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Paul Butters Apr 2018
We walk through a desert:
Bone dry and sterile,
For mile after mile.
Trudging endlessly
Through emptiness.

But then we see it!
A tiny stalk
Forcing through the claggy sand.
Nature so determined
To break through
Giving us Hope
Of better things.
And sure enough: we find there’s more and more
Until we are surrounded
By lush green trees.

Spring is just like this.
Hardy plants pushing through the soil.
Tight buds that slowly open
As Mother Nature wakens
From her icy slumbers.
Hope gives way to warmth
As Winter is banished
At last
For another year.

Spring is such a time of promise.
Looking forward to summer days,
Lounging in the sun.
We enjoy our Easter eggs
In the knowledge
That Whitsuntide is coming,
And then the “Summer Hols”.
It’s time to smile.

Paul Butters

© PB 7\4\2018.
Spring is here.
martin Nov 2012
In their discombobulated lives no matter what occurs
Mrs Um and Mr Er never quite concur
Continually at loggerheads
Sparring is their game
Life like this is normal now
Really it's a shame

Mrs Um for her hols wants to fly to Spain
Mr Er would prefer Turkey on the train

Mrs Um would like a dog, what he says to that
Is well now let me see, er, I think we need a cat

Where to put the cross this time
I don't know do you
Mrs Um votes red
Mr Er votes blue

So they end up doing nothing
As on nothing they agree
How they ever got together
Certainly beats me
There was an old woman from Fife
Who put seaweed in her pipe
She said it's good stuff
It's cheap enough
But it can be a job to light

Her husband knew she was an unusual wife
But he let her do whatever she liked
At the end of the day
He used to say
I love her, she's my life
Life is full of eddies and whirlpools
God will prevails over all the rules
All those who don't know are fools
This can not be taught in the schools

Daring are those who dare to encounter
Winners are those who just face the altar
Life is real domain and not just barter
Sincerity asks for all clarity and candor

Challenges but refine vision with clarity
Strength in faith makes one strong ,free
A fortunate is one that hols the real key
Success comes as a matter of right plea

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
nivek Sep 2016
up close and personal with insects
whistles from grass
scrumping fruit
a day wandering far and wide
and then home
back to dire warnings!
scrumping; stealing fruit from orchards
Jenna Dixon Aug 2013
The hols in his shoes
His ruffled hair,
The way he's so jumpy
A sweatshirt never changing,

The ***** shirt
That also holds blood stains
From fights past,
Holes in the knees of his pants,

His foul language
The anger beneath the surface,
Scars dealt by others
All of this and more,

His kind eyes
The glowing smile
A warm hug
His ringing laugh

All of this and more
Is why I stay,
Stay with him here
All of this and so much more.
Sora Jun 2013
What am I searching for?
I've been shaken down to my core
Nothing's out of place
Everything belongs where it is, in its case
I just never had it
So now in the dark, I take a lantern that I've lit
To go looking for it, wandering as I go
Where it is, who it's with I don't know
Slipping slowly down the drain
I'm starting to feel less and less of this pain
As I make my way alone on this path
I finally begun to figure out the math
I have half of my heart
And I know now, that I can't find it in a shopping cart
I may have to take the trip a million times more after this
But maybe, I'll meet a girl and I will know, in just one kiss
And the lantern will no longer be lit every night
Because I have a love that leads the way as she hols me tight
So in the dead of winter
If she's away for the night, I'm sure going to miss her
But she will always be in my heart
And I will love her forever and always, even if we are apart
Sleeping through the darkness and fears
For in my dreams, all of the nightmares, she clears
And I am safe in her arms
Don't care if we're in the city or out in the country on a farm
As long as I have her I am complete
No one is better then her, so no need to compete
For we were meant to be all smiles and laughs
Put bubble beards on one another in our baths
However long this journey turns out to be
I will find the girl, with her perfect heart and I with the perfect key
Thinking about what or who will stumble into my life in the near future.
It was all going well
until the penny dropped
and like the penny we fell
but head over heels and not
head over tail,

a part of success is knowing how to fail
and I've been down that beaten track
beaten back and carried on
lost and won and lost and some might say
he's had his day
but an old dog can learn new tricks
whatever people say.

Bank Holiday
I'll be
in the Kings Arms,
not sure
knows that.
Vladimir s Krebs Jan 2016
we first meet under the pink cheery blossom tree your beauty has stolen my own mind controlling me like your hypnotizing ways. your looks have made me go blind but it turns out i really wasn't love just your manipulative eyes. i have lost my soul because of you i'm now losing my mind in insanity that will make me crash down like a plane diving out of the highest part of the earths suffocating lies. i had a feeling this wasn't meant to be. this feels like a dream but is it real or all just a ******* up lie. is there any way to find to escape or is this life going to explode with war and fire fight that will never end. how did it come down like this when we meet i thought you were just a normal girl but my fear has taken it all out. i don't know how  to look away cause your eyes have locked on and controls my brain blinded by a fake image that will never fade. this love has brought all my fear up for you to play on me. i might lose my mind you took my life and tour it up till i lose it into psychotically insanity.. i wish i could have made that mistake and kept flowing  down the road so i wouldn't have this happen to me at all. i wish i could grab the change to really believe that you weren't to good to be true. you are the biggest mistake you have taken my blind identity that i just want to scream at all of you *** hols. your lies have taken all my breath and drowned  me to death.

that hot cool summer day i thought this was going to be true but what i wasn't able to do was tell you that i will bring all the ******* down on your lies.

i knew it wasn't meant to be but i let my guard slip. so theirs nothing anything more to say when i have to bring this house down stopping your beauty that tricks people into love when its all your mind games. it was never meant to bee.

this was the mistake of a fake identity that blinds the ones who fall in your trap.

i knew it was never meant to be just a suffocating mistake no one could ever escape from.
fear dont was time on dating some one who will just take your mind and tear your life all apart
jacky Jan 2014
can’t stop thinking about your hands
and how badly I want them
intertwined with mine
but there’s more to that, them
that I’d like to feel
I want to touch them
feel the creases, its lines
follow every path that they’ll take me
and course through your skin
your bones, especially the tiny ones
that keeps them together
you keep me together
caress your fingernails
painted to match the colour of your skin
the top of your hand,
which beats into veins visible at touch
the narrow holes on your knuckles
and the spaces in between them
they are perfect
it feels perfect
you are perfect
and in every inch your fine fingers extend
they’re the only ones
who could touch me
and the only hands
that will forever be soft, careful, and loving
and no matter what cuts its skin
your hands, love
hold the life in me, and keeps my soul
caged in your soul
your hands will forever
hols me still
holding you
I have this terrible urge to hold her hand today. Yes, her.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
laying wake every night with long never ending thoughts. of the one person who has been your sworn savior that has kept you safe has came stumbling in the door ritteled with bullet hols. holding him with his blood streaming down your arms to the ground. tears start to fall hearing his last words say you are safe now u dont have to keep running. seeing his dark shad of blue eyes slowly fad away that kristal sparkle fade his words slowly say u will be okay? i said how will it bee along with out u? he sai youl see me some day again. never forget i loved you. this world has nothing but danger that hangs over. my tears stream down my face as the rain starts to fall no one can see them! digging a grave to put my savior to rest with just silence that fills my head. nothing matteres any more. my family an every one lost the fight to protect me the shadow creature. now i dont have any one to be with? his last words fell steep and slowly in to silence nothing changes when u can never stop crying
when i wrote this i couldnt stop crying still i cant stop
nick armbrister Feb 2018
Brit gal went on hols to Thailand, wanted a good time. What she got was hell. Riding a moped down a road, something went so wrong. She hit a minibus while going fast, whose fault was it? Was she on the right side of the road? Catapulted thirty yards in the road, thud!

Mushy head time. A Brit cop working with his Thai colleagues saw her. Her head smashed in, brains spread onto the road. Still alive and very conscious she asks for her parents, crying her last tears. Then she’s gone.

If you go to Thailand remember the poor Brit gal and her fatal accident. Don’t drink or do drugs and ride a bike or moped and wear a helmet.

Yenson Apr 2019
Grow up, get real
It's the way the cookie crumbles,
deal with, who says life is a bed of Roses
I am what I am and you are what you are
we didn't make ourselves, these things happen
go blame your parents if you must vent, your father first
if he wasn't lust crazed and extracting his little winkle that time
you wouldn't now sit here a fool of hate doing early troll duty
some are privileged and some are not, **** it up
it's been like that from time immemorial, boys
we can't all be winners with all we want
not even the Queen has everything
I would try and be the best I can be
rather then waking up to know
some fool somewhere annoys
me enough to become
a pathetic troll
Jezz, its bad
enough being
a peasant without
having to go to bed
obsessed and wake up
obsessed day in day out
I dread to think what its doing to you all
and no paid hols or a Merc to whizz you
for a lovely Chinese meal like I will be doing
later today with a peasant *****, in comfort and style
get out the pitch forks, folks, I know the writer of this piece, I just stole it from him. He is a ****** toff, silver spoon ladidah rogue.He should be publicly lynched and his innards fed to foxes. We should be burning this horrible capitalist blood sucker at the stake. We should castrate this parasite. WE are the salt of the earth and these leeches are living off our backs. Grab your pitchforks, grab your staffs and cudgels, let us drive this greedy ******* out of town. Come on folks, you'll feel better for it......
Shreyansh OP Dec 2019
Once upon a time
I used to hate emojis
And i still hate them

They are round and yellow
Which reminds me of the Minions
Cuz they were down with jaundice
And for the record
I hate the minions too

Almost half of the emojis
Got those ####### blue tears
Since when did salt water
Become blue?

Then there is that poo/**** emoji
So confusing....
The reason for my brk up
My GF asked me what
I would get for her on valentine's day
Me , being stupid
Messaged her the poo emoji
Thinking that it was a chocolate emoji
And BAM!! the brk up took place
With a kick in my bifurcum

That break up
Hols the record of the most stupid break up
In the history of
Stupid break ups
Yenson Apr 2019
Nice to know you, I am Mr V. Greedy
You may call me Very
Very Greedy that's me
I came to England age seventeen caused I'm greedy
got a clerical job to fund my studies cause I'm greedy
for two years before Uni I at 18 was a rat in the race cause I'm greedy
Went to Uni but from but Saturday and Sundays 7 am to 7 pm
I was an Attendant in a Store working for my keep cause I'm greedy
Summer Hols and its a full-time job, 3 months hard slog
No lolling on a beach, already got a tan, no travelling except to work
No lazy days meeting with friends, no evenings down at the pub
got to earn to pay rent and food and turn out presentable
and save towards my fees, not home Student, got to pay
all these to do cause I'm greedy, cause I am Mr V. Greedy

For all years I strive and slogged, earned my keep and paid my Taxes
Never took anything from the State cause I am Mr V. Greedy
let Uni, straight into a job, twelve hours shift everyday
But no worries, this is what we all do, but of course I am Mr V Greedy
had a Car, had a wife who worked hard, had a lovely dog, had a life
But I am Mr Very Greedy and if you're greedy, thieves will visit  

So the white thieves burgled and stole our stuff
and when I protested they informed me quite nicely
that as I was Greedy, this is what happens to greedy people
and they have mates who will sort us out for being greedy
Now unemployed, I am still greedy though I have lost arms and legs, my pristine reputation, my wife and my dog.
I am a pariah cause the thieves said I am Mr V. Greedy

So hallelujah to all the Class Warriors and all their supporters
Congratulations to all the hard workers who managed to hold on
to their without visits from those nice hard working thieves
Well done to those lovely Social Engineers who turn successes
into failures, unemployed, unloved and still Mr V Greedy
A big hand to all our Racists brothers
who killed ambition, hope and Progress and put black man where
they are destined to be,
Unemployed, on their knees, a drain on the society with a bad name
My name is Mr Very Greedy, I am glad to know you.......
Joanna Garrido Dec 2018
Castleton in early Spring, winter lingers - slow to leave
Warm sun’s rays and chill of wind, daffodils along the stream
overlooked by distant hill the ruins of fine Peveril
And in the fields the lambs at play, never fails to thrill

Up high we climb to Hollins Cross, spectacular the views
The Great Ridge to the left and right, unsure which path to choose
The Mother Hill is calling  from her elevated height
Left we  climb, Back Tor, Lose Hill far behind us to the right

The Shivering Mountain she is known, we shiver as we climb
Strengthening gusts, our caps held down,
But on the ground time after time
We reach the summit, touch the trig, the wind still blowing strong
Easter hols and busy, can’t take pics for long

Down we go the pathway steep, look back along the Tor
Remarking on its eastern face, the mini-hills on show
The Blue John mines, the caverns, a few are further down
And weave our way along the paths till we are back in town

One delight - a little lamb had wandered, in our way
Scuttling fast at Mother’s call, she sadly did not stay
No sweeter sight, the playful lambs when gambolling young and free
If only they outlived the Spring, and always so could be

Some turn into their mothers, slow and bloated, eat and eat
and most males simply disappear and reappear as meat
To stomach such a meat as lamb repugnant to my heart
Best not to dwell too much on this, it’s now time to depart

To Spring, to life, to climbing peaks, to see the lambs another day.
Back Tor, Lose Hill to the right, to Hollins Cross the Edale way.

JG 10.4.18

— The End —