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the lapping water drifting to the sand,
the smugglers hurry o'er the silver wave,
a rose-moon blushing where the waters lave
and moonlight glistens on the breezy strand.
the oars are steady, gliding to the land
the stroke of midnight near a watery cave,
their whisp'ring feet run silent as a grave                                              
to its dark reach to hide the contraband.
the waves roll mistily with honeyed breath
the sky, a vault of iron, weeps a tear,
the sweeping waters break and start to veer,
a gold tooth glints, the night as black as death,
a dreadful shout, the watch is drawing near,
how suddenly their faces pall with fear!
A house that lacks, seemingly, mistress and master,
  With doors that none but the wind ever closes,
Its floor all littered with glass and with plaster;
  It stands in a garden of old-fashioned roses.

I pass by that way in the gloaming with Mary;
  ‘I wonder,’ I say, ‘who the owner of those is.’
‘Oh, no one you know,’ she answers me airy,
  ‘But one we must ask if we want any roses.’

So we must join hands in the dew coming coldly
  There in the hush of the wood that reposes,
And turn and go up to the open door boldly,
  And knock to the echoes as beggars for roses.

‘Pray, are you within there, Mistress Who-were-you?’
  ’Tis Mary that speaks and our errand discloses.
‘Pray, are you within there? Bestir you, bestir you!
  ’Tis summer again; there’s two come for roses.

‘A word with you, that of the singer recalling—
  Old Herrick: a saying that every maid knows is
A flower unplucked is but left to the falling,
  And nothing is gained by not gathering roses.’

We do not loosen our hands’ intertwining
  (Not caring so very much what she supposes),
There when she comes on us mistily shining
  And grants us by silence the boon of her roses.
it loomed like a ghost in the falling day.

an hour past the town on the way
the old man's eyes bore surprise

i wouldn't advise it, sir, not wise
waking them up is no sport

they who're sleeping in the dead men's fort.

All along i've been a phasmophobic
they ceased never to rule my head
lurking in nooks and under my bed.

it sounds nice to talk about spirits and souls
but at nights when hollows of burning coals
mistily appear and not in a dream
choke me out of scream
to that terror i fall an abject slave.

but my companion on that dusk was brave
looking at those eerily towering spires
he said let's try meeting a few vampires.

there was no door opening with a creak
but inside was a musty dark hole
where daylight made a quick retreat
as if to let the dead peacefully stroll.

we climbed up stairs strewn with dry leaves
amid sensing a storm brewing on the wing
for the awakened dead in anger seethes
to have their rest broken by the living.

soon swept us a gale of the squeaking dead
driving us out of that well occupied well
surely startled by the intruders' raid
the winged vampires were fleeing like hell.
a true story, my cover photo is the place where it happened.
Robert Ronnow Aug 2015
another day in the woods. on Strawberry ridge
looking out over undulating green hills to
the next great wall ridge of mountains. the last
morning clouds left from last night's storm
hanging in the valley mistily. the sun eventually
burns them away.

the respect between old Paul Karlsen and I continues
to exist. even though he's a Mormon and I'm a fallen
New Yorker. the work is comparatively easy, lifting
hundred pound bags, so you can just imagine what
we do other days. in fact, it's fun, especially for
young Bates. we get all white (and our lungs dusty).

on the way to and from the work site I read
in Silent Spring, the chapter against herbicides, gathering
inspiration for the upcoming controversy. in the end
perhaps I'll be fired for refusing to lay down Tordon
beads. realizing this, as I drive with Bates,
I see the dark green conifers and begin to miss them.

                                         Rocks and rattlesnakes, bluebells
and mountain daisies, grasses and cactuses, mahogany
bush, lodgepole pine and quaking aspen, lush forest
and dry sun-tortured mountainside, wind and seed
carried by wind, ants, streams, hummingbird
and hawk, deer, badger, ground squirrel, wolverine.
john oconnell Jul 2010
My many
faces in a mirror - multiplying
faces of one being,
dully and mistily ever changing,
till the death.

My voices of many pasts and buried pangs
looming into the uncertainty
of the fleeting moment's anxiety
for arrest and release.

My memories -
generations flowing into generations,
like clouds of permanent change,
wind across the circles
of earth's heavens

and there are waters rising
dangerously higher
with the engulfing of  unforgiven faults
and tragedies not sufficiently drowned
in tears of blood and anguish

and there is the baptism
in the bath of self-confession
leading to glimpses of patches azure
in a sky of cold and brittle
shining glass.

The mirror shatters into its atoms
and while they escape
I remain
none the wiser
just being those faces,
those voices,
those memories,
those waters,
that baptism

both recognizable
and totally alien.
Brent Kincaid Mar 2017
The leaves first healthy and green
Reaching up to eternity
Then turning red, then gold and rust
And falling, translucent in their glory
Only their veins showing, organic lace;
The tree's honest history.
Only their slightly different shape
Remains a mystery,
Remembered by those who might've seen
As if in a fog, mistily
With just the few days of it's life
Lived blissfully.

These are the children, the ephemera
Of our trees
Giving, sharing, growing, expanding
Repeating generously
To populate our world with breath
Suffering death constantly
Being reborn silently to us;
Sentinels of majesty.

These are benefactors of life
For all of you and me
Casting themselves up from dirt
To our reality
Whether we believe it or know it.
They give voicelessly,
And that is what it means to be a tree
If you are leaves set free.
Bill MacEachern Sep 2016
Smoke rings ring my Father's song
Like floating stanza's
Of years now gone
With forted form
They levitate
Then slowly
One of my favorite.
I was inspired to write this after Daniel(I was Daniel Care Giver, he had AIDS related dementia) mentioned that my blowing "Smoke Rings" reminded him of his father who use to blow smoke rings also...
Ralph Akintan Dec 2018
Your love waited so long.
Your affection waited too long.
Promises in abeyance.
Dying in anxiety of expectations
Ozone layer could not hold rays
      of Azania's sun.
Emitting fire of hysterical

Arrival in hold, mistily shrouded
      in mystery.
But one day, one moment,
One belief, one fulfillment ,
Appearance announced

Wait no more for so long.
Wait no more for too long.
Reality eclipsed empty promises
Arrival overturned unbelief,
In the enclave of Azania.
In the bowel of rainbow.
Faizel Farzee Oct 2019
Wrenched from a walking nightmare
Is this my rude awakening

My reasoning mind convincing a hollow heart
The storm is over
Foggy memories of you mistily fading

Slowly erased from my lifes pages
The notes that you left all that reside
A memory I'll hide in the depth of my mind
Box it and cage it in cages.

Air smelling flowery
I'm no longer choking on all that you are
Your toxic love I'm no longer chasing

My feelings no longer hating
Happiness is smiling again
I bought more shares within myself
My confidence now hugely inflating.
When you finally get over a broken heart
And the sky so clear you can see
Remember you once lived without a ounce of their love
So it's something  you don't really need.
Praise Nesvinga Aug 2020
Her glare aspires an enticing haze of admiration that slithers with a quiet fervour through me.
Her eye lashes like a clump of blowsy daffodils are pulsey with a leaping erraticity.
Those light brown irises fizzle and swivel the air around with a brooding handsomeness.
Appealing to the eyes as the colourful herbaceous borders of a typical English cottage garden, she's perfect with every glance.

Her affectionate but unmistakably spectacular eyes, gleam like a pawn-warmed chocolate under the beauteous arches of her eye brows.
Nicole's skin tone, slender and untanned with a velvet gold looks as though sculpted on her fine jaws, taut with contempt.
Heart-stoppingly beautiful, her teeth glow with a healthy sheer brilliance exposing a succulent compassionate smile.
It's her voice tone, yes that tone that suspires fizzes of throbbing excitement ripping through my chest to every corner immune of stimulation.

The sublime length of those caramel legs hurtles unchecked surges of murmurs hissing ' perfect ' in hushed and reverential tones.
Yes her three themes in one touch, scours as the unsettling sensual curve of her mouth swarming before my eyes mistily.
The flaming shudder from the softness of her palm skin vibrates any nerves with a reverberating hostility.
Her pure slivers of expessionate kindness, her ease that throbs with an inexplicable carnality, never fails to remind me how Nicole is perfect with every glance
For Nicole Sibanda
Mistily drifting
Through lazily flowing

Morning mountains
Wave a warm welcome,
Hiding the torturous glare
Of the oppressive morning sun.

These white mountain mornings
Surely are the best.
Naming poems is hard, but I really don’t know what’s happening to what because they’re all “Untitled”

I’m remembering when I climbed mt. Washington a year ago. I’m actually trying to climb all 48 4k footers in NH, then I’m going to go back to Washington and do the hardest trail (i did the second hardest last year)

— The End —