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Irma Cerrutti Mar 2010
Penetrate me tight-fitting and penetrate me pinned down
The lycanthropic creature you ******
This is la vie en Venus’ flytrap

When you poke me, ****** moans
And though I squeeze my vaginas
I taste la vie en Venus’ flytrap

When you ***** me abutting your *****
I’m inside a hobnobbing alien
A metagalaxy where Venus’ flytraps win a beauty contest

And when you *******, cyclopses moo from upstairs
Heterosexual homophones seem to pervert ***** Adams Glorias

Splash out your cream and gumption to me
And ***** lust loosely wash
La vie en Venus’ flytrap
Copyright © Irma Cerrutti 2010
Xan Abyss May 2015
****** into a ****** world of death and hopeless grief
No matter what man I become I'll always be a beast
Ripped in two by tragic fate and secrets that I keep
And there is no release from the creature beneath
Asleep in a devil's dream

I am cursed by the moon
And tonight will bring my doom
**** me when the wolfsbane blooms
and lock me in a silver tomb

Pain and death, they follow me wherever I may run
My soul is ****** eternally to a lake of burning blood
My life is void of happiness, I'm terrified to love
I used to thrive at night but now I live to chase the sun
Am I the only one?

I am cursed by the moon
And tonight will bring my doom
**** me when the wolfsbane blooms
and lock me in a silver tomb


Transformed by the moon I run through the moors in the mystic fog of the night
If I find you, pray that you don't survive the attack or live through the bite
I need flesh and blood so fresh, and I smell my prey nearby
You can't run and you can't hide from me, it's time to die

This is the Curse
of the Moon
Lycanthropic Lunatic
and worse, it's true
The Wolf of Hell is coming after you

The terror in her eyes, it satisfies, the predatory urge overtakes me
Crimson-stained by his open veins, the light of the moon liberates me
The Hound of Hell escapes its cell, the human shell it's held in
The Dog of War, released once more, Suburbia in Bedlam

*This is the Curse
of the Moon
Lycanthropic Lunatic
and worse, it's true
The Wolves of Hell are coming after you
bucky Jun 2014
they trained me to move elegantly before i could even move
so i'm resorting to being a ******* misfit
(maybe if i try hard enough their work
will reverse)
my teenage hipbones are a geometry problem
acute angles jutting from beneath my shirt
my jeans have always hung too low and i'm too poor to buy a good belt.
you tell me, softness in your eyes, softness in your fingertips,
that you love how they sit on my hips.
i was born on a full moon,
howling before i had learned how to speak
your humanity matches my humility
my futility
you were born with the stars in your eyes
and when you touched my shoulder i felt them
a thousand and one galaxies
******* in you
my first word was hatred and yours was adoration
and maybe that's why i can't help
but wish on you.
that which a man does not have attracts him;;
i wonder what attracted you to me
Lendon Partain Jan 2022




Dicast parts,

I am Growing this agar's too small.


Through the stigma,
my bones bleed,
my wreaths hanging,
Of unwelcome,
all my being.
of unwelcome,
all my being.

The Truth of getting older,
the senescence of emotion
The people we love and once were,
Are gone forever.

I am not for this heartless place.
I am but Peter Pan,

A bitter struggle,
While trampled underfoot.

Of a world,
Not built for us.

Built for no one.
Alex Oct 2018
The mural, it was of myself
Amongst lycanthropic flowers
I was in the Balkins
And 6am was the hour

I saw this in a psych ward
The strangest thing it was
To see a portrait of myself
It seemed as if I was in Hell
Strange experience I had at a psych ward in Texas. Feel free to ask me more about it.
Robert Ullrich Dec 2014
picking up the phone and dialing your number from memory
tapping on the beaming LED screen in my blackened and frigid room
it sends me into a lycanthropic frenzy
I shed the skin of a plagued, maddened hermit and
mutate into a gregarious, fluttery seraphim
when your “hello” melts through the receiver to greet me
it makes Annie Clark sound like a rattled wasp nest
when I pace around my room, telling you about my day
I feel like I’m weaving adventures together just to feel your warmth
through the phone pressed against my oily cheek
the clock whirlpools helplessly trying to figure out the time
as if it had got caught up in our banter and forgot about its job
but even if the clock can’t set the time straight, the sun does
when it creeps its ugly head above the horizon, I hear a mumble
then a quiet “go to bed” and a “goodnight”
and I shrivel back into the saddened lunatic I once was
B E Cults Nov 2018
fungi sunshine ride try time
grimey-find me-blinding--house couch tv--remote variable-gruesome food spoonfed by joanna newsom
singing in the key of airplane noises--make-shape-exorcise fate from cups half full of lulls and binary--hi-bye--lycanthropic soda dealer guilt tripped by the full moon--cool dude though-fun crunch curmudgeon stuffing love into guts-upchuck-punch drunk-cousin to state vector wreckage-barbecue-hard to loot-heart over headaches--family-friendly--revelry-devil setting clocks back--watch-lost and boundless-child in a wilderness--eat-eat-drink-****-****-****-pistis-missing person surgery--blind forensics-thick skin---little bitty mystical-sit down
The Fire Burns Oct 2016
Luna plays her siren song
as she creeps above the horizon
I try not to listen
but there is no use in fightin'

No longer me, I lose control
as fangs begin to sprout
my hair grows long and
a howl transforms from my painful shout

On four legs I prowl the night
searching for my prey
the woods are empty, silent
the animals know to run away

My nose twitches and I turn
toward the smell of smoke
a campsite is ahead
and my hunger is provoked

I am but a passenger
in my lycanthropic state
the wolf is in control
as the campers meet their fate

Morning now, I awake
naked near a stream
I try to block out the night
it is no nightmarish dream

— The End —