright!"
"Please, we cannot fight."

This world moves forward even as time stands still.
Heat takes Light's hand with great thrill.
A movement not so grand,
yet it's worth more than the price of this land.

"Feel the warmth of his heat!"
    "He climbs the sky with no fear of defeat!"
"Moon can finally rest her weary feet."

The pair watched with great pride
in the sky, their child no longer hides.
Look at him! He soars! He flies!
Bringing heat and light to the lands beneath the skies.

"My child, formed from Heat and Light"
    "Please do not feel any fright."
"My child, vow to keep balance with the night"
    "An eternal dance with Moon so bright."
"And remember above all else,"
    "That when the dark arrives,"
"know that Moon will maintain hope and life."
    "Maintain life and hope, my Son.
© Tatiana
Son vs Sun
I just wanted a good story. A warm ending to those troublesome vowels.
Well, that's the end! I hope you enjoyed my forgotten vow(el)s series! I certainly enjoyed it. It has been a challenge to try and avoid certain vowels. E and O were extraordinarily difficult, but it was so rewarding in the end. I did it and I'm proud! If anyone else would like to challenge themselves, I would suggest trying to drop vowels or even consonants. Force yourself to write differently and you'll be surprised by what you can create.
Thanks for reading!
Tatiana Feb 2019
The ground is dimpled with different footprints
large and small
deep and shallow
human and animal
Some have more depth than others ever could
having walked miles and miles.

To be light on ones toes
is a characteristic
of those not old
of those not tired
or of those who are sneaking.
I'm not sure how to decipher these prints.

But we can learn much from the steps of others.

There is truth in how we walk
with strong, deep steps
or light strides
weighted with experience
or floating in the feeling of living.

The reason behind the steps we take in life
are sometimes never known
are sometimes never noticed
we keep our heads down
but we don't see that we're walking
on a path that has been walked before.

How come we walked like this?
Who walked and tripped?
Who stepped in the trap?
How did the earth disappear beneath them?

These footprints are ancient,
preserved to reach a modern time
but their reasons were left far behind.

Sometimes we are left with all the evidence.
Sometimes we have all the facts,
but none of the reasons.
Sometimes we vow to find those reasons.
Sometimes we are content to let it remain unknown.
Since the english language counts Y as a vowel, sometimes, I might as well include it in the series
Tatiana Dec 2023
I'm counting roses and the sun's rays
and the leaves on trees that love to sway.
The rings on the stump that have worn away
I'm counting the very days.

I think of lilacs and TV screens
and all the movies from the nineties.
A bug's life turns into an adventurer's dream
Puddles become lakes,
leaves become rafts that the storm drain takes.

Hunting for clovers with four leaves,
Videographer of childhood memories,
Trips to the diner and gumball machines
How lucky to have known the Kodak queen.

Maker of cards and lover of art
no matter the inexperience of the artist.
I never found a clover with four leaves,
but I know I'm so lucky

Dancing, swimming, and jumping on beds.
Dressing up like a princess.
Light of our lives is what you said to me.
You're the brightest star in my memories.

Is it easier in the morning
to talk of days of endless play?
Is it easier after mourning?
I guess it's never the same.
Is it easier in the morning
when the dawn breaks?
Is it easier after mourning
to see that nothing forever stays?

No it ain't.

My grandma passed away in September. On her birthday. She was 93 years old. This poem is just a glimpse of the memories we shared and that though I knew one day she would pass, I still wasn't expecting it to happen so soon and so quickly.
She was so aware up until the very end. So clear-headed and sharp.
Tatiana Sep 2015
The sun shines in my eyes
it's glare is the only thing I see
and I can hear voices
I know people are around me
Yet they are telling me
to "look"
to "listen"
to "speak"

Those voices are getting very loud
they are staying inside my head
I can't tell what's the truth anymore
and I'm worried I'll end up dead
Yet they still tell me
to "look"
to "listen"
to "speak"

Language can be so tricky
and my lisp sometimes comes through
and I may mumble or
increase my anxiety by stuttering too
But they all still tell me
To "look"
to "listen"
to "speak"

Why can't they look and see
how blinding the sun can be!
Why can't they listen to voices
to try and break free from all the noises!
Why can't they speak
the truth even if it's bleak!

For once in our lives can we just live.
Tatiana Jun 2019
If there is somebody listening, please let me know,
so I can shield my thoughts so you don't get lost.
It's a twisting, weaving, nightmarish maze in my head.
Don't listen so closely, you won't like what is said.

If I drive into this pole I would-
DIE yeah I know that brain thanks for-
PLAYING with his heart! She's playing-
GAMES which game? What do-
YOU want to know? How much wood-
WOULD anyone care if I jumped off a cliff-
RATHER than learning how to fly, I just-
AVOID the treacherous oceans of my-
MIND the gap, mind the gap, mind-
THE best of times, it was the worst of-
TIMES, divide, subtract-
ADD a face to a name and see its-
LIES that stab me like swords and I-
CRY from happiness, the world is okay.

If there is somebody listening, please let me know,
so I can shield my thoughts so you don't get lost.
It's a twisting, weaving, nightmarish maze in my head.
Don't listen so closely, you won't like what is said.
Sometimes one word can trigger a newish thought which just leads to a bizarre continuation of the previous thought.
Die playing games you would rather avoid. Mind the times. Add lies. Cry.
Tatiana Dec 2012
My head
is turning
my mind
is swirling
my eyes
can't take
this sight
before me
adrenaline is
rushing through
my body
fueling my
jerking movements
and my
cracking voice
as I
scream to
the world
and roll
on my
soft bed
I find
no comfort
from this
instead i'm
losing my
strong mind
in a
long battle
that lasted
for only
an hour
but yet
it felt
like years
I am
freaking out
over nothing
in particular
and I
can not
explain why
but I
have this
awful feeling
and now
i'm just
stuck in
this strange
chaotic world
where I
can't seem
to find
Just casually freaking out, and I have no idea why, I just have this awful feeling that something bad is going to happen.
Tatiana Dec 2012
An old abandoned hospital,
that's your choice of stay.
To prove yourself worthy,
of all your friends praise.
You walk into the dark, broken entrance,
why were you doing this.
What was the point.
Well you can't turn back now.
You walk in and take a left,
into an eerily cold room,
a little toy car,
rolled across the room.
There was no breeze.
You take a step back,
and a door slams shut.
You jump forwards,
and run into a small bed,
on that bed,
was an apparition,
of a little boy.
He sat up and stared at you,
his eyes growing wide,
"Get Out!"
he whispered,
his little voice filled with warning,
and small eyes filled with fear.
"Get Out!"
was repeated,
but this time it came from behind you.
You slowly turn around,
and a dark figure is standing there.
Its eyes were dark,
and the figure was angry,
"Get Out!" it screamed,
and the room suddenly got very hot.
As you ran for the door,
childish laughter filled the room.
As you bolted for the closed door,
it opened before you reached it,
you ran out of the hospital,
with the voice in your ears,
"Get Out!"
I watch too much ghost stories now don't I
Tatiana Mar 2016
Twisting and turning
with phantom grace,
the apparition moves
through the waste of space.

Chanting and humming,
a voice carries through.
The walls are too thick,
it couldn't be you.

Listen for the knocks.
One, two, and three.
They grow from soft to loud,
They were meant for me.

I could feel the presence
sink into my bones.
I transport to solitude,
a place full of unknowns.

The walls are thin here
and shadows move on their own.
The room is empty,
but the silence does not mean alone.

Breathing could be heard
but was it mine? I'm not sure.
The chanting starts again,
the sound of the voice is mature.

With timid breaths I sing
to the spirits surrounding me.
The strength must come now
so I can just be.

The essence of the song
would rip my mind to bits
for the Phantom sings of misery
in these ghostly duets.
I don't really come back here that much but I thought I'd pop in, post something and read some others' works because it really has been awhile.
Tatiana Dec 2012
Don't look me in the eyes,
and lie to me,
its not in your best interest,
to do so.
There is something about you,
that gives me an uneasy feeling,
you're not
Every time you talk to me,
you act like i'm two,
when in reality,
you're the child of this situation,
and I can't figure you out.
You sugar coat everything,
so your lies are as sweet as candy,
but to me,
they're sour.
I'm done with you,
but you don't seem to be done with me,
you keep trying to attack me,
and hurt me.
But you don't know
what hurts me,
and I plan to keep it that way.
So take your fake innocence,
and leave me,
or I will make you leave,
Because i've had enough,
of you thinking you can fool me,
with your little games,
but unfortunately for you,
I don't play your games,
or your rules,
i'm my own person,
that can not be controlled,
by a hypocritical, society-driven person.
So good luck
with trying to get your lies,
past my eyes,
that catch every little mean thing you do
to me,
and everyone else.
Tatiana Dec 2014
Hello my night demons.

You're different from my other demons
clouding my ability to reason,
I have hated you and blamed you to a degree
but I should have known that it was always me.

But still you are demons and I feared for my sanity
as I layed in my bed screaming silently,
praying that the shadows would let me go
Insomnia is unhealthy, yes I know.

My demons stop this torture here
you have never been welcomed my dears,
so get the Hell out of my head
I want my demons to be dead.

If I have to fight them one by one
then **** I will and I have won,
those demons have not been back for 5 nights
I think I have finally found my light.
Good Night Insomnia
Tatiana Jul 2013
My mother came to me today
And asked why my favorite color is grey.

I said to her, it's not my favorite color
It just seems to suit me like no other.

She thought I just meant how it looked
But it has to do with how I am hooked.

Hooked on this feeling
Thats a mix between everything.

I don't believe it's all black and white
Grey seems to be the area I am stuck in tight.

I was a master at keeping my feelings at bay
Was is the key word today.

Now I am showing too much too soon
Is a year of hiding finaly making me swoon.

Well isn't this world so dull and bleak
I can't seem to find what it is I seek.

How much longer can I hide the way
That everything I see is grey.
Tatiana Nov 2014
One solitary shot
fired close to the highway,
i'm tempted to look out my window.
It was isolated,
so I can go check.
But the next sounds stop me.
Nine shots.
Nine quickly fired shots.
I couldn't sleep after that.
I paced.
My town is a good town,
there aren't any serious crimes,
there are never gun shots at dawn.
I like to see dawn sometimes,
especially on my sleepless nights.
But those gunshots.
They ruined the illusion of peace
that I feel when the sun rises.
Tatiana Mar 2019
Grab Hold Release
keep the comfort brief
to take on some grief
Grab Hold Release

There won't be a hand

Grab Hold Hold
don't linger on how they are not old
grip fingers that are so cold
Grab Hold Hold

that is just mine to hold

Grab Grab Grab
this procession is absolutely mad
shake the shoulders of those sad
Grab Grab Grab

unless it is my own

Release Release Release
the thought that death is peace
smooth out your dress so it won't crease
Release Release Release

I prefer to grieve alone
Tatiana Dec 2012
is quite a strong word,
and I know i've used it

I never used it so freely,
I use it, when I mean

don't know the difference,
between hate, and

suggest you learn very soon,
or we will have some

with all that said,
will you think about the strength in

will you use them,
too freely,
Tatiana May 2019
Have you ever had to fight the urge
to get in your car and drive
away from the cold,
from hands so old
that grip you tight,
hold you to the light
and mock you for being
unable to reach it?
Because getting behind the wheel when you're having a mental breakdown is a terrible decision.
Tatiana Feb 2013
After so much hope,
and finally knowing,
that he could be safe,
he has to go.

We had finally won,
and we could give him a better life,
but they got a lawyer,
and he has to go.

They called the police,
so they can get the kid back,
so they can show their lawyer they have custody,
and he has to go.

But we will get him back,
we have every message saved,
we have evidence of abuse,
but he has to go.

I'm so frustrated,
and so scared,
that he won't be able to handle it,
and he has to go.

We were working so hard,
trying our best,
but they're ripping him away from us,
and he has to go.

I don't want him to go,
he doesn't deserve to go back to torture,
no little kid does,
but he has to go.

Dear God protect him,
for the period of time he's there,
let him be safe,
but until then,
he has to go.
Dear God I wish this wasn't happening!
Tatiana Sep 2015
I will never forget the people
on the other side of the screen.
Their names stay in my head
whenever I write.
Because I always think of how
they're a person too.
Tatiana Mar 2018
Hello love, that I don't love,
people just seem to fall for you
so very easily
and I'm left watching, wondering,
why people love to fall so much.
This is insanity, love.
Absolute craziness.
I don't love you, love
and you don't love me.
Yet you show me what you can do
to everyone else in this world,
and I'm just watching.
Romantic love? No, I don't love you.
I can't even feel you.
I can't even feel you.
I can't even feel you.
© Tatiana
I'm 20 years old and I have time to fall in love. I know that. But apparently, I'm feeling dramatic today.
Tatiana Aug 2014
Hello sadness,
that comes and flows
like dark waters
full of rip tides.

I'm worlds away
drowning in the waters,
that are deep and churning,
i'm struggling to come back up.

I see the light that is the surface,
the only thing that keeps me swimming,
instead of sinking to the bottom,
like a rock.

A rock that has been carelessly thrown into the water,
never looked at,
never discovering the crystals within,
for they wouldn't rub away the dirt.

It's the light that's inside that pushes me upwards,
it prevents me from drowning.
It's the light on the surface that is my goal.
It's the light that gives me hope.

And hope makes me float.

I break free of the waters that held me back
and I want to join the light
as it dances on the surface,
asking me to dance with it.

Now I dance above the waters
that wanted to drown me.
But they are still there,
never leaving.

The waters won't leave me,
they're just waiting for me
to fall into their grip.
Their cold, tight grip.

But to me, it's okay.

For if there is one thing I learned,
is that if there is light dancing above the water,
I should swim upwards,
and join it.

For hope will always keep me afloat,
*even in the darkest waters.
I started this poem in the month of May. The only thing I had was the very first line, "Hello sadness" I have been reading through some poems lately and I noticed Timothy's poem "Depression" and I went straight to these two words and I just wrote. It's interesting what inspires you sometimes... Anyways, here is the poem that inspired me, and I would like to say this to Timothy: Thank you for being an inspiration and a wonderful person to talk to whether it be about poetry or about problems. I hope that you're bout of depression passes quickly and I hope that maybe this poem shines a little bit of light on you and encourages you to dance with the light again. :) I also would like to say to the rest of you're little family: Hilda and Marian, you are wonderful people and I wish the same for the both of you, that you always continue to dance in the light and hang on to the hope and the happiness that is in your lives. :) For all three of you are a huge inspiration to me.
And to everyone else that reads my poems: You are all inspirations too, for if it wasn't for any of you, I wouldn't have kept writing, and on that note... You all will have to get used to me again because I'm back and I don't plan on going anywhere soon. :p <3
Tatiana May 2018
I see you've made another enemy,
but this time it is different.
Isn't it?
You're battling for relevancy.
Maybe this time they'll stick around
They'll be the needle that you need.
The drug for your veins' vanity,
addicted to each other's greed.
You crave each other's attention,
wanting that toxicity,
that makes you so well-known.
The drama for your soul.
Because peace can't exist without war,
so keep chasing them you fame *****.
Making your own enemies!
Fighting battles in the streets!
© Tatiana
Eyyy part 2
Tatiana May 2018
Do you know what it means
to be addicted to these scenes?
Where the world is in danger
and you need to control your anger.
Can you feel it in your veins
when they appear into frame?
Are you chasing them for your fame
so you won't be lame?
Your talent means nothing,
if you can't use it.
And if there's nothing to fight against
then you must create it.
Because peace can't exist without war
So keep chasing them you fame *****.
Making your own enemies!
Fighting battles in the streets!
© Tatiana
There will be a part two called ****** and they'll be heavily related. It's one song, just split into two poems.
Tatiana Nov 2012
A long, dark, winding road,
at night's darkest hour,
this was her safe haven,
it was her perfect flower.

Slowly, on tip toes,
she dances in the middle,
with intricate footsteps,
creating her own riddle.

This peaceful scene,
quickly turns rigid,
as lights fly down the road,
and the body goes limp, and frigid.

Her vision goes blurry,
and her heart goes still,
her perfect flower,
certainly can ****.

Lights fly along,
a long, dark, winding road,
and her story is shared,
so she never grows old.
Tatiana Nov 2012
She asks for forgiveness,
from him.
She says can you pardon,
my sins.
But she doesn't get an,
Cause she has sinned today.
But this time,
she paid for her mistakes.
And in God's eyes shes free,
but to us,
she is still,
of her sins.
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