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Jesse Hunter May 2013
My friend you've once again inspired me, LADB!  This energy, this poetic symmetry, this talent, this gift that you posses, possess me.
I look to your words as I know you do mine, rely on visions that come from our engines, and by that I mean our minds.
Our self destruction and God's good Grace brought us together, at a time of renewal, and a strange new place.
A friendship developed, between people of different worlds, yet akin minds will always think alike.
I remember a day, we took a train, set on the beach, took in the beauty and walked in the rain.
Even in dismay, the following day, after I let the devil have his way, you graced me with kinds words, and you left me with a manly embrace.
Some time has passed, without personal contact, yet we remain friends, with similar visions.
Until the day that we once again cross paths, in this life or the next, your poetic text will be the adhesive of a friendship I hope will always last.
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared inspiration flows and you know what are your hopes and dreams are they straight ahead like a beam or do they have twists and curves like a water stream shaping  the world as it so feels, path of least resistance kind of has an appeal.
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared insperation flows and I know I can feel the electricity in the air these word to me are a strike but to you at most a spare since I haven't knocked down mental pins given this topic justice But I'll keep on keeping on I can't be perfect like a good night kiss which tells us we're ok no need to be a martyr no not today.
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared inspiration flows and we know we can't make a change when we're at a stage of letting one per millions turn the page in to a new age of innovation through investigation education and perspiration. Greatness Isn't for the select few but for most of us that's my view
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared inspiration flows and so I think greatness is making a change in many lives and that's what I strive, to do, but by changing one life or maybe two every person they change will be because of you , let that sink in, so in fact greatness is for all of us. I trust you don't think I'm trying to make you rush I'm just trying to let you know your potential is exponential like that of ones mind making something out of nothing like these rhymes, from mind to pen to paper sole inspiration it's my time to shine.
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared insperation flows and I hope these words will be with you where ever you go do as you wish not because someone else said so.
And so it's goes when your mind is cleared insperation flows and I know it's about Time I go.
Spoken word
Stand up
Stand tall
Don't let yourself fall

Get up
Get out
Don't give into doubt

Run free
Run fast
Leave the haters in the past
tom krutilla Mar 2016
the heart bleeds, were the arrow periced
drips upon the flowers, droop their petals
stains them green to red
roots of strength hold firm, grip the earth
waiting for your smile to part the clouds

the sun, with its tantilizing fingers
evaporate the red to green, beauty renewed
walk among them, smell the scent, heal the heart
then close your eyes, feel yourself, and think
" If it was'nt for me, the world would not be"
I do me for sympathy sinks,
As Trees blow in the wind and its hard to see when you got this disease blockin out your insperation formed technique. so i do deeds for peeps not for self asteem, but because i believe in accepting , not threw speech but threw a hand to pat the back when stress constricts your will to breath. rain drips and leaves cover your ceiling as your trying to think peace, i understand and its guaranteed i will be there to give you that moral preach that you so desperatly need. i love you human being, threw this cruel scene i will stand you up, and dig for your seed only to show you how much you mean to the universe, so in return maybe you can wipe the blood when i bleed. Sympathy maybe so. I'm hear to let you know threw this fleshy capsol i too am a soul just looking for balance under control. The role of being me?? I don't mind. Just as long as you promise to set me free when i start to decline. Don't sit blind for its only a matter of time befor this sun shine ends, lift me dead.
I told you truths we laughed off as just another one of my moments and to me you knew when even could not say.

Words left apon a page are meaningless without the insperation to support them.

Are troubles many but to this friendship  I owe everything never worry how it sounds just read it and know .

We all get sideways sometimes .
Love you sister.

Remember my words long after the silence tears us apart .

This will always be for you.
Dedicated to Helen.

You know what others cannot understand .
And for that i owe you more than i can ever express .
nate mattson Aug 2013
The thought of you almost makes me cry ,knowing I might not ever see you again , the thought of loseing you to someone else , not knowing what is gonna happen in the future, going back to memories just to be happy because none are being made, holding you in my arms untill I fall asleep, kissing your sweet lips everytime I had the chance , just seeing your face puts a smile on my face, the thought of you driveing away for the last time ..... heart breaking, knowing you won't find better dosent help the situation of you in my thoughts, familys and school causeing us to be appart, my dreams leave me lonley in the mornings because you are gone, the thought of my first love drifting into the western sunset while I sit her on the darkside of the moon trying to find insperation to cross to the otherside is like a rough rollacoster ride, the thought of you makes me feel nanny differnt ways .....
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Dec 2013
Everyone has thier rock,
There when you need them like time on a clock.
They are solid to your heart,
Always knowing just where to start.

Although sometimes words seem hard to hear,
Always from my rock they are clear.
My rock is sturdy and strong,
The only person i can hear when im wrong.

Even though i might be older,
My rock never gave me the cold shoulder.
I trust and believe you more the you know,
Sometimes idiot brothers dont know how to show.

Yoda nicolie chimovski my lil sister whos always been there,
Thank you for being my rock even when about myself i didnt even care.
You truly are an insperation in my mind,
Only because of you do good things i find.

Thank you Nikki for being there as best you can,
Even when i didnt know or have a plan,
I love you and sorry some times i make life hard,
But believe me with out you i'd be an even bigger ******.
Autumn Noire Apr 2016
My hair is thinning
My bones are creaking
I feel the cold breeze hit every vertebrae as I assend into a room.
My bones are more like spikes now.
Jabing everthing I touch.
You must handle me gently.
For the lightest squeeze can bruise me.
When my trouble began i was an insperation.
But now, I dont recognize who i am.
Viper Jan 2011
like a wild flower sprouting up from the earth

growing ever more beautiful since your date of birth

I hope you realize you are noticed much in this world

all the eyes watching for your gorgeous petals to be unfurled

what an awe inspiring site as you stand dripping drops of rain from a spring shower

I am entrance by you, my glorious wild flower

though you are soft and pretty you can thrive almost anywhere

you are strong enough to bear the roughest storms along with the weather fair

I would love to be the sun shining down on you helping you to grow

embracing you with my rays of warmth because I love you so

your beauty gives insperation for the bees to buzz and the birds to sing

oh my lovely wild flower you are the most increadible thing

how I would love to pluck you from where you are and take you home with me

but I could not hide you away, you are something the world needs to see

when ever life has got me down and I feel I can not carry on for one more hour

I look to you for a bit of joy and happiness, thank you my little wild flower
copyright/Viper 2011
Ana S Jan 2017
Self hate is so much more than based off personal looks.
The way your eyes slant downwards or are just a little too squinty, the way your nose takes up a fourth of your face.
The way the kids tease you that your lips are too big or small.
The way that girl called you fat,
The way they told you you can never be loved.
Self hate routes from something bigger...
A fire burning deep inside.
Self hate comes from emotion.
It comes from the people closest.
The ones your told to trust.
Mom, dad, sister, brother, aunts and uncles.
Mom and dad used to fight...
Your older sister said it was all your fault.
You blamed yourself for so long.
Then one day you took a blade.
First time you ran it down your arm.
Let out your demons.
They screamed inside.
And now they are free.
Sure the kids at school all play into this.
But it's so much more.
If only you could see.
Within you there is still beauty.
You survived.
Therefore insperation remains alive.
You got past every name you've ever been called.
Every word your parents cursed.
You got through it all.
James Riddle Mar 2013
all the pieces are there
but the puzzle remains unfinished
collecting dust
the dedication in the begining
the insperation flowed
then in the blink of an eye
the masterpiece lays
dorment and incomplete
waiting to be put together
light it once placed
in the eyes of its creator
not to be seen in future
Sedina Durmic Jan 2012
Where has the time went what has life done to me
where has happiness gone where do i stand
I have not learned to deal with this sort of pain 
Ive left my heart in your far away land
emptiness is my home; your hate is my sorrow
my happiness i strive for; my love i no longer have
only the rememberence of you of our memories 
The tears i fight back as much as i can and as painful but possible it is.
Dreams are no longer dreamt
you've become a nightmare something my soul desires so deeply 
I may be standing, breathing, and moving
but i no longer have the life i had
i no longer have the me i was but only the spirit 
I desire to regain myself but truthfully inside i am dead
my days are cold and will remain cold 
No matters no importance i am no longer here
My insperation is gone my heart is still weeping 
Ive lost myself 
Ive forgotten what it is to be happy 
I feel empty and in my sroryline and weather my days always rain and there are always dark clouds 
Emptiness and dark shadows are all i feel and see
some days it comes
some days it stays
all the good poets
say it comes in waves
Sin Jan 2016
**** there are so many talented people on this site. Really enjoy being part of it. So thank you all for insperation, and helping me develop as I write. Sending you all a free virtual high five. Don't use it up to quick ;-) also thanks to anyone and everyone for liking and taking time to read my words. Go team poetry Lol.
Thanks to everyone
Riot Jun 2014
i know you
i don't know all of you
but i'm there
i'm not the only person in the world who cares
i feel
jesus came to earth
for a moment
just to tell you what you're doing
because the divil was nipping at your heels
because your whole life
you never knew how sanity feels

you keep saying you don't hate yourself
but you know you're suicidal
you can't break down
because you're an idol

you've never been a kid
because you had to take care of them
but it was too much
and all that work
builds up within

you are a fallen angle
and you hit a few clouds on the way down
and you beat yourself out of heaven
so you cut yourself
a frown

because outside
your an insperation
but inside
you feel worthless
but please
stop apologizing
because nobody is perfect

so you need to practice what you preach
pray about your defeat
remember jesus was weakened
so we don't have to be weak

so yes
my friend goes through a lot
and she is silenced by her walk
of shame
looking all happy outside
but she thinks she's the one to blame

but this earth would not be the same
without her wrongs
and rights
so please
don't do God's job
and take your own life

because i love you
my life would be there with you in your grave
i wouldn't be at your funeral
i'd be thinking for our glory days
such as

justin does
stoner face
i like your bike
can i ride you?

i'd remember all these things
and everyday
i would remind you

to to go on a million google docs
all saying i love you

but then start crying
when i realized i didn't love you enough
i didn't talk to you enough
i wasn't there enough
when you were thinking of suicide
i was asleep
and now i'll never sleep again
your lonly enough
to think the thoughts withen
i will cry
my friend
but never say goodbye my friend
i will write
"justin does"
**until you reply my friend
Neil Ryan Jan 2015
The dark courtyard beckons
As i cut my way through the dusk.
Only the fleeting moonlight lights my way
as i step towards the unknown.
There is a sudden flash
& a moments dizziness
As i regain my mind
& appear somewhere else in time.
Before me sits the Queen of Shadows
dressed in Autumn's Twlight
Her beauty captivates my soul
I cannot break her gaze.
She glides towards me & takes my hand
I shiver at her touch
The music starts out of nowhere
& she leads a dance with me
She moves so fast & elegant
I cannot keep up this relentless pace
I look to my feet for insperation
& stare at nothing beneath
I clutch her tightly as fear sets in
But she seems unaware of my plight
& continues the dance, as she twists & turns
We are dancing on air no ground underneath
I look into her eyes & see nothing but darkness
Her milk white skin glimmers in the moonlight
& her long black hair dances its own trail behind.
I try to let go, but to no avail
I am trapped in her clasp
& she won't let me go
She seems to look right through me
with those cold dead eyes
Maybe i am just for her amusement
Maybe i am just a figment of her imagination
Maybe i don't exist
I cannot take this no more
& scream stop so loud
my lungs feel like they would burst.
She looks at me & i think for a brief moment
i see her smile before she lets me go
& i start to fall.
I drop through the darkness
& see her become smaller & smaller
until i cannot see those eyes no more
no moon lights my way
Maybe she didn't exist
I hear the music die as i vanish without trace
falling further away from the Queen of Shadows
I am still falling through this black ocean
With no light to guide my way
& can only pray I stop falling forever
& i pray i can die to stop this torment
Sedina Durmic Jan 2019
Where has the time went what has life done to me
where has happiness gone where do i stand
I have not learned to deal with this sort of pain
Ive left my heart in your far away land
emptiness is my home; your hate is my sorrow
my happiness i strive for; my love i no longer have
only the memory of you of our memories
The tears i fight back as much as i can and as painful but possible it is.
Dreams are no longer dreamt
you've become a nightmare something my soul desires so deeply
I may be standing, breathing, and moving
but i no longer have the life i had
i no longer have the me i was but only the spirit
I desire to regain myself but truthfully inside i am dead
my days are cold and will remain cold
No matters no importance i am no longer here
My insperation is gone my heart is still weeping
Ive lost myself
Ive forgotten what it is to be happy
I feel empty and in my sroryline and weather my days always rain and there are always dark clouds
Emptiness and dark shadows are all i feel and see

— The End —