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Jade Oct 2018
Heart skips
like a warped record,
trembles over scarred vinyl
until "I love you"
tastes incomplete:

(I)                love                 you

I                  (love)               you

I                   love                (you).

My Swan Song mewls off key,
cascades across the
marred terrain of my soul
in a thick lacquer of tears.
Notes flatline
in unison with my
waning pulse
(waning, like the face
of the moon on the night
of my eighteenth birthday).

My breath
resigns to static,
dances in slow decrescendos--
sputters its way
towards nothingness,
slipping rapidly from
my consciousness until
I no longer hold
any recollection of the music
(or the poetry).
Don't be a stranger--check out my blog!

(P.S. Use a computer to ensure an optimal reading experience)
Agatha Prideaux Apr 2020
it was irresistible
with you, unmistakable
saying "come in".

only touched myself
with the idea of freeing you
from your encompassing nightwear
—my red lipstick's affair

not even a feet away from your front door
grasped my wrists and dragged my needy body close
and touching, fumbling with my burning core
without hesitation—lips crashed and clasped in yours

greedy intent pulled me deep in
slick, silky, sweaty, **** kisses
erase the innocence of my tongue
make me pray mantras as mewls become sultry hisses

your name on my mouth, your mouth on my name
a pleasurable orchestral masterpiece in the night
dainty fingers down south, flicking flame
bodies intertwined, bathed in candlelight

push, pull, push... pull...
pushing and pulling and tossing and turning and moving in and out and in and out in a never-ending dance your fingers make
until you suddenly

frantically tried finding your lustful eyes staring right back
only to find you looking down the feast—thighs blossomed open wide
i, the devotee offering to your altar
and my god, you devou—

lick and ****—play and prowl—drink and slurp
voice cracking, sweat trickling
gasping for air, taking your musk hard... breathe in...
breathing you in... so deep...

faster, and faster, grasping your hair for hold
melting and burning and igniting for each and every stroke
and i don't regret coming with you
coming for you..... coming in you.... until it comes... we come... come... co—

crashing down, shaking, crying hard from waves of euphoria—panting, breathless, lustfulness
with the stained bed only becoming more crumpled
when hot puffs of your breath trickled my rose-flushed ear
your voice telling—"this isn't yet the finale you've been waiting for."
Day 4 of #NaPoWriMo 2020. Tried writing an ****** poem for the first time. It was fun doing so.
iya Feb 2021
"Pray 1 Lord's Prayer, 3 Hail Mary's and 1 Glory Be." said the priest behind the confession booth in which I hesitated to proceed knowing seeing you later that day would mean sinning.

From the way you look, to the sound escaping your lips. From your laughter, to your mewls and whimpers.

I was willing to confess everyday, if it would mean sinning for you.
Sylvia Plath was always my Favourite writer
Ever since i Realised i was Esther in Disguise
with my trembling bambi-legs and great doe-eyes.

Ruined Bloodied Ruptured
by my First Embrace
The rings of His love-bites held me in place;
they looked like Chains of lace.

i look around me and wonder what people see.
Do they see the same girl that i see
Preserved in the amber bud of His eye?
Shrunken Bruised Browned Buried
Under the mountains of His lies
'Here she lies, Esther in Disguise'.

Or do they see the girl that can't ever make up her Mind?
And just won't Decide
Who she is and what she wants to be?

How did I get here, under that same Bell Jar, like thousands of other women before me?
I'm Cut
Off by the Sea.

And in my Isolation,
(On That island of Desperation)
All I can hear are the forlorn Kisses of the Tide
Stifling Suction on a Sandy Shore
Replacing the musing mewls of knife-beaked gulls
"I am I am I am"
Michael Hoffman Feb 2013
When Mr. Brown forgets
leaves his puppy unfed and tied
before rushing off to work
the animal mewls confused
abandoned and lonely all day
watching Dog TV.

The parched houseplant
screams from its porcelain prison
for silent water
wishing only to be made wet
fecund on attention once again.

Everything sits silent
in the close confines
our life's domestic drama
just waiting for us to realize
we are born to notice
the cries of who lies closest.

Yet no one is to blame
for ignorance;
it is the Dog's karma to be abused,
the foliage to dry and go discarded
for no apparent fault of their own.

It is Mr. Brown's karma
for his dog to die
with a broken unfed heart
to toss his plants in the trash
to find his home unadorned and silent once again
and wonder over and over
why is life so barren?
Rachel Goad Mar 2013
In my cabinet
no one comes
tapping. The
slap of my
like the strike
of steel drums
on the walls.
No one calls.
My breath
booming; a
bass string
plucked in
panic. The
air around
opaque as
With me weep
my shoulders,
stooped, my
hands, curled
and catching
the precipitation
of grief.  No
mewls, no
moans – my
voice, too, has
left me heaving
and weeping to
the sounds of
my seclusion.
Rome Nov 2020
"Pray 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's and 1 Glory Be" Said the father behind the booth in which I hesitated to continue knowing seeing you later that day would mean sinning.

From the way you look, to the sound escaping your lips. From your laughter, to your mewls and whimpers.

I was willing to confess everyday if it would mean sinning for you.
Kimberly C Brown Sep 2010
He stands behind the bar.
His demeanor is calm,
not caring
about anything but
the meticulous arrangement of liquor bottles.
With a white ragged cloth in his right hand
he grips the glass necks
his three first fingers and thumb.
He people watches.
slowly he paces back and forth
behind his protective


seeing the world behind his sleep laden eye lashes.
He sways to the music of
golf commentators and steam cleaning dishwashers.
Tired, broken, slightly drunk from sips of ***
he sneaks
when no one is looking,
he lets each palm lay flat
against the cold plastic granite counter top.
To his right two women
in their fifties
are lulling about grandchildren,
while the
of a laptop causes a stressful twitch in his left eye.
New customer.
"Hi, how you doing?"
She walks away, slightly bothered
he pays more loving attention to
hot glass out of the steam washer
than her need for a twelve dollar glass of
bitter clear looking liquor.
More people.
four this time.
"Hi there, how are ya?"
The woman asks in a loud voice.
Shes happy, excited waiting for
a husband back from a business trip.
She orders a glass of champagne
while the man shes with wants Budweiser.
"We only have light. Is that okay?"
The man looks ******,
as if he himself should take on
responsibility of a society growing more fond

of an inebriated state of mind.

As the woman continuous to talk
he places the wine glass before her,
all the while thinking
with a bitter delight
that her husband,
who has frequent trips
sees a different girl every night.
He knows this,
all the staff at the airport
that have an occasional drink know this.
But his wife,
his obnoxiously cheerful wife,
sits in blissful ignorance.

They're still talking,
still trying to make conversation
while a baby mewls in the background,
and the golf spectators cheer at a whole in one.
He's tired.
let off momentarily by the bar manager
he sneaks another small glass of
mixes it with Dr. Pepper before walking into the back.
His breathing is methodical,
he waits for a sound,
at all to signify his existence,
his meaning of living
before he takes another sip of his drink.
The *** goes down hard,
***** threatens
his pride
but he manages to keep it down.
He winches
at the rust filled tone in his managers voice.
More people have pulled into the bar.
Its busy he needs help.
He lets out a curse
it bursts forth then
hovering before is red eyes
before pushing away from the desk.
The metal legs scrap against the stone floor.
Another sound that makes his mind
believe that ***** is the only
to some type of comfort.
His rubber soled shoes squish as he walks.
He sighs.
Sounds of golf cheering and baseball playing
distracts him
momentarily from his misery.

A jolt of pain doubles him over.

"Has my temple split?" he thinks.
He gingerly flutters his first three fingers
against the vein pounding incessantly.

A young woman walks up the the bar.

She belongs on a beach, he thinks.
Her hair hangs between her shoulder blades.
Her eyes are are light,
her skin glows
between her light turquoise mesh shirt
and bleach white shorts.
She orders a cold coffee,
he pushes the can over slowly
her shell earrings clink against her jaw bone.
She gets up,
he watches,
and walks from the bar.
An arm wraps around her waist
outside the threshold of the bar
and kisses her softly on her forehead.
Her father perhaps.
She doesn't look back.

He did not stick at all in her mind.

He instantly erases her face
and resumes to dancing his fingertips
against his excited vein.
The clocks reads 8:25.
Two more hours.
James Renolds Aug 2010
is lovely.
She mewls
and purrs
and sleeps
and eats
and *****
like there is nothing wrong with it.
Copyright James Renolds, 2010
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Ever seen a cat get hit by a car?
You hear a SMACK,
And then nothing.
Just silent mewls,
Yelling for help.

I've seen that happen,
The blood mixing with rain water.
The sight blurred by my tears,
The sound of my choked sobs echoing in through the darkness.

Dead it was dead.
Died of shock? Blood loss? I don't know.
But all I know is that it was dead.
Princess was killed.
A hit and run act.

R.I.P Princess.
Last year at  9:00pm on a Friday, my brother's friend had his pet cat hit by a car...
brooke Sep 2016
what i never had the chance to (let you learn)
was that I dance with the shades up wearing
nothing but the sun, telephone wires casting
cuts across my lips, small ******* that don't
swing heavy but fit in palms,

how much
have you changed since you were casually knocking,
since before you might have thought I was
untamed but a conquest you had already mapped--
realized I was a bit more to hold, (you did)

But that I so often go back to those two nights
telling myself I should have whispered your
name, to gauge a reaction, to hear your last
name tagged onto breathy mewls--I shouldn't
be this way, knowing i forge relations through
fingertips, I dunno why kissing is such a problem.

Probably because they write you into a chapter
that goes on for hundreds of pages afterwards, after the
supposed ending, even after I tell you that I'm done,
what is it like to be you? To be them?
to be able to move on so quickly,
and replace others with others with others
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

written June 16th, unfinished and still painful.
dc Jan 2019
the moon mewls in melancholy
as the sun snatches his soft shine

each day he's chased away
but the night returns to grant his passage

i'll sail up in my soaring ship
and befriend the lonely lost one

because we all know a searching soul
and they must be protected.
Smothered Divine Jan 2020
Too simple to mess up.
A narrative:

Thigh aching, body quaking, heart shaking breezes.
Tears can rack your eyes, trembling bones, cold stones
against blue toes.
Summer depression, sunshine heartache, shiny hot hellfire and:
"mew" The kitten whispers.
Shaking laughter; Who could be sad?
Why did the kitten speak to the dawn?
Who could be sad at the thought of it, when you're crying out to the world
for a sign of major sorts
and a kitten, meek and small
mewls at the dawn
as you cry?
To Larry. You're my sign...
-this has been in the works for a while and I've finally decided to post it as it is. Love ya, friend!

— The End —