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Austin Bauer Mar 2016
Do you realize 
the impact you have
on those around you? 

The smile you gave
that waitress filling coffee
changed her perspective.

The young boy
that looks up to you
shapes his life after yours. 

The pastor who watched 
you grow up 
finds purpose.

The friend you met
at summer camp
smiles remembering. 

The song you wrote
alone in your room
is someone's anthem. 

That speech you gave
for extra credit
broke someone's addiction.

The time you prayed
for an impartation
empowered her to speak.

You don't realize
the effect you have
on everyone around you. 

Don't dare 
give up
on them.
Relations are necessary
If they are to make a truth.
The facts of the matter
Can never be too certain.
If we’re not energized by Love,
then our Faith will fall short
of His expectations; our desire
should be, to lovingly exhort…

others to enter into His Kingdom.
Enabling the lost to become saved,
demonstrates your love for God and
a genuine impartation, of wisdom
from Him, into your spirit; with
the peace of Christ, we are able  
to live with compassion and touch
the heart of souls. He enables…

us to live honorably, with absolute
tranquility, as we divinely produce
a lifetime of a supernatural, never
-ending crop of Faith’s passion fruit.
Inspired by:
Phil 4:7; Gal 5:6b, 5:22-23

Learn more about me and my poetry at: amazon (dot) com

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2018, All rights reserved.
Dan Hess Mar 2021
As I walked into the bar there were already tears in my eyes. So much stress. Was I meandering or chasing my tail? I wasn't finding answers, that's for sure. I glanced around, struck with a subtle sense of irony. A few sorry souls sat speckled throughout the dimly lit confines of this stuffy, run down establishment. You'd think they'd have the means to keep a place like this in ship shape, here, considering the nature of spirit. Anything you could imagine, freely given, when the soul should rise... Maybe it was just a load of ****. I took a seat in a corner at the far side of the room. I didn't know how I'd arrived here, but I had no intention of leaving. I was too exhausted. Life had had a tendency to beat me down. I felt battered and bruised. I felt as if I'd been flattened by a steam roller. I always used to say I was tired to my soul; I hadn't realized I was speaking literally. It wasn't long before I was approached by a waiter. All dressed in white, save for a black tie. An amorphous effusion of light and shadow erupting from the place where one's neck should be. A piercing whisper, vibrating through my skull.

"Can I get you a drink?" it.. said.

I was a bit dumbfounded. It hadn't occurred to me until now that this place may actually serve alcohol. Did I even have a body? Regardless, I don't drink.

"I don't drink."

The haze blobbed and bobbed, and ebbed in mirrored tension, as if shaking its head from side to side.

"I think you'll want to try this one." It echoed, sing-songing slow motion distortions directly into the depths of my consciousness.

It was becoming hard to focus. The lines here were, or, are gray. Things bleed between. Every soft, dim light consumed the room. Every noise resounded throughout time. This ideal of a bar, this place where people drink their woes away, stowed away in the afterlife? What must people be trying to forget?

"I don't want to forget." I said. "I learned so much in life. Still, I know nothing. Still I don't understand, but I want to hold onto those lessons. I've left everything else behind."

"I think you'll want to try this one," it reiterated. "Daniel."

It hit me, then. This thing knew all there was to know about me. Not only could it speak into my mind, it could see. This was no ordinary drink, and after all, what did I have to lose?

"**** it," I took the glass from the tray. "I guess I could use a drink."

It looked like nothing more than a shot glass full of water, but as it went down my throat, an unearthly warmth and peace spread through my chest cavity and into my heart. It was the ultimate feeling of pure joy, as if I'd consumed a liquified sun. With my first breath, it made its way into my brain. Stark white, endless plains of emptiness and light. Everything dissolved before my eyes. Cascading was illusion: is illusion. I hovered in the pulse of the everflow.

"How was the drink?"

I needn't even respond. I was awake.

"Ahhh!" I released relief, and let the spirit seep.

I merged with this, the Infinite.  The song of Heaven, I could hear it.  Vibrations of eternity  surrounding me,  and written throughout everything,  the lyrics.   All different pitch  of perfect wave,  resounding to fragment  the quintessence  of this presence  to which I now belonged.   Yet, this energy condenses.  Readministered,  from essence to presence.  A blip within the static of magic.  Eye could not exist,  in reminiscent wishes,  avasting existence.   The depth within the deep  of endless ocean called to me:  to stimulate emotion  in the impartation of separation  from Infinity.   The pull of gravity consumed me.  Here, again, within the fill  of fragrant, illusory "being,"   I live to speak of bleeding  into everything and nothing.
a strange peace...
a strange piece....
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38 of 184

Promissory Sufficient / Inexhaustible Backed/

to samikoku
Promissory Sufficient

/Inexhaustible Backed/

Flaming leisure need the “Jesus-Sets” revival trigger

Salvation  first of all…Ultimatum plus redeeming

Love intercession…internet-clips mighty manifestations

Earth explosion of life extracts for all “FaithOffice” Lord

Assurance peace receives altar the seasons answer of

Submarine believers weapon… ; Footsteps of giants responded

To call of incline patterns...; Evangelised by the waytackling

Obligises forensic missions illumination penetrated…; God’s

Bullet manner covenant weighing attempt believers capital…;

Impartation oxford cleeves…; GloryGains seeing entire

Crusade took place billing number…; Spirit mutual gifts of

The spirit supply slice symposium…; Charismatic manufacturer

Solving clairvoyance…; Irrevocable recover gifts of discerning…;

Potential flowering kinetic kinds…; Powerpoised testimonial

Chases…; Open fiesta rearing “Ostrich” breedbreathe participates

Deposites…; ShoutGod’s fame depths recalling  inspirations…;

Guard orientation scraping the bottom of

The barrel…; Gubernatorial  spirit swung touches…; Invulnerable dissecting  God addicts…; Sieves of the first fruits curriculum…;

Jump ride saints suit precession…; Journey thorough glory bliss

activation…; Knowledge push parade…;

Your Pilgrim Consensus


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Dan Hess Mar 2021
I merged with this,
the Infinite.
The song of Heaven,
I could hear it.

Vibrations of eternity
surrounding me,
and written throughout everything,
the lyrics.

All different pitch
of perfect wave,
resounding to fragment
the quintessence
of this presence
to which I now belonged.

Yet, this energy condenses.
from essence to presence.
A blip within the static of magic.

Eye could not exist,
in reminiscent wishes,
avasting existence.

The depth within the deep
of endless ocean called to me:
to stimulate emotion
in the impartation of separation
from Infinity.

The pull of gravity consumed me.
Here, again, within the fill
of fragrant, illusory "being,"

I live to speak of bleeding
into everything and nothing.

— The End —