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Ich möchte euch alle ein toller 'Freitag der Dreizehnter' wünschen!
I would like to wish you all a great 'Friday the Thirteenth'!
lit.: "[I wish thee] Everything good for Friday the Thirteenth!"
fig.: "Happy Friday the Thirteenth!"

Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Meine lieb ist kommen heime
Mene susslich kinder ist kommen
Ist auf die kehle kommen
Meine gute junge ist kommen heime
Meine gute tochter ist kommen heime
Meine jungen leute sie kommen heime
Diese Sonntag meine sohn ist kommen
Weg raumen zweibel von meine auge
Diese montaf meine tochter ist kommen
Weg raumen stumpfsinning von meine leben
Diese Dienstag meine sohn ist kommen
Weg raumen hunger von mein mangen
Diese mtiwoch meine sohn ist kommen
Weg raumen ungeschutzt von meine korper
Diese Donnerstag von domeine jungen kommen
Weg raumen schand von meine gesicht
Diese Freitag meine tochter ist kommen
Weg raumen   qual von meine  hertz
Diese Samstag meine jungen kommen
Weg raumen armut von meine leben
Diese woche meine retter ist kommen
Weg raumen verzweiflung von meine leben

katewinslet Nov 2015
Dies ist ein unfairen Anliegen , wie erwartet , aber es ist sicherlich wirklich braucht, um sein erkundigte angewiesen. Moderne Tages Option : Was ist drastisch falsch mit Hilfe klinischen Profis werde ihr Heil Ausbildung ! Was ist in der falschen über klinischen Schulbildung ? Für eine einzige Sache , gibt es eine einfache namhaften helping Prozedur issuing Ärzte ( sie haben erwies sich Praktikanten) Tages Pläne , so dass sie erwerben keine nap vierundzwanzig für Sie 34 Stunden . Ihre Lebensstil kann dacht , bewusst , um die eigentliche Schüler-Arzt direkt in ein Zustand wenig Schlaf für die emotional aufgeladen Funktion erfahren , wie er kann ' unter ständige Sorge . In Das möglicherweise gewinnen eine Menge von , sondern ein mehr real suchen Grund diese Aktion ist immer, Gehirnwäsche a jüngeren Praktikanten. Männer und Frauen, die Wunsch Ende wird Fachkräfte des Gesundheitswesens kann , Anfang stimulated wegen die wirklich Die besten Konzepte with uns auf aktivieren mit Hilfe . Sie Übrigen wissen, dass Es gibt Massen in zugeordnet components konstruieren y wird nicht dennoch ein Verständnis für Samsung Galaxy S6 Kante. So , sie auch sein mögen wollen to wissen neben fertig Antworten .

Wenn sie übermüdeten werden die perfect Zeitraum ihnen beizubringen, wie umrissen mit etliche Dozenten . Sie nicht über die muscular Stärke sicherstellen, dass Sie einverstanden - es nur Genießen Wissen unter Hypnose . Es 'funktioniert' Bedeutung sie herauszufinden Fakten integriert in zu , trotzdem Vorgehensweise umgeht fast jede zerstören personen Intelligenz . Bei jeder übermüdeten denken die eigentliche intern nehmen die eigentliche false datum die in der Regel '60 Milligramm zum Vitamin C täglich wird vielleicht alle die Tatsache, dass any Person wirklich braucht, und dass er bekommen könnte es wieder mit die Ernährung Einbauten Das ist definitiv ein unwahr datum , also auch der intern die tatsächlich hört wenn Achtunddreißig viele Stunden mit einbezogen zugeordnet sicherlich keine schlafen ist unglaublich Planung bis nehmen tun es definitiv . Auf die gleiche Weise , er akzeptieren a massive Menge andere Informationen , in Bezug auf Drogen , medizinische Verfahren , oder vielleicht medizinische verwandte Ethik . Healthcare professionelle . Bok, als Blei-Designer mit einbezogen Stanford Hochschulwesen , verharmlost a Stanford Medical School ,

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Regel die departure with Gesamt Kultur Typen als Folge mein Arzt. I legen nahe, dass Schlafentzug, zB Gehirnwäsche, häufig a zweck education Praxis in Ihrer medical Schulen , , wenn es darum geht, Implantieren rote Überzeugung für die Qualität Medikamente . Ein Jahrzehnt gerade nach med schule, wobei Studium Arzt , es ist immer Das Ausbildung das ist den Kern with eine individuelle automatic Flughafenterminal jeglicher Art von einige Tipps 'alternative Gesundheitswesen Ins Die normale Arzt passiert zu sein, Gehirnwäsche , wunderbaren merk great Ziel , geeignet Diener Haltung Wie dem auch sei gedankenlose und sogar nicht wert was diese Einzel glaubt, dass wirklich. Es ist eine gute Zuschreibung in Bezug auf neuronalen Reinigung draußen , und dann die Element davon Stecker Schlafentzug Wahl techniques Sie feststellen hier | auf diesen Link | zu den Informationen} Günstige Samsung Galaxy S6.
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Happy Friday;
Whoever and wherever you are,
I hope your Friday is astonishingly great.
Title: lit: "Everything good to the Friday!" fig: "Happy Friday!"
Najwa Kareem Oct 2017
I've heard it said once.
I've heard it said twice.
I've heard it said a third time.
Told to me, a fourth.

Said by a Ghanese.
Said by a mother from Greece.
Said by an Ethopian.
Said by a man also Iranian.

Are you from Somalia?
Bist du von Marokko?
Kommen Sie aus Eritrea?
Are you from Ethopia?
From Indonesia?
Nay. Ich komme aus den USA. Aus Amerika.
"But America is better than here."

Where in America do you come from?, I'm asked sometimes.
Why are you here?
To live here.
"But America is better than here."

This is what they've heard. So this is what they think.
​This is what she's been told. So this is what she believes.
This is what Lady Liberty says. So this is what he knows.
This is what the land of the free and the home of the brave, the land of opportunity preaches. So this is what they understand.
This is what those living the American dream said. So this is what many believe.

​"But America is better than here."
It depends on how you look at it.
It depends on what's important to you. What you value.
When you say better, what do you mean by better?

"But America is better than here."
In some ways, yes.  In some ways, no.
Every land has its' up sides and its' down sides.

Besuchen Sie oder bleiben Sie hier?
Ich bin hier bleiben.
Germany ist gut.
Es gibt gute und nicht gute Dinge über Germany.
"But America is better than here."

I know why I've chosen to live in Germany.
There are a number of reasons.

"But America is better than here."
Die Nacht ist so gelassen.
So verlockend. So klar.
Ich sehe in der Dunkelheit was im Licht versteckt ist.
Ich höre in der Nacht was im Tag nicht klingt.
Ich verstehe um Mitternacht was um Mittag so verwirrend ist.
Ich will in der Nacht was im Tag unerwünscht ist.

Nacht, meine gute Freunde,
Komm und küss mich auf die Wange:
Umarm mich und lass mich nie wieder gehen.


The Night is so serene.
So seductive. So clear.
I see in the darkness what hides in the light.
I hear at night what remains silent in the day.
I understand at midnight what is so perplexing at noon.
I want in the night what is so undesirable in the day.

Night, my good friend,
come and kiss me on the cheek:
Wrap your arms around me and never let me go again.
An attempt at writing a poem in German, with a translation into English included.
Katrina Zechman Dec 2014
Good night, bonne nuit
Oyasamina sai, buenos noches,
Lala salama, wan an,
Spokoinyui noche, gute nacht,
Lila tov
Wherever you rest your
Head tonight
We are all one family
Let’s hold tight
and fill the world with
Dreams of Harmony
No matter what words we use to say… goodnight…
CYN Dec 2013
It was raining.
It was midnight.
It was cold.

I ran into your house.
Calling you from outside.
You answered it sincerely.

Happy birthday.
You are literally the greatest present in my life.
Thank you for your existence.

Thank you for the warm hug.
Sweet smile.
Caring eyes.
Lovely kiss.

Alles Gute zum 22. Geburtstag, Schatz.
Bayn Apr 2013
It’s like wanting to nap
I just want to sleep, toss here the gauzy blanket and charcoal pillows
I’d be so much happier knowing my chairs will be empty
My fingertips are always cold now
So many books I’ll never get to read them all
I don’t want to hug my stuffed animals
I overwater my plants
It’s like seeing you standing on the distant shore, if you could only see how peaceful it is here you could possibly understand
If you could hear me over the crash of idle waves
But we are ships set for different courses
Follow your rose to somewhere warm with burnt sands
Someone else wants me for his bride
And it’s not an offer I can ever decline
Tschuss, meine Liebe. Gute Nacht, Herzchen.
Kyle Leafe Nov 2013
Du wirst diese Geschichte nicht lesen glaub ich aber du kannst  das übersetzen. Ich habe dich so sehr geliebt.
Ich vermisse dich so sehr jetzt.
Ich weiß dass ich nicht ein guter Mann  bin.
Komm zurück zu mir.
Ich denke das wird eine schwere Zeit ohne dich zu sein.
Mein Teufel ist  da. Du hast den schon gesehen und hoffentlich kannst du mir in eine gute Licht anzusehen.
Hoffentlich. Wirst du mich nicht hassen.
Lieber, ist dies für Sie.
Ich möchte Sie , stark zu bleiben , und ich weiß, dass eine schwierige Aufgabe ist . nur daran erinnern, dass ich hier bin für dich, und ich werde immer hier sein. Wenn Sie das Bedürfnis verspüren, zu sterben , denken Sie daran , dass ich mit dir bin. Ich hoffe, dass Sie mich ernst nehmen , und meine Liebe ernst. Ich gehe nicht weg, und ich hoffe, Sie werden auch nicht.
Guten Morgen,
Gute Nacht.
my lover Mädchen
Bluten- Diamanten
Thomas Steyer Jul 2021
Das Leben ist schön, aber auch schwer,
für manche zu kurz, für andere nicht fair.
Wenn es anders kommt als man denkt,
da ist der eine schon mal gekränkt.
Der andre sieht es mit Begeisterung,
so hat das Leben für ihn noch Schwung.

Aber wenn ein Virus die ganze Welt befällt
und alles zerschellt - das geht ins Geld.
Dann ist auch unser Wohlstand schon bedroht,
und die Lebensqualität gerät in Not.

Regierungen versuchen uns zu schützen,
auch mit Finanzspritzen zu unterstützen,
aber die Spritzen in den Oberarm
sehen Leugner mit größtem Alarm.

Nun dachte man, die Welt hat sich vereint
und kämpft gegen den gemeinsamen Feind,
doch gibt es Leute mit denen kann man nicht reden,
sie können alles stets anders belegen.
Sie meinen, auf die da oben kann man nicht zählen,
deren Plan sei, ihnen die Freiheiten zu stehlen.

Dieses Misstrauen könnte uns leicht zerspalten,
dann wäre ein Bürgerkrieg kaum aufzuhalten.
Wie könnten Leugner ihre Angst verlieren,
damit sie endlich neues Vertrauen riskieren?

Wir sollten gute Beispiele setzen,
uns kümmern um den Ersten und den Letzten.
So entsteht ein guter Gemeinschaftssinn
für alle Ausgegrenzten ein Gewinn.

Ein respektvoller Umgang miteinander, der oft fehlt,
ist was zählt, so sehr zählt, zählt und zählt und zählt.
Wir haben keinen Grund,
wir haben nur Ausreden.

Wir haben keine Hoffnung,
wir haben doch Täuschung.

Es gibt weder ein Gott noch Teufel,
ausser sie, wer innerhalb uns wohnen;
wessen mittels uns entfesselt sind.

Es gibt weder Gott noch Teufel,
sie sind nur das Gute und Übel,
deren mittels uns gesät sind.
We have no Reason,
we have only Excuses.

We have no Hope,
we have but Delusion.

There is neither a God nor Devil,
except those who live within us;
that are unleashed by us.

There is neither God nor Devil,
they are but the Good and Evil
that are sewn by us.

Sort-of a poem, sort-of a self-directed German exercise in the passive voice and genitive case. The two, after all, are not mutually exclusive!

I hope you don't mind my linguistic exercises.

Wann jede Deutsch kann, sag mir mal ob ich Fehler gemacht habe!
Immer gefällt es mir zu verbessern!
L'Cie Sep 2014
Love, O love!
Oh, what must I do!?
How can I cleanse myself
Of the guilt?


Okay: I love three women!
What? I am but one entity! A unifying symb--
Love, heed me:
The root cause of all this is not me, but Aphrodite!
I, a lonely soul, who preferred to wander in the darkness
Was struck by the arrow of her beloved instrument-- Cupid!
Famed for her accuracy, my heart was purged of all selfish, willful
loneliness- by an arrow!


Indeed! But let me continue:
Years passed since Paris fell in love with Helen,
that wound, never fully healed
Exacerbated, by the same culprit.
Wound became so grave
That an innocent woman became apparition in my eyes;
a manifestation of the departed Helen.
Damnation, however!
For this woman had enough gall- no--
it was my fault. We never were destined.

Enter, third.

Alles gute. The Love of my Will came.
Her name, Tiziana.
Small she may be, she is stout.
Resolute, admirable.
However, my wounds would not heal.
What must I do, Love?

O, what must I do?
Souleater Feb 2018
Komplett durcheinander
Herz übernimmt,
kenn dich doch kaum,
andere würden sagen:"die spinnt"

Und ja irgendwie stimmt das auch,
hab bei dir ein gute Gefühl im Bauch
Ein warmes ziehen breitet sich aus,
so viele Gefühle, die müssen alle raus

Macht mir Angst der Kontrolle verlust,
verbreitet zeitgleich die Wärme in meiner Brust

Werd dich in mein Herz lassen,
also tu mir nicht weh,
geb mir keinen Grund zum hassen
Wie wird es sein wenn ich dich endlich seh?
Wirst du mich noch so wie vorher wahrnehmen?
Oder willst du dann das ich geh?

Das Chaos in mir übernimmt
die Uhr unaufhaltsam rinnt
will das du bleibst
weiter offen zu mir bist und nicht schweigst
will deine Nähe spüren,
will dich auch berühren

Fühl mich peinlich berührt deswegen,
macht mich halt einfach verlegen

Kann mir es nicht mehr ohne dich vorstellen,
wenn du mich berührst durchfahren mich tausend Wellen
gibst mir das, was ich immer wollte,
gebührend Respekt ich dir zollte
du mich mit all meinen Macken anerkennst und liebst,
mich in den Arm nimmst und mich nicht wegschiebst
Will die Ewigkeit mit dir verbringen,
werden gemeinsam mit unseren Problemen ringen
Bin dir dankbar dafür,
öffnest mir eine neue Tür
wo leben bedeutsam ist,
Und man vorgeht mit Wahrheit und nicht mit list!
Dave Hardin Mar 2017

What were you chanting  
from down the dry well
of our German coffee maker?  

A brusque Gute Nacht masking
the finesse required to defeat
the hinged plastic lid?

Begging bus fare
for the Silk Road

even without mornings
bracing first cup.
A caution, then?  

Don’t leave bags unattended?
Know the warning signs of stroke?
Sleep like a baby, use two-step

Your cloistered solitude,
fringed bulb of abdomen

whispered tonsure,
solitary choirmaster dwarfed
by cathedral walls

soaring graduated
into heavenly gloom
where I hovered on high,

my nightly routine
to summon The Flood,
deigning to lower

a spoon of salvation
while you wove a gossamer

the eight tiny shuttles
of your batons.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2020
one of my cats - bonsai tigers is such a recluse -
for the 24h in a day she could spend 28h sleeping,
and not be seen apart from taking
a princess dump and eating like a gargoyle...

my room always fascinated her -
i guess she like the smell of books -
and the chair - for the past few days:
her "modus operandi" for whatever else
happens in the day...

i turn on the computer... start typing...
there she is, geared up, agitated -
doing her little pagan prayer: standing on
the hind legs - outstretching her front legs
and paws - and then moving them in an amen
clasp up and down -

i once overheard "someone" instructing her...
the voice wasn't human -
the words weren't human...
i'm under the impression that she was told:
get him away from typing...
as if now she wants all the attention...

one of the last stumps of the old dwarfs is almost
out of the ground...
but this one is a beast -
           it grew into a heap of concrete where
the old fence posts were...
you can't dig this sort of roots' head up
with a tiny shovel - a tiny one handed gardening
fork... a hand-saw... a blunt axe...
a hammer: when needing to hammer the axe
              one of the roots took forever...
tomorrow i'll take out the guns of navarone...
a hammer drill and an electric saw...
i'll turn these concrete blob into dust
and chew into the roots with electric eels...

then the waiting process -
i will have to burn the soil...
        either with vineger or salt or i don't know...
i'll get some proper gardening chemical
that will treat old roots like weeds...
until the wood becomes brittle and...
a future source of nourishment for new
   and the dwarf apple trees grew...
while bonsai tigers cackled-esque at the birds...
eyes growing tired into a murmur of
itchy blinking...

took a coffee break and... thought apps...
and technology...
   not much thinking in all honesty...
at 34 i should be somewhere in this field...
working on some minor detail...

they can have ****** recognition technology...
but they don't have an app
that allows you take a photograph of a flower
to subsequently let you know the name of it...
they have an app that listens to a song
on the radio... and hey presto!
you have the name of the song...
          but there's no app that has a honing
microphone... after all: a camera has a zoom...
why isn't there a honing microphone?
there's no app to record a bird song...
to subsequently: hey google: listen to this...
what bird is that?

well... good to know that i still have
some interest in that... give him 3 minutes
and you're listening to spy cables
from a mr. starling...

            it's not even beautiful as vivaldi
would make it appear in the imitation game...
it's a binge on mathematics... or the thought
that comes with it...

       how the old tongue came about,
as revised to latin standards by methodius
and cyril... i too met a greek once...
from Thessalonica... in Warsaw...
       astounded as to why my english was
so good...
                then again, one has to wonder
why the czechs did not succumb...
"succumb"... nor we their neighbours...

how Ⰰ became A... was it to become T?
well... not if Ⱅ (T) was to be... W?
none of these letters could be "simplified"...
with the exceptions of 'b': Ⰱ that became Б...
'm': Ⰿ that became M
           'p': Ⱂ that became "p": π
       but even the glagolitic entry i'm reading...
Ⱋ: is supposedly symplified by щ...
   i'm not buying that...
                  i could be wrong that...
    Ⱎ was and that ш is... a letter intact...
                 or that Ⱇ was and that ф is...
and that it wasn't the greek φ...
well... ш + ц = щ - šarość + č = ščerość
                   (greyness + ch-                       +
                                             -atter ≠ honesty)
yet how many words can begin with щ / šč-?
quiet a few... ščekać! to bark!
                                    look... i too have my:
tail: bąk - bumblebee...
          or perhaps how Ⰶ became ж...
or }I{ / >I<                                   Ż / RZ / Ž    
if you have a caron...
                        and know why horseradish
goes well with beetroots for a salt "puree" side
              a problem from the start of day

     infinity                           |           nothingness
noun                                                    noun
infinite                                              nothing
adjective                                           pronoun
          ∞                                                    0?
                                                         or   √-1       i
     ~                                                 last time i heard
         ÷                                               0 = negation
                                                        so much for Kant
                                                   and subsequently
                                                         so much for ¬
        ∃                                                         ∄                                                    

and this toiling with the grammar...
             last time i heard these terms:
cis-                          trans-
         the conversation was central to
chirality of chemical compounds...
well... cis-trans isomers: would i have dreamed
of chemistry being so popular among
grammatical anarchists?
                                          no... it's not about

once upon a time a language so simple:
so brittle - so accessible -
            i would strain myself on the definition:
it better rhyme...
then came the drastic oops...
           even if it rhymes...
so what it rhymes... if it does not hold ground
for lyricism to take root!

      who is to keep hold of this brute this
language gott: gut: this alles gute?
               tweak that with a sly umlaut over
a yo-yew-you? yarl!
                 who else sings?
                    the three witches: thane...
of glamis - cawdor...
                                    borrowed time from the graeae...
or at least the tongue...
the eye-shared went missing when
nine cyclopses jumped into the couldron...
the tenth: offside or the racous...
                             perhaps even: nobody...        

since why would i come with all these gifts?
what if i took your two heads away...
what ιf: ȷust lιke that! eh?
                              where are your: "dιacrιtιcal"
markers... ιn a language wιth no orthography!
there's only... the straιtȷacket of metaphysιcs
beιng exhausted: yet agaιn!

at least between a ȷ and a j there's a raa'
and a zaayn involved... please don't mention laam...
( ر ) and (ز ) respectively...
                            ( ل )...
                                          must we always learn
about the romans?
                         mr. starling sang came noon...
while i was drinking my coffee...
no app for the recognition of flowers...
plenty of ****** recognition technology in place...
no app for the recognition of bird songs...
plenty of songs archived and a honing
microphone for the telephone to pick up on
and recognise...

my song would have been much simpler...

meie, din liehter schin
und diu kleinen vogelin
bringent vrouden vollen schrin
daz si willekommen sin!
ich bin an den vrouden min
mit der werlde kranc
alle tage ist min klage
von der ich daz beste sage
und ir holdez herze trage
daz ich der niht wohl behaage
von den schulden ich verzage
daz mir nie gelanc
also noch genuogen an ir
dienest ist gelungen
die nach guoter wibe lone
höveschlichen rungen
nü han ich beidiu umbe
sust gedienetunde gesungen


as i recall... i am supposed to have a date
with a medieval germany...
a romantic germany...
     perhaps even a romance of europe
in general...
           solely on a lingua primo basis...
                history... after the mass graves
at ypres...
                           even a *** would agree
with... there's a romance
and all that was shumann and was...
              how or why the prussian became
in charge of the german people...
the same prussians...
the same baltic prussians...
the same baltic prussians that
the teutonic knights of bavaria etc.
waged a crusade against!

                      even in england certain histories
of this continent are off limits...
so much for having learned
of edward the confessor's existence...
or the medieval genius that was
philip II augustus... the capetian...
                           so much: and thus mr. starling
sang for me...
midnight came and i started looking for
my shadow to take to bed -
steal him i will / had to from
            the harem of the candlelight.
PaKa Mar 2021
Weak sapling
Measly waist of an act
Has sight, lacks technique
No point of viewing
Gute Nacht

Boring, mundane, futile, dull
Lacking, humdrum, pitiful
Conceiting, friendless, small and plain
Halting not even been in fame
Simple, young, inept and vain
Lost and scared, help him pain

Six circles are drawn on a sheet
Three filled with chaos, three are free

I rip them to help with the growth
I make them face forth
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2022
I. written yesterday

i can't remember the last time i had so much fun with music, i put it down to recently seeing them live... and **** me, on both days they played the London Stadium and having such an arsenal of songs they would play two different set-lists... honest to god, i've never had so much fun with music than i'm currently experiencing with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers... perhaps it's not that i saw them live recently... i also attribute seeing them 20 years ago back in 2002 at the now non-existent London Arena in the Docklands... i should have ditched the guitar and picked up a drum-kit... i just can't stop drumming on my leg... grooving with my shoulders and imitating a pigeon walking: which is not exactly head-banging...

there's only one thing greater than cycling...
well: i don't mind not going at the speeds
of a motorcycle -
there's this book: i found it... laborious...
in all honesty...
      i don't understand the fame behind it...
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance...
like i side: a very laborious book...
i'd probably rewrite it as
Tao and the Art of Bicycle Usage...

in between talking to a newly acquired
"friend" in the Arab world who opened up
a conversation with me the word FAKE...
i replied: HAREM and
                      ختان (khitan) - circumcision...
like in Hindu: the H is a surd...
               i guess that's how the Tetragrammaton
structures itself around those tongues...

i prayed for a day like today...
            it was truly amazing... i rarely get into
arguments with motorists...
you could ask any van driver in central London...
i love van drivers:
apparently a car has to pass a cyclist
in a range of 1.5 metres...
van drivers? they're like: **** it...
i'm not driving a tank... he'll be alright...
and they're not shy either...
they don't stalk you on the rear faking
eyesight: pristine spatial-awareness...

fair enough... this one time i was cycling
from the supermarket in the night months
of late winter and this guy slows down
and asks me the question:
- where are you lights?
- what lights?
- exactly...

                   i should have hollered back: thanks dad...
lights or no light: you see me then?
oh look! pedestrians! no high-viz. jackets!
yeah: if it was a country-road: that would
be a fair point... unless of course the street
lights started blinking...

but today was spectacular:
there's only one thing better than cycling:
swimming on a hot day and...
getting angry at motorist when cycling...
******* tourists... Sunday type drivers...
careful! careful!

getting numb-nut words thrown at you:
trying to impress his girlfriend...
blah blah idiot blah blah that...
ooh?! ******... come here! so i caught up
with him and started spewing a list
of profanities... i'm such an adrenaline *****:
and becoming infuriated is like a caffeine-alcohol
overload for me...
i could swear that my iris and sclera disappear
and there's only blackness in my eyes...
- ******! stop the car and let's have a fight!
lucky for me this happened as we passed
a bus stop...
by then he rolled his window up...
or rather: she did... having spotted me gearing
up to have an argument...

what? a bicycle is less than a motorbike?
i like the idea of generating my own momentum...

but the second incident was more
i'm working a shift at Wembley tomorrow...
at first i was like: women playing football?
but i'll just be watching them... not the football...
tattoos... long hair... ooh! there's an odd Pixie
short haired type i'm so into...
then i was like: eh...                 not that bad...
plus the crowd will be easier to control...

now i'm like: the lionesses have to win...
i don't support the English football team...
i support the male German team:
don't ask me why...
          i was thinking about it once...
the three colours of the France kit...
                       blue shirt white shorts
and red socks...
the German kit would look so awesome if
it imitated the flag...
   black shirt red shorts and yellow socks...
                      white shirt black shorts white socks...
and why?
    the Teutonic flag... Germany should change
it's flag to something akin to the crosses of
Scandinavia or the flag of St. George,
i.e. the inversion of the flag of Cornwall...
a black cross on a white canvas...
since... the colours of the football kit represent that...
the Teutonic Cross...

Spanish teams and of course because of Rapahel
Nadal have his word of encouragement
to keep them going...
bamos (i.e. vamos)
       there's a word in my zunge that can be
used to similar effect...
sometimes you just need a phonetic outlet
to match-up the exertion of the body
with the absence of any necessary mind...

DAWAJ - da-VAĪ...
                 looks super-slick in Cyrillic:

       at university: oh god... i wish it happened
in a supermarket...
i went to this one gimmick party:
we were expected to attend wearing pajamas...
i started talking to this one German guy
and he told me he adored the word
KURVA (*****) he said:
there's this relief-release from uttering
that word...
i guess we saw it written in katakana...
it just didn't make sense at the time...
until only recently expressing :
in exasperations while peddling!

huh?! push-bike?!
since when is a bicycle a push-bike?
what am i pushing?
sure... hoo-lie-noga: you can push
a scooter...
what are we even talking about?
chess or brick walls?!
                         one of those conversations
at work... what push bike?
what am i pushing?
i'm peddling...
- a peddle-bicycle sounds double weird...
- thanks, but "push-bicycle" is altogether
weird too:
five blind men and an elephant sort
of weird... that "infamous" story of rock-hard
anti-Braille re-reading....

- this second incident was spectacular...
the lionesses better win...
i was reduced to roaring: RA! as she didn't catch
my indicating... as we pulled up to the roundabout
and started screaming blasphemies only
men hear from women...
    after she finished her little rant...
i caught up to her and ROARED... because?
i didn't want to scream any obscenities myself:
not at a girl... so i roared that mighty syllable R'AH!
perhaps the syllable once shared the name
of an Egyptian god: but not in these parts...

two provebs:
   when walking among the crows one is best
to croak like them
   (jesli wchodzisz miedzy wrony -
   musisz krakac tak jak one) -
which implies that if you walk among the German
tribes (which includes, by extension
the Anglo-Saxons) you have to speak their language
like they speak their language...
ergo? what am i? i'm an Anglo-Slav when it
comes to any ethnicity debate...
after all: Polacks have as much place in British
culture as all people of the former Empire...
now that empire is nothing more than
the Commonwealth & games...
      after all: ****** spitfire pilots fought in the Battle
of Britain: squadrons no. 302 & 303...
there's even a placard in the catacombs of St. Paul's
cathedral dedicated to their memory...
   which is why when come post-colonial former
British empire gust of mango and banana and
sugar cane wind comes flocking to these shores
i find my place too...
i found it so amusing... i roared and?
                   she roared back! ha ha! a lion to a lioness...
and i thought: this be an OMEN...
if i can turn this into an omen of good faith i'll
have fun tomorrow...
    if i roar at an English girl when she's seriously
having anger management issues
it might just be that i might capture a little splinter
of a collective imagination and turn that into
a victory for the female football team tomorrow
against the Fräuleins...
                    as that story goes: about the butterfly
effect... a butterfly in one place of the world
can create a tornado in another place of the world...
of course i'm not deluded that this has any
actual effect: hypothetically-chaotic and rightly so...
but if i can gear up some random girl driving
in a car with a roar and she roars back...
    maybe that might translate into a victory of sorts...
here's crossing my fingers that i'll be right
come tomorrow...

II. written today

ha! apparently i was right... the lionesses won
the Euros... my god... this is going to rub off so bad on
the male ego of the male team...
i try to avoid the argument: the team is not diverse enough...
only white girls... most blonde:
i never thought there were so many blondes
in England until i started paying attention
to female football...
   i'm still not going to be convinced by club-level football:
but women's international football is... d'ah BOMB...
woke up at 8am... left the house at 9am
having eating nothing but half of a day old croissant...
next time i ate? after the match... 9:30pm...
i almost felt like a Muslim during Ramadam....

coming on the train: lucky me... caught the fast one
from Southend - the train that only stops at
Romford and Stratford and whizzes past all the stations
in between... there and back:
back at 22:22pm... lucky ******...
anyway... while i was going to work i realised...
i have this nugget of **** still in me...
but i'm nervous... i felt frozen into the chair...
i tried breathing really quickly... closing my eyes...
but i already knew i was constipated...
this nugget of kakashka (little ****,
an endearing term my former Russian girlfriend
used to use for me)
            would stay with me for the rest of the day...
nerves... about that OMEN from the previous day...
i woke up today wanting to be so right!
not in a way a betting man gambles on being right...
a different sort of being right...
on a hunch and a plethora of feelings...
strapped into the chair... head pulsating...
heart attack? stroke? three times as a headache...
a head-numbing pulsation...
        memories from being a teenager...
i had these three or four incidents...
i would snap my teeth... releasing this numbing-electricity
that pulsated from my jaw down my body
into my stomach... squeezed the stomach:
and i began pseudo-epileptic convulsions...
in absolute agony...
   for months i would fall asleep in terror
unable to clench my teeth...
in fear of replicating this pseudo-epileptic attack...
there's nothing more vivid in life
than pain...
                 it begins with an easiness of
an air-head... and then that numb-aching that translates
into a pulverising brain: trying to jump out
of your skull... it's not a panic attack as such....
just a head-heavy top-down...
at Liverpool Station i walked into the toilet
and thought that vomiting would help me...
mind you... i did learn the ancient Roman way
of "bulimia"... at first i used ******* down
the throat after i binged on food...
i was so body-conscious back then...
   after enough practice with ms. index and mr. middle
i built up an automated response of the esophagus
and throat...
                just my luck:
you can't exactly puke up half a croissant...
instead? i was... an anemic seagull trying to feed
my youngling with the delusion that i actually ate enough
for the both of us...
puke puke: yup! yup! nothing... bloodshot eyes
and tears... nothing... the light-headed magnetic bulge
of brain and an embarrassing forehead kept at it...

only when the shift started proper did the feeling ease
and *******...
lucky me... i was placed on level 1: great view of the match...
and among the German fans...
i thought: time to practice some Deutsche...
ar du haben ein gut zeit?!
                 eine gute zeit haben!

Jemmina popped up again... who's Jemmina?
she's like Ovid's Corinna...
although... she's not married and i didn't impregnate
her that she might suffer from having an abortion...
i was walking up to the sign-in area
and this woman i work with told me:
oh... she's working for me now...
you know how she and Melanie had a spat...
i just told her: i don't want to know...
but i liked Jemmina... i kept the part where
she blocked me on a messaging-service for no good reason
i should know about a little ***** secret...
well... if this woman is employing Jemmina...
and i just dropped the words: i really like her...
who knows!

the match itself? absolute brilliance...
1 nil up... and then the German equaliser... i thought:
oh ****... no point having roared to hear
a roar back...
extra-time... first half of extra-time... nothing...
and then BAM! a goal with 10 minutes to go!
keep it up... keep it up...
                               ah... the omen paid off...
the lionesses won...

but the biggest caveat wasn't me roaring and filling
my heart with a want for them to win...
sport's sport and it's only that...
there's still that hurt male-ego hanging over England...
coliseum after coliseum reinvented
and revisited: Rome the meteor
and these grand rising craters in the ground...
even with the crucifixion the joint
conspiracy of the Greeks and Hebrews could
never make this script as extinct as that
of the Cuneiform of the Babylonians...
it's already meshed up with the digital footprints
of ghost-robots and robot-men...

              but like i already mentioned:
the best caveat came when i finally decided to
feed the beast... walked into a Subway...
i thought: i've had enough of this deep-fried chicken...
burgers... i need something wholesome...
a sandwich will do just fine...
came to the order... a fine Italian loaf... turkey *******...
on the conveyor belt came to the guy who
was dishing out the sauces and vegetables...
people prior to me were so picky with the vegetables...
four Spanish girls chose as little as tomatoes
and iceberg lettuce... a few others chose even less...
this has always been my experience
in a Subway... i don't understand the ad gimmick
where people are picky about what vegetables
are put in their sandwiches...
and the guys on the conveyor belt of making sandwitches
are usually Hindus...
so when he asked me, which vegetables?
a flash of happiness in his eyes... all of them?
yeah... all of them...
low fat mayo and that sticky onion sauce too...
****... no black olives... never mind (i thought)...
mash-up grub in a 6incher...

once you have been fasting for almost 10 hours...
oh man... it's like Socrates said:
some people eat to live...
while others live to eat...
                      i have absolutely no problem
eating alone in public...
i've heard from those closest to me that
i eat with such finger-licking poise...
as i sat down two children sat either sat
beside me and enjoyed their own food...
and always: always have a napkin ready...
let's face it... no need for leftover sauce or crumbs...
on or around your lips in your beard
and moustache...

but that was the biggest the joy that came from
all the vegetables i said:
all the vegetables?! he replied... yeah...
all the vegetables...
                what a wholesome little treat...
eating my sandwich with two children
sitting either side of me eating likewise...

like animals akin to like children:
as much as i dream up the companionship
of women...
    i'm more wholesome around animals
and children... i feel a sense of gravity
that's unlike gravity...
they're not my own: but, do they have to be?!
it's enough that i had to deal with
a bunch of Germans wanting to buy me a beer
in order that i might support their team...
got patted on the shoulder
by.... the crowd was mixed... no segregation line...
when i was first "initiated" / naturalized
into the British society i refused to sing
the national anthem...
now? i murmur it... i'm not confused:
i'm just conflating... i'm sniffing the death
of a queen... eyeing up the next king...
and there are two in waiting... hell! there are three!

the 2nd Elizabethean Age is coming to an end
and i'm gleefully asking for the best of the best
clocks of Zurich...
   no death of a Pope will be so profound...
the closure of the 20th century:
moving toward a newer, braver, world...

perhaps the Chinese reinvented themselves
by abolishing the five? or is it three old Cs?
culture, custom... i don't remember...
here's to me rekindling an interest in the Tao:
i have no interest in Zen...

chasing Penumbras and Chimeras...
don't even mention the umbra and the antumbra:
same heads of the same beast...
     man as incomplete as the schematics he's
presented with...
  of the Freudian dictate: ego, superego, id...
i'm building up an aftertaste for a a taste
of grapefruit...

          i was listening to two American girls
talking on the Metropolitan line... for once i started
to adore the accent... i undid my shirt and sweated
like a boar in a hunt... i like it when girls play
with their hair...
                i like it when girls play with their hair...
i was about to jump in with where they should
look next to live... if Whitechapel is ****** enough?
look to Wanstead!
but i was so right... i roared: she replied with a roar back...
today can be salvaged as a success...
handshakes and all: job well done...

now i'm sitting in a leather chair farting
into an empty couldron of the intestines being emptied...
one can truly lament
the overthrow of old Chinese customs
by the Maoists... esp. concerning the Taoist rebellion
against Confucianism...
                     why wouldn't i sample some thinking
from the Japanese: to therefore counter
the onslaught of the CCP information warring?

but now... dearest sleep...
                      dearest of all... a sleep that might envelop
a decade's worth of rest...
and a memory of a: very beautiful sandwich...
oh... but that ROAR was heard...
from a little roundabout in Romford all the way
to Wembley...
      but i did have cuckoldry on my mind: throughout...
this is not going to work: in the long-run...
fair enough... it was great seeing
Alex Jones up close and personal...
but... n'ah...
there's something "wok awong wong"...

   it's unlike female tennis players... unlike female
                          appreciating sport that was
originally designated for men... is a bit like...
watching and nodding to... transvestites...
i'm not saying it's wrong:
but the appeal will never be there...
                        on an international level: for sure...
but on a club level? hardly...

what's football without rowdy male teenagers
trying to prove that they own *****?!
sort of boring... and... ugh...
women imitating men... they look so ugly...
so... butch... i don't think i've ever seen so many lesbians
in one evening... mind you: at least two lesbian
           of course you're going to come across
lesbian would-be converts...
it's usually the butch lesbians that are eyeing you
up... the more plump the ones with crew-cut hair
eyeing you you up...
oh no... not the submissive of the pair...
the butch-lesbians...
                                    they're playing with
the drama of being the pretend-man looking
for a man while dating a woman...

i like them... i like butch pixie-pizza-date-girls
of that sort... fine skin...
  i like short hair too...
                                i can't compliment on their skin
enough... i couldn't possibly stroke ivory enough
to reach that sort of complexion...
i wouldn't dare to lick it: let alone touch it:
i'd ******* have to frame it!

hey presto! one fetish emerges after one just finishes!
my favorite mousy was also there today...
to hell with me and my weakness for
ginger haired girls and freckles!
mousy! she figured out a way to change her hair
to become more appealing...
mousy! mousy! i won't give you her name!
mousy is mousy! she's a ginger hybrid!
i like her strawberry ginger-ness...
which is not a strawberry-blonde...
it's... tickling something akin to "something"
could be teasing more auburn clashes of shade...
never mind... the freckles are a bonus...

mind you: it's still too hot to venture back into
the brothel... i need late August to keep my tongue kept
to return to revisiting the brothel...
i need the weather to cool down...
not after that *******...
it was never going to work akin to how it "works"
in a pornographic flick...
two girls: two condoms...
the best you can do is ask for a pair of ****
from one and a hand-job from the other...
no one is catching any germs today...

my beard is a violin and a cello...
while i stroke it... trying to summon the winds
for the brass-stroke of genius...
i try to also remember...
miracles began with both Jesus walking
on water as they began with the madness
of Xerxes lashing the Aegean sea with whips
to calm it down...
for one? i find the latter more probable
than the prior; the poetics of abandoned genius:
and within its confines...
the cringe Christianity of what change would
later come.
Denkt das Denken?
Worüber denkt das Denken?
Denkt das Denken über das Denken?
Wie denkt das Denken?
Wie denkt das Denken über das Denken?
Wann denkt das Denken?
Wann denkt das Denken über das Denken?
Wozu denkt das Denken?
Wozu denkt das Denken über das Denken?
Zuviel gedacht,
Gute Nacht.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2020
there could be... worse nights...
finishing a cinema of memory...
some drinking...
   and... some... listening to horror movie
soundtracks... cackling mad with
laughter into the night...
   yes... notably the mad giggling
at the end of drinking...
listening to horror movie sountracks...
with... nothing but pure
intentions: of being left: undisturbed...
to pick up a tomorrow's worth
of music:
       meta-man goes along
to a socially-distanced party of...
alpha-males and beta-males...
            meta-man fiddling with mr. omega...
and what is self-evident...
not what übermensch came as...
chinese disinhibited genetic perfectionism...
reworking the genes... blah blah...
and... pristine princess of trans:
the over-man a woman...
  kim petras - only after... listening to...
dunk-list of tranz... blaire... white...
is there a way to somehow be...
devoid of a newspaper article...
        a... critic section of: a film summary...
poetry in the pedantry realm...
some sunday...

                  a sudoku crazy...
                       i never really wanted
to write... "poetry"...
                          i just found...
a paragraph too claustrophobic...
and... writing at multiple sittings...
rather... dishonest...
übermensch in china... who took the reality...
and... the joke in h'america... that is now...
übermensch: the best ******-up versions
of our ******-up selves!
        strict persistent language...
i can't escape what's staging a coup...
                          but... i have found
an escape: investing in 100 years to come...
at the end of a drinking session...
listening to horror movie soundtracks...
having turned off the lights...

            because... in all honesty?
there's only so much you can do with sober
around here...
the best you can... do...
is... revive a love for music...
having lost your way to talk-radio (BBC4)...
pretending to dance in a chair...
and solving a sudoku...
and being a complete tyrant of
grammar and spelling...

        as a fail-safe... of drinking...
because... in all honesty?
there's only so much you can do with sober
around here...
pristine: anti-social drinking sessions...
and since everyone is going to fling turds
around in the marathon run of nouns
used and not used...
               lights off... horror movie soundtracks...
and with that eternal quote
illuminating the way...
         nin teil von jener kraft,
           die stets das böse will und stets das
                             gute schafft

the evil within the confines of my thought...
which can never translate itself
into telepathy or telekinesis...
          the goodness of laughter...
even... however much lost to malice.

           the dog would somehow require
a leash and muzzle...
                      to own a... totem of
forgetting... to not own it...
   to hold sway over being irked...
the itchy presence of a cat....

             and that's about as much of any...

— The End —