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 Mar 2015 Zoë
Jon Tobias
I wouldn't call them scars. Our bodies are ancient calendars marked with times and places. Tonight, you are not real. You are the desperate ocean lapping at the shoreline trying to take back the secrets in the bottles cast off by lovers, and children, letters to the dead sometimes. They are not your secrets, but they came to you first. They are full of feelings you have once felt or will feel. The bottles glisten in the sand mockingly, beautifully, painfully, like window shopping for jewelry you'll never be able to afford. You never expect to want the glass back after it has been pulled out of you. But the stories inside are your stories now too. You cast them off in the same manner hoping somone better than the sea will find them. The story about your cancer, your mother, the love you feel right now, the love returned, the time you thought of the beauty of a flower, the flower you killed to show someone how beautiful it was, the realization of the importance of stillness. All those stories like broken bottles in your skin. Like jewels encrusted on a big brass door leading to a room you live in. But tonight, you are the ocean at high tide, finally getting your bottles back.
As per request from a friend.
 Mar 2015 Zoë
Sydney Ann
Rhyme Acne
 Mar 2015 Zoë
Sydney Ann
Writer's block has clogged my mental pores
Oily ignorance I cannot ignore
Technology is fogging up my mind
Leaving me no time to unwind

I looked in the mirror today
And guess what I saw

My ugly, stunted imagination's face
Full of gross digital zits
I'm really starting to miss
My former wit
I've got to get out of this keyboard-y place
 Mar 2015 Zoë
SG Holter
 Mar 2015 Zoë
SG Holter
I've been a construction worker
My entire adult

Still, I cannot
Seem to rebuild
Her confidence.

I've been a poet for
As long as I can

But my encouraging
Hollow-point-words shatter
Against her insecure kevlar.

Suppose all I can be is
Sunlight, water and

I'll try that; I've been a
Farmer's boy since
 Mar 2015 Zoë
Kairee F
 Mar 2015 Zoë
Kairee F
I write
because there is a diamond buried in me
encased in a series of masked lips
filled with words I try to believe in.

I write
because my tongue can’t keep up
with the marathon my brain runs
every time my hair greets the pillowcase at night.

I write
because I breathe thousands of lyrics
I am too fearful of putting on display
in the pieces of myself I left behind.

I write
because there is a weight I wake with
daily on my heart that pushes me
to swallow every negativity that may ****** me.

I write
because it’s the only way I know how to speak,
the only way I know how to love,
the only way I know how to heal,

the only way I know how to live.
 Mar 2015 Zoë
A Watoot
She's beautiful
She's cunning
She's bubbly.
She's like a Victorian figurine in the glass shelf of menagerie.
She works her way up
by telling the right words
at the right time.
She's impossibly perfect in every way.
I see her.
I can see her.
I'm not envious.

Because I saw her lie and steal in the presence of her perfection.
This is for the person who I should always keep my eyes on.  
She has been lying and stealing since day one.
 Mar 2015 Zoë
devante moore
She was the prom queen
Beautiful, stunning
Her body matured more then most as a teen
Every guy wanted her
Girls jealous of her
She became a smoker
She was ill prepared
Inhaling sickness
Exhaling death
She didn't know was there
She gave her life then an there
It seared her throat
But she didn't care
Her inhales were long
She exhales with ease
Wanted to impress
She ache for popularity like a fein
After a couple of years the effects creeped in like a disease
She seemed to age twenty years
Wrinkles appeared
He hair thinned
So did her body
Fingers stained yellow
Her teeth rotted brown
Her breath just as foul
The prom queen couldn't be found
Her limbs begin to die
Amputations a daily routine  
Her voice raspy
Followed by a bone chilling cough
Deep ridges on her lips hides a smile
Now the prom queen is just a picture
That she doesn't look at
Hanging on the wall
 Feb 2015 Zoë
Falling In Love
 Feb 2015 Zoë
I am 16
And I have found love in a
boy who is 5 years older than me.
He tells me he loves me and I
lose myself in him.
He breaks my heart, twice.
We still keep in touch.

I am 20
I have found love in a girl
with curly blonde hair and eyes
like the sea. She holds my hand
and sings to me, kisses my forehead.
We haven't spoken in a year.

I am 21
I think I have found love.
He doesn't acknowledge what we
are in public and he thinks insulting
me is funny. He kisses me like he loves me
though, so I tell myself it's enough.
He moved miles away; I think he was
just as lonely as I was.

I am 22*
She's the one. Her hair is never
the same color and sometimes
she laughs too loud. She has scars
that she regrets, but she's doing
everything she can to keep going.
She is me, and I am in love.
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