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Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
The way we were
A group of beautiful minds

~Butterfly εїз ©
Missing a group of people I use to write with.
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
He typed the words,
in a message I received.
It read...

10 words

You are my love,
like air is to my lungs.


ButterFly εїз ©
I find these simple words to be most beautiful in their essence.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
words expressed
is the pivot
of who I am.*

~Butterfly εїз ©
My essence as a writer in ten words
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
After The Storm...

The waves are no longer rushing,
All I hear is silence.
I have peace again!

The parts of me once scattered,
Now, putting themselves back in place.

The dusk no longer creating a smoke screen,
My vision is clear.

My eyes still a glow,
A smile ever so bright,
My hope never lost.

I wrap my arms around myself.
There is “Freedom” in self love.*

~Butterfly εїз  2011©
I was in a very confused space when I wrote this piece. It's amazing to look back a few years later and think, what the heck was I going through? Nevertheless makes for a good write.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
It's not his love that was in
question, it was her own.

It became clear to her while
sitting on the edge of her bed.

She watched him in his sleep
and a tear fell from her cheek...

She no longer questioned herself.

~Y. Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
(a tale of goodbye)*

I know this is not the end
but, it feels like it.

Patiently I wait until we perform
our last scene together.

Possess by the passions of
two star-crossed lovers,

our enactment brought silence
over the room.

Anxiety flushes over me
as we take our final bow
and the curtain closes.

Secretly my heart hopes for
a standing ovation, even an encore.

I yearn for one last moment
to spend with you in our short story.

Sorrow engulfs my entire being.

My body starts rejecting
the thought of losing you.

As I look into your eyes, I reflect back on
how beautiful we were together.

I question...

Can we add another scene?

Why does it have to end?

~Butterfly εїз  2011©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
(Inspired by Forbidden Love)

I feel so distant from you

Separation anxiety got me… and

I know that it’s selfish of me… but

If I could...

I would...*  

Consume every ounce of you

Down to your soul

I would leave nothing for another’s

Taking, I want to ingest it all

Cupid shot the wrong arrows and now

We’re suffering the consequences of his mistake

When my heart is settled and at peace

Our attachment sparks a glimpse of hope

Another cycle of suffering begins… and

We gladly welcome the pain for… Just

A few precious moments to love

Though chronic, the goodness of this

Self afflicted pain proves, it is

Worth every tear that falls

When the moments of our love goes silent

I would be lying to myself if I said

I didn’t understand you’re hurting

Because we share the same pain

A glimpse of something we’ll never have… together

Somebody better fix cupids arrow... because

He’s playing with people’s hearts… Sigh

~Butterfly εїз  2011©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
I am wrapped in a firm squeeze.

This cocoon is tight! (so tight)

I fight to find comfortability.

(Restless) in this nest.

This Transitioning is hurting me! (tears)

Questioning the worth of these wings,

can I sustain this agony?

If I stop fighting,

will this squeeze be lighten? (maybe)

waiting... waiting... waiting


Until, this cocoon cracks and exposes my wings.

~ButterFly εїз 2013©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Attacked by that which I love

I hold my ground

try to maintain sanity

pain matriculating

poisonous seeds


planted, deep within me

tears formulate

I’m on the brink of releasing

Darts of fire

directed at me

I take cover

shielding myself from the attack

dodging the consistent blaze

though most of me am covered

still parts of me gets burned

It hurts...

I'm wounded...

Is there a fire extinguisher for pain?

PLEASE use it on me now!!!*

~ButterFly εїз   2011 ©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014

Maybe, life is not all about this.

I try to cultivate my relationships
mostly surrounding this gift.

Unless you're down with me
at that moment,

Truth is...
I would abandon you in a heartbeat
for the company of writers & poets

with the exception of "Love" that is...

¥. ButterFly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014

No desire for words spoken

we sail on the wind

the energy surrounding us

takes perfect dictation

nothing misunderstood

cosmically we sync

we finish sentences spoken


we fit by design

forever equals us

without a moments notice

eternity sealed our fate

the first time we exchanged looks

from across the way


~Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I wake up every morning to you
My heart immediately
gravitates towards your light

You are intoxicating
Your lights fuels me
You give me hope to drowns my fears

When my pillow is soaked in tears,
Your comfort soothes my sleep

Your grace is amazing
When my love is lazy
My faith is wavering

There is no persuading... You love me still

In my turbulence
through every known flaw... You are unconditional

I pray
I question
I repent
I weep
I fret with uncertainty
I over-seek
sometimes I must repeat
i'm inconsistent
at times weak
other times too strong
many times wrong

No matter my station
Your decision remains firm

Your are mine
I will never leave you
I will never forsake you
I am with you eternally

You are mine
I will guide you through life's journey


~Butterfly εїз 2014©
This was a suggested topic for day 4 of  30/30
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
Judges of life's wrong
Your indiscretions dismissed
Pray, cease and desist*

~Butterfly εїз ©
A lot of times we judge and look down on others for the same indiscretions we ourselves have fallen prey to. What makes your mistakes tolerable and others mistakes intolerable?
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Silently sees Me
Surface level deep
Gentle approach
I embrace
Written Word
A place where
Is glowing,

Sincerity moves me
He sees
My sensuality
of my emotions
To my details
Wonder with
Uncultured swine of
He’s spawn from
Generation of
Major Leagues
Plays for keeps
With masculinity

the thickness of
Fog and midst
Why I exist
I admire His
Spoken, written me
To be acquainted
Separated from the

~ButterFly εїз 2012©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Shaking with passion from his {embrace}

Feeling the warmth of his {love}

Glowing from his {light}

Our hearts are {entwined}

and... I’m {hibernating} in it.

~ButterFly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
How can you see something beautiful
and not acknowledge it's beauty

How could you stand in silence
when you have a voice

How could you be invisible
when you have a choice

How could you stand on the sidelines
with prying eyes

This is the act of the weak, not the wise

This is no beauty of person
This is beauty of a movement
This is not the beauty of one
This is the movement of many

Yet you want no parts in it

It makes me question you... How

How could you be so selfish
How could you be so lost
How could you be so wrong

How can you not acknowledge
something so beautiful is going on

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Yhama ButterFly Feb 2014
{in – to – me – u – see}

The way he looks at me

So lovingly

Whether dolled up or between hair do's

Whether I’m smiling or in a bad mood

He speaks my language

He sees what's inside me

A love bound first, by INTIMACY

~ButterFly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
I beat consistently
upon your heart of steel

with hopes that

"Some day"

the steel will soften



I can hear the sound
of your heart beating*

~Butterfly εїз  2012©
Yhama ButterFly Jun 2014
Majestic is

this love I scribe

open like the skies

beautiful if you stare

sensitive to the eyes

burning moths to flames

embracing every touch

weary of the pain

desiring the lust

Majestic is

love under pressure

don't call it ordinary

be careful its combustible

rare, yet extraordinary

not quite the miraculous

~Butterfly εїз
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
As the beat steadily plays

I glanced your way

Impressed by

That song you sang


Captivated my soul


Died in its rhythm

Never have I heard

Such musical bliss

A tune so heavenly defined

I Willingly let go

Took hold


Embraced the tempo

~ButterFly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Today I wrote a piece three times in my head.

each version more sad than the one before it.

Too sad to write.

Too sad to share.

Too sad to put in a diary
where it suppose to be safe.

I don't want to take a chance that I would ever see this again!

I don't know why I feel the way I do.

Could it be my assumptions, exaggerated?

Maybe it's the truth, I don't know.

Either way,
if it's just my imagination,

It shall remain in my head... unwritten!

~ a ButterFly εїз
As the thoughts went away, my conscious became clear and now I feel so much better.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I'm fascinated with their minds

the luxury of having someone

take every detail about you


Fantasize about it

Romanticize it

Exaggerate it's details

Make it verbally extraordinary*

I'm fascinated with their hearts

their soul suspended

In every word written

keeps their audience guessing

do they actually mean it


their great at telling amazing stories

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
I love poetry and the people who write it!
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Like the dew in the morning,

gently rest upon my heart.


You filled each drop with poison.

Now, I lay here
dying a slow death.

With my last thoughts
I Remember...

How I loved you,
How you once loved me,

with my final breaths,

I say to you,

'You' are forgiven, completely.*

~Butterfly εїз  
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I love you
I can't say
I love you more than my life
It is because of this gift of life
I am here to love you

I love you
I can't say
I love you more than myself
It is self love  
that allows me to
love you whole-heartedly

I love you
with the love of God
I can't say
I love you more than God

God is my First Love
God is Love
The Creator of Love
The Author of How to Love
A Reflection of how I will Love You

I love you so much
With the gift of this life
Loving myself first
The relationship with
My First Love,  The Creator*

I can love you...

Exactly the way I do
Exactly the way you like
Exactly how you deserve

Is that alright???

~Butterfly εїз   2014©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
Mornings are wet

sun peaks behind dark clouds

harsh winds blow

tree leaves sing

bees pollinates nature

flowers blossom free

frozen petals question Spring

why Winter refuses to leave

It holds the seasons hostage

with warm days and cold nights

and the earth caught in between

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Dedicated to the unstable seasons winter and spring.
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
You are light,
beaming where pathways are dim

the fragrance in rose petals 

sweet liquids on a honey suckle  

sprinkles of rain in sunshowers   

You are quiet 
inside of a busy mind

peace upon wings of white doves    

enchanted beauty on fields of grass

You lift me high

I fly, unafraid of heights

You are my spirit   

~Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Feb 2014
Sweet is the memory
delicious flavors filled the air

romance served in a bakery

steam swirls in circles around
cups of hot toffee

golden flakes of buttery dough
melting oils on warm skin

moist filling inside of cherry pies
taste of kisses and candy

thickness of syrup on baked

sweat oozing hot-to-touch

cold whipped cream swirled in
bananas and wafers

we wrestle in milk and honey
feeling comatose

falling simultaneous on waxed paper
coated in sugary powders
baked in high temperatures
we become well done

we overdosed on a sugar rush high

~Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Feb 2014
(a test of patience)

I have learned patience...


through patience,
there is the promise that;

although the highway may
be hard to maneuver today,

ttomorrow's reward promises,
a clearer road ahead, and
faster trip times.

My feet can press on the
gas and ride out,


today patience wins.

~Butterfly εїз   2012©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
They say... *love
is all a person needs to exist in this life.

Perhaps I'm in need
with you
my heart does not beat the same.

The beats thumps in two instead of one,
patiently I wait,
until you notice I’m the one.

I have a
JONES for you,
It works over-time.

and... it's hard to resist
having you on my mind all day.

Anxiously I wait for a clue
You're feeling me too,
but, I can't be sure.

Anything I can draw from you,
I may misconstrue.

I want to
handsome display,
sample, even have a taste.

Being in love it’s a risky place,
Its vibes can lead you astray,

I can't be too sure because...

that's what
"They Say!"**

~Butterfly εїз  2011©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I am a writer
I am a poet
I am a creative mind
I am timeless
I am fearless
I am a movement
I am a revolution
I am conflict
I am resolution
I am truth
I am love
I am powerful
I am thoughts formed
I am pen and paper
I am a keyboard
I am your fingers
I am your left and right hands
I am the first stroke of your wrists

You give me life
I am your voice
I can't be silenced
I am your future
I am your history
I am the best stories ever told
I am inspiration written in words

My hands are powerful
I am a writer
I am a poet
I am a creative mind

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
I read a poem so passionately
good this morning

It made my heart skip 10 times

This writers message of love
it spoke into me

I had to stop

compose myself

inhale a few breaths

take a minute to breathe

Then I found myself going
back several times to reread

This writers expression of love

It spoke to the love inside of me

Most know me for my words of inspiration

There are a few who knows
my soul spouts love in sonnets

Through the eyes of this writer
I was fed an abundance

~Butterfly εїз 2014©
Inspired by a poem I read on yesterday.
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
Saw you in the distance I begin to sigh.

Fears of outbursts and screams held inside.

I'm still affected by you after all this time, why?

Vaguely I see, traces of your residue left on me.

Your touch on my face,

Your gentle embrace,

How your finger rubs against my ear,

Who knew that spot existed?

A simple touch sparks electricity within me,
how I miss it!

I’m thinking of you,

You don’t have a clue.

I guess...
You are to me,
what I am to you,

Mere 'Traces of Residue.'

~Butterfly εїз   2011©
Yhama ButterFly Feb 2014
I'm the sky.
You're the sun.
Light beams inside of me.
I am exposed, flooded with love
and, I can't resist your light.

~ Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Feb 2014

Just one look into your eyes
makes the difference,
heartbeat skips one-thousand times.

~Butterfly εїз ©
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
I read a significant amount of poetry each day.

It does not matter if their telling a story, sharing their story or that of a friend.

I don't care if their completely ******* in their feelings... I get it!

It does not matter if their on earth, another planet or in the skies....

We can be some where and everywhere at the same time.


I don't care if their
off the wall,
completely insane,
love stricken,
obsessed in love,
obsessed in hate,
spiritual or sane.


Most of us, is one, if not all of these things.

I praise the creative minds who is able to bare what infects their souls to a world of judges, strangers and on lookers.

~Butterfly εїз
My thoughts this morning...
Yhama ButterFly Mar 2014
I am a LOVER  ...a wife
I am ******  ...and I write it wink
I am CURIOUS  ...but I'm no cat
I am BEAUTIFUL  ...Inside and out
I am MEAN  ...for a second If pushed

I'm only HUMAN with
Super Human capabilities
Its name is YELLOW YHAMA

I have LIVED
I have LOVED
I have LOST
I have TATOOS  ...I want more
I have an alter ego named €HINA
My PROS outweigh my CONS

By day

I am Teyhama Harden

you can call me


amongst other things ...ADVENTUROUS!

~ButterFly εїз 2012 ©
I wrote this a few years ago. First time sharing it in any forum.
Yhama ButterFly Apr 2014
The Love of God
Is not average love
Definitely not the love of today
Is this why people look in such a way
Which keeps them guessing
Wondering why you’re not stressin’
Over hurts of the past nor yesterday  
See, I have experienced His Agape

I’ve learned, every hurt is not a deal breaker
Every wrong deed does not warrant a person being deserted
When was the last time you hurt a friend
Not for the first time, but… again
Sometimes forgiveness and restoration is for the best
Not all hurts should be overly stressed
Have you participated in your fair share of mess…?
I guess, yes

Practice restoration and forgiveness
Every hurt is not a deal breaker
Every wrong deed does not warrant a person being deserted
Walk in His Agape love
Simply His Love “Unconditional”

~Butterfly εїз  2014©
(a spoken word joint)

— The End —