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 Mar 2022 alexis
Nothing new
 Mar 2022 alexis
Whisper broken promises
I’ve heard them all before

Tell me all your excuses
I have them memorized word for word

Tell me pretty lies
Nothing you can do is new

The precedent was set before I was born-
Before anything had to do with you.

Just please promise you will stay
Because he never did.

Now I sit here and wait
Waiting for your text,
Waiting for his call,  
Or for the letter signed-
Waiting up for you to show up-
but u never did
 Mar 2022 alexis
Emma Pickwick
I've been ****** since I can remember.
Falling into the arms, hearts and wallets of all the men in my life
Who were double my age, but made me happy and free,
However short of a time.
I even loved them without any money.
The ones that bring me to the gas station and gift me,
With cigarettes, slurpees and 99 cent coffee.
Blow him bubblegum kisses from the passenger seat,
And kiss his lips while he drives us along the open highway.
I've only felt comfortable cradled in the arms of a lonely older man,
Whose bed has been empty on one side for years,
As if he had been waiting forever to meet me.
Light of his life, fire of his *****.
So young, I'll never learn.
I would die for them.
However wrong it may be,
However much I crave a long lasting, true love.
This kind of love will always be my favorite.
 Mar 2022 alexis
widowed at 16
 Mar 2022 alexis
we were never married
but in those few months,
we lived.
we lived more than a married couple ever could,
ever would,
ever will.

and then one day
he was gone.
and it was as if all of a sudden
the sunsets lost their delight
and the waves their majesty

an abundance of time was given to me
in my empty hands
and i did not know what to do with it

it did not hurt
i did not cry
i became voiceless
quiet as the night sky

widowed at 16,
i lived my life in silence
lost to the cause
of love left abandoned
overdosed on bukowski & ******
 Mar 2022 alexis
 Mar 2022 alexis
Promise to kiss me
like Prince Charming.
And when the shoe doesn't fit,
Promise to love me like ******.
And I'll Promise to sweep
up the ashes
when the oceanic Heaven in your eyes
is scorched by what could've been.

Promise to keep the urn
of our almost eternal flame
on your mantle.
And when you get lonely,
Promise to spread me
on your bed sheets.
And I'll Promise to
from the cinders
to make your heart flutter
the way it did when
you first Promised to love me.
You don't need a ring to make a promise,
and it'd probably make this easier
if you took yours off.
 Mar 2022 alexis
 Mar 2022 alexis
She's the girl with the cherry red lipstick,
the full ******* and rounded hips.
They call her sweet ******;
pretty little ******.

You'll know when you see her.
She'll answer you with, yes sir.
But don't look into those lovely eyes;
they will hypnotize; entice.

And her tongue is sugar coated
with sly and tempting lies.
They draw you near and nearer
every time she licks her lips.

She captures the young men's hearts,
with her seductive youth.
She feeds on their lustful stares;
their male hormones, testosterones.

Their jealous girlfriends
give her the strength
to make it through the days;
to ignore the painful shame.

But every lonely night she cries
herself to sleep,
and prays to the heavens
to retrieve her innocence.

They call her sweet ******,
pretty little ******.
But I know her well as Sorrowful,
and pretty with a grieving heart.
Maybe some girls don't deserve to be called *****.........
 Mar 2022 alexis
I'm lost
 Mar 2022 alexis
I don't feel special,
I'm not unique.
I want to cry
but I can't even speak.
My hands reach out,
but they cannot hold
a single thing
but the bitter cold.
Everything's frozen,
I feel lost.
Even my tears
have turned to frost.
When I cut my waist
it bleeds black.
I'm so deeply gone
there's no way back.
This is goodbye
 Mar 2022 alexis
our lips will never meet
nor our fingers intertwine
and so bless my dreams
for indulging what's not mine
 Jul 2021 alexis
Edgar Allan Poe
In visions of the dark night
  I have dreamed of joy departed—
But a waking dream of life and light
  Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
  To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
  Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream—that holy dream,
  While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam,
  A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro’ storm and night,
  So trembled from afar—
What could there be more purely bright
  In Truth’s day star?
 Jul 2021 alexis
Mio Seanachaidh
The story of Marilyn Monroe is like a fairytale of sorts

She was a simple and shy sweetheart who one day let her beauty for the world to show

Everyone knew her name, her glamour and fame, the glitter and lights in her name

But no one knew the real Marilyn, her private inner life plagued with tragedy, demons, and strife

A mentally broken mother, distant and sometimes unfaithful lovers, and personal demons that plagued her in the dark

Marilyn Monroe herself was just an illusion, a well crafted mask; An alter ego to shelter and protect the sensitive and quiet Norma Jean

From a shy sweet girl to a vivacious and sultry *** goddess

Marilyn Monroe is a lot like you and me

She was a starlet beauty who was realistic and relatable

Tragically, she died and left the world; her name and life still a mystery to this day

Here's a story of a little girl who dreamed to conquer the world

Norma Jean aka Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe is my idol because there was more to the glitz and glamour, she was a beautiful and sensitive soul.
 Jul 2021 alexis
I feel like we’re going in circles darling
this back and forth
tugging at my heartstrings
only to leave me at midnight
Don’t play me for a fool once again
my heart doesn’t deserve to feel broken
my feelings aren’t your little toy that can be messed with
I’m worth more than all your mind games combined babydoll
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