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When children are abused I cant help but feel so bad and cry for them. When children are abused they dont know what is happening especially if its your own parents or parent. They dont know because of the shock and **** they are going through. All they know at that moment is that they are getting yelled or or getting charged at and they know they are going to be beaten with something. They have the shock and there heart is racing very fast. They dont know whats going to happen next they dont know if they are going be in horrific pain to the piont they cant move or not. All they know what to do is do exactly do what the person is doing to them what they say with out answer anything but yes and  do it. If they dont there will be more horrific pain. With all this happening to them knowing that right then all they feel is physical pain. Later in life they figure out that it wasn't just physical it was emotional and mental to. How was it mental and emotional by knowing that there own parent or parents did that to them. It haunts them for the rest of their lifes more so if it happens more then once. It makes them feel like they can never trust anybody in there lifes ever again. They build a wall up and dont let alot of people in because they are afraid of getting hurt again. Most kids end up in fostercare for what there parents did to them. So when they are there in the fostercare home do you think they feel safe and happy? If you thought yes you are wrong they are more scared then ever because they have strangers around them and no one they know. The foster parents may say your safe and hug you but you still dont feel safe and loved because  they dont have people around them that they know love them. Most of the time they just want there parents although they just got abused and but through all that pain. Its becuase most of the time they are not themselves. They are either drunk or high. The kids know that and they know that there parents must be nice when they are sober becuase they have seen there friends parents nice to them. When children are being abused when they are young they most likely dont ever wanna go home they want to be at school or somewhere they are happy. When all that is taken away from them all they want to be is home in the abusive place becuase thats where they realized was the most comforting safest place is at home in there room. Most of the time its either friends or a sibling that calls the police becuase thats all they know what to do. Usally its a sibling that is either scared and wants help or is treated better then the one that is getting abused. If the child that goes away to a foster home with out a sibling. She is more likely to get scared and put a shield up towards anybody that she doesnt know and trust. She most likely wont talk to anybody. She will cry most of the day because she feels like she is alone and doesn't have anyone around her. Even when the other foster kids and parents are there and willing to calm her down and comfort her. She wont let them because she wants someone she can trust and she knows to calm her down and comfort her and hold her. The simple words coming out of someone they knows mouth "Its going to be ok I am here for you to hold you comfort you to calm you down when you are upset." Those simple words to a child meen the world to them when they got abused and are taken away from the situation. Those words may seem nothing to you but to that child it meens everything more then you can imagine unless you went through it. You went through it like me I wrote this because I know people that have got abused just like me. I wrote this because I know how it feels to be be abused by your parents and then feel like you have no one until those words are said then you feel like you have someone. That its going to be ok and someone is finally going to treat you the you deserved to be treated loved cared for and supported no matter what you do in life. When you have the right people in your life you dont realize what your life was like back then until you have the right people in your life and they show you the true meening of life happiness and love and trust. Although you have the happiness love and trust your past abuse or abuses still are there for the rest of your life. Its ok though because you know what not to do to your children and what to do to your children. You can raise them right by showing them you care love and want happiness for them and they can always trust you for anything. If its for those special words of if its for adivce. They will always know you are there for them no matter what. even if you think they dont because they are doing something you dont like they still love care and want happiness for you. So what you can do is stop child abuse from happening with your kids!!!!
Thank you for reading this it meens alot to me and the people that i know that have gone through this.
While my sad Muse the darkest Covert Sought,
To give a loose to Melancholy Thought;
Opprest, and sighing with the Heavy Weight
Of an Unhappy dear Lov'd Monarch's Fate;
A lone retreat, on Thames's Brink she found,
With Murmering Osiers fring'd, and bending Willows Crown'd,
Thro' the thick Shade cou'd dart no Chearful Ray,
Nature dwelt here as in disdain of Day:
Content, and Pleas'd with Nobler Solitude,
No Wood-Gods, Fawns, nor Loves did here Intrude,

Nor Nests for wanton Birds, the Glade allows;
Scarce the soft Winds were heard amongst the Boughs.
While thus She lay resolv'd to tune no more
Her fruitless Songs on Brittains Faithless Shore,
All on a suddain thro' the Woods there Rung,
Loud Sounds of Joy that Jo Peans Sung.
Maria! Blest Maria! was the Theam,
Great Brittains happy Genius, and her Queen.

The River Nimphs their Crystal Courts forsake,
Curl their Blew Locks, and Shelly Trumpets take:

And the surprising News along the Shore,
In raptur'd Songs the wondring Virgins bore;
Whilst Mourning Eccho now forgot her Sighs,
And sung the new taught Anthem to the Skyes.
All things in Nature, a New Face put on,
Thames with Harmonious Purlings glides along,
And tells her Ravisht Banks, she lately bore
A Prize more great than all her hidden Store,
Or all the Sun it self e're saw before.

The brooding Spring, her Fragrant Bloom sent out,

Scattering her early Perfumes round about;
No longer waits the Lasie teeming Hours,
But e're her time produc'd her Oderous Flowers;
Maria's Eyes Anticipate the May,
And Life inspir'd beyond the God of Day.
The Muses all upon this Theam Divine,
Tun'd their best Lays, the Muses all, but mine,
Sullen with Stubborn Loyalty she lay,
And saw the World its eager Homage pay,
While Heav'n and Earth on the new Scene lookt gay.

But Oh! What Human Fortitude can be
Sufficient to Resist a Deity?
Even our Allegiance here, too feebly pleads,
The Change in so Divine a Form perswades;
Maria with the Sun has equal Force,
No Opposition stops her Glorious Course,
Her pointed Beams thro' all a passage find,
And fix their Rays Triumphant in the Mind.
And now I wish'd among the Crouds to Adore,
And constant wishing did increase my Power;

From every thought a New-born Reason came
Which fortifyed by bright Maria's Fame,
Inspir'd My Genious with new Life and Flame,
And thou, Great Lord, of all my Vows, permit
My Muse who never fail'd Obedience yet,
To pay her Tribute at Marias Feet,
Maria so Divine a part of You,
Let me be Just -- but Just with Honour too.

Resolv'd, She join'd her Chorus with the Throng,
And to the listning Groves Marias Vertues Sung;

Maria all Inchanting, Gay, and Young,
All Hail Illustrious Daughter of a King,
Shining without, and Glorious all within,
VVhose Eyes beyond your scantier Power give Laws,
Command the VVord, and justifie the Cause;
Nor to secure your Empire needs more Arms
Than your resistless, and all Conquering Charms;
Minerva Thus alone, Old Troy Sustain'd,
Whilst her Blest Image with three Gods remain'd;
But Oh! your Form and Manner to relate,

The Envying Fair as soon may Imitate,
'Tis all Engaging Sweet, 'tis all Surprising Great;
A thousand Beauties Triumph in your Air,
Like those of soft Young Loves your Smiles appear,
And to th'Ungarded Hearts, as dangerous are:
All Natures Charms are open'd in your Face,
You Look, you Talk, with more than Human Grace;

All that is Wit, all that is Eloquence.
The Births of finest Thought and Noblest Sense,
Easie and Natural from your Language break,

And 'tis Eternal Musick when you speak;
Thro' all no formal Nicety is seen,
But Free and Generous your Majestick Meen,
In every Motion, every Part a Queen;
All that is Great and Lovely in the ***,
Heav'n did in this One Glorious Wonder fix,
Apellis thus to dress the Queen of Love,
Rob'd the whole Race, a Goddess to improve.
Yet if with Sighs we View that Lovely Face,
And all the Lines of your great Father's Trace,

Your Vertues should forgive, while we adore
That Face that Awes, and Charms our Hearts the more;
But if the Monarch in your Looks we find,
Behold him yet more glorious in your Mind;
'Tis there His God-like Attributes we see.
A Gratious Sweetness, Affability,
A Tender Mercy and True Piety;
And Vertues even sufficient to Attone
For all the Ills the Ungrateful VVorld has done,
Where several Factions, several Intrests sway,
And that is still it'h Right who gains the Day;
How e're they differ, this they all must grant,
Your Form and Mind, no One Perfection want,
Without all Angel, and within all Saint.

The Murmering World till now divided lay,
Vainly debating whom they shou'd Obey,
Till You Great Cesar's Off-spring blest our Isle,
The differing Multitudes to Reconcile;
Thus Stiff-neckt Israel in defiance stood,
Till they beheld the Prophet of their God;

Who from the Mount with dazling brightness came,
And Eyes all shining with Celestial Flame;
Whose Awful Looks, dispel'd each Rebel Thought,
And to a Just Compliance, the wilde Nations brought.
What on Earth deserves our trust ?
Youth and Beauty both are dust.
Long we gathering are with pain,
What one moment calls again.
Seven years childless, marriage past,
A Son, a son is born at last :
So exactly lim'd and fair.
Full of good Spirits, Meen, and Air,
As a long life promised,
Yet, in less than six weeks dead.
Too promising, too great a mind
In so small room to be confin'd :
Therefore, as fit in Heav'n to dwell,
He quickly broke the Prison shell.
So the subtle Alchimist,
Can't with Hermes Seal resist
The powerful spirit's subtler flight,
But t'will bid him long good night.
And so the Sun if it arise
Half so glorious as his Eyes,
Like this Infant, takes a shrowd,
Buried in a morning Cloud.
-Ek en my geraamtes het soms ook 'n uitval

Verdoem deur drome van 'n wakker oog
gee ek in tot die eindelose gekarring.
Waaroor die ophef van 'n silwerdoek beeld
die trane en inspirasie , aangemeld -
en saamgesmelt in elke belydenis?

Ek spaar toe maar my knieë en sak neer
voor die rekenaar en fynkam
die intrieke sydrade van ons spinnerakke
Vergrootglas die letters, opsoek na:
'n Gebed vir - 'n Gebed vir hom...

Toe speel my storie... Ag ek meen
Sy outobiografie af en ek's aleen.
Elke nou en dan en dan en wan
vee ek oor die rekenaar skerm en
skrik as ek sý gesig sien.

Hy wou dit nie aanvaar nie!
- ek wou regtig nie!
Hy wou verander!
-ek wou regtig graag verander...
ek... - ek bedoel hy;

Ons ma's was swertsend selfs
godslasterik lief vir ons en
haar stickynotes het ons oral vasgekeur
, want Levitikus!!!
Levitikus sê NEE...
Ma sê die Bybel sê:
"Ons is dood".
Ma se sy wil ons nie verloor nie.
Kom sy nie agter dat ons in
haar geweierde woorde versmoor nie.

My knieë is lank genoeg gespaar.
Na 90 minute se snikke en trane
val ek neer voor die Heer en
almal wat nog wil luister.
Ware ellende stort uit perelpoele
en plas neer op die koue wereld.
Uiteindelik bid ek vir hom, maar
my gebede is te laat - met so
dertig jaar of wat -.

Ek hoop iemand bid vir my...
ek hoop die gebede vind my
- maar vir my , betyds-.
Want ek sit met VIGS van die
siel. 'n Tipe kanker op sy eie 'n
lifelong companion om die eufemisme
mooi te stel...

Ek is Hy.
Hy is ek.
Ons is ons eie tipe mens.

hesserstarr Feb 2010
How is it so that friends come and go
some quick and some slow one minunte their here and the next they have disappeared

We'll all grow apart but only in the heart i wish people could maintain in their brain please don't fight or all this will be ****** right down the drain

And before you know it you cant remember your bestfriends name
this is how friends come and friends go before you know it your alone

Dont you wish friends could just be friends no Competition or jealousy this dont  exist it's just a myth

The word friendship means relationship and trust between people those who say it dont meen it best friend are the ones to stab you in the back and watch you bleed as you fall to your knees
they laugh with glee and trun their back to you and leave as if bestfriends didn't mean anything
Hao Nguyen Apr 2016
To: Thomas

Message: hey did u reed that bok
bout Chauser cuz i didnt
get it.  Its jus 2 hard 2
read n i dont kno y
we r doin this.
I meen we r good @ talkin
in our english so y r we
reedin all of this ol ****?

Who needs it or even cares?

Canterbury Tales?  Mor lik
LOL.  its like 2 long but
txt me bk cuz I dont get it
n ned help 4 the test.
TTYL, busy day sooo gotta g

~<3 Becky

Sent at 2:00pm April 2, 2011
This poem was created in an experimental form: texting.
James Schreiber Nov 2012
i swear nothing matters
******* **** means nothing
we mean nothing know what i meen?
so focused on imperfection we never see the golden air waves
so secluded to our own misery that it blows right past us
but its there everything is
waiting for you to look up and notice
all the love in the world swirls around you this very second
but are you too sharp to notice
Ste Jan 2018
My Grandfather,
with his bare hands
built that house on our
fertile land,
were I was born and did reside
and there it stil does stand.
Rite on the borderline
of Greater Manchester
and Merseyside.

Since the day I could walk
and way before I did talk,
I'd help a little
with sickle and pitch fork,
and I'd watch the workers
like a hawk.

One day I'd reached my prime,
my farther said I'd  come of age,
and then at last came the time
for me to get my first ever wage.

"Now its time for you to get paid
(Great maybe now I'll get laid.)
Have a think about investing
(does not sound interesting)
In some great machine
like a tractor,
so your workload does lessen"
(Or maybe I'll live the dream
and get on X factor,
now I can pay for a singing lesson.)
"You tended well to our crop
a bumper harvest you did yield.
Best we've had for years
Good on ya son."
"Great now I can sit on the Kop
always wanted to see Anfield
and go out for beers
around Goodison!"

I got dressed up to the nines,
on a sunny day ,in the finest Lacoste.
Here come the good times
In the big city I got lost.

Thier was some kind of parade
for those with pride.
I was given a serenade
by a chap with his hair dyed.
"Have no fear come in for a beer
you dont have to be queer
all are  welcome here."
Was not sure what that implied
but I said thanks and went inside.

First place I'd been in Liverpool.
Bunch of lads inside playing pool.
I picked up a que
and asked could I play to,
they were not cool            
"Who the hell are you?"
I did not sound Merseyside
so they took me for a fool.

For what it was worth I tried to explain.
"Only had to bunk six stops on train.
I'm local enough so dont complain.
I'm the man that grows your scran,
digging the earth in the pouring rain."

"Stop your bul you wool,
you sound like some kind of manc,
we'll give your ars a spank!"

I  was not sticking around for abusing.
I downed my tonic
and out the door I did walk.
Although I did find it amusing,
and somewhat ironic,
that a scouser could take the ****
out of the way anybody did talk.

Feeling dejected and worried
I'd almost come to harm
I went back to work on my farm
to the Job I'd hurriedly rejected.

But then the nights did draw in
and it did start to get colder
and again I felt my life was boring,
need to live a little before I get older.

Had enough of merseyside
with thier closed off unions.
I'll try my luck on the other side.
I'll go meet the Mancunions.

Yes its going to be great,
yes I'll have a night to remember.
I'm on the lash around Deansgate,
on the twenty fourth of December.

Strait in first place I saw
It looked all I'd hoped for
and more, top draw.

They had an event of some kind
seemed to me it was for charity.
I'm not usually one for morality
but twas night before Christmas
so I did not mind.

A fundraiser for the down and out
refugees that were homeless and brasic.
Some were prancing, call it dancing,
others just hanging out.
The juke box was banging out
a Stone roses classic.

"Pint of smooth."
All stopped to move,
I felt the needle scratch out of that groove,
and no creature was stirring In that public house
not even a mouse...
When I say nothing was stirring
thier was three hundred pair of eyes
that did stare at me  from all sides.
But you know what I'm saying.
I open gob, record scratches off,
stops playing,
and no creature was stirring
in that public house, not even a mouse
and the barman, he looks at me and he says.
"Are you Scouse?"

"No bro
I meen no are kid
and I'm here to spend
doe you know so
dont flip your lid."

"Whats that you said?
What do you meen
what am I doing here?
I'm Lancashire!
Born and bred
I'm out thier in my wellies
watering turnips to keep
you townies fed!"

"I'm not on tour
I'm no pretender."
Was going well for me
until they all saw me
take a selfy
outside the Haçienda.

In these modern times
most try our best
to be excepting of the rest.
Strait, gay, white or brown,
but I say its just as important
to extend that hand of friendship
to those in the next town.

For after all,
if we got together
and gathered our masses
we would surely be the most awesome,
the very best.
The great working classes
of Englands North West!
when I am all alone in my room it's peaceful physically. Although mentally my head is so busy and loud its not funny. I tend to stare off into space and think about my mom and and dad actually my whole biological family. How there not there for me and never have been unless it was to have something to be blamed on me even if I didnt do it. I would take the blame for it and move on hurt in everyway you could imagine. Hurt to the piont where I could let go of them and never look back again. Although I just keep going back back to get there approval over every little thing. So I can just feel there love even if it hurt me I knew it was still love love from them. As I live with a non bio family member I think I am wasting alot of time by hurting myself and them alot. When I have a family right where I am that loves me like I was there biological family memeber. There child and there sister. I dont need to go through all the pain I put myself into to get the love I am looking for I have it right where I am. The parents treat me just like there children. The kids they treat me like there own sisters and brother. I believe I was sent through all the things I was sent through so I could know and feel what a real family feels like. Like conconditional love and disapline. They consider me one of there children when they introduce me to someone they already know they introduce me as there daughter. I know that they love me and would do anything to protect me from any harm at all no matter what I know if my husband was beating me or my children my mom would kick his *** tell he couldnt move and would go to jail for it. I know thats how much they love me and same thing with my dad. Of course I still love my biological parents I always will but I know 100% I am safe, wanted blame free when its not my fault and loved right where I am. For me to be able to move on and heal my wounds my biological family did to me I have to let them go. That doesnt meen I wont ever get to see them it meens not putting myself out there to see them and in the end getting hurt. I have to remind myself if they want to see me they will call me I don't have to call them and set myself up for hurt. Even if they don't call me and don'twant to see me I now that I didnt do anything wrong. I have a family right here to love me and give me the attention I need that I never had. To give me advice when I need it to guide me in the right path to disapline me into a strong independant women. So when its time to flap my wings and fly I can do it on my own and do strong. Stronger then I even imagined I can ever be before I met Kelly and Carl my true parents. The ones that have shown me the true meening of life, family and love. They have shown me I don't need the extra baggage on me and need my biological parents to approve every little thing I do. That I don't need to get hurt by my biological parents and family and be blamed for every little thing my parents did while I was a child I can live through life not feeling guilty for taking the blame for that because I know it wasnt my fault I was just a child being put through hell and back. Shoved from one home to another and blamed for my biological parents drugs and alcohol abuse. I can let all of it go and live and soon flap my wings and fly my life the way it should have been flown in the begining. How do I let go of all the extra baggage is support from my true family and my true friends. I would never be able to get through life without them.
keissy Apr 2014
you are like the sun to my life,
You are the light that lights my way,
without you I would not be nothing, nothing, nothing,
because you show me the right way to go ,
and that way i know where to go,
if you turn dark/bad,meen,different,
im gonna be lost,
be with me so i can idmire you like the sun,
cuz you are light!!!
you are light to my life!!!
live a comment and fallow!!!
I'm still learning about life
I've seen so little before me
closed into a world that truly barley knows me.
You see some kids at school thought it was funny to call her ugly
little do you know she's dealing with  some suicide theory's
she deals with it all by writing songs and story's
she's made it to seven years old,
She already thinks the world is cold.
she wants a better life
crying herself to sleep for a shorter one.
She's made it to fifteen and the world seems un-clean.
her heart is braking.
she's had enough of the world around her that barley knows her.
why did you think it was all rite to try and write the end to her story.
now she's made her mind their wont be no happy ending
Write your apology, and put it in a sad little eulogy
your words meen more than what you think
she didn't make it to seventeen,
she wont be getting married,
she was in search for a better world now she's found one
once she was fifteen years old her world did seem cold
but now she doesn't have to feel the world around her falling
once she was fifteen years old.
but, i guess that's how the world goes
Dylan Mar 2015
Today, a sadness stream
A smile, more then i meen

I might like what i see and smile,
But i see my own tears, now and for a while

A look can say more then a thousand words,
I can lie about what i feel,  but truth is, it hurts

My face is straighten up, no emotion to see
Inside i am crying, how hard can it be

Confused and messed up i stand
With only hope on my right hand

This is no farewell,
Its just the path to heaven, not to hell

If you are on clouds and stare,
I want you to know i cant bare

The pain is killing me, but i have to stay strong
Not for myself, but for family among

If i had the power to turn times back,
I would visit you, cause now im a total wreck

I couldn't give you a goodbye kiss,
It are your hickeys i will miss

Stay with me as long as you can,
Stay in my heart, i love you now and i loved you then

Once more, this is no farewell
You are in heaven, and never look at hell

I love you
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Dylan Mar 2015
Wheny crying becomes laughing
It doesn't meen i have forgotten you
It meens i accepted you are no more
The devil is clever
for He uses our judgment of others
to make sinners out of brothers

I am torn for I want to be excepted into the light
But I am welcomed to the night
How am I supposed to chose
to be bad or to loose

The voice inside my head is telling me to go
to the one that I really know
how bad could it be?
death no destiny
So I chose the night
The only on who also choses me

Blame me for your childes actions
for the devil and his demons meen corruption
But when I was making the decision
you said that I could have changed
The funny thing....I would have chosen light
Now every sinner has another day  and every saint has a past

I am the girl made of glass
I chose the devil because he chose me to
your rejection hurt so bad you never knew

But now I'm over it
for if I cannot enter heaven
I shall raise hell
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
Riley Stuart Jan 2014
If my words could change the world,
If my words could leave a dent,
If I wrote them in stone to be eternal,
Would they be seen or heard or acknowledged.

Would people merely pass them,
Or struggle to understand ,what it is I meen.
Would they be shown in glory,
Or trampled on and disfigured.

When all it is I need to say,
Should be heard by one,
And one  who knows my words too well,
And never sees me truely.

If I could write them on a standing stone,
Being bold and strong,
For my words would last till the elements have cast their destruction,
Would you and all the world know how much......

I love you.
dennis drain Apr 2017
Yea... bump while you  smoke,
Meen mug an get drunk,
Pop off get hify and be boss
DrJames Martin Sep 2018
I wents to colij a long time ago,
And trides to do my best.
I didn’t gets to stays long though,
Had trubble with the spelin test.

I don’ts no why therz such a fusst
Since I no what I meen.
They says that I simply must
Learns to be more keen.
violet Jan 2020
at this point, i don't know what to do
i just feel like i'm constantly floating
on the verge of drowning
a constant state of melancholy

i tell myself it'll get better as time passes
but is it really true?
or am i just feeding myself lies
just so that i can maybe make it through

day after day
i feel my soul being eaten away
by this monster i've been trying to find
but alas its been me all along

if only i could **** the monster that's been hurting me
but that would meen killling myself too
and maybe thats not so bad after all.
Nitin Pandey Nov 2020
I think we all feel it,
What's exactly meen it?
We are think that all the worlds problems can be solved simply,
Act of being happy?
Cause it seems like in a lot of say's,
Tell about that's cloud hiding their ways?
#thought #exactly #words #problem
Never ending...? the obstacle is that the only thing we have all been able to get tired, of is a new death of equal things, similar things that are going on with all of us…
Renard Jackson Nov 2021
Inspiration, worship, venerate
To me you are more than words can implicate
Docile, pull me away just don't lead me astray
I chose happy over horrid, to cherish over destroy it
Miles between us I tend to ignore it, cause there isn't anywhere I'll go or come to and see my feeling for you flourish
If it's an open road I'll floor it
Unfamiliar places exploited
Casting more than a net to catch this dream
Appalled by past situation defaulted her meen
I do what I say and say what I mean
A chance taken for a risk given
Reasoning for the "why" am I living
I adore you I get it....
Accept what is, life is short
Daan Feb 2020
In nieuwe huizen, kil en koud,
bewoond al door en ander,
ogen, ongezien zo oud, *******br>een wonderbeeld van hout en
kleur en vlammen zonder sleur.

Aan de open haard ligt vaak hetgeen
dat je verwarmen kan, verzorgen
en erbarmen, vooorbereiden
op de uitdaging van morgen.

Je bent er nooit alleen,
de mensen zien je graag.
Ik ook, dat ik dat meen,
dat staat buiten
Dus blijf nog maar even binnen om te wennen.

— The End —