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No Pockets on My Clothes

One Act Play

Alexander K. Opicho

For what is yours to bestow is not yours to reserve,
William Shakespeare, (Twelfth night).

1. Masika – Catholic Catechist
2. Engalamasi – wife to Masika
3. Nabutusiu – Masika’s girl child
4. Kantawala – Catholic Bishop, of Ndambasi Diocese.
5. Busolo – Area member of Parliament of Ndambasi Constituency.
6. Kasili – treasurer of the Cemetry authorities.
7. Abdulla – A muslim and neighbour to Masika
8. Wenwa – Leader of the baarefu clan to which Masika belongs.
9. Clansmen I and II, Mourners and gravediggers.
10. Diaba – Caretaker of Catholic Church houses in which Masika hails.


In Ndambasi village of Western province of Kenya at Masika’s house.
Masika: (feeling Nabutusiu’s temperature, with the back of his hand) my child is very hot. It is like she is a hot iron in glowing ambers of fire.
Engalamisi: She has been as hot as that since morning. Sometimes even more than that. I am worried.
Masika: Why should you be worried?
Engalamasi: Why must I not be worried when I have already buried my two sons? I am tired of carrying pregnancies for nine months; suckle two years, only to loose my efforts to death.
Masika: I am the one who got tired before. That is why I sold the ancestral land I had inherited from my father so that we could move to a new place. But remember we lossed our two sons to death because of the evil machination of my fellow clansmen. Good luck they are no longer near to us. We are now full fledged members of the Catholic Church. Just have strong faith, Nabutusiu; our daughter will be well very soon. She will not follow a fateful suit of her two brothers.
Engalamasi: The Catholic Church cannot prevent death. I am still worried. More so we are not living in our own home, we are now in a rented house. When my two sons died it was ok, I was in my own home, I had where to hold funeral from, I had where to burry them. Unlike now, I don’t know where am going to bury Nabutusiou.
Masika: My wife! Engalamasi have the gods sent you mad? – Why are you planning to bury a girl who is not yet dead? Nabutusile only has fever.
Nabutusiu: (whining and speaking fantasia) Ooh! My head is burning. My stomach is boiling, my forelimbs are cracking away. I have seen  an old  man ………….man on the sky he is telling me. His name is wenwa….he is preparing out-door fire in three stones…..he is persuading me to go! Oho!
Masika: What!
Nabutusiu: Wenua! Wenwa! Wenwaaa!

Masika: (Leaving Nabutusile to sleep on a papyrus long chair, he covers her up with a shawl). What is worng with my clan? Why is the clan using Wenwa my cousin to finish my family?
Engalamasi: It is true; Nabutusile my child has never set an eye on Wenwa since she was born, she is only seeing him in the sky because he has spelled a curse of death against my child. He has finished her with his powerful voodoo.
Masika: Wenwa will finish a whole world with voodoo.
Engalamasi: Not the whole world, he is only keen on you. He has ever kept an owl’s eye on my house. His evil devices are all behind death of my two sons
(Enters Kantawala)
Masika: (To Kantawala) Karibu, come in your holiness.
Kantawala: Thank you, you all look not happy. What’s wrong?
Masika: Bishop, we are crying. My child, look, she is very sick and whatever verbal signs she has started to show are not good. Am struck with despair, sincerely Bishop am hopeless.
Kantawala: (stoops to examine Nabutusiu)
My daughter! My daughter! (looks up at Masika) is she sick or she is already dead! She is not breathing……her skin is stiff!.
Engalamasi: (rushes to where Nabutusiu is) Oho! She is already dead!Am now childless
(enter mourners)
Mourner I; (Wailling oin the top of the voice) what have you done girl, why didn’t you wait to die after Christman.
Mourners II: O girl! O girl! Why? Why? Young people don’t have to die.
Gravediggers I; (shouting) show me where I will dig the grave for her.
Grave digger II: (to grave digger I) style up! You want to dig the grave, have you prepared a coffin? Moreover, do you want to dig a grave in the rented compound?


In the mid of the night, there is full moon, frogs are croaking in a choir-like sound, crickets are also singing and the distant crying of the hornbill is also heard. Wenwa is alone on an anthill dressed in wizards gear, monkey clobus and animal skin, leopard tail in his hand with a calabash bowl before him tipping the whisker into  foul liquid on the calabash, whisking around  to spread the liquid as he speaks abracadabraec words in a soliloquy.
Wenwa; (monoloque) Go! Go! Go to death you ugly young girl.
Nabutusiu, go, follow your first brother,
follow your second brother.
Follow them; follow them to the land of deaths.
Follow them quickly
As you have no business
A moving the living
Your place of abide
Is the realm of ancestors
Go! Go! To day before dawn
Sets forth, it must get you in a complete rigor mortis,
Let the fever of evil gods
Sent you mad with twaddle and fold you,
Into a pykitonic curl of death
Die, die, die Nabutusiu!

And as you die mention me not,
Nor mumble about me not
The cause of your demise
Should remain unkown,
Mumble not my name,
Nor yell not my gender
Die silently in defencellesness,
Curl yourself up like a millipede,
Open wide your eyes and
Let you breathes be curtailed,
At once and for all can you die!

Let not your mother sire,
Again and forever let her not
Have her matrix to bear
Anything else closer to a chilld
Walk away to the land of death with all those
That will come after you
Your sisters and brothers
Let them die before birth
Let them be washed away
As a ***** waste forever
In the menstrual blood
Of Engalamasi your mother
Let the spell of infertility
Take hostage your mother’s matrix
And have it all as powerless captive,
Your Mother, that ugliest beast of a woman
Engalamasi your mother let her prosper.

Let the semens of his testicles,
Be charmless and impotent
Let his ***** forever
And ever stay powerlessly limp
Like a dead pullfinch,
Like a dead young mouse
Let Masika’s ***** be balmy
In his undergarments
Let him not ***** before
Any woman, any girl
Let him forget women,
Let women detest him
And let him fear women
in a perilous nausea let him
hold all women onset,
let none  his offspring be seen
anywhere in this land,
our dear land of bareefu.

Letr not the hands
Of Engalamasi and her husband
Be productive to yield anything,
The coins in his hands must
Disappear like smoke
Let them buy nothing
Not even a rabbit
Let poverty eat them
In ruthlessness of a powerful spirit,
The curse of nakedness let it be
On your heads, Engalamasi
And your husband Masika
With  her black fingernails,
Like the claws of the eagle
The spell of foodlessness
It is full might and gear,
Should hoover their household
Let them be poorest paupers
Of the land, east and west
They should die childless
Let Masika be wifeless,
Let him ever be making cold fire
At the barren and dumb fire yard
For generations and generations,
Then let him die alone,
In the housev with his eyes
Wide open, let no one close his eyes,
as he dies.


At Masika house, at the door yard, the cortege of dead Nabutusia in the coffin hanged on the stool. The mood is funeral like, sombre and mournful, clansmen, mourners, Engalamasi and Masika they are around, sitted at the round table on fold chairs, Mourners are Wailling, walking around the compound.

Clansman I: What is the problem with the clan of Barefu, does it mean it is nowadays blind to the problems of its own sons?
Clansman II: Who do you expect to answer you?
Clansman I: I was only thinking beyond boundaries of silence.
Engalamasi: (sobbing) what did you want the clan to do. My child is already dead; the clan has nothing to do. It can’t bring back my child to life.
Clansman II: (to Engalamasi) we already know that my dear sister –in-law. But what about the burial arrangements. The girl’s cortege has already lasted three days.
And remember it is a taboo in our community for the dead body of unmarried girl of this type (pointing at the coffin) to last for more than three days before being buried.

Masika; (chargedly) what has my girl begged from you! If her Cadavar lasts a week on the death bed before burial will it eat anything from your house? Keep your nose off from my child. She is dead but she is still mine.
Clansman I: Masika! You are an elder. The clan does not expect such a wind of words from the mouth of an elder like you.
Masika: Don’t tell me about your clan.
Clansman I: My clan?
Masika: What did you hear?
Clansman I: What I have just heard from you my brother, is not what I have ever dreamed of in my life. The clan can not be mine alone. It is our clan. One man cannot make a clan.

Masika: I stopped being a man of the clan. I am now a man of the church. The Catholic Church is my clan. It is my brother, it’s my sister, and it is my cousin. Nothing else, so don’t tire my ears with
Clansman II: Brothers, we are all mourning. And mourning has no rules and regulations. Let my brother Masika mourn his daughter Nabutusiu in any manner. His grieve is triggered by history of his experience with the clan.
Clansman I: But it is folly to reject your clan. What can one be without the clan?
Engalamasi: (sobbing) But what can be the clan if it glorifies in death of its people?
Clansman I: (to Engalamasi) my sister-in-law are you connotating the role of voodoo in the death of your daughter.
Masika: A thievish dog always cowardly bark when an old woman waves her cooking stick.
(Enters Kantawala)
Kantawala: My presence is very brief, because am to attend to a bigger funeral of one of our well-to-do Catholic faithful who passed away three days ago.
Gravedigger I (To Kantawala) you mean there is big funeral and small funeral?
Kantawala: What will you call the burial ceremony of a man with four wives, thirty sons and twenty of them are senior officers in the army? even one of them is a Catholic chaplain with the Keya Army Battalions in Sierria Leorne.
Gravedigger I: I will call it bigger funeral.
Kantawala: Yes, and even for your information, more gravediggers are needed there.
Clansman II: Let’s put a side the differences between bigger funeral and small funeral. Let the Bishop tell us his message.
Kantawala: Yes, that is true; I want to ask Masika how far he has gone with the burial arrangement of his daughter. Because the church leaders have only allowed  two days for him to stay with a dead body in the church compound.
Clansman I; (To Masika) How far have you gone with the burial arrangement my brother?
Masika: (To Kantawala) but Bishop…… Bishop…………. Bishop…………
Kantawala: Don’t take things lightly. Kindly remove the dead body from the compound of the church (walks away).
Clansman I; (to Masika) who told me that you are also a Catechist of that church?
Masika; (fearfully) I am a Catechist
Clansman II: Where did you take the money you were paid when you sold your ancestral land?
Engalamasi: (sobbing) what is now all these, doesn’t Bishop Kantawala know that my husband is a Catechist? That my dead daughter was baptized in this church? (She joins mourners, wailing) .
Gravediggers I and II: let us go, we are late for somewhere. But you can sent someone to call us when you are ready for grave digging.


In Wenwa’s house, Wenwa is dressed in a rain coat, and rubber gum boots, sitted on a papyrus chair playing a banjo, the base is most audible.

Wenwa: (playing a banjo and singing)
Gods of my land and our peole
You are great and marvelous
In your generousity, you gave,
To myself the most magnarimous heart;
Whoever that has never eaten form my palms
May be that one we haven not met
I have fed all people,
A thousand fold food ----seekers,
From my granaries, my baskets,
I extol and exult you gods
Might gods of my land
For the genuine heart
You gave to me fathomless,
Out of all the sons and daughers
Of this clan of ours,
The heroic clan of Barefu.
(Enters Busolo and Kasili)

Busolo: I love your songs they are nice and good.
Wenwa: Thank you, thank you a lot our leader. It is me who has to appreciate your coming to my house. Kindly have your sits (showing them where to sit as he puts aaside the Banjo).

Kasili (sitting) let me sit near the door, I am having some flu. I have to be going out to cough. You know.

Wenwa: it is not a matter my dear elder.
Busolo: (Taking out a cigarette) Wenwa let me sent you to bring me fire please; even if you are my knife-mate, my ‘Bakoki’.
Wenwa: Feel at home Bakoki, this house is as good as your own, (he disappears into the inner chamber and comes back with a glowing amber) Take it carefully my Bakoki, (handing the amber of fire to Busolo).
Kasili: Busolo, you could have brought a matchbox, these ambers of yours can soil hands of mhenshiwa.
Busolo: (blowing out ciggarrete smoke) fire is fire it doesn’t matter the source. Moreover ambers are good in saving energy (gives the amber back to Wenwa)
Wenwa: Has it burned the cigarette?
Busolo: Yes
Wenwa: (Taking back the amber) Good, I wanted that (comes back after throwing the amber at fireyeard at the inner chamber).
Busolo: Am now ok, than when I was coming in. I was getting suffocated of an urge to smoke.
Wenwa: Bakoki, you are right, there is no painful thirsty like that one of need for smoking. It is more harsh than an urge for alcohol.
Busolo: Very true
Kasili: What about an urge for Marijuanna?
Wenwa: Let me come back to answer you (disappears into the inner chamber, comes back with a kettle and mugs).
Kasili: You can now answer
Wenwa: (setting for Busolo and Kasili the mugs, pouring tea for them).
You know what, there is nothing as stupid as developing a habit of consuming Marijuanna. My brother here, my cousin brother you all know, he is none other than Masika. He began consuming Marijuanna. He also encouraged his wife Engalamasi to do the same. Bakoki, I want to confirm to you that the **** affected them badly. They began giving birth to undersized children, children that are as small as a shoe of a woman. The kids have been dying after a month, two months or so. Masika has now sold away his land at a throw away price. He again had to spend all the money received from selling of his land on Marijuanna. Bakoki, as we are talking now, Masika is a destitute of land. He now pretends to be a follower of the Catholic Church.
Busolo: (shaking his head), I now understand.
Wenwa: You better understand (stands to peep out) you are not taking tea, why?
Kasili: We are talking as we take.
Busolo: Now tell us, who bought the land?
Kasili: How big was the land? If I can ask before you give an answer to the question of your Bakoki.
Wenwa: Elders, your questions can even make me shed tears. My brother, that man; Masika and his wife Engalamas.uhm! Sold away two acres of ancestral land to a foreigner. To a person who cannot speak a single word of our language. People come here to mock me that our worthiness clan has lost land to a Somali others say he is a very rich Kikuyu.
Kasili: You want to fell me that Masika sold land of the clan to a Kikuyu man?
Wenwa: Where have your ears gone my fellow elder? The land is already gonie to the Kikuyus!
Kasili: Eheee! (tapping) his lap. Then I can also confirm that Marijuanna is bad.
Wenwa: Why not? Why not? What else can Marijuanna do to a man?
Busolo: (clearing tea from his mug) how can we help such a man now?
Kasili: (pushing a way a half empty mug). Am ok, I had already taken some tea at my home.
Wenwa: (to Busolo) to help him with what? Bakoki, such people should be allowed to chew the full size of their foolishness.

Busolo: What I mean is that helping him to bury his dead daughter.
Wenwa: Which daughter is dead?
Busolo: I don’t know the daughter, but I think he has been having a daughter who died four days ago. It’s Kantawala the bishop who told me.
Kasili: The girl is called Nabutusiu.
Wenwa: Nabutusiu is dead?
Busolo: Yes, Nabutusiu is dead
Wenwa: (laughing extensively) Masika will bury Nabutusiu in Marijuanna, no one told him to sell away his land, if not his ***** foolishness.
Kasili: This is not a laughing matter. In fact we came to consult with you, so that the site of buri
Haley Alexander May 2015
Why is she so Negative
Is it because she thinks she's cool
or because she is at school.

Her negativity makes me sick
I wonder what makes her such a never mind

Newsflash woman
People do have it harder than you
Some people like to smile
Some peole need inspirational quotes
Some people are happy

That you feel so
Kathleen Lisa Jul 2011
I hear a voice.
I'm not crazy...
Or am I?
The voice is persuasive.
A constant in my pitiful life.
It laughs at me.
Tells me I'm worthless,
No one cares,
I'm a coward for not having done this sooner.
And this time, it tells me,
There's nothing to stop me.
No reason left to be alive.
The voice taunts me.
Laughs at me.
Convinces me
That I'm pointless,
And to run the knife across my wrist,
To accidentally cut myself shaving,
To climb onto the roof
And jump
Or hang myself,
To overdose,
To drown myself in the bathtub
Would be a great idea.
People would be glad.
And now, I hear another voice.
Yup, I'm crazy...
This voice is quiet,
Kind, as opposed to the first.
It reminds me
I am here for a reason.
The voice has a plan for me,
It knows I'm worth it,
After all, it created me.
The voice reminds me of the peole who care.
Screaming, the first voice leaves,
But promises he'll be back
As I give the second voice my full attention,
And decide to live another day.;
I'm marking this as explicit, just in case. It's really dark.
Dee Nore Oct 2021
What is living?

I dont know.
Some people living their life with happiness
Some peole living their life with sadness
And most people living their life with both situation.
When some people think that life is just a wasting time.

They never feel like really happy
They never feel like really sad
They wanted to feel them.
How it feels like to be really happy until you smile everyday?
How it feels like to be sad until you want to end your life?

For some people, life is just wasting time
You just do everything in circle day by day,
Time by time
The exact same thing
There's no happiness, sadness, or excited over something
Their heart just empty.

Well, maybe life is not wasting time
But we are waiting time,
To die
That's okay
Maybe we can find something exciting in there
Just wait
I wrote this when i was 20 lol now im 22 can't believe my life that empty HAHA life is getting harder day by day but I'm grateful everyone having the emotions to color their life
jennifer ann Aug 2014
i love the freckles on your back,
the way you smile and just stare,
making me feel like i'm walking on air,
i love that goofy way you laugh.

driving around with you and acting stupid,
losing track of time, the amazing feeling that i get,
when your lips touch mine.

lying next to you,
feeling safe in your embrace,
i feel like my heart has finaly found a home,
blissfuly lost in time and space.

you, are the sid to my nancy.
the glen to my maggie.
you're the david to my darlene.
the ***** in my soda
the peanut butter to my jelly.
you came into my life like a beautiful sunset
after a tornado, and you never cease to amaze me.

& you're better than anything i've ever ever dreamed of my love,
it's our 2 year aniversary, and i've never felt so passionate, safe,
beautiful or happy. then i do, dancing & laughing with you. bullshitting and being lazy, smiling from ear to ear, shouting at random peole,
acting dumb having fun and being crazy, ane i pray that it's this way for an eternity, because nothing is better than when you and i are together,
or the way those big brown eyes light up when you look at me. i'm so happy that you're my baby.
i dunno
Fuji Bear Jun 2014
I know some about you,
although it is only data,
images, words, & letters.
Which I somehow assemble,
into the concept of a person,
tapping on the other end,
of our digitally connected screens.
a connection, but also a barrier,
between which no two peole can touch.
you can send yourself in spirit,
but what gets left behind in your pixels,
is you.
Faera Jan 2017
When people talk about nicotine
why do they only ever talk about the addiction?

why does no one ever
of the choice you made to start
of the goodbye to normal breath where you
didn't find yourself craving for

When people talk about alcohol
why do they only ever talk about the hangovers?

why does everyone just
the infinitely perfect moment
the absurd impossibility of the existence of a time
outside of childhood where you can dwell
in blissful

When peole talk about writing
why do they only ever talk about the worlds inside your head?

why does someone somewhere
pretend away the slow deterioration
pretend the pros outweigh the cons of voices walking around
dressed up as friends to your fading

When people talk about love
why do they only ever talk about the heart and blood and soul?

why does anyone even
talking about love in the first place
when all it is is tingling skin and melting bones
complete with the undue thought of
you and
sindy Jan 2018
What if all love songs should be sing for ourselves? What is the real love is being in love with yourself and all the rest is just a plus.

I am tired of those stories that never work. Of those feelings that always hurts, of those peole that always lie of this society that is always wrong.

I am just going to listen at those happy love song thinking they are written for me. Like my soul and my head are 2 different persons and protect and love each other forever. Because at the end the only person who will stay forever will be me. At the end the only person I want to keep up with is me.

I promise I would keep myself happy because no-one is responsible more for my happiness.
Today its my 28 And I choose to live the life I want that need realignment and hurts. I am crying in the train while I should be happy to choose what I love instead of what they told me I should love
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have
lalalee Aug 2014
Children are the most beautiful people
They have joy in they hearts but some of them are sad
While some are having fun

I often think about the children
Who have  nothing to eat
But I have been
Looking at the waste some people have in food

As peole we need to think about every child/mom/Dad
Who have nothing to eat and stop wasting food and help others
Who don't have
nvinn fonia Aug 2023
iff i ever do it then that's it man it will show al peole are at equal footing etc etc etc you get it i thinkk
sindy Feb 2018
"They say soulmate is a perfect eternal lover that fate brings into your life, is irreplaceable. You can find your soul in our universe even if your light years away and in another lifeform. Every soul has a soulmate that offers powerful love energy, it's an equal exchange."

Then if it's so obvious, can someone just come to me and tell me" hey it's me" no need to worry anymore, not pressure, no society feeling nothing. Just easy and eternal unconditional love.

Anyway, if it was that easy peole would have already make business out of it. But i beleive in miracles, so I will wait.
sindy Aug 2018
What if all love songs should be sing for ourselves? What is the real love is being in love with yourself and all the rest is just a plus.

I am tired of those stories that never work. Of those feelings that always hurts, of those peole that always lie of this society that is always wrong.

I am just going to listen at those happy love song thinking they are written for me. Like my soul and my head are 2 different persons and protect and love each other forever. Because at the end the only person who will stay forever will be me. At the end the only person I want to keep up with is me.

I promise I would keep myself happy because no-one is responsible more for my happiness.
Today is my birthday and I am crying in the train while I should be so happy to have chooser what I love over what I should love
What I remember of what was or had to be an NDE ..
Believe this or not so help true to the letter ..

I had , Had an accident ..I remember being taken to hospital .. And for some
reason placed in intentive care .. I remember that ..
After that comes the following .. I sat up and the hospital staff were in total
shock much to my surprise .. Them staring at me saying .. Your Alive ..
Of coarse I was alive .. And felt fine .. I said I must have what ? Blacked out
for awhile .. They said you've been in a coma for 3 months .. I said bull-sh..t ..
They showed me a calender and the date I was brought in ..And the then date ..
It was 3 months .. Far as I was concerned it was the same day I arrived ..
They said as well you were pronounced dead for 8 minutes .. I said to them
really ?? ..Then I got this memory flash .. I asked could I speak to the head
nurse I'd been talking to before .. She was busy .. Much later she came sat
beside of me must have been 2 days later at 4 a m ..And she asked was I ok ..
Yes fine .. But I got a memory stuck in my mind of being in another place ..
She asked where ?? I said I only remember everything the brightest white ..
My own father came to me and said .. You have to go back right away ..
I felt so unknowingly brilliant and totally stress free as I'd never felt and said
no way .. I feel so good ..He said You have to go back NOW .. You have so
much more to do .. Looking into the distance I saw an ocean of peole all
dressed as he was .. Then a voice I will and could never forget coming from
all over with volume but compassion said HE HAS TO GO BACK NOW ..
And I then woke up with you lot staring at me in total shock ..
And you telling me I'd been in a coma for 3 months .. Some time later I woke up
as must have passed out again and instead of being on the Gold Coast I was in a
hospital in toowoomba QLD with my ( now ) ex wife telling me they brought me to this hopsital in Toowoomba .. A Phychiretrist asking me you ok ?? I said I feel
****** fine .. He asked me endless questions and said .. He's got a more inteligent
mind than I have ..  I told her this and she said out of the blue you just died ..
Dead for 8 minutes .. We'd long given up .. ould not believe it ourselves ..
We were in shock but had decided after all tests you were dead ..And we'd left
you there while doing what next had to be done .. Coming back and you sat up ..
She said she burst into tears and the others were in shock ..
I know with all the honest I possess what happened but could no way explain it ..
My dad had been dead himself 40 years ..I know theres no time as such as here
that exists there .. And I'll never could never forget that voice .. Many years later
on then married to my now wife in the Philippines now 2011 as that lot happened
in Australia 1976 .. I was stressed out over something and had walked outside
to get some air .. In a dark room I'd walked passed there a tallest figure of a man dressed in a light brown robe with shoulder length hair said to me ( him standing in the almost dark ) are you ready to come with me now .. I said without thinking NO I've much to do & I took 3 steps THEN realizing what I'd saw & heard went right back and the room was empty..
THE TRUTH SO HELP ME ..This is as TRUE as I am breathing oxygen ..
I've been told by my own then I was not in any coma .. Time DOES NOT EQUAL TIME WHERE THAT PLACE IS .. However the medical staff have it on record I most surely was ..But I know this earths idea of Heaven is a fabrication .. The place I was at is in my heart mind & soul above Human complete Comprehention ..

The absolute truth
terrence michael sutton
Re 1976
He'd been dead over 40 years .. I have no problems with who
believes this or does not ..
sindy Aug 2018
What if all love songs should be sing for ourselves? What is the real love is being in love with yourself and all the rest is just a plus.

I am tired of those stories that never work. Of those feelings that always hurts, of those peole that always lie of this society that is always wrong.

I am just going to listen at those happy love song thinking they are written for me. Like my soul and my head are 2 different persons and protect and love each other forever. Because at the end the only person who will stay forever will be me. At the end the only person I want to keep close is me.

I promise I would keep myself happy because no-one is responsible more for my happiness.
Today is my birthday and I am crying in the train because I choose to live the life I love that need realignment and hurts. I should not be more happy to cry for what I love.
nvinn fonia Nov 2023
i fcking know there are good things about life but alll off them are little elusive they require a lott off prerequisites the likes off which are hard for most peole to hav  a handle on there you have it "the human condition  """""

— The End —