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Mie Juul Jan 2015
Water falls. Fast. Furious. Melancholic.
I could watch it all day.
My ill mind won't let go of me.
I watch the water fall.
Everything slowly spins around me, I **** it all in.
I breathe in, I breathe out.
No thoughts, no complexity, just the water.
Filling my whole scene. Filling all of me.
Fast spreading mental illness. Furious judging voice, telling me not to let go. Melancholic mind, capturing me, pulling me down.
Under the water.
Breathe in, breathe out.
My lungs are filling, water falls, down in my lungs.
Filling my whole scene, I draw my last breath.*

MJR. 16/01-15
Mie Juul Mar 2017
It's so weird
how one little thing
can destroy so much.

The butterfly-effect
small causes
can have large effects.

MJR. 22/03-17
A poem dedicated to my stupidity
Mie Juul Jan 2015
There's been planted hope in my heart.
Just a little seed.
It's cold, oh it's ever so dark.
I can't see,
I don't know if you will sprout.

Oh little seed are you all alone,
Oh tiny seed are you all by yourself.
Isn't there anyone to take care of you.
To help you grow and see your struggle with spreading your alluringly, bewitchingly, weighed petals.
I don't know,
I can't see in the dark.

If I should ever wander off and get lost,
I beg that I will stumble upon you.
And see your wild eternal hope take root.
Lay myself down beside you and become the mold which you consume.
To be the the one who made you see the lucent light.
Your own dangerous light.*

MJR. 17/01-15
To find hope can at times be very hard, but when you find it, you'll know it was worth it. Hope holds the same power as love, you give yourself into it and at the same time you give it the possibility to destroy you.
Mie Juul Jan 2018
Shoulders back
Head up

Weave through the crowd
yet slower
shoulders back, straight posture.

An opening ahead
clear space
light seeping through.

Like a moth to a flame.
and wait
breath in, breath out.

Surrounded by silence
than by darkness
the first tunes strike.

Head up
a broad smile
spotlight on

jump and mesmerize.

Tunes fade away
applaud is roaring
the smile fades.
Do I dance for myself or do I dance for validation?

MJR 11/01-18

— The End —