I'm waiting for
that blissfull moment
I am freed, from the torment
of the world of wars, laments
of safety, health, protects , prevents!
of the waking world, of
groans and moans and sighs
From the ever
silent smirking
todays plan, no more working
simulated twerking
bad news briefers perkin
A respit from, "The Land of
Lovely Lies"
Oh, the smiling
nodding jestures
the too-cute empty nesters
the, once we were protesters
the, Winsor Knot and vest-ers
makes me look away No! contact for sad eyes.
With lead lids
steady drooping
pace has slowed, now stooping
alone: no more grouping
no chicken, rooster cooping.
It's time to sleep, so, I'll say todays goodbys.