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Àŧùl Apr 2013

Jana-gaṇa-mana adhināyaka jaya he
Bhārata bhāgya vidhātā
Pañjāba Sindhu Gujarāṭa Marāṭhā
Drāviḍa Utkala Baṅga
Vindhya Himāchala Yamunā Gaṅgā
Uchhala jaladhi taraṅga
Tava śubha nāme jāge
Tava śubha āśhiṣa māge
Gāhe tava jaya gāthā
Jana gaṇa maṅgala dhāyaka jaya he
Bhārata bhāgya vidhāta
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he.


Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people,
Dispenser of India's destiny.
Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sindhu,
Gujarat and Maratha,
Of the Dravida and Odisha and Bengal;
It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,
mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganges and is
chanted by the waves of the Indian Ocean.
They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.
The saving of all people waits in thy hand,
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory to thee.
This is Jan Gana Mana - The Indian National Anthem as composed by Rabindranath Tagore and as translated in English by Tagore along with the Irish poet James H. Cousins' wife, Margaret who was an expert at English language.
It is addressed to the Bharat Bhagya Vidhata (India's Destiny Dispenser God) contrary to the popular belief that it is addressed to a person particular.
It is known that the Sanskritized Bengali version of the same, called Jana Gana Mana has been hugely popular worldwide. Listen to it on YouTube now and feel something in your heart for India.
© Rabindranath Tagore 27th December, 1911 originally in Bengali
© Rabindranath Tagore, Margaret H. Cousins who together translated it in 1919 at Besant Theosophical College, Madanapalle where Margaret's husband James H. Cousins was the principal who invited Rabindranath Tagore to sing the anthem in front of an assembly of people.
Ashwin Kumar Feb 1
Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
For the late wishes, am I sorry
However, extended family you definitely are
And for you both, greatly do I care!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
God made a wonderful discovery
When he created you two
As human beings, you are so true!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
We are a beautiful family
Sharing joys and sorrows in equal measure
Our bond is something to greatly treasure!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May the pair of you always be filled with joy
Blossoming with deep, unconditional love
Very special indeed, is the number thirty-five!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
I hope you had a memorable day
You care so much for others
It's high time you did the same for yourselves
And for that, what better day than today?
May you keep all worries at bay!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May you share many a sweet memory
Take care, love you to pieces
And see you soon, this time at our house
After all, so often have we been to your lovely little place
It's time you returned the favour
Again, hope you had a day to savour!!
Wishing my unofficial parents a very very happy 35th wedding anniversary!!!
Prana Moonshine May 2015
Exuberant he is!
That’s a Yogi with character!

Smiling, treat wallah.
Pyramid quartz.
Dangling sparkles.
Sunlight reflects
His teeth softly open to the world.
Taste buds willing
Simple yet refined
Yogi Yum Yums
Spreading the thunderous joy
Of pure delight!
He gives permission to say “GOD”
He sits.
When no one is around
In the hall where Shiva dances to his music.
Pulsing the instrument
Harmonium glimmering with song.
Goggles on, ready and shimmering
He booms a great confidence,
The resounding sound:

Ankit Dubey May 2019
Dil chahe agar k chahu tujhe aur jada,
Pyar karu tujhe khud se jada,
Bana loo tujhe apna,
Kareeb aa jaun tere aur jada,
Jindagi tere naam kar doo,
Bandagi teri bana doo,
Bhar loo tujhko bahon me,
Pyar kar loo tujhe aur jada,
Kyun khafa ** jate **,
Kyun roothkar tum jate **,
Kyun bhool sab kuch jate **,
Jab dil chahta hai k yumhe yaad aaun aur jada,
Tumhe pyar kar loo aur jada,
Beet jayegi jindgani,
Kho jayegi apni kahani,
Roothna manana to hota hi rahta hai,
Kyun dard dete ** khud ko,
Sab jante ** tum agar,
Chahte ** yum agar,
Kyun rooth jate ** aur jada,
Dil chahta hai k pyar kar loo aur jada,
Na rooth tum jaya karo,
Na khud ko yun tadpaya karo,
Kabhi mere bhi ban jaya karo,
Yun khamosh na ** jaya karo,
Kyun khwab me aate ** tum,
Kyu saanso me bas jate ** tum,
Kyun yaad aate harpal aate ** tum,
Kya karu,
kaise khus rakhu tumhe aur jada,
Dil chahta hai k chahoo tumhe air jada,
Puar kar loo tumhe ur jada....

I love you ...
Misss you.
Na dhan k e daas hote hai ,naa mann ke daas hote hai
Nirasha me v aasha ka, saghan vishwas hote hai
Nazar se dur hokar v, jigar ke paas hote hai
Mohabbat karne wale dil, bahot hi khas hote hai

Ibbadat kaun karta hai,Innayat kaun karta hai
Sabhi hai lootne wale, mohabbat kaun karta hai
Bharamar ki gungunahat se hi, ab har phool darta hai
Sabhi khilwadd karte hai, mohabbat kaun karta hai

Mohabbat apni har aashiq, pe jaya hum nahi karte
Ki aise har kisi pe dil,  lutaya hum nahi karte
Mai kahti raat rani se, meri awaj ko sunkar
Chale aate hai khud bhawre, bulaya hum nahi karte

Hume apni mohabbat tum, gawara mat samajh lena
Aji ye dil humara hai, tumhara mat samajh lena
Kayamat ki nazar hai, humnazara mat samajh lena
Kinara kar rahe hai hum, Isahara mat samajh lena
Copyright© Shashank K Dwivedi
Follow me on Facebook -
So Dreamy Jan 2017
Di ujung jalan Merbabu III, ada sebuah bangunan tua berwarna cokelat muda berlantai satu dengan sebuah taman yang dipenuhi semak bunga Gardenia dan sebuah pohon pinus. Itu adalah rumah kami. Sebuah gunung berdiri tegak di depan kami. Teh beraroma melati yang disajikan dalam cangkir putih membiarkan asapnya mengepul memenuhi udara dan menghangatkan atmosfer di sekitar kami hanya untuk sepersekian detik. Ditemani sepiring pisang goreng atau roti bakar berisi selai cokelat yang meleleh, bersama ibuku, kami berbincang tentang banyak hal di atas kursi kayu di teras rumah berlatar gunung.

Kami banyak membicarakan tentang masalah pendidikkan dalam negeri, masalah keluarga, hobi masing-masing, masa depan, pelajaran di sekolah, pekerjaan lainnya, dan mengeluh bagaimana hal-hal tidak berjalan sesuai dengan ekspektasi kami. Ibuku adalah sahabat terbaikku. Bisa dibilang dia merupakan orang terfavoritku walaupun aku lebih mengidolakan band-band asal Inggris yang jaya di pertengahan era 90-an. Tapi, ibuku adalah pendengar terbaik selain secarik kertas HVS putih yang biasa kutulisi dengan rangkaian kata menggunakan pulpen biru Faster. Dia mendengar, benar-benar mendengar. Dia mengerti apa maksud dari seluruh ucapanku, bukan hanya sekedar menyimak cerita-ceritaku.

Setiap kali aku mengeluh tentang suatu hal, Ibu menghujaniku dengan nasihat-nasihat dan pepatah-pepatah hebat. Ia selalu mengingatkanku untuk selalu bersyukur.

“Bu,” panggilku pada suatu siang di tengah bulan Juni yang sangat panas.

Kami sedang membersihkan sayur kangkung dan ikan Gurame di dapur dengan jendela yang terbuka lebar di hadapan kami sehingga kami bisa melihat jelas isi dari taman belakang rumah sebelah.

“Aku heran mengapa bunga-bunga liar ini bisa tumbuh. Maksudku dari mana mereka berasal dan bagaimana bisa mereka tumbuh begitu saja?" tanyaku.

Ibuku tersenyum. “Penyebaran bibit itu bermacam-macam. Lewat serangga, bisa jadi?” jawabnya sambil terus membersihkan sisik ikan. “Lagi pula, bunga rumput itu sangat cantik. Setuju dengan Ibu?”

Aku mengangkat sebelah alis, kemudian menggeleng. “Cantik apanya? Mereka berantakan, ya, kan? Bagaimana bisa Bu Jum betah melihatnya tanpa merasa gatal untuk segera mencabutnya?”

“Mereka adalah bunga yang kuat,” katanya, “mereka tumbuh di mana saja, kapan saja. Mereka tidak peduli seperti apa rupa lingkungan sekitarnya dan bagaimana lingkungan sekitarnya bersikap pada mereka, menampar atau menerima. Mereka tetap tumbuh, bertahan, dan hidup. Bunga rumput adalah bunga liar yang sering diacuhkan banyak orang, tapi mereka adalah bunga yang kuat dan mereka terlihat cantik dengan cara mereka sendiri.”

Aku tertegun.

“Itu hanya pandangan Ibu saja. Semacam filosofi, kamu paham, kan?”

Sejak saat itu, aku percaya pada kecantikan di setiap kesederhanaan. Hal-hal yang biasa tidak diperhatikan atau dilupakan banyak orang sesungguhnya memiliki keindahannya sendiri. Meneguk secangkir kopi panas di malam hari ketika tiada satu pun suara dan bintang berkedip di langit tinggi, cahaya matahari yang mengintip dari balik dedaunan dan ranting pohon atau jendela kamar, mendengar dan melihat bagaimana tetes-tetes hujan turun dari genting ke permukaan tanah. Jalanan kelabu yang basah dan sepi, suara dan kilatan petir, kabut yang memenuhi ruang udara setiap Subuh. Suara deburan ombak yang berujung mencium garis pantai atau suara aliran sungai yang mengalir dengan tenang. Hal-hal seperti itu, selain mereka cantik dengan caranya masing-masing, mereka juga indah tanpa pernah sekalipun menyadari bahwa mereka indah. Dan, itu adalah kecantikan yang paling murni dari segala hal yang nyata.
The new Ugadi brings in many a dream
But this year it is the time for electioneering team
Instead of the tender mango buds and the melodious song
Man political campaigners do throng
We hear the opportunistic , affectionate political call
Despite hiding their possible fall
Not heeding to the election code
Money flows on the busy road
For every precious vote
There is at least a thousand Rupees note
Wine one can drink
Until one does sink
We offer corruption as diet for Mother Goddess without shame
We have become a part of this vicious game
For votes and seats Andhra Pradesh has met with unilateral division
The Italian and the saffron aunt have the devilish unison
In fact, ther is no scope for any party to get our vote
But in democracy not to vote is like cutting our own throat
As long as breadth is there, there will be life
As long as life is there , there will be hope and strife
I hope this new year Jaya usher in many a success to the common man
The youth shall have creativity, social justice and bright future, for which I yearn
Shrivastva MK Jun 2017
Pyar kiya to nibhaya karo,
Deke dard judai ka na mujhe yu tadpaya karo,
Na lo meri mohabbat ka imtehaan,
Kya kami rah *** meri mohabbat me ye to btaya karo,

Sath na dena ** yadi to sapne na dikhaya karo,
Jana ** dur hi agar to kisi ke zindagi me na yu aaya karo,
Kar ke wada sath nibhane ka,
Mujhe yu akela na chhod jaya karo,

Ae pal ab tum hi es jawane ko samjhaya karo,
Kisi bhi ajanabi ko yu na dil me basaya karo,
Najane kitne aashiq jale honge kisi Ki mohabbat me,
Ai khuda aashiqo ko yu kisi ke mohabbat me na jalaya karo,
Na tadpaya karo.....
Joshua Soesanto Jun 2014
baru saja kopi tersedia
terpikirnya kembali gambaran diorama
ku rasa rusaknya irama menjadi bencana
namun terkadang rasa asa menjadi surat suara

cinta rasa gejolak mesin rusuh suara
jalanan menanti sosok pengembara
terbakarnya arang ara
sepinya jalan bintaro jaya

makin ku pacu mesin waktuku
kuda besi tanpa boncengan terisi
ingat akan mimpi
kita pernah bersama menepi

gergaji rantai pembalik waktu
marlboro atau kretek kopinya satu
koboi gudang garam saling menunggu
kecaplah air liur kita bercumbu

akan ada waktu terbaliknya jam waktu
ia disana bersama pejantan baru
rasa rasanya pukulan tepat pada paru-paru
sesak napas ingat dia diatas saat bercumbu
Ankit Dubey May 2019
bewafa agar wo hote to unse shikayat mai kar leta,
pyar to aaj bhi unse hi karta hu,
tab shayad shikwa bhi kar leta,
na wo bewafa hai na mai shikayat kar sakta hu,
vo to bas door hai mujhse,
tab shayad khud ko unse door kar leta,
bewafa agar vo hote to unse shikayat mai kar leta....
yun to kai baar vo muhse rooth jaya karte hai,
tab shayad mai khud hi unse rooth jata,
ab vo yaad bahut aate hai,
tab shayad unhe bhool jane ki koshish mai kar leta,
yaad me unki ab bhi aansoo bahata hu mai,
tab shayad unhe yad na aane k gam me ro leta,
bewafa agar vo hote to unse shikayat mai kar leta....
baarish jab hoti aur vo sath nahi hote,
to akela hi us barish me bheeg leta,
tanha hu mai aaj bhi unk bina,
tab shayad unhe kareeb lane ki koshish na kar pata,
ab to bas jindagi beet rahi hai  unk aane ki ummeed k sahare,
shayad tab khud ko mita diya hota,
bewafa agar vo hote to unse shikayat mai kar leta.
Dearly Beloved in Christ

     Greetings to you in the most powerful name of our lord and savior
Jesus Christ. I am glad to write this loving letter to talk to you
today. We are glad to see your works on the website. I am also thank
Lord for giving us a great communication to share on another. Before
introducing me, we are assuring our continued prayers for your
ministry and for your dear family in all our prayers and you please do
pray for us and for our ministry in India. My name is Mrs. Jayamma, am
38 my husband's name John Victor aged 40. We have been preaching the
gospel and planting churches in 10 agency villages. we win thousands
of souls into the Kingdom of Heaven through your powerful and
spiritually filled messages.
India is a pagan country bounded by 330 million pagan Gods and there
are 880,000 villages in India where people still do not know Jesus.
Our goal is to plant churches in such areas and we as a team go over
there preach the gospel and stay over there and see that a church is
planted over there and leave a new Pastor over the work. All of our
villagers are agricultural laborers. They are very poor. We are
working for the Lord among them.       Apart from this we do have
children home with 30 abandoned children. And Old age mother’s home
with 10 ladies. We save these children and old mothers to win them for
Christ. We are accommodating them in a rented building and we are
praying for our own ministry campus. Please do encourage us and do
help these children if you are inspired  by the spirit of  Lord. The
name of our orphanage and old aged mother home is Jaya Charitable
Home. If you need more information regarding this project, we shall
send to your hon our. We really encourage you to pray and visit our
orphans and help as the Lord leads you to do so.         Our daughter
is padmaja. Our son is Lewis Kumar. They are supporting our work here.
My husband is a village doctor (First Aid) He got permission from the
government to do first Aid treatment. I work tailoring and embroidery.
I give my tithe to support to arrange good food for them, giving good
India dress (Saree blouse) they will pray for our ministry. We do also
support the widows in the church with a small monthly support and
there are so many widows who desperately need help. (James 1:27).
Please do pray for the needs of our ministry and also we are
requesting you to please visit India so that you will know that we are
a genuine ministry. If you need any references if you cannot come, we
can give you and you can contact them.
But our heartfelt invitation is for you to visit us as a team or your
family; we would be really excited in meeting you and hearing your
powerful messages. Please let us know of your schedule and please
inform our ministry activities in whatever way you can help us, or
encourage us to your churches, friends, relatives, crusade speakers
who are interested in helping with the work of Lord in India. If Lord
leads you we are wishing to conduct a big International Crusade with
your team.
Our letter is not to solicit you for funding all of our activities,
but we are only telling you of our activities and if you are only led
by the Lord, we ask you to encourage us and guide us and support us
and visit us and give your valuable suggestions and also pray for us
as God answers our prayers and fulfill our needs..
We close our letter with love and greetings and hugs to you. If you
need more information please do email us or you postal address.
Love to hear from you good news.

Yours Indian Sister
    Parampeta (post) -534447
    Jangareddygudem (Mandel)

West  Godawari District, A.P., S. India
plese pray for my gospel
emisahida Oct 2014
Hentian tak bermakna tiba
kegelapan tak semestinya hiba
keindahan tunjang sehingga pucuknya
bukanlah anugerah dalam sekilat cahaya
sambungan cerita kita yang punya
tapi beza adaptasinya
terkadang patah renyuk tak disangka
terkadang wangi semerbak bunga
terkadang terik memancar sinar
terkadang kaku kelu membisu
namanya perjuangan masihkan kekal
entahkan wujud entahkan binasa
menggapai semua mampukah kita
menyelongkar hingga tak ketemu jua
masakan diri menongkah jaya
moga memijak di alam nyata
agar sempurna gambaran selamanya....
After fifty years
I slipped into the school.

Madame Bela was visibly pleased
The classroom was too empty
Now I've one to do maths with

No less happy was Auntie Aloka
My favorite student is back
She lifted me up and said with a kiss
So vacant felt my class of English
Without a boy from olden times
Sweetly singing nursery rhymes

My eyes searched her and before long
Miss Jaya spoke in her softest tongue
I'm so glad to see his face
Sans him Bengali class was all emptiness

And there he was the only Sir
Amiyo Baboo the sports teacher
Isn't this the boy never won my trust
For always being in every race last

Fifty years haven't changed a bit
Either their age or their spirit
And surely the fun was doubly more
When I stood before the school mirror.
afteryourimbaud Sep 2018
kisah silam
kisah hadapan
menjadi resam
dengan harapan
pencarian berterusan
mencari perlindungan

apakah erti
apakah erti

satu batang tubuh
katanya penentu
jaya atau buntu
kekal tunduk patuh
menjarah sesuatu
diam membatu.
Kuzhur Wilson Oct 2013
In the villa in Sharja,
A banyan tree stood, stuck to the wall of the building.
Mind throbbed as soon as it caught sight of it,
Touched it to my forehead in reverence,
Remembered my father who understood trees.
In the book she has kept closed,
It should be possible to still see
The memory veins of a leaf-
Plucked after touching its soul and seeking permission.
‘It is a sign of prosperity,
It cleanses the atmosphere’, Mary too said.
New tenants came in the room vacated by Priyan and Anjana
Jaya aunty and her husband said that they wore skull caps
Narayanan, wearing sacred thread and sandalwood paste on his forehead,
Anthony with rosary and sacred amulet
After them,
Youngsters of this type were not seen so nearby
One night, when I went out of my way to touch that tree,
I heard speech of a rhythmic nature
From the room of those who wore caps
It passed through my mind, ‘these are times when words become music.’

It was a Friday.
While watering Basil plants,
Saw the branches of the banyan on the ground.
Its leaves, like heart shattered..
Whitish veins drained of blood
my eyes hurt
As I ran to it,
Saw the tree,
Looking like a worshipper whose hands were cut
While crying, beseeching the heavens , arms outstretched.

You used to say that there were many types of trees
Which tree is used to make crosses to crucify humans, Father?
(trans from Malayalam by Anitha Varma)
Sia Jane Mar 2014
Punctured, she remains bruised.
Looking left, the back of her hand
She begins, to remember that day.
It began with the box, old shoes
Nestled within, lay the excess meds.
It wasn't planned, she was certain.
Sitting on the bathroom floor, she opens
A cupboard where, the box kept
A thousand magic smarties, pink.
They were sugar coated, laughing
She thought about how, her heart
Her very soul, its sadness
So often wrapped a bow around,
Her hurt & pain, beneath the skin,
The surface, oh such depths of despair.
No one ever knew, the girl behind,
A red ruby lipped smile.
She took the box, a chipped mug
Drinking morning tea, phone quiet
This was 2010, pre iPhone for her
She simply text and dialled, hello.
Without any force, she started to count
One, two, three, as easy as,
This cup of tea beside her thigh,
No thoughts raced, no fixed grounding
Just the addiction to take one more.
And as the pills, rattled,
She began to feel the rattle within.
Handfuls, of the very drug
That was intended, to calm her
In these moments,
And yet,
She was calm, and she doesn't recall
A single tear.
Regular lunch break checks,
Mother and father calling,
A call to a psychiatrist, busy in clinic.
It wasn't a cry, it was to ask,
Why should I stop Jaya?
Mothers maybe know too much
And as quickly as I put,
The phone down, it rings.
By this point I'm sedated, uncompromising and incomprehensible,
I am told I slurred and denied all.
I recall a panicked voice and a mother,
Refusing to put the phone down.
I remember a bang on the front door.
I remember a black Ralph Lauren t'shirt,
My brothers.
And it's all I wore.
Knickers and a t'shirt.
I cowered in a corner of the hall,
Medics and police, and I'm terrified.
A blank search in my brain.
I go into a coma and my only memory is,
Waking in a distant place, plugged up
Machines and monitors beeping
And the soft gentle voice of,
My mother; Rachel!
Her hand so warm,
having held mine all the time,,
I took residence in this,

I'm alive.

© Sia Jane
I can't sleep so I do apologise of this is disjointed! I'm also on my phone!
Anonymous Jul 2018
Kal ki hi to baat h
Jab mai maa ka hath pakde
School ki or jata tha.

Ha kal ki hi to baat hai,
Jab mai baadlo par sawaar
Sapno ki dunia me
Dur kahi udd jaya krta tha.

Ha ye wahi daur tha,
Jab pariyo ki dunia ka apna wajood hua karta tha.

Syd sapno ko pakdne chah me
Ye sab kahi peeche chut gaya
Ha mai bachpan ki mayanagri se nikal
Is bheed me aa gya.
Prime Rhyme Time Jun 2020
Mohabbat to hmne b ki thi ek dafa
Unki glti pr b khud hi se ** jaya krte the khafa
Mohabbat asi ki unki hr glti pr prda daala krte the
Masumiyat me khud ko hi  sza dia krte the
Nêijî Nov 2018
Pesan pada hati,
jangan terlalu mengikut,
takut nanti cepat berubah.
Teruskan perjalanan yang separuh itu,
habiskan cerita walaupun lelah.
Mungkin di pengakhiran,
ada kebahagiaan yang menanti.
Datangnya ujian bukan satu bebanan,
tapi satu jalan menuju kejayaan.
Jika mampu, harunginya dengan jaya,
jika tidak, cukuplah sekadar menerima takdir seadanya.
Kau kawan, bantulah aku,
bukan merenung mencari salahku.
My first puisi in bahasa. Credit inspirasi to Ali's girlfriend.
Jaya Sep 2020
Woh din bhi kya din the,
Jb hum sab saath hua krte the.
Ladate the jhagadte the,
Par har museebat me saath hua krte the.
Jab bhi koi udaas hota tha,
Mazak me hi ****, par koi to aa ke kaaran puch jaata tha.
Aaj bhale hi hamari najdikiya khatam ** gayi **,
Par hmari yaade nhi.
Marte dam tak yaad rhega vo saath bitaya hua pal.
Kyuki woh din bhi kya din the,
Jb hum sab saath hua krte the.....
                         — Jaya Upadhyay

— The End —