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Umi Dec 2017
When everything ends, an angel plays a tune
When evrything ends, there's no flower to bloom
Will everyone then be in gloom ?

But don't lose hope he hasn't blown into the horn
Lose no hope and don't **** the unborn
Gentleness and patience is what we need
So don't be sad, don't fall into greed

Cheer up and take a look at the deep sea coral reefs,
Be impressed by their beauty and their great depths,
Don't be sickened by peoples beliefs,

And remember the man who disappeared without a trail...
He was swallowed by a by a whale...
It was Jonah until he had Prayed!
"My lord is forgiving, O mighty one"
And then there was aid

So don't lose hope my dear children
There is help. So don't fret,
And please also never forget
That mama will be here for you, remembering you the moments you smiled ~

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the lord
The gratest of the greatest who keeps his word,
Oh God, you are the highest notning can compare to you
You taught me everything I knew.

This one angel who does wait,
Is the one who knows our fate,
On that day, heavens and Hells gate,
Shall be opened for those who are righteous
For those who are trescious

Enjoy every moment of living oh children of earth
Our life could be taken any second...may even at birth
Enjoy the beauty of this world and remember..we're transient

Forgiveness isn't easy, grudges lead astray
Just pray (for them)
And you will find peace
And your hatred then shall cease
Just avoid the devil...please pass this test

I have attained realisation through my incapacity...
My submission and my broken mind
Is it enlightment which I will someday find ?

In pleasure and delight
Don't you see ?
And as long as you are pleased with me..
I cherish your glorious might..

For joy and expansion is my state...
The two things which I will wait (with)
And my motto and my cover

And the words which came from ours messengers mouths,
Have healed my hearts sickness
Has saved me from drouth

Be reminded of our short life
and don't be troubled with other folks strife
Just remember the blessings you have been given
and maybe, hopefully you will be forgiven

And under these drifting clouds even though the ages fade
With this unchanging life I can keep shining for you, and aid

And overcoming even time and space
May my gaze though fraught with sin leads you on to a happy life

Oh you humble soul,
Please do tell me, what might be your prescious goal ?
Is it this world you want to stroll (through!)

Oh you angels with all of your wings,
I would like to be amongst you it would be of the best blessings
With all your beautiful dressings
I would like to be an angel, sweet innocent and pure
That would bring me happiness for sure

I will work to be righteous....until everything ends, and that angel plays a tune

~ Umi
This title took so long to finish, I do hope you can enjoy it
Vampyre Kato May 2016
Hand Feet Tai Chi
Sun Gaze Poetry
Moon Light Candle Trees
Meditation Is My Tent
Trance Every Moment My Deepest Gaze
When I Speak To Women
Thier Pockets Start Swimming
They Get Wet
Memorized By My Passionate Vibe
Paranormal Eyes
Its A Sight To See Sweat Dripping From Her Neck
Precious Persian Soft ***** Stretched
I Ain't Gone Hide My Respect
Romance In All My Being
When I Rap When I Sing
Poetry When I Speak
Projects Excitement Through Everything
Lighting Netrualizes Danger
Energy Has Peaked The Frequency
I Send Love To Anger
& Low Vibrations
I Raise Questions Of Thing Created
Forced Station
Im Here To Raise Awarness
Flair Safe Changing
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
We steal like thieves
In the shadows of night

you and I...

these stolen moments
more prescious than gems
these stolen kisses
more valued than gold

we live like kings
in this fools paradise

you and I...

Where laughter is our currency
with an exchange rate
of forty giggles to a chuckle
or 100 chuckles to a smile

We are as one here
unheard and unobserved

you and I...

where we spend our time together
snuggling close, holding tight
wishing time too would let us be
as so hard to say goodnight

You and I
Colm Oct 2019
Blasted prescious seconds lost
Like cannon fire in the wrong direction
It's a shame to sink such prescious metals
Into an ocean so deep and unforgiving as this
Not very significant though. If the memory faded this quickly.
Katlyn Orthman Nov 2012
I have spent my life being silent
Sometimes I'd break down and get a little violent
But I'm tired of your words
All your 'ya I already heards'
I've been shouting at the top of my lungs
My lyrics haven't been sung
Won't listen to me please ?
Just me ! Just me!
This is unjust ! Unfair!
That you think you can school me because you've been there
Stop! Just let me speak
I am not this weak
Thing you've made of me
If you opened your eyes you'd see
That I am no phony!
I've been standing on this stage
But the curtains are always drawn
I've been waiting for my dawn
That I would be heard
I hate you!
You have never listened
I hate you !
You don't ******* care!
I hate you !
I wish you dead!
I hate you!
I wish i wasn't here
You ruin everything in my life
You cause my head aches and my strife
You know nothing of me anymore
I hate you, you worthless *****!
You said you would protect me !
You said you'd never hurt me !
But it's you whose slowly killed me !
we are family!
You always take they're side
You just run away and hide
Even after I defended you?
Ha I thought you'd do the same too
I guess I was asking to much
I'm not worth your prescious time
So I guess you can go your way
And I will go mine
Sorry for some of the language just needed to get this off my chest.  Me and my sister are in a terrible fight and I rather put here than where I could regret it
DieingEmbers Jan 2013
So many lost moments...

so many prescious kisses

arms that have felt the chill embrace
of your absence

bodies that occupy the same space
made strangers

but time and tide today held back
to make so sweet amends

as we once more share with one another...

one another.
SG Holter Apr 2014
She is as prescious to me as
The containment of
Newborn blood
To a parent.
Olivia Jun 2015
She has a bowl of wintergreen mints next to her rocking chair
Ms. Maggie May rocked back and forth with each creak and squeak of that **** chair

When I got off the school bus
she motioned me over
And she said, "child I've noticed something about you"
"Yes Ms May?"
"You walk with your head held high and look every adult in the eyes..."
"Yes Ms May?"
"But you never walk home with the kids your age, I never really see you play?

"Leads me to wonder if you're okay
I've watched you grow and seen what your smiles can do to a room of miserable Alexander's and their horrible rainy days
But have you ever made yourself smile?

Oh child you take yourself so seriously
but oh so easy on the others around you
If you continue on this way I fear you won't remember how to be okay in this great big world of insane."

"Ms. May I don't understand what you're saying, momma always told me to be sweet to strangers"

"Yes child it's important to be kind and generous to others
Those muscles around your mouth
Those prescious lips
Those are yours"

"This is what you do:
Make others happy by simply being you but don't you dare smile unless the effort is personally true"

I took a handful of winter mints, and nodded "Yes Ms. May"
Emily May 2018
Why I am feeling sad,
In real time it is not at all bad.

My sadness is broken down in the number of times I have to feel pain,
For pain is the escence of my sadness whereby I am feeling reluctance of tame.

Oh why do we get given so many lemons,
Oh so much that we force ourselves to be falsely mentioned.

It may make us weep,
For I choose to do the simplest tasks such as a sweep.
It makes me forget.

For the mind is a powerful tool if you train it right,
Train it to see life’s true colours under an excellent light.

For you never know what is next in stall for your prescious soul,
Whilst the hours, days and years go by time is it’s toll.
Please don’t let yourself be this doll!

Don’t let this get the better of you,
Because you may have found what is untrue.

Sadness can be caused by the pain of losing your soul of originality,
For you may be blind sighted and bounded by fragility.

You need to break through this,
Sometimes you need to take a miss!

Come now let us unleash the pain
Make us human again!

Sadness is a man made pain,
Eliminate sadness and you will be back in the game!
David P Carroll Jun 2022
I'll remember you in your heart
Every day and the good times
We had and our memories
Will never fade away
And I loved you every day
The times we cried
The times we fought
The joys of life shared together
And the memories we had forever
And I'll always think of you and
I'll always have these prescious
Memories forever because
I love you.
Our Heart's Will Be Forever 💖♾️🙏♾️🙏
The sandy haired man
without a last breath
Lay face down in the
root cellar
along with the others
who had metted
out death

The man in charge
demanded to know
who had found the bodies
partially covered in snow

"I did!", said the ten year
old girl
I could only imagine how
it had turned upside down
her prescious young world

Then the one in charge
asked if we had heard any sounds
Seen any lights
or anywhere around

I looked at the faces that I could see
Some stared back while the others looked down at their feet

The only sound was silence
in retreat
Oh ! and the wind and the shuffling of feet

"I want all of your names",
said the gruff man with disdain ,
"Your addresses , your phone numbers , so we can get back in touch again."

I looked down at the bodies
that must be frozen by now
Glad I wasn't the one who'd be moving them anyhow
Christina Kelly Mar 2020
We started the year carrying such great fear,
So many folk needing to don firefighting gear.
Prescious lives were lost amid the cruel fire,
Wildfires wreak havoc on the already dire.

Then out of the flames, love and giving arise,
Many dig deep in their pocket amid the demise.
Selfless firefighters thanked for work via songs,
Turning away from the any governing wrongs.

When in the background away from our soil,
In a distant setting, a virus comes to the boil.
It becomes very serious, they are all locked up!
Nothing in or out, but too late, it will erupt.

Travelling via people on planes and on ships,
So many laughing and enjoying their last trips.
But alas, soon laughter gives way to our fears,
Once again we are worried and brought to tears.

This virus catches up to most every world shore,
No matter your status, the rich and the poor.
Become infected with this Russian Roulette,
Who will survive this, but who will it get?

We pray for our future as this Covid unfolds,
So much sickness that dear lives will be sold.
The Doctors and Nurses fighting for our lives,
Most will recover but so many won't survive.

We must look to our future after all this is done,
Our brave new world won't resemble the old one.
Move forward we must, with plans at the ready,
We will hold hands together, strong and steady.
Robert Guerrero Jun 2020
I'm not the god I thought I was
Reckless beyond all hope
Dodging more bullets than *******
Expecting concrete to be soft
Laying my life on the line
Thinking it was a safe bet
Adrenaline pumping pushing myself
Over every ledge I climbed
I may be the master of my own creation
Yet nowhere did I master my own emotion
Gambling feelings like poker chips
Life's own currency
Wasted on one night stands
Sipping the cup of life
Toxic in all its flavor and aroma
Stressed when my heart pockets are empty
Checks bouncing as I dance from girl to girl
Dinner dates and movie tickets
I've wasted my own prescious resource
Mining for a gem
Fooled by gold's luster
I don't want to die this way
Collecting debt with my sanity
Worrying the wealth I have left
Will be stolen from me again
I'd rather invest in my own goals
Mine for the strength to see myself
Without smoke and mirrors
So here's the only safe bet
Guaranteed to win
One quick glance in the mirror
Straighten the tie
I know I'm going to win
As long as my faith remains in myself
Chris Balase Sep 2019
You say to yourself that you're ugly
Perhaps you've only gauged yourself
On the same level that this shallow world has set.

You don't see the glimmer of hope
You bring whenever you smile
You don't notice how
The room brightens a little bit upon your entrance
You don't notice the joy you've given
To my weary soul
And perhaps you don't understand the depth of your presence, the power of your words, and the overwhelming comfort of your embrace.

Perhaps I should remind you daily
That your genuine beauty is what I had searched for.

Perhaps I should remind you daily, that your prescious whispers have anchored my otherwise drifting abyss...

Beyond compare, your true beauty is.
I wish you could see that.
Ayoola Aug 2020
Tik tok,the clock sounds
Ding **** the bell rings
Prescious time whiling away like the stream
The light of my dream, becoming

All words but no action
I feel like being the best
Not to my surprise,I fell among the rest
My life turning into an improper fraction

The result of not preparing
Is now makes me tearing
Now that everything turns hard
My voice is too feint
For my cries to be heard
But it is not the right time to faint

Being successful was my dream
But the pay for it, is what I wasn't prepared of
Now I realize that I was in a dark dream
Is it now time for my layoff
Always  be prpared to pay the price for your dream, hard work only pays
The act of negligence shouldn't be a culture to be practiced

— The End —