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ATILA Nov 2018
I read about a very long list of phobias, these are the examples;

● astratophobia = fear of thunder and lightning
● paraskavedekatriaphobia = fear of Friday the 13th
● cacophobia = fear of ugliness ><
● ligyrophobia = fear of loud noises
● onomatophobia = fear of hearing a certain word or name
● peladophobia = fear of bald people
● hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia =fear of long words :D

Eventually I discover that all of us have phobia of this one; HADEPHOBIA. Fear of Hell.

"Make your foot rare at the house or your fellowman,
that he may not have his sufficency of you."
[Proverb 25:17]

A genuine smile is the most attractive thing you can wear,
it is absolutely universal and rarely could not bear.

We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him,
and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.
[Quran 50 : 16]

Man, whose past is a clot - a clinged drop something related to *****, whose abdomen at present is filled with what he excretes and whose future is to become the rotting dead body of grave.

How flawed are us.

"I call a man who understands the suffering of others as a religious man."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Aisha said, "I brought some soup which I had cooked, and told Sawdah (the 2nd wife of Prophet Muhammad PBUH), with the Prophet sitting between her and me. 'Have some!' but she declined. I said: 'You either eat or I smear your face.' She would not eat, so I took some soup from the bowl and smeared her face. Allah's Messenger laughed and lifted his feet off the floor. He said to Sawdah: 'Smear her face!' So she took some from the bowl and smeared my face, and Allah's Messenger kept laughing."

Human imperfection is not here to scare us,
it is here to bring out the best of us.
so that we can be like a severely bent tree that continues to produce good fruits despite of its incovenient position or angle from the ground.

Noah is referred to as the 2nd Adam since mankind started afresh from his time, after the deluge and complete destruction of mankind. Therefore, a 2nd part or phase in the mankind history started from him.

DAY 10
Powerful telescopes enable this civilization to see far into the space,
but sometimes due to the 'blindness' in its right eye, it fails to see the Creator's hand in it.

DAY 11
“A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
[John 13 : 34-35]

DAY 12
A knowledgeable person is he who is never satisfied with what he has learnt and also adds the learning of other people to his knowledge.
- A hadith qudsi

DAY 13
Be as gentle as the whispering breeze
Spread solace to the world we’re in
Let your heart and soul be a mirror clear

Yet when you master all of this
Forget not your neediness
Were it not from God’s grace
None of this can be achieved!

DAY 14
"Have they not reflected within themselves?
Allah did not create the Heavens and the earth and everything between them except the truth and for a fixed term.
Yet many people reject the meeting with their Lord."
[Ar-***, 30:8)

DAY 15
One of internet culture is keep searching for a prey to harass or bash. And there is this saying, "Give a man a mask and he will show his true face.” Just because you can hide your identity online, it doesn't mean you can harass and bash other people freely. Be mindful. Be kind.

DAY 16
"And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad), concerning Me – indeed I am near.
I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.
So let them respond to Me (by obedience) and believe in Me that they may be (rightly) guided.”
[Al-Baqarah, 2:186]

DAY 17
Prophet PBUH said: "No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even though it were the ***** he receives from a thorn."
[Narrated by Bukhari]

DAY 18
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
[Psalm 9 : 9]

DAY 19
Even when life is frail
God's love prevails
It never fails.

Jonah's life was frail when he was in the whale, but God's prevailed, it did not fail.

DAY 20
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
[Psalm 46 : 1]

DAY 21
"There are times when I want to die so badly, I think the need itself will **** me. Of course, it never does. I always dream of better places, how anime life and 2D things are so much better than real life, where I could actually become something and be something other than stupid me. I have made so many stupid decisions. I can't keep a secret about myself, because I am so stupid and naive and stupid and dishonest. I'm useless and an idiot and a ******* and I can't do anything right, I can't make right decisions, I can't even **** myself. It's impossible. But I still want to die."
- a diary of a depressed girl

DAY 22
● "He is the only one without a second." [Chandagya Upanishad 6, 2:1]

● "Of Him there are neither parents nor Lord." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6, 9]

● "There is no like Him." [Svetasvatara Upanishad, 4:19]

● "There is no likeness of Him whose name is a great glory." [The Principle Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan]

DAY 23
● "Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." [Deutronomy 6:4]

● "I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no savior." [Isaiah 45:5]

● "I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, there is none like me." [Isaiah 46:9]

DAY 24
“You shall have no other Gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image,
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them,
for I the Lord your God am a jealous God."
[Exodus 20: 3-5]

DAY 25
According to biological law, our body cells ought to renew themselves indefinitely thereby leaving us; human, not knowing old age or aging or death at all! So biologically speaking, we could be always young, agile, dynamic, vigorous and absolutely defect-free in our immune system. But hey, imperfection is here."

DAY 26
“To all those suffering from sadness or depression, know that it isn’t your fault. It isn’t because you’re weak. It isn’t because you’re just not grateful enough. It isn’t because you’re just not religious enough. It isn’t because you don’t have enough faith. It isn’t because God is angry with you. To all the well-meaning people who tell you this, just smile. And know deep in your heart that the tests of God come in different forms to different people. And know that, by the help of God, every test can become a tool to get closer to Him. And that, verily, with hardship come ease–and like all things of this world–this too shall pass.”
- Yasmin Mogahed

DAY 27
We may not see the literal or initial being of God, but we can eventually see His display of power or evidence of His being or presence in what becomes or results manifest to us, be it in creation or in our very own existance or make up.

DAY 28
“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
[Psalm 147 : 3]

DAY 29
After all, our innermost thoughts and feelings affect what we talk about and even how we look.

Hi! This may not a poem :') During the last Ramadhan (about five months ago), I had set in mind to read lots of books to cheerish this holy month with at least, a good deed. So, this is a compilation of what was I reading from the 1ST day until the last day of Ramadhan. Enjoy!
Shruti Atri Aug 2014
"As the same fire assumes different shapes
When it consumes objects differing in shape,
So does the one Self take the shape
Of every creature in whom he is present."
(Katha Upanishad II.2.9)

"As the rivers flowing east and west
Merge in the sea and become one with it,
Forgetting they were separate rivers,
So do all creatures lose their separateness
When they merge at last into pure Being.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
You are that Shvetaketu, you are that."
(Chandogya Upanishad IV.10.1-3)

I don't understand,
Why, in this land,
Where these sacred
scriptures were written,
Were so many religions born--

I don't understand,
How, in this land,
Were differences encouraged,
When the backbone of all life
Always was recognized as liberation--

The acknowledgement
Of all different religions, castes, creeds,
Really broke the deal you know...

Imagine, if all the cultures were mixed
Instead of being *separated, unconnected, segregated;

And churned into a liberal philosophy
The Philosophy of Liberation (read: Moksha)
We'd have prevented so many wars,
All fought under the cloak of differences and disparities;
We could have averted
So much bloodshed,
So many innocent screams--

And these shudders down your spine right now?
They would be the product of fiction;
Not the echoes of cruel reality...
It really is a conundrum...when did we start refusing the uniformity of the soul? Why were another's thoughts disputed, when at the core, we are all pieces of the same fabric? Why were beliefs so cruelly championed, that punishments were distributed for 'noncompliance'?
I see that the world is tolerant today...I wrote these words to fully understand my unease on something that history had me thinking...
From where I stand, I see a backward progress...and a small part of me hopes that I've got it wrong...
the jhoola is damp from
evening rains
still I enjoy swinging under
misty twilight skies
the moon beaming a toothless grin

Funny how it all feels so real
solid, permanent
I’ll always be Sonya ki
in this familiar body,
surroundings and place

I gaze at puddles
of silvery water glistening
over the garden beds
visions from the past float to the
not too long ago I was living in
Arkansas, and before that the big apple
childhood memories of my mother’s
comforting voice and soft lap
eclipses the other images morphing
into a cascade of ever changing
ephemeral moments in time

If nothing stays the same then
what is it that resounds through
the hills and valleys of my being
like an eternal echo

That fixed point where the sun never rises nor sets
Splendor enthroned within
Immortal witness

“Consciousness is neither inward turned nor outward turned nor both
It is not undifferentiated, it is beyond cognition and non cognition.
Not experienced by the senses nor known by comparison or inference,
incomprehensible, unthinkable and indescribable,
pure consciousness, the real Self, the cessation of all phenomena,
tranquil, all-blissful, one without a second,
this fourth state (Turiya ), the Atma (Real Self)
(Eternal Witness)
is to be realized”
~Mandukya Upanishad
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
The razor's edge is difficult to pass over
Thus the wise say the path to salvation is hard

I told her the truth, the whole truth
About that time in my front yard

In London I heard Mozart
In Staunton I saw the Bard

In South Riding, my students from India
At Mox in Seattle, Magic the Gathering cards
JP Mar 2017
a few month
a familiar sound
turned back
they said, that is my sound
and labeled it........ my name
Whenever I achieved something
told not use my name but
used the letter "I"
In every upanishad
they told to drop "I"
an awareness
dropping "I" is
dropping my name.
Dropping my name is
a state of death...
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
we wait.
Gnōthi Seautón (Γνωθι Σαυτόν)

know thyself, is a fundamental
"must do"
for any planning
to die right…

“Zi zhī”
Word of me, my word… known shown
“Atmanam viddhi”
Katha Upanishad:
“Atmanam rathinam viddhi,
shariram ratham eva tu”
(Know thyself as the charioteer,
and thy body as the chariot)
HP does not allow text in the languages of the other culture versions of Gnōthi Seautón (Γνωθι Σαυτόν)... that is a shame, because the beauty of the idea gram is a child first learning to write with a brush, and the word zi... two parts of one word picture, and the Melanesian script is calligraphic mastery.
ConnectHook May 2024
The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you,
and you shall come down lower and lower. 
He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him;
he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail
                                                          ­   Deuteronomy 28:43

Doctor Prasad, Doctor Prasad
You bow to a freaky six-armed god,
Yet chose to leave your native land
And worship in the U.S.A.

Your Hindu religion is rather odd—
Consider my verse a gentle ****.
Those molten idols creep me out;
I'll poke you in a truthful way.

This newly-discovered Upanishad
With trident (in place of Aaron's rod)
Will show you where you need to go.
And greater light to you relay.

You bow to idols, silly sod...
I'll stomp your arrogance roughshod.
Eat the puja that you offer—
***** rupees to the dollar.

What a ridiculous façade.
You mumble, then politely nod—
Data-driven petty tyrant:
Drink from my verse's fire hydrant.

— The End —