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Raghu Menon Jul 2015
Large and wide
Deep and Cool
Filled with the purest water inside
It was our village's hallmark pool..

Stone lined walls on all sides
WIth steps going down to the water
And stones for washing clothes
Which also doubled for scrubbing our feet..

Live with fish and water snakes
Who were friends with us kids,
Frogs who would sing chorus during the rains
and ferns green and bright on the walls.

With overhanging trees on the banks
We came running and dived into the water
somersaulted and torpedoed
and swam in all fashions and styles...

Swimming and diving from the banks
We played "catch me if you can"
from the time we are back from schools
Till it is dark and when calls come from our homes.

With swollen finger tips
and red eyes, but
After the long swim and bath
Having dinner right away and
slipping into a good night's sleep...

Days where there were no TVs to watch
Days where there no homeworks to be done
Days where what mattered most were friends
Days which take us to the sweet childhood..

Gone is the pride of our village
there are no kids who play in the water
For there is no water in the pond
except for a few months during the rains

Kids are no longer kids
They have TV to watch
Phone and computers to play
Virtual friends to play with

Lucky we were
to have such beautiful childhoods
Such memorable friendships
Such adventurous rainy seasons
Water lapped up the side of the lifeboat
as it bobbed up and down on the sea
only seven ****** had survived
the rest had gone under and drowned

The first officer and the stoker
lent over a fellow ******
he was coughing up oil
and in unbearable pain, was screaming

The stoker mumbled, He's not got long
then he started to sob in his hands bitterly
they had been torpedoed by a U Boat
a day and three quarters out of Italy

The coughing then stopped
the ****** was dead
so they said a little prayer
then tipped him over the edge

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Alone within my emotional wilderness

A reverie along memory lane when, this lviii sea sunned
row man (stills paddles in oarlocks and serenely quizzically,
lackadaisically, and harmoniously drifts) along the slip
stream of time. Awash on his figurative manual navigated
opportunistic prideful quintessential schooner reflects,
regales, and revisits ebbing lapsed instances (fast receding
into the past time, when psychological instability grounded
fragile my self esteem (generated venting, steaming, and
piping hot brickbats). As a newly minted harrumphing,
grubbing, and floundering dada enmeshment (analogous
to a fish caught in a net, hence quickly ricocheting, rabidly
splashing, and sloppily thrashing) predicated my foray
into das fatherhood. Aye experienced nearest approximation
Bing battered, rammed, and torpedoed from glomming
(par for the course riot ting heaps) necessarily imposed
adult responsibility. Such metaphorical motoring across
avast Battle Creek with no landfall in sight, this then nada
so Grand Turk (key in the straw) Otto man continually
snapped, cracked and popped. This human ping-pong
fitbit part player papa felt akin to subjection re: thralldom).
At this juncture in me cross currents of existence I can
harken back to those most exhausting, fatiguing, and
grueling endeavors. Hindsight offers this aging baby
boomer the luxury to cast astern. Retrospective leisurely
trawls along the shoals throes of fatherhood allow,
enable and provide and opportunity to scrutinize per
chance, where arises this on account of the empty nest
syndrome. Ordinarily the wife (i.e. missus to appear
more formal), would caw out my name nonstop….
”Matt”…”Matt”…”Matt”…, but she opted to organize
the cluster of assorted household items at the apart
ment (located in Crum Lynne – Ridley Township),
we hope to move within a fortnight. Thy spouse
volunteered her own mini reprieve by setting order
to the miscellaneous fixings gradually amassed,
appropriated, and gifted thru out the twenty plus
years of marriage, which hodgepodge of personal
possessions downsized whence circumstance dictates
evaluating goods having keepsake meaning versus
anomaly of belongings to be unloaded, repurposed
for someone else, or ordained as unworthy to schlep.
Alone asper like a very brief sabbatical from marriage
finds stillness amidst the white noise of the whirring
fan. Thus, I sit here ruminating how to dredge up
some idea for a poem,  (non) fiction or essay. This
husband became acclimated, conditioned, and em
bossed with a mate a tete for two plus decades,
whereby both thee dos delightful daughters on
Track 742 heading west. Honest to dog, I miss
the role of fatherhood when either off spring
(with an age difference of approximately twenty
five plus months) romped, scampered, and trotted
as toddlers, and upon childhood, thy little girls
found exultant excitement dashing higgledy-
piggledy, hither and yon, to and fro across the
playground as most glorious human indulgence.
Despite the plaintive wail vis a vis Juliet saying
goodnight to Romeo (…parting is such sweet
sorrow) haint pleasurable atoll. Hitherto un
known that during the most vexing, trying,
and quaking bouts when both kin of thy ****
fought like angry cats would there transpire
the occasion of sincere tearfulness ululating
vain warbling. Now a pang of nostalgia arises
when I drive past their happy go lucky stomp
ping turf, or reflect on answering the trumpet
call to chauffer one or thee other to amusement
park, play date, mall, favorite toy store such as
Fivebelow, birthday party, et cetera. Even
certain tunes recalled to mind and/or heard
being broadcast across the audio logical spec
trum a cause for moistened tear ducts. Wince
with sadness also mixed with sigh lent bundled
expostulations of joy. Both progeny metamorphosed
into able bodied, minded and spirited lasses,
whose attainment far exceeded any projections
internally forecast. Initial onset of parent role
found me all thumbs. Prior to begetting two
darling dames, this chap spent disproportionate
number of hours sequestered within some hide
away, which frequently happened to be the
designated bedroom at 324 Level Road, College
Ville, Pennsylvania, 19010. Never did thee major
rit tee days of mine life point to babysitting or
working with that chronological demographics
comprising the adoring blessed innocence,
murmuring newborn obliviousness, that bespoke
penultimate unsullied, utmost virtue necessitating
interaction with tender infants beckoning being
cradled, endearingly fondled, demonstrably easing
fondness gripping heartstrings issue jetblue kinks.
Aye felt pitched headlong into this foreign territory,
and initially experienced utmost awkwardness when
attending, pampering and pulling (albeit gently)
upsy daisy, the nascent hint of autonomy. Remembrance
and recollection of élan, joie de vivire, and yea those
ear splitting threshold of pain screaming tantrums
all boxed into tidy wholesome Zen announcing
nuggets of greater meaningfulness and absolute
value. The above long winded reverie intended and
meant tubby a semi biography, but leave hit up to
his hie n hiss, he went way overboard, and will give
a one line summarization to describe his i.e. yours truly
life sentence fate decreed. He (this Anglophile chipper
chap lived under duress of extreme anxiety, obsessive/
compulsive behavior, panic attacks and essentially
schizoid personality disorder for the greater part
of his life and hard times, which raw bits would
warrant fleshing out to extrapolate how these psychic
pitfalls represented critical factors at various and
sundry turning points in his life.
Ventilation shaft
Fresh air pumped out in a flash.
Upon crash dive a bell will sound, hold
we're going underground.

Like moles who wish to buck the trend
I wish the constant night would end,
these tunnels that we make.. laugh.

Call it gas.

****** in, trucked out, this is what life's all about, shifting shadows shape us into that which is the late

Fluid chains of ether either here or in Ibiza,
ventilation from the shaft?
or just the same old laughing gas?
jimmy tee Mar 2014
step right this way
the curly haired whispers of long ago
dirt on the steppes of Maui
life and death
the boldness of breath
tea sets invented
natures idea of hooking
the falsehood of feelings
since you can sense the release of chemicals
into the gut from the gut
art is an effort
all roads are connected therefore lead nowhere
the impossibility of a paper bag
well that’s why you got the people you do
blistered surfaces
magical marketing
lost time is all its good for
other beings
the past is as real as the now
the future not so much
look for answers under slimy rocks
mark the trail with crumbs
holiday pay eligibility
pig latin verse
loose lips sinks fish
headlines of tomorrow list all your deeds
originality pounds it out
a ground game if there ever was one
marginalized in a riotous way
spit shined shoes laced real tight
if you stayed this long you must get it real good
explanations spellchecked edited cast aside
meaning lost found lost and lost again
bury your words
measure the sun as a star
triangulate emotion in order to set free the main ingredient
the Bosporus the smallest gap imaginable
a wayward telephone number listed
a matchbook
adding depth to the photograph by controlling aperture
roulette craps poker slots Chinese checkers
numbers never end
gymnasium antics
mans best friend is a meateater
fall follows autumn in the southern hemisphere
three dimensions are all you need all you require
deny both the entity and the substance found ahead
synchronize your watch with mine
sand as a tonic baby oil pine
money buys packaged happiness
there was this guy named Shakespeare
opinion calls for differences version 2.0
you find the zoo to lead so very far
swing for the fences
jump rope skip sidewalk
mow the concrete lawn from here to horizon
jump rope skip sidewalk
learn forget then act dumb
exit stage left
what is behind animal eyes big mystery
exponential units forge toward the final group session
king me
did the butler do it with the maid
how often is crying necessary
pound for pound the best boxer in the mid century bout of pneumonia
digital meanings end in analog discussions
legions of admirers blinded
where to turn when the lights are forever out
invest in mystery
disappoint those who will never know you
you know it
there is a dogma in need of a collar out there somewhere
temptation looms
the holy word of snowflakes delve into deep philosophy
but I always got along with everybody
why work
pituitary gland
announcing for the first time on record
prince spaghetti and salad extraordinaire
the alphabet ends in z
puddles form on distant planets that orbit toothless suns
loud music still comforts the savage beast
years like a tape measure stills the ragged poor children
never to be found never ever ever
solvent says eat thou peas
silo bag deliver us from the tall neighbor police
sidestep any issue involving toys
mounds of troubles can be climbed
Kansas wind also flows down the plain
think about it the sea is mostly under itself
most things look better from behind
a major felony on your record
knowledge in the form of easy chew tablets
hounded by creditors bobby laid low
actors actresses chumps
results are mixed as the queen leaves daring long behind
punctuation fits into softly lit areas of the mind
stay loose
breakdown the door then apologize some more
I left home for this
mistakes are what we call experience
the smiles on bubblegum cards just as real
twenty dollars invested in nothing
pin air to itself
buy time sock it away watch it grow grow grow
cool is always enough for matty
god that guy could drink ant sanitation member into the ground
leaves are raking themselves these days
so long in the past stood there with sled in hand
photographed by a grandfather clock
black envelopes glued by hand in an everlasting jump off point
poetry bound and gagged for fun and zero profit
movable type static feasts
in the groove piled high with the color that represents lament
fifty thousand big ones aint so big anymore
the river left town
cannon at the gate corded shot ingenious ways to destroy people
support the troops
he say one thing then did another wow does that hurt
memory votes early and often
nobody knows the troubled bean
it all hinges on my word being accepted
china feels so very close
the sea full of carp moistened in salt water ** boy o boy
Vermeer at the loom
the bronze age must have been heavy
time waits around the corner selling amphetamines
queer beings exit the saucer and head right for the local hobby shop
end game
paint as a medium large
pine scented maple trees win the prize
in my book the covers speak for themselves
close up to the camera waterfall
find the picture inside the cavity send help
amid ship is the place amid
of course some things are missing
ghost register to vote
went fishing came home with a tummy ache
spend your last dime see the world as it truly is
between avenue b and c there lies a small wombat
fend off the high climbing stairs that offer busy bees
mind the gaping hole that leads to oblivion ny
fog in my ear
steam punk can you believe it had to be invented
the f drive taketh away
sing a song about the street we used to chug a lug at
view my elbow rock
know thyself from the middle ages on toward the detail
love pander both you know
mom became tonnage displaced and torpedoed
you are very astute now quit it
this meeting is over like so many before it
collapse my finger into red colored dust
round up and whittle down the masthead
toothpick sized brains
its no bother at all fire away with logical pounds
page that squire knight the tree stand hunter in velvet horn
live as the yo yo
beat it now not later now before the sun sets far into the Japanese
planning a child check our bargain bins first then decide
overtime halts the easy chair
mounds clopping at the level of good mine
piles of good old fashioned nonsense
home grown
sunny side up way up
carry a friend everywhere you travel
catch a rising star and keep it there
an alarming increase
happiness is a warm puppy
many are called but few are winners
put in your time split and repeat
wrinkles seem to be catching on
break the law go to *******
now is the time smack in the middle of touchy feely
mountain of jelly
pound of brown
highway exits in turning lane
polished sayings die in mid form
butterfly of course
bank on it twice
inform the theologian that grace is universal
one unit is enough to bounce the basket ball
larcenies are a regrettable offense for jumble minded
loud is the hammer of life by golly
far away lies the land of nod no wait mod
never saw it coming
mud in your minds eye
clean up before the mess is tabled
throw away all hits
kong king
mondo longo pongo in delicate dancing
bear in mind that bares the soul to influence
set up the new roux
pint sized followers found via radio
fell asleep in wonder fat
knives sharpened better get a move on
loudly express a final punt
line one line two line three
when did farming become cold
disease jumps as the trampoline handles wind jammers
night can be fun but girls are more down there
love me back
mindful of the garter you can relax next year
backwards as a mean average statistical oops
venting hot gas adds to the thrill
is this thing on
and and and and and and and
call the water department I am ready to fly
listen the goat will never know what hit him
long on flavor short on towels
company insists on a quaint meal of posies
behind a successful man is a chair of some kind
got milk
my friend can be talkative but never mind
rounded surfaces slip into nothingness a modern age affliction
we will escape scot free
badness baldness daily princess
puzzle in mind he left his denial on the riverbank
on the reindeer hoof we ride
how can it be hey baby that’s what we are here for right
the plays is not the thing
work your **** off then find the instruction manual
beep buzz bop
it appeared right there but is gone now
Francie Lynch Sep 2014
I've a sinking friendship,
Torpedoed by the *******,
And listing.
The first mate mutinied.
Once a blood brother,
Like no other;
An intimate
At an imminent end,
An alter-ego
More than a friend.

I've been too patient,
Veered off course
With understanding.
I'm quite sure
This Pythias
Would run and leave me

I'm on a cliff
And won't hang on
To a blade of trust,
A fawning pawn.
He had my back,
I turn,
He's gone.

This partisan
Must part
A homeless homeboy,
A dissembling fraud.

No longer a mainstay,
He's insecure,
His equivocations
Make lines blur,
I don't believe
Him anymore.

He really needs a soul-mate,
Classmate, playmate,
But he's become a reprobate,
Lying prostrate,
Lying up straight.
I'll drown my Boswell
In my inkwell;
No longer
An advocate.

The laughs have left,
I'm bereft,
But I'll catch the wind.
My course is true.
This friendship
Can't be salvaged.
It's scuttled,
And I won't
Sink with you.
You can look over your shoulder as those seconds run up and the minutes overtake,then you wake and you're older,
I told her,
this is the way of it.
who would lay with it of their own will,
it's never free
someone, sometime is always there with the bill.
will pay
and every time you disobey it,the rewind will replay it and remind you that the seconds are mounting the minutes, to be set into the hours that run rings around your eyes.
Despise it
surprise it
but you better realise it,
in the end.
Tommy Johnson Dec 2013
The planet is flooded
Submarine to New Zealand from Greenland
Torpedoed decisions, a well needed rest is at hand
Plastered, what a bash looking back at it
I needed that, now… where are my shoes?
Mia Dec 2013
You took a shovel and dug out the feelings i had left inside,
You took away my bubble and left an empty pit in it's place.
Am reeling from everything supposed to be there which isn't.
My heart beats yet it's mimicking motions of living.
My chest heaves taking in breaths,
Letting out frustration.
I know I said I let go but guess am a liar.
Or just a fool.
Cause I walked away and expected you to stay.
I turned my back and when you did too the tie between my destiny and yours snapped.
Didn't expect it to hurt as much though.
Like being torpedoed and crushed.
I passed by where we used to hang out,
Got hit in the face by a pair of ***** so big my heart stopped.
Dunno if it's cause I feel i can't compete with that, or maybe am just selfish.
Either way you won.
Couldn't do right by me.
And you got someone you are doing it all for.
Ramonez Ramirez Mar 2011
The journey was harder than expected,
a struggle;
the sky spoke in dragon tongue,
and sand gnawed away at the skin,
grating to pulp those sensitive regions of the body.

Disaster struck on the third night in the desert;
a child
who’d been walking with the scouts,
and of whom every-one had been fond of,
slipped through a crevice in the mountain side.

They spent the better half of the early morning
at the gangrenous green flesh
protruding from within fissure fangs,
swollen fingers of rot and despair that reeked of death.

Before they knew it, the dunes had shifted;
by their own negligence,
they packed up and loaded the camels.
The child’s parents remained and prayed for a miracle.

The caravan held two minutes’ silence.

The vultures
didn’t give a flying ****,
skipped miraculous death rehearsal,
and hot-shadow-torpedoed mother, father, and trapped daughter.

The Sun oozed mustard-pus and black blood,
so perceived
by those who didn’t have time
to ****** their protective goggles and

The government troops had been onto them in a flash.
hfallahpour Feb 2016
My love never faded away , but
Your hesitation torpedoed my dignity
You sat visa'vis me and said nothing
Your silence was truly deafening

Shut in her room with the scent of roses
pounded with wet stones
picked one by one from the riverbank and shining still,
Hesione struggled to remove the clasps
which she placed on a piece of cloth weaved by her grandma.

Days later she lay in bed wrapped in a sacred vestment.
Secret hopes torpedoed her body
and for a moment removed the clasps from the groin.
All worthless.

People were buried nearby.
The freshly-dug graves smelled of tamarisks.
She and the Thoans scanned the sea.
Nothing reminded one of who she was and why she mourned.
She forgot all about Hercules, thurifications and joys never to be.
Now all worthless.  

*Hesione: daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy, and sister of Priam.
She was chained by her father on a rock to be devoured by a monster in order to appease the anger of Apollo and Poseidon.  Hercules promised to deliver her, for a reward of Laomedon’s wonderful horses, and killed the monster.
Jeanelle Averett Feb 2016
In Mrs. Schmutz’s first grade class
In nineteen sixty-two
I took a babe for show and tell
DelRae, that babe was you!

I held you up for all to see
Then passed you down the aisle
The little girls all ooh-ed and ah-ed
To see your toothless smile

The little boys were less impressed
Until you passed some gas
Then thought you were the coolest kid
In Mrs. Schmutz’s class!

You seemed to like the accolades
And shot a little spray
Mi amigos that ain’t nada
Is what you seemed to say!

The teacher ran to wipe it up
All frantic and befuddled
Then slipped and fell right in that spot
Where you, DelRae, had puddled!

The girls giggled girlishly
The boys let out a roar
The principal came striding in
Take that and raise you four!

You burped a *** of curdled milk
Torpedoed in his eye
I don’t recall another time
I’ve seen a grown man cry!

He banned you from that first grade class
I guess his pride was smarted
‘Cuz you were kicked out of that school
And hadn’t even started!

Some fifty years have come and gone
Since all that stuff you did
So Happy Birthday, DelRae Scott!
You’re still the coolest kid!
Julian Sep 2020
Loony warbles creeping like a shark bite tucked into the night
I saute the solution of aghast has-been epigones filibustered brunt and brittle by hemlock aspirations of curated fright
Temulentia recognizes the sane from the inane and tragedy from travesty
Flowder imaginary crackjaw Samson skulls of donkeys dissuaded by varnished agony
Skipping through punctuated times the sheepish will profane me with beleaguered notions of time
Blind to the orbit of the eccentric zeitgeist of hopscotch chockablock cohorts deliverance finds no crime
Goose noose Howard Hughes wooden stilts of the gargantuan swerve
Only the alpenglow of hijacked jujitsu spar against redintegration of adversaries with penniless nerve
Sifting through the silt
I barnstorm the ire of glistened tribunes plagued with insipid promenades of set-up still-frame guilt
Enemies became friends deranged like roosters fleecing hens of henpecked anomaly grafted and built
The wasms of moribund prose absconding with latticework of lacrosse in vogue
Temperatures sweltering the quaky schleps of Maverick moons never more rogue
Flashbang grimace parched with slivers of an acclimated post-modern ******
Intimates the intimacy of the flock decorates bolted balderdash too winsome to deprive an earnest plea for peace and please
I conquer the wallbaggers of novantique with the temulentia of mystique
Rarely remanded by the cul-de-sacs of Giants demolishing social rust with a deteriorated sweep
Trip the jostled rhymes of confluency of rhapsody and rapture consummated by nickel gambols by design
Ridiculing the contumely of ragged turgid Reservoir Dogs canine to the itch of foggy moonshine
Yet I dance to the rhythm of a jockey mechanical when devoured by incarceration flimsy with attrition
Lurid livid welters sparkle in damsel jokes of remission against Back to Mine sequence counting Dracula by division
Outtatime in this march of Thriller sublime
Cornered by the otiose Chipotle of musty mangers of egalitarian grime
Blandished by shattered paradigm parallax in circumlocution by mirrored irony
Livid are tepid latticeworks of rax and sedition frozen by limpid “Teachers” piracy
Never was once forever in the dormant daydream
Seamstresses waltzed in autumn woods knowing Hoffa firebrands of wasted Scream
Bloodshot swank is a rackrent of cineaste rakes of dominions of half-baked dishes of disco zenkidu double-take
Limbering languidly through the procession of sectarians seceding from agitprop monopoly
Boarding the Ticket to Ride train authentic never squirmy with illusions of the fake
Slackened Eels slapstick the brackish bracket of appeasement in appeals
Confluence of formula endangered by euphoria that Limerick question is a grubbed dicey deal
Fortunate summit dreaded nadir
All that resides in throbbing hearts tethered like Four Squares littered with boondoggles of fear
Showcase the Shakespeare flown through rickets of balderdash as Bald Eagles the mascot of frisk and wretch
Time to own the Pony Show charade of a mimicry of dilettantes brave in the cradles of antiquity knowing rarely the mummification of symbolism of thirty years of slavery to hallow one veranda upon a kissed by an ***** rose starvation grave
Looted by the pernicious bootstraps of those computed
We ring true the epitaphs of Pine City Stage on the rundles of the marginalia that overflows with Ire refuted embarked on solid cremation for sagacity in tatters of rage denuded
Punctilious liars edgy in facetious gambols in Joker menace flushing hygiene for starlet screen
Malingering on quaffs of sedate aplomb yet to preen
Scrabble superlunary bastions of gabble and garb
The gawsy preternatural séance rather nimble to Duck the Badgers weaponized barb
Fustilugs congregate around ashen rot of cacophony marveling at temerity in contortion for epiphany
Episodic marvel of two lynched paragons of sweltered margins ribald at witwanton persiflage in a campaign for suffrage.
Defected fire crackling with the joy of cacophony
Relishing every maskirovka pedigree of rackrent sovereignty
Slipshod fustilugs burrow bilkey in doctored Hubbard hubs smoking gun for dwarfed sins of blinded light staring Poison Ivy Appetite for Destruction mainlined by profligate amphigory a splintered shard
Complexion fulminates AIM with scourges of backtrack upon backwater miracles of Lake Placid confusion
Envoys to scuttled aliens marauding like they own my street in distinct slender confection even as the odd berates my diffuse dissuaded cineaste direction
I slummock with the slurvian alveolate bonism of prized poverty for Pine City Stages a delope of antelopes torn asunder by the athletes of formidable retention
Minute Mayday MaiDEN curls the forelock of a tucked hedged blush of no greater stupidity than a furrow of piglets in the pews of lyrical surgery
Slowpoke in acerbic flavor I countermand the denizens of urged regency decapitated by orbit if not by ******
Consummated on every brain that God himself believes that liberation can entrust
Enthusiastic chameleon of Mojo Grooves for the languid auditorium of a Revered time behooved to the gallops of threshed figurative sloppy slush
Funded by killjoys emaciated by slippery lies on craven deposits of sedimentary inertia quelled by amusement, grounded into Orange Crush
Urbacity is the usucaption of illegitimate ******* filigrees Armed to the Teeth but respecting the Tree
Winsome is obligatory for a Winslet flippant elder quorums contemn as a malapropism for syndicated armory in chuckling White Broncos evading a Houston test in the gricers of Autumn Heaven lingering with germane plight only reserved for luxury at its best
Aborning sidereal alpine brevity is a scry of evidentiary might of totemic dissolution alchemy so bright
That the chalkboard erasure is a confabulation against simultagnosia in acidic Phuture Bound sight
Because Mission Impossible cavorts with the exotic frictions of the nefarious Biocyte
Trailblazing heydays memorializing an Alpha Bet for September 2004 maydays
Of the scriptural series of mishaps and misadventures for barley grain in deadstock Indiana Jones wayward wayspays
Time to count the Dracula of venom drenched from the aceldama of gritty Gurley lies of a city yet loved because too many oases are despised
But Westwood becomes Eastwood with ******* Grotto as the centripetal but monogamous prize
Hot Tub Time Machine soaring among the cognoscenti of burlesque organized ***** crimes of lullaby Manzarek disguise
So toast to the dead captain of the psychedelic fountain pen of revolution Lorraine Baines fields arise
Time is an adventure that blinks only secondary of truce rather than guarded sheepish mustache of panmixia in genocide widely guillotined without scruple for newsy folksy prejudice on gallywow pride
Yet the sentinels of dirigisme anoint the Caesar of Nostradamus infamy of a Deep Impact symphony
Heard by asteroids and asterisks lurking with Thriller to the end of time known only as enumerated infinity
But enough petty battles squandered on sinking U-Boats torpedoed like ransacked crambazzles from Tucker belligerent with a “War” burnt heated calentures of scorching torches of rigged Scarface cockroach
Because there is no elementary Zion that is chosen to emerge in the barnstorm of flukenhague fluke
Time to rest my laurels on the depredation of safety
Reminding with a glower that saving our city is not an Autopilot of Buccaneer Brady
For the Grand Master Architect is princely in Jerusalem but heralded in Mecca because for too many storks all they want is another baby.
And my answer is that my Terrier Bonds are shaken and stirred by many a yes, probably and maybe in that order of illusion shaken into cocktails of cobblestone gravy
The Soy Sauce livid on mistake exerts a dementia on attrition to enthuse Kansas City joy all too crazy
Swimming in an ocean of Carly Ray Jepsen "Calling Your Name" Queen of Highways' Titanic fortress of Armada music beating the Village People silly over their gabbles against Navy
Born and Raised in a Colorado Springs cage I am snake eyes without crafty disguise  in authenticity to a Patriot Point Break Heist  of the probable doubt of the Zany Billy Zane entrapment of prestige gone madcap with Raiders of never the ambitious but always the lazy
So meditate on my word crimes as I elude detection as Hawthorne Nevada alights with 200 earthquakes in two days in Gray design
Wow what a marvel it is to always know that  you are always Stayin' Alive as the splinter of time capitalizing on sensual crestfallen vibes of a pendulum tsunami "Us and Them" saw wavy
And to the 1776 practical joke that gouges Samson even when thousands of Philistines get crushed in delope
Consider this a declaration of war against your pathetic screwball maze of fog to make a sane man livid with a blushed bravery too fraternal to old craven owls of cruelty beyond the maze of convolution of Istanbul collectively shrouded by lies no stomached demise would appreciate for being gatekeepers of terminus exorbitantly hazy
four bodies lay
here in this small, square piece of ground
made especially for you gents
they dragged your bodies from the shore
the morning after your ship was torpedoed
while protecting the North Carolina coastline
many remain forever in the Graveyard of the Atlantic
brave souls you were
giving your very lives
in defense of an ally
and seventy-five years later I take a few moments
to acknowledge your bravery and your sacrifice

upon returning home I replay moments from my trip
to Ocracoke and Hatteras Island
and during my short stay at the British Cemetary
when I felt honored
to be standing in the presence of the lost souls
of the Bedfordshire
a voice whispers...'We are at Peace'
true story
(when living nightmare pierced real time
thus engendering the following rhyme)

adrenaline powered stealth bomb blast
with the noggin of this, ah... ur... bane chap,
     which debilitating anxiety doth outlast
means to cope (thunder and dumb struck)
     with stranger mental things

     at expressed vertigo, nausea, racing heartbeat
     ogres recreated tormented, torpedoed, tortured
     most decades from my yesteryear,
     which aye presumed long passed.  

now, within my head "guerilla"
     warring faction
     lobs a grenade followed by "bombs away"
broadside finding this body electric doing

     a kamikaze nosedive into sick bay
where major organs suffer direct hit
     analogous to a giant fist
     smashing pumpkins,

     sans thine flesh as if clay,
which psychic sortie plagues my ability
     to function reduced
     tub bing bedridden one day

approximately one week ago
     from this thirtieth of April
     tooth house sand ate teen gray
ting, grinding, and grounding with figurative

     threshing blades employed
     to winnow chaff from hay
literally crushing willpower,
     where invisible jaws

     of sharpened steel interlay
atop pulling stalwart garrison strafed,
     (akin to a crash test dummy) named Jay
Walking to become blindsided

     obliterating every last trace to stay alive
     hence, this emergency transmission,
     viz this bloke communicating
     desperate plaintive wail,

     that I haint okay
with plea PLEASE HELP
     this tortured soul on verge pray
begging tubby rescued before drowning

     like a panicky gull clay pigeon,
     and buoy albatross
     strangling me far distant from any quay
quickly sinking spirits,
     abducted via fiendish runaway!
hfallahpour Apr 2016
I wanted to tell you
I couldn't live without you
but no words came
When I told you go away
I expected you to say no way
and wipe my tears away
Your absence really torpedoed my life
Leydis Jun 2017
You were March in the month of December.
a vague promise of Spring,
but your spirit was frostier, than the month February.

You were the quiet storm I never saw coming.
A level five hurricane that torpedoed through
my hopes and dreams.

You were the spoken word of a plagiarizing poet.
You were the horror before the panic attack,
that panicked the little girl that lived happily in me.

You were that fiery rain in July,
which incinerated my satin skin alive.
You had the fire extinguisher in your hands,
yet broke the nozzle to watch me scorch and gradually die.

You were a once a year-twenty four hour sunset
in an Alaskan sky.
You had a crimson light in you
that made the devil squirm as he looked into your soulless eyes.
In my innocent eyes,
I thought that light was special,
I didn’t think, it would be the malevolent light of the East.

In a million years, did I think, that light,
would blind,
would hurt,,
would break,
would burn,
would abased,
would debased,
would bring me to my knees.

I saw all the angels,
I saw Jesus,
I saw God,
Mother Mary,
even the devil-interceding for me.
Yet their shrieks were not endearing to thee,
For nine hours you forced your demonic self and beat me.

But here I am.
I am stronger, than you would ever be!

Maria Skoularíkou Panoútsou


Translated from the Greek by the poet Yannis Goumas


to Mark Court


A bird perched on a branch.

The man under the branch listens to a cricket.

My childhood friends have aged today.


Nothing brighter than your image.

I remember you, your eyes half-shut, dear one.

Your chest all white

and the flames of your eyes, a sorrow.

Dreams are often a repeat performance

of my arriving in a metropolis with narrow, sloping streets,

much like shadows on our lips, on nights at Covent Garden.

Trampled flowers along the pavement

remind me of the cheap Italian wine,

after leaving the Chinese restaurant for uncertain formalities.

O you, god of love!

We spent our nights on borrowed beds

caressing and crying all night long.

Oh how I loved our own flesh and blood,

and we cried together and alone,

together and again alone.

We lived, what we dreamed of.

You were a bright star in the acts of God.

And now, on the damp streets of dawn,

childhood’s spittle on your grey head

censed the cold air, and you remember

the time I held your fingertips or the hem of your blouse

to prevent me from slipping on the curb.


Your handwriting or your knitted brows

before they ease, take me back.

The movement of your pelvis: the most beautiful ever seen.

Your hand, held to your belly,

or your whistling, as you gingerly walked up the stairs,

like a bird about to fly.

The thought of our encounters is harrowing.

So keep to the city’s outskirts.

And your figure is wedged into the swaying cerebellum,

and memory, a lecherous rattle, brings you as a censer.

At the end of the garden you planted jasmine,

and on the bathroom’s shelf tea rose.

On those nights the gods gathered on the one pillow.

While still asleep, saliva dribbled from your mouth into mine.

Bury your anxiety, all are figments of my imagination.

You, far away, are blissfully protected.

One lonely evening as my heart was writing verses,

I saw a dream.


I saw that I had passed over,

one night when a sallow moon

saw me shedding tears of love.

It kept on changing shapes.

I stalling and it preserving its shine

till dawn, waiting

for us to go together beyond the firmament.

Then my impetuous dress rushed out into the street

along with the ghosts and mice.

The wise owl came after me,

hooting for me to get back.

What a frightful call reached my sides!

What a beat stronger than a heartbeat!

It takes long to forget.

And the sky covering me is now unrecognizable.

I’ll leave, I thought, I’ll go to him.

And I reached the moon.


The moon on the street made a pothole of its body

and with quick movements embroidered a cocoon.

This it used to cover me entire, as spiritual things

kept calling me to them.

First stop, a small circle of fire.

As the flames licked the darkness,

the moon was transformed into a man.

He looked like all other men I had fallen in love with.

He clasped me in his arms, and we ****** each other.

We went deep and deeper still into the fiery disc.

With throbbing movements our bodies

passed through the fire

and onto a placeless place in the form of white,

luminous dust.

I woke up when my arms had become

knobbed branches, my legs

cobwebs, and my hair cubes of chestnut leaves.

My eyes stones, my ******* swings, and my entire

skeleton a ladder for divine, wingless birds,

and I no longer knew where I was.

Then the moon came to me quietly again, and I

once more went into ecstasies of balance on its back.

I started kissing it. I kissed it all the way,

and my fingers penetrated into its cell mass.

It left me on a home seashore, on top of a rock, while it,

a shadow of its former self,

dived into the frozen waters and disappeared.


This time of night only a few cars are still on the roads.

At street corners: garbage and cats.

You’ve been away from me for years.

I become a shadow of your thought,

like the wind that in the dark

passes through the cracks and comes uninvited.

In your memory’s circle I’m also like a May wreath,

placed above your bed,

and I am burdened with monastic indulgence

and shallow seas and lagoons.

We were born in a golden cage,

hearing balalaikas and seeing dances,

thus you showered me with divine chestnut

gifts from head to toe.

But whoever hasn’t lived on earth,

can’t remember the evening clouds.

Now I offer my ******* to your two hands, so let us stay

right here, as on a Saturday, a day of rest, joy, day one.

How many times didn’t I call women

from other hours to take me

with them to quieter countries.

My limbs have become museums

for loved men and women.

When the sun rises again,

don’t ask it what you asked yesterday.

Get on a horse and go to earthen

graves before you are one with

roses, raisins, feathers, oils,

pine needles and fig milk….

It’s autumn, and

I had hoped to see you

passing in the distance.

The letters are neatly

stacked in the box of pebbles,

on top of which the fan.

Let everything rest as we say goodbye.

Io, mourns alone in the castle keep,

accustomed to ancient laws.

One last look at the large bedroom

and the narrow bed next to the window.


Shut in her room with the scent of roses

pounded with wet stones

picked one by one from the riverbank and shining still,

Hesione struggled to remove the clasps

which she placed on a piece of cloth weaved by her grandma.

Days later she lay in bed wrapped in a sacred vestment.

Secret hopes torpedoed her body

and for a moment removed the clasps from the groin.

All worthless.

People were buried nearby.

The freshly-dug graves smelled of tamarisks.

She and the Thoans scanned the sea.

Nothing reminded one of who she was and why she mourned.

She forgot all about Hercules, thurifications and joys never to be.

Now all worthless.

Hesione: daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy, and sister of Priam.She was chained by her father on a rock to be

devoured by a monster in order to appease the anger of Apollo and Poseidon. Hercules promised to deliver her, for a reward of Laomedon’s wonderful horses, and killed the monster.


Throw the weak days away

for them to fight with vultures and win,

for all to be done quickly and brightly

like the most brilliant stars,

like the white nights,

when loves die and in the morning lovers split

with a pain between the eyes, between the ribs.

You and I shall fight together with

pleasures and appeals,

transient and futile changes.

The love I forsook to be with you first and alone,

doesn’t wait for the moon to rise

and retaliate for my deed.

I must be going now, before you realize t

hat I don’t really exist,

that I’m only light

casting its cells for the last time

on a human face.


The wind passed through the trees’ foliage.

Sandy, remote corners of no-man’s land.

Pine trees’ truncated branches.

A glance stands against every lover,

and yet last night I heard our song

as the full moon rounded the sky

and ever since passion instils twilight and dawn on my windows.

All is damp, and the wicker chair a trap.

I sought to fall in with the lines on the horizon,

and monstrous conches tattooed your face

on my white arms.

A seagull won’t be saved by sea food,

but from your hand, as you feign throwing

breadcrumbs slowly on the whitecaps.


The ball of wool rolled beyond the hills and a cautious dog sniffed at it, ears drooping, like a gull resting on a briny wooden beam washed by the sea all day.

In the middle of the road corn undulated in the wind, and beyond stretched the sea. The nights all quiet in the last years of rainy glimmer. It was at this time that the corpse came to the front door of an old house and the windows rattled.

Then people, like a multicoloured incubus, turned their backs and took the alluring road of night.

The children came out of their homes and ran laughing through the back streets. In the hullabaloo so passed Carmen, neatly dressed. Her skirt was embroidered with crescent moons, and behind, for a belt, a trimmed mantilla, a tiny nest for lilliputian birds.


The black dress lying on the wooden floor.

Sweaty hands, earlobes frosted over.

You are incapable of mastering her unruly *******.

I see men’s eyeballs

adjacent to the outer world.

I look at the lips smeared with spittle,

the steaming nostrils, the bitten nails.

The bloated bodies have tightened the wedding rings.

The soles stretch heavily. All movements slow-footed.

Dead calm.


Man discovered his image on the lakes and was amazed.

At night, when the others had gone,

he ran in secret to see this face again

on moonlit waters, shivering all over.

I, too, a child of Sisyphus, search for my image in those

shining eyes hurrying by.

As they keep their eyelids shut, dry without the flow of tears

that bring messages of hope, I pour out short words, since

the lakes now seem far away, while the rivers and seas

no longer reflect my mien and colour.


Love awaits me in your abyssal-like black armpit,

in your intimate parts, intoxicated by your fluids.

But for a couple of moonbeams below the brow, your countenance is dark.

Once I dreamed of art, now I study the art of love,

how to weave shoals in dreams at night.

I approach you with lascivious movements, and before me, one and only,

you lead me, at long last, to beauties and thoughts.

I really do look inhuman

standing as I am so far from you,

leaving you to look at me thoughtfully.


The winding road I kick,

as a motionless stork in its nest.

On the ground chickens are hatching eggs

and ***** with their early crowing

recite a melody.

Breathless rose petals lie on my *****.

I walk on the red earth

and triumph follows me tracing muddy lines.

I belong to the generation that didn’t experience war.

On paintings and in books we came to know of sorrow,

O you, valiant ones!

And we, our lives plucked clover.

And the acacias look lonely, but not without a swarm of bees!

Up till now, my food was sprinkled with a deadly dust,

and Mary from Egypt shows me the Alexandrian grapes!


Everything amassed in the driver’s look.

Konstantínos or Dimítrios or Nikólaos or


Tríkala-Athens  Athens-Tríkala. The others around me are dozing;

the road alone keeps me company.

I saw lots of people in the village that evening.

The half-dark, half-lighted street hid a corpse.

They are lacerating the oceanic limbs of my beautiful beaux,

men I spent nights with, struggling in their embrace to uproot victory.

The stories from one thousand and one nights wanted me alone to stay awake!


I’ll tear up the paper and go back in history.

When I still hadn’t met you, in Columbus’ time.

For your sake I combed my hair, did the washing,

dried hankies and watered the hyacinth.

On the door hangs the cloth of expiation.

It’ll become dusty with time, and the junk dealer will charge for it as much as for a quick cup of coffee.


Turn round. There I am.

Next to the chair, by the stove.

On the first stair, at the slightly open door

that as you go to shut it, it shrinks back

and remains open.

I let you go

relying on what freedom?

The world is full of bodies,

mine, you’d say, was the enslavement of your soul.

And you with this face, only pressed to a woman’s breast

can I forget the yearning that sews me.

It was raining that summer, I recall.

I was aged twenty and you fifteen.


Flames are flaring  the end is near 

And you, far off, were thinking of me and touching your chest.

We here cannot hear the river boat’s whistle

bringing us tidings.

We await your return  why is the truce delayed 

and devilish, light-coloured time presses us

for pillow talk.

Come back  your presence is needed

 your gentle hands convey

life’s desires bound to end, and who knows

when we’ll find Pandora’s box 

The back room bears the odour of your body.

Scattered newspapers are yellowing like autumn leaves.

Here and there I make out letters. Your love letters

written in the same alphabet.


The velvet armchair’s pleats have changed shape.

The stitches, tiny loose openings over the worn calico.

An apple on the soiled material,

and all around light from the candle you just lighted.

The house is packed with people.

Delicious food and coloured drinks.

There’s no silver or gold or myrrh,

only your plain and proper gestures sap everydayness.


I’ll start again from the first footprints,

the first nail scratches.

Sand-hewn swirls surrounded by spume.

On high, winged things pillory the truth.

Would that a wish rinsed human nature,

and the body of clay emitted bars of gold

of devotional gifts.

My short skirt hides my groin, snow

-white and plump,

with fine pink folds, soft and damp,

with a dripping light.

The soles’ throbbing beats time, restless beat

by pacing to and fro along the pavement.

Let us all together pitch into the waking

sound,each one a dead drunk Lazarus.

On the table a slice of bread cut by

an unknown hand,

and a jug of water standing in motion.


The last days went by without your fiddling

with the creases on my ******,

your running up the stairs to grab my leg

on the last but one stair. I hold my hips still,

but no hips, hidden or not, escape you,

and now you squeeze me on your legs.

The smell of spilt ink has become one with the wind.

You’ll rediscover it as a cloud, a little darker

than the brown armchair.

Stubbornly surd, it drives you there to spend your life

in the companyof thieves, liars, persons dishonest,

lecherous, insane.

What is it that remained endless and

condemned me to write,

throughout my life, fairy tales for me to read?
Koel May 2020
Two birds spiraling in the air
following invisible currents
not sure if they're fighting or dancing
a singular bird detaches itself to join the black feathered tree
a signal, a 6th sense and the sighing ascent
whorling indrawn infinities in a parking lot
mimic the wink of scales and whisper of movement unheard
with torpedoed underwater shrapnel of individual forms
vast landscapes made minuscule by little giants
creating living patterns, unknown beasts, maybe sentient?
nivek Mar 2021
I live in a haunted paradise
natures beauty forever giving.
But there are ghosts here
young men in their prime
cut down in war.
They inhabit the Military Cemetery
just down the road.
But some nights they march
down to their ghost ship
the one torpedoed
the one eight hundred souls drowned in.
(to the rescue and save the day
and hoop fully a damsel in distress!)

Impending thunderstorm
"FAKE" MAGA (nah) if fuss sent)
thwarted, torpedoed - dag nabbit, and *******
assigned, mandated, and self selected
online poetic writing session.

Yours truly forced to re-learn (ASAP)
at greased lightning speed
archaic pre-internet state of stone age
Neanderthal fashion scribbling.

Throwback versus instant
electronic, excel (lent)
and/or accessible wireless
modern twenty first century
glorious, illustrious, and marvelous
cyber space sand trap convenience.

Primitive pinched chicken scratch
unwittingly, albeit long since
atrophied, compromised, skully mouldered,
and penultimately quashed (innocuously)

manually cumbersome art
grinding fingers to the bone
sorely missed (ha)
archaic crimping methodology.

Etchings on papyrus long since
went the way of
rubber baby buggy bumpers
(sincerely Amish immensely)
reducing das dada do little
(spur of the moment sobriquet)

to revel opportunity
pecking out chicken scratch,
I will own sole misfortune
to attempt deciphering,
when long reign
of Zeus subsides.

One doth not realize
technological advantage
until adversity sidetracks
innovation to brainstorm
without compromising legibility.

Hmm...I wonder
if there might be an app for that  
long lost painstaking
effort to get the lead
(er graphite) out???
I crack my elbows across banisters while you force red candles into
Lee Liberace's corpse. I believe you're a fractured shard of leg bone
torpedoed like shrapnel, strafed across Normandy Beach, of course.

— The End —