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I am a hero hipster ******
drunk on this ****** ****** feed
that i sell to little kids.

This rightous symbol tattood on my feet
is a leftist emblem parlor trick
boasting stellar excapades
written in communist blood.
Brea Brea Jun 2013
and I still get very nostalgic
about the first boy I kissed
and the tentacles of it
not light and fluffy at all
he was my best friend
and I get very alarmed by this life
and how short it can fall
he used to say that
"nobody gets me like you do."
but I didnt know who he was
I still dont know who or what is behind that cloak of darkness
what real stories are behind that bookshelf
and it was alarming and scary and DANGEROUS
and thats how I feel
but who's to know what I feel
because I like it that way
you'll never know whats on my heart
on my mind, on my mind, on my mind
in loops
it's ****** alarming, and scary and DANGEROUS
its what makes me do what I do
on your computer
The urge to violate the trust
because I am suddanly fearful
that the boy that I love is doing what I said he could
because I wanted your love
I still need it
and here I am
moving in with you
and it's racing in my mind
where's Sonia gonna sleep?
In our bed?
no, your bed
but in my head its OUR bed
the one in which I CAN ALWAYS FIND SLEEP
and its killing me inside
because I said you could because I wanted you to
and I've always been like that
freedom to those I LOVE!
but I'm crippled when I'm with you
my mind and logic are lopsided
because I'm in LOVE WITH YOU
and it hurts!
but it's like you walked on into there
and you hold and grasp
and the tables become violently upturned
and the vases all break
shards of glass and water is EVERYWHERE
EMBEDED in my memory
in the walls of my beating heart
and the glass is carried throughout my blood vessels
that a  little peice should find its way to a major artery
and do me in there!
put an end to my painful existence in your sweet and tender arms
but then
So that I dont feel an ounce of pain
before it hits me like a rock
****** from my heart down to my GUTS
Have MERCY on my heart!
Because I made an OATH to myself to NEVER GO BACK THERE AGAIN!!!
but your healing touch is egging me on
reaching me slowly
and its killing me
with feathery kiss
so kiss her
so make love to her
and I will struggle with the fact that I know
as a Christian God would know
that I am special to you
that I am yours
that nobody will replace me
as you yourself have said
with words and soul parts
and intimate parts
because I value your freedom in the way you value mine
in the way that lights me up
and sets me free
but still I will loose my senses
because thats the first sign that I've allowed myself to feel
to be in love
with you
Dear Feb 2013
We are malnourished of blankets and binkies
Mother’s breast and meaning
We are earthquake spirit lands rumbling for peace
We are a bright light that plays on squinted eyelids so that you may see
We are the kaleidoscope of what is and what could be
We are
Not worker bees.
We are dry mouths and cracked lips thirsty
Drinking crying eyes and kissing empty hands
We are seraphim
Selling ourselves on suburban streets
We are cherubs
Peddling angel dust to children’s gums
Slipping LSD under their tongues
We are a fall from grace that knocks the air from chests
So we may realize what it is to BREATH!
We are One from within
With or without sorrows or the tedium of tomorrow
We are our crystal innocence and reptilian rigidness
We are a mirror
Reflective of all that surrounds us
We are the lush trees and the desolate land bound by fences and man’s prosperity
We are the lake
Warping realities reflection with ripples and rhombuses that wrinkle our surface with every stone skipped
Galaxies teeming underneath

Become what we didn’t know
Find the eternal reassurance that no matter what will be, is, or was, WE WILL BE!
yes Sep 2018
My nose is runny
God knows which illness it’s from
My head is hurting
I don’t know how it’s still on
I am still aching
After all the breaking that was done
I am still burning
Oh how the table’s turning

No one had a part in this self rightous suicide
Everyone was afraid of what would be my homicide
It isn’t okay to do
It is terrible if you continue to refuse to conform
You can’t make yourself happy
Just calm down and let us make the rules

My nose is runny
God knows which illness it’s from
My death is coming
It sure knows how to haunt
I am still lying
That I am alright
I am still crying
That they already got a bite

Now I am running
God knows where I am really from
My end is coming
Who Knows if it’s the real one?
I am still dying
But I know how to hide
From the ones who are in control
Who make everything so dull
tolo man Jul 2013
dark skined men brave yet hated
anger wound up beneath the skin
rightous and heroic
kindredly spireted

elfs related to these people
leaving their homeland for few more gold
frost they are not used to
summer there homeland holds.
stillhuman May 2021
I have never seen darkness
like yours
So palpable
Terrorizing me
hauling my choice
to ever forgive it

It felt like a knife
inches away
breathing on my neck
cold like the dead
that never said goodbye

I had to fight it
stand rightous to its madness
keep it contained
like blood spilling
from my hands cupped
trying so hard
to just
save it

And I won
or i thought i did
but the darkness remained
still kept me hostage
behind your back
you didn't notice
you didn't see it
the bruise from impact
the apathy covering
hiding sheltering
the obnoxious selfish heaving
of my trapped naked self
enveloped by darkness
The one that almost took your life
The one that ruined our night
that still holds me tight
as i try to survive
and it was never your fault, it never was
"Time is valuable, life is priceless, love is confusing, and thought is immortal. Immortality is a thought, but with that thought love of existance is no longer priceless; for valued moments cannot be continual!"

- At the drop of a dime the situation turns critical. Everythings dark with no signs of light. Unknown noises come from unknown sights, mind boggling predicaments flipped by the switch of a light. What was once unknown is now known by only the eyes of the beholders unconcious mind! Never concious! Never seen by the naked eye! Locations thought to be real, are now realized; just ones fantasies.

Who's to say fantasies are not real, as trips through the mind are as unreal as reality alone; Right? Repetitive solemn thoughts are mistakes condoned from wrong Nor right answers untold!

Ones' mind such as my own cannot register such terrorism on ones' soul. Horrid thoughts opposite of such random sights - no answer in my sorrowed tone of visions sought in my fantasies.

As I span for up front answers in what I now can see I cannot decifer the truths from lies. But at the same instant i cannot decide if what slips through my own teeth is rightous and worthy of praise or dishonor. . .

Once I spoke of great realistic prophacies. Future referances is all to be spoken  - for present slips to fast to past - and no time is taken to elaborate on such vast plans for present moments.

I blink in hopes of focus on what i could not identify seconds earlier! Come to realize I am still in what I thought was my safe zone . . .

Obviously it was at my acknowledgement of error to induce my mind to such unrealistic nonsense. Scattered information non-applicable of re-alligning to make since to anyone! But my self i seem to understand all information only scattered never alligned.

Confusion all around, sleep i think? Could that straighten such a collage of random blubber?

        LETS TRY!!

Later on by a day and a half reality hits; like a parking brake in mid action of a donut! Snowy, icy, sketchy situations to awake to . . . After coming to a complete stop, i speak: First time in what seemed to be many days. . .

  "J.J. where are we? How did I get in your car? Man my head hurts! What the ****?!"

Replied to me, "Dude you were TRIPPIN man, never again am I going to feed you booms hommii!"

"I concure man, I concure!"

Lasting adventures, crazy spins! we go in circles over and over again . . . Out of gas, we walk in turn . . . To a warm destination.

- Decided to my place.
Larry B Jan 2011
I wasn't there when you were born
I was in a foreign land
I wasn't there to see you walk
Or take you by the hand

I wasn't there when you turned one
My country needed me
I wasn't there to hear you talk
I'm as sorry as can be

I wasn't there to see you smile
When you met Santa Claus
I was here defending peace
They say, a rightous cause

I wasn't there to slay the monsters
That live beneath your bed
I wasn't there to tuck you in
Or kiss you on your head

I wasn't there to say goodbye
And wipe the tears you cried
The day they came in uniform
And told you that I died
Zenobia Feb 2010
I've heard it said
We're only vistor's here on earth
That our real home is up in Heaven
If You Believe
When things said true or untrue
Then is it the rightous who are barely saved
What chance will the Godless have

Be careful
Watch out for attacks from those
Who our the greatest of enemies with no soul
Their on the prowl
Like hungry roaming lions
Looking for victims to tare apart
Standing firm with their own beliefs and goals

Stand up and trust
In God
He's the true strength to getting us through
Any and all storms
When one of us around the world is attacked
It affects us all in suffering  
Go and stand up for courage
Not with Fear
Surrender it in God's Hands

Raise your thought of consciousness
The core of Peace is near
The enemy of Fire
Be ****

(upwc)Zenobia/aka/LadyZ710 - 1/31/10
Red Jul 2018
I curse alcohol whilst drunk
but return to the bottle each night
empty promises to myself
words spoken yet action avoided

I only loathe drugs when high
but every morning i itch for another hit
another blurred emotion
a charade of self respect
only presenting itself during my sinful indulgences

I'm self rightous when i return to your bed
claims of my higher standing
announced only when you lay ontop of me
every other second i spend thirsty for your attention

My thoughts chant lies when guilty
repeating the exaggeration of my worth
******* speeches to myself
calms my hypocritical nerves

My concious is trying to save me from my own judgement
creating temporary insight to make me feel adequate
but thoughts are not real words let alone real actions
they count for nothing
only fulfilling my own desire to feel worth more than i am
Eleete j Muir Jun 2017
God made the country,
Unbeknowst to hope are we all as
Great oaks from little acorns grow;
So many countries gilt,
So many cultures, alack
unblemished feathers of eternal service
Scabbard in sheaths quilling Gods glossary
And man made the town, pilgrimiges and suffrages;
A foredoomed geniture of the Evil Ones chaology
Hewn to bell the cat.
The worst of Heavens vengeful justice is not
Always rightous as in faithfullnesses eschewal.
The Heirophants pen a tolling knell
Without any hope; least said
Heaven twice, soon mended-
As words in mode of passion are
Material manifestations and
Manners make the man whilst the
Hand that rocks the cradle cannot
Put brains into statues; but,
Yet, rule the bilge when the
Angels doxology enunciates war on
The world as the Devil espies all
And God ensconces but the few!

Joe Thompson Apr 2022
When all the people
I am or have been
Finally meet up with the people
I ought to have been
I hope there are are no angry words
Or bitter accusations
Of betrayal or cowardice.
No Self Rightous pronouncements
or objects sent sailing across the room to smash into a thousand shards against the wall.

No, I hope we celebrate
The infinite variety of our imperfect selves
Each of us formed out of circumstance and necessity, fear, dreams, love and chance -
Though not necessarily in that order.

Joe Thompson 2022
Harry clute Jun 2017
As a whole we separate devide lean upon selfish lies swim in shallow waters cycle on rims without tires tell ourselves what we wispher inside the quiet of our minds is rightous to dismantle one another is to destroy what is most valuable of our souls what is most valuable to our surival
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
All that care bout me so much poor the choice of words
where do they find the time
Is what i really wanna know.

Dont they have kids of
their own to **** up
Thou even a broken clock
Is right twice a day and so.

All that prays for my soul
How i would appreciate
i guess we will never know
Since im not in your hands.

As I raise my glass to toast
Worry about your own fates
Givin back just as borrowed
In our land we like to say.

To all that part in the rumor
Crossing the rightous man
Read the word over and over
I advice you to read it again.

Takes more than song to dance
In my homeland is wellknown
I know gods better than them
ChiRho i saw along another four.

In skies introducing themselves
In dawn of day we had become
Sun rose to glory god did accept
If knowing better, should know.
John Bartholomew Jan 2022
Those automatic doors slide aside
A nod from the cashier sat reading a TV Guide
You don't want food but it's always worth a look
Ten glass doors of refrigerated crap
Might have a bite and forget that diet book
From a Ginsters cheese and onion slice
To a Scotch egg with Coke, I wouldn't think twice
Still forty five miles from wife and my home
This'll plug that gap, from some microwave dinner and her everyday moan
A quick glance at the mags including Readers Wives and the over Sixty Fours
Hell, why look up there, that's what the mobile phones are for
So sat in my Volvo XC90 in the car park just stuffing my face
We've all done it knowing its a selfish disgrace
That secret pre eating of food which we all really and truly embrace
And of the self rightous it would really really annoy
But you only live once,
you naughty naughty boy.

Garage Food

"It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun" - Pintrest

"I was approached to be the face of Ginsters pies, which is hugely flattering of course, but I had to turn it down because the sheer number of freebies would have been a death sentence." - Garth Marenghi:
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
In name of our fair king and for sake of poets a dream as love for lovers might be, the reason. Dont be afraid, my dear ones.

In affair rather public the matter known that means but so little much to me as an ache  of a souls thats hungry what dawn is for the birds to sing a bit too soon and wine for the drunken to laugh without a clue is my permission as spoken to i am to speak to adress the youth and the power behind the wheel thou not too soon as still at spin. To advice as adviced by own hearts council.

"Zacnem na konci, aby som skoncil na zaciatku." Wise man once said. Among other in his right. Man is free! And that be sacred to any that wish to ever walk with God. Rumors out of my will at fold them vicious hearts way to wish so much injustice upon their fellow men. Whatever threat the reason. May keep days up at nights. Whatever guilt. Whatever philosophy they mind rotten by undecision twisted by silent lies way untold kept still in its core of their own bloodlines to suffer what answers wrong how nothing hurts and how long it does unknowingly and unknown and untill. Doctor of the sick like flowers because of the spring. The summer.

At the meet of a soul of any at terror name you call kind the spirit and ask: is it justice or injustice that you suffer? Are you beautiful or are you rightous? For merci you ask and for merci you answer.

So at the dawn of time, or the moon in vain, sun is no more by nor shadows it casts. Yet the charm truly charming the call of the spell bold the man and foolish the heart adviced set on the road sent to advice the same by its own council.

I appeal your soul to mind near and love the words as i cherish that house they praise. Our home this land. To protect my interest, for dear to me. From strangers that would treat as somebody elses and enemies that would find it to be a threat and brothers, because you have sinned. And because you are. I know because i am. Youre sins are forgiven. Sin no more. With a deed of washing your hands you shall be resolved. Because i said!

Not your burdon is what i seek, but your trusting heart and an honor of lended ear. Kept in care of doubt. At most i ask for i name my price to be. To ask, be worth a while and of the answer worthy. Men we shall.
shika Aug 2020
I want to be like him.
Take all the hate, the ugliness this world has to offer
And not let it change me.
Only fuel my desire to change, help the hurt, and heal the broken.

True kindess, true love, the strongest tidal wave of change and light.

To be able to hurt and sit with the pain and my broken brother and sisters, and not let hate fill me.

Because Hate seems like one of those things that makes it easy to take self righteous and understandable anger, transforms it into a harmful force, no matter the rightous cause.

And if one can harness true love and kindness, and not let it change the heart and soul into a weapon, not let the evil and darkness poison it, but rather rise above

That's a real super power

You can do what you want to me, yell about my perceived weaknesses. Try to tear me down, try to make me angry and bitter,

But I wont stop loving you. I wont stop believing in your intrinsic worth. We may battle for right and wrong, may disagree and fight,

But you will never cease to be a being deserving of mercy, grace, love. And redemption

We can be better. Let's be better.
Tintin Sep 2024
At 16 full of rightous fury
A flurry
Of words hastily written
Hidden phone under desks
Words spill from the chest
Let the day end
Long for rest

17 responsibilities abound
how so little yet much, too much
A  growing
Of thoughts and anxious regrets
Begets questions and more questions

18, 19, 20 s
run in a blur
from the fetal postition
Period global pandemic
Panic, manic, static
Nother round-wait hold one

— The End —