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  Jul 2015 Rae Harrison
It used to be that my favorite part of baths were the whirlpool
That twisting tornado of water
Spiraling out of control as the dirt and soap disappeared
Into the darkness
But what if instead of water and dirt
It was our life?
What then, would be draining?
Emotions, and youth
Decisions and mistakes.
Memories all swirling away into nothing.
That must be what if feels like to get old.
As the last drops of warm water escape
Leaving only the cool air on our wet pruny skin.

Thank goodness for soft comfy towels.
Rae Harrison Jul 2015
And I know it would hurt,
but a writer needs inspiration
*and I need something to write about
Rae Harrison Jul 2015
I only ever learned one song and two chords on guitar.
I try to keep my garden alive but the plants keep withering because I can't seem to keep a schedule for it.
The story I wrote a year ago still has no ending.
One song verse has been stuck in my head for ages; they're the only lyrics that I gave a melody.
New routines turn to inbetweens.
I say I want to follow through, but I can never commit to committing.
All these broken vows, and I still run after you relentlessly.
I cant finish anything because I've only just started chasing you
Rae Harrison Jun 2015
You can take away the physical, but not the emotional.
If I walked away the day I met you,
it would still be
too late.
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