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Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
There is a monster
Inside of my head.
It’s not in the closet,
Or under the bed.
Us two locked in combat,
Soon one will be dead.
War is peace
For this monster and me.
The arrow,
The notch,
The sword in the sheath,
It stops.
Is it blood?
Have I spilled the beast’s blood?
Perhaps it’s water,
Please give me water.
They are mine.
Streaking white across my face.
Fate is truly divine.
Fate is truly divine.
No monsters in the dark to fear,
For my monster is always a mirror near.
There is a monster inside us all, just clawing it's way out. I fight mine all the time, in a constant never-ending warfare, fighting both valiantly and full of cowardice against my most fearsome monster of all... Myself

The eternal dance of blindness and determination.
We seek that which we do not know,
We ignore that which we hope we don't.

Step helplessly into the dark.
Step Endlessly into the stars.

Here we are.
There we will be.
We are who we are.
And who we will become.

~Robert van Lingen
We Will Make it. Or We Will Die Trying.
And if we do,
We will look down,
And we will smile.
Because we gave it our all.
And those who follow us,
Will thank us,
Because when they give it theirs,
They will go further than anyone before.

Never Give Up.
It can always
into your skin
but unless it kills you
                                       it will not change you?
Alice Lovey Apr 2018
Every day I give up a little bit more.
I see the end so certainly.
There's nothing else to really live for.
It becomes easier to let go,
As I sit here alone
Writing about what I've wanted
And being worn of wanting more.
                                                           ­           Every day it gets a little easier
                                                          ­             To take another step forward.
                                                  Whethe­r or not I fall apart the later night,
                                                          ­           I still got through another day.
                                                            ­        I walk into a direction in which
                                                           ­                                 I can be proud of.
                                                             ­                 I have so much to live for.
                                                                   I've to keep opening new doors.
But I can't go without;
I can't lose it all again.
The pain is too much and it feels as if
I'd rather have nothing at all,
But the silence of death.
I would die where no one could see;
No one could know.
                                                  Every day I find love for the littler things.
                                            I appreciate so much more than I had before.
                                                         ­              I find brilliance in your smile.
                                                          ­   And I find motivation in your fight.
                                                          ­                 And inspiration in my soul,
                                                           ­                      So I keep taking control
                                                                ­            Of what I know I could be.
The world grows blacker every day.
People feel further and further away.
I used to belong--
I thought I did, anyway.
I never did though, and I know this the most.
I just wish I had chosen a better path so, so long ago.
Because people will not choose for you,
And it's okay if I go it alone.
                                                          ­       The sunrise still wakes me gently
                                                         And the small sound of your tugging.
                                                        ­                   I raise to a voice calling me.
                                                             ­                   When I go to it, I belong.
                                                         ­ Then I see the people around me too.
                                                         They've been waving this whole time.
                                                           ­         I didn't think it'd be so easy for
                                                                ­ The sleep to break from my eyes.
But the nights are the blackest of all.
I hear nothing but my thoughts.
They shake my shoulders violently.
They tell me, "Nothing is true
Nothing is sacred
Nothing is here for you."
And I am not here for anything.
The nightmares follow just the same.
                                                           ­              The morning still follows;
                                                        ­                      The sun will still come.
There is no love in those mornings,
But I am still here.
                                                           ­              The morning still follows.
But it does not matter anymore.
I can't be anything than what I am.
I cannot try anymore.
                                                        ­             But the morning still follows...
                                                      ­                                  And I am still here.
I might come back to edit this to make it more rhythmic and poetic, but I can't find the motivation right now.
Alice Lovey Apr 2018
How is it possible
To feel two things at once?
That sheer the mind like paper.
"I hate you,
                     I love you,"
Spoken so close together.
Every time,
Each some crime.
I'm b roKen then TRANSFORMED.

A swelling heart,
                              A burning rage.
Back     and     forth.
Don't turn the page.
Not again,
Not like this.
Please don't stop this thrilling chase.

"Stay with me,"
                           "Leave me be,"
If you know what's best for you.
I'm good for you,
I promise you.
"Don't look at me,"
                                  "Who is she?"

I'll isolate

There is none,
I'm the one.

I am nothing,
This time it's final.
I'm sick of you,
So don't come back.
                                   Where are you going?
                                   Why am I sewing
                                   This new patch?

                                    Let me f
                                                            i n  t  o    b   l    a     c     k . . .
I played around a bit with structuring here. It was fun! This is meant to be read with different paces in each section. Starting off slow, then picking up, slowling to desperation... until the calm hopeless emptiness of isolation, to anger again and once more back through  a slow drop into giving up.
Alice Lovey Apr 2018
"Yes or no?"
I always say "yes,"
The time comes,
But I'm a mess.
Why did I say yes?
Who was I that day?
Or was it all a play,
At my own sway?
And anyway,
Who am I today?
Beloved or
Can you help me?
Can you see me?
I want to be...

Alice Lovey Apr 2018
Is this the quiet after the storm?
The tunneling winds
Leaving worlds torn.
The rain had beat down,
Leaving us to drown.
Warmth is what it seizes,
Blue eyes darkening as
Cold water freezes.

"I don't feel anything right now."

Calling voices outside me
They echo,
Attempting to guide me.
I don't listen, I watch the ice glisten.
Cuz I'm not as they described me.

Then as if in clarity,
After light dies, and anger subsides,
A spectrum of rarity.
Each color a hue
Of a muse
On a horizon of sunset and dew.
Jesse stillwater Apr 2018
The  same  Love
that makes
you feel
so close
The  same  Love
that can leave
you feeling
so  far

11th  April  2018

Just thinking
parsing a moment
already past
The peaceful yet painful silence,

The shattered past,

Cast the mind to the broken surf,

The peaceful yet painful silence,
The accursed slumber,

The waking dreams realized,
Yet intangible,
The ineffable plot,

Eyes ***** upon the ceiling,
The turbid lullaby resound,

The haunting end ever present dichotomy,
The peaceful yet painful slumber,
The forlorn cure,
My inescapable truth.

~Robert van Lingen
Evi Dent Halo Dec 2017

So very alone.

The echoes in my mind

Reflect back, and I hear.


"So very alone."


I can't very well understand.

Why it is or why,

I cant.

But what I know is simple, im reminded very slow

I'm alone,

So very alone.

At days end im just the same as I was



Off in the distance I see,

Those who are very near to me.

And yet I do not know them, or cannot grasp

Their clothing in these hands.

I hear the voice inside my mind,

Cry to itself as it weeps inside

It says:


"So very alone!"

"So where to go, shall we go?!

"That we might not be alone?"
The writer expresses lonelyness, and the echoes it fills in our minds. It is odd how the echoes somehow make us feel less alone.

FINV "Alone." v3 (11/15/17-12/3/17) - by Evi Dent Halo
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