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Jenny Gordon Nov 2018
II Pet 1:9 coming to mind as I finished, lo, the complexity of this piece, and this:  "...lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off--"


How Shakespeare's lines 'non haunt the flag's detail
As't waves to bitter winds' capricious sense
Of play, with memries of late rallies thence
In tow, as all we'd grandly strut through'd pale
Before the empty eye of hours that scale
Down what we said was living, as pretense
Leers through the smoky limelight fading hence
Where leaves pile up too thickly for aught bail.
Is't cuz I've tried 'gain to be stylish fer
What fashion and say Vogue mag swore was due,
Tae learn my peers yet scorn attempts in tour?
Cuz even when I did succeed and do
All that "they" said should be, or called too poor
What we thought tops, Death mocks as ere we knew?

Should I have divided up the rather lengthy intro for this portion, or?
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
And now, ....


As if twere not enough that for intents
This valentines Dad gave me Starbucks' scale
Of romance:  cherry mocha to avail
Where I'd not dreamed of aught, how blue skies fence
These minutes I warm soup with pink for sense
Light golden with an eye late April's hale
Last hours know as I set the table, frail
Sweet gloaming when we should dine, like what hence?
I don't konw.  Caught in memries as it were,
Three years ere was it? Febry's cold as due,
And Valentines Day only halfway through,
Yet I feel in my bones that May'd bestir,
Ere violets have a chance to shift in tour
Mats of dead leaves, for what is't that'd um, woo?

Nothing like being happily surprised for Valentines.  I forget now, possibly shall never know, in fact, why I wept, but....
Jenny Gordon Mar 2018
Ya, weeds.


Now April dogs our sunny minutes, pale
Blue skies with nary cloud to mar that sense
As orange 'non splashes buildings in defense
Of rosy sunset just where dinner's bail,
The biscuits cut ere that eye cease t'avail,
And curtains drawn while steamy soup fr'intents
Give us cause to reflect, black night what'd fence
Dessert as we talk oer the future's tale.
I roll the first words 'cross my tongue as't stir
'Fore butter gives flour cause to be anew
Sheer dough, that haunting sense light rouses fer
Auld memries of lost days what winks unto
My soul, though's but March first.  Is it sae poor
To feel it in our bones likeas twould woo?

This is cheerier than what I've been inking lately, plagued with blue thanks to the sunny suggestion of April, sewing restoring me to the memories I'd been avoiding--Mum gone and me a stranger in this world sans a home.  Haha, laugh at me.
Jenny Gordon Oct 2016
Why I seem to be fair prey for men my father's age and his friends to boot, I cannot guess.  But how do you be friendly while hating their interest intensely?  He said, "I saw that look!" and I'm not really sorry he did, either.

(sonnet #MMMMMCMLXX)

Thin blue skies peer twixt greyish clouds a sense
Of bitter air wafts from, as if the pale
Eye of uncertain warmth's half golden scale
Of light is fragile and must tiptoe thence
In fear across these rasping fields 'til hence
Called off, whileas how leaves just whisper, frail
Breaths passing through oer naked boughs' detail,
The maples green yet as orange paints suspense.
He pops his head in at my bedroom door in tour,
And I assure him that, "Oh, I know you--"
While classcal music plays, rehearse in poor
'Scuse memries, 'til oer one say that we do
Not hafta lie:  "I'm not availble fer
Whomever--" and he that adieu?

Hi.  You kin lecture me, if you want a spitfire or rather, trouble on your hands.  Go ahead.
Jenny Gordon Oct 2016
Don't ask me why I conjured someplace in Chicago, I think by Gene and Judes.


Was't thickets naked trees within the pale
Eye of November guarded with a sense
Of dreary naught, their skeletons black thence
And with such bony fingers grasping frail
Mists' ghostly shadows winds' nigh cruel exhale
Passed through in eerie whispers, that suspense
Culls from auld memries to rehearse from hence,
Which rise before me, haunting which detail?
The question of what's real.  Shake me as twere,
And say I've built cloud castles none shall do
Aught justice to, and bid me look now fer
Brave minutes at what's allus in my view.
Tell me our games were fun but won't endure.
Then take my hand and teach me to love you.

Just thinking lately.
Keith W Fletcher Feb 2017
My eyes seem to reluctantly open
To an emptiness beside me in bed
Too long she's been gone... As are those smiles we shared
As happily we greeted each dawn

In two lonely days it's the 14th
Valentine's Day on my mind
As I seek in silver tinged memries
For a smile that I now can't seem to find

I know that she'd smile as she scolded
With those emerald green eyes
I've known so well
That never seemed to lose their power
To pull me in and under their spell

Suddenly I hear in my head ... her voice starts speaking
Those words it's not hard to imagine her say
Come on lazy bones get out of that bed
Or you can make it up and I'll make the coffee instead

Then just as if she were actually here
My feet hit the floor as I raced out the door
In order to make it perfectly clear
To push the on switch like the thousands of times... That    I've  
    done      before

Then retracing my steps as a
grimacing smile pulls at my lips
I fluff and I squeeze pillows and spread covers with care
Happily doing what she could never get me to do
In my mind I happily find it's something that we now share

These last 30 days my mind seems to glaze
With all the empty space I must now fill
Along with the loneliness I have to endure
Can't get used to it and never will

So I set myself down at the table
Sugar to sweeten my coffee and more than just a dollop of cream
I need something to help me find pleasure
Even then I could hear her talking to me... as if I were having a dream

Is that what you've been doing here while I've been gone
Slowly I spun my head to look behind me
There she stood  with her suitcase in hand
We finished the project early -  and I really needed to be home she said
But I couldn't stop sitting there staring in wonder
Besides she said as she cradled my head
I couldn't stand the idea of  us spending Valentine's Day alone
But my mind was gone... empty of thought
Flung into the High Heavens... not even missed
From the moment she leaned over  reconnecting our hearts... as we kissed.

I missed you much we said !
Jenny Gordon Jul 2017
...the old classic "I'm forever trying to keep ahead of that freight train--"


Lo, peach-kissed fluffy white clouds sailing thence
In bluest seas oer greener Maples frail
Winds softly ply to soto voce's scale
Of whispers on a Friday evning's calmer sense,
And I'm too zonkered to but note from hence
What nudges memries long since past t'avail,
As if Mum still was waiting in betrayl
To talk and laugh while sunset yawns oer whence.
Now but's an hour 'til midnight, hark! in poor
'Scuse an explosion rocks the silence, to
Lapse into nothing.  Is't July astir
Upon suggestion?  O, what matters?  Do
We feel the changes tugging, what's as twere
To do?  Perhaps Joe shan't call.  Say I knew.  

No, this was NOT the time to sign up for basketweaving classes, deary.  *promptly laughs too much*
Jenny Gordon Apr 2018


White gloves, a new dress lace and ruffles thence
Adorned, white stockings too, and that detail
Of patent leather Mary-janes to scale--
I was in grade-school, but for all intents
Felt grown-up cuz I'd bought those shoes, a sense
Was't? of erm, choosing 'non my wardobe hale
Proof being not yet a teen could yet avail
O, children of that feature was't? and hence?
Tis Easter Sunday 'gain, and not sae poor
At that cuz lo, it's April Fools now too.
So laugh at me since I kin still bestir
Vague memries of that childish grandeur's view
On life, safe in my parents' care, t'assure
You now that Easter's heathen, tis.  And you?

01Apr18a  (posted on for their one-a-day thingy)
Seriously.  I could swear aka Kevin wanted us to tell how or whatever about writing this poem for the month-long venture, and therefore mulled.  I wanted to begin with easter being april fools, but rolling the wording across my tongue, could not find a fit until I recalled that one warm Easter Sunday when I felt too proud over those white gloves and my patent leather mary-janes which still fit (musta bought them with my birthday money 5 months earlier), and there you have it.  I guess.
Jenny Gordon May 2018
...the bride."


My parents said their vows with stardust thence
In their too happy eyes, years 'go in pale
Excuse:  today.  Put cake in each mouth:  bail
For forty-one years 'til Mum died, and whence?
I should be thankful that I perish hence?!
Likeas the violets which own June's exhale
As cruel, whileas their smiling faces fail
Before the summer's breath without defense.
So, la, a p'liceman stopped them this night, fer
All that cuz of Dad's license plates, to do
Was it a bow when he saw Mum's dress?  Poor
As memries, how we cherish all we knew.
And why am I forgotten, LORD?  What were
My faults?  Forgive me, please? and hear me too?

That's nice, I think, that I managed to actually ink a tribute to my parents' anniversary, complete with a few of the details.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Science claims a woman only "falls in love" once, and is irrevocably wreckt after that,


There was a reason Lagerfeld fr'intents
Did not waste aught on social media, frail
As which excuses for the same detail
Of foolish, erm, indulgence was't from thence?
And likewise why I'm dull without defense
For having lost me to renditions' tale
Was't? of my latest fav'rite: song; to scale--
Th'orignal that I love, and later's sense.
That taste of Cossack/Russian dancing fer
Dear memries of lo, Fiddler On what? to
Effect--The Roof--is gone, quite gone in poor
Reply for "Moskau" being the theme we knew,
Yes, ALL of us, was nashnalistic.  Were
Our joys in "disco" 'nough, that's "okay" too?

whence our broken homes and societies.  But I could swear Donne was claiming he felt likewise, so, who knows?  That said, haha, THIS is about music, that's all.
Jenny Gordon Dec 2018
It's what you call a "rhetorical question."


To see as through the tele-scopic lens
Of is't December?  Oh, I could avail
Me if, if only!  Sunken in betrayl
Upon the threshold of what is, pretense
Quite withered, lovers but old memries whence
I cull chagrin:  I am depressed sans bail.
Nor money I don't have, nor nudes in pale
Excuse, nor all I am yield aught defense.
He plies me for mair money likeas fer
All that the black holes outer space has to
Effect.  And now I've none, accuses poor
As saying, his promises all lies I knew
Ere now I should not have believed in tour.
O LORD, I cannot see You.

Well, I had this jaunty perspective on the month of December, until the last day of November when I could not see through the fog of...reality.

— The End —