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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
pictures scare me
they're like portrayals of undoubted fun
you look at them
they have become memories
and you relive them in your head
you laugh at the face you made
or the jokes made from that night
but you realize that moment
will never happen again.
the picture can be taken
just as fast as the fun started
and can be destroyed
just as fast as the memory fades.
in an instant.
before your eyes.
before you realize what happened.
like paper in a flame.
nothing lasts forever.
Crush me,
Push me to the floor,
And force my,
Bleeding knees upon,
The splintered wood,
You tore apart,
With heartfelt lust
And let our brackets,
Slowly rust.

what we could be,

Just turn to dust.
He says, "How many trucks will wreck
On that one stinkin' highway?"
"Many more," I said, "and then the world will end
And no more trucks will wreck on that highway."
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
184 days
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
in the day i don't remember
in the night i pretend i don't
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
We were best friends.
You were mine
And I was yours
We were inseparable.

We shared dreams.
You had yours
And I had mine
But they were compatible.

We talked of the future.
You shared your ideas
I shared mine
But they were includable.

High school came around
You changed
I did not

When we were young
Your parents were alcoholics.
You would tell me your fear
How you did not want to become them.

But soon the darkness crept
It grabbed us both.
I was able to tear free
You were not.

We were strangers.
You didn't look at me
I didn't look at you
We were irreparable.

I finally reached out to you
Asked how you were
What you were doing
You said.

It sounded like you were trying to persuade yourself
Not me
But before I got the chance
To ask how you really were
You took another shot of that darkness.
You took another hit of that darkness.

And I took another step back.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Poems are known to be depressing
And that is the truth
Everyone knows it
Everyone has written one.

I will admit I have written several
It just makes you feel like you are doing something more productive
than wallowing in self pity
But what about the happy ones?

The ones that instead of making you shed a tear
Make you smile from ear to ear.
The ones that rhyme
and talk about a love that's lasted the length of time.

The ones that make you warm
And in your stomach butterfly's swarm
And everything seems colorful
and life is plentiful.

The ones that talk the greatness of life
O'how grand it is and always has been.
How possibilities are endless and
Dreams can come true.

But there are naysayers
But there are people who prefer darkness
But there are people who despise light
But they don't need to twist your thoughts.

Their thoughts can drag you down with them
They can twist our minds.

Get rid of the negative thoughts.
Try bringing them up with you
Show them lightness and how if you dream hard enough
The sun can shine!
"What am I supposed to do
when the best part of me
is always
Being told you're fat
Is really truly horrible
It makes you want to eat
and eat
and eat
Its a cycle
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
i think a lot about how
things that happen to people make
them different, change their
ways and point of view.

i think about the boy
whose dad died in the eighth grade
from cancer. i think about
how someone who was a ****
at heart turned to words
and found himself again, found his
father in verses about aged trees
and kicking footballs so high,
they're weightless for a
little while.

i think about my former best
friend whose dad left her mom
when she was little, and it hurt
her so much that she took her fists
to friends and enemies alike. i think
about how she used a sharp tongue
to drag others down with her, to shrink
them and make her feel better about
herself; i don't blame her for that.

i think about the girl who is so
afraid she'll never meet somebody
again who will love her that she stays;
she stays with a boy who does not love her
or care enough to tell her how beautiful
she is every single day.

i think about the boy so hidden
behind weight he desperately lost
and the mountain that his superstar best
friend's voice has created
that when he finally got his spotlight,
he tattooed it across his forehead so
everyone knew that he is greater,
that he should be recognized.

i think about you and how
somewhere along the way, between
one of your best friend's tragic accident
and the year i didn't get to know you,
you gave yourself up
so unflinchingly to god and his
and yet you bathe in a pool of temptation
because the people surrounding you have
been all but blood since birth.

i think about myself
and how i picked myself up
and glued myself together after
three years, surrounded by debt
and a lack of the most important
thing to living, consumed by betrayal
and the death of a beloved,
drowning in you and feelings i didn't
know could be so strong,
all while encased in a bulging skin poisoned
with (self) hate and withering
with blackness.

i think about how people become who they
are, how we struggle to survive,
how we find ourselves. i think
about it so much that often i wish i could
understand every reason, every decision,
that it was okay to ask.
life is tricky, but everyone
has a cheat to make it through
each wretched level
of existence.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I don't think its
wrong to expect
from you,
the same respect
That I put in.
But how does one ask?
where does one begin?
I hate that I feel
this mad
and you don't
even feel bad.
Don't worry, though,
I'll just keep apologizing
no matter how much
I find it agonizing
a reciprocation is what
I'll be waiting to hear
Though I'll probably have
to wait a few million years.
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