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Josie Dec 2014
We are all burdened to circumstance
Destined to wonder
We looked up to the stars to ask our fate
But it was only by chance that our stars lay overhead
They are not signs of destiny but gaze down at us as lost as we all are
Lonely wonderers
We all look for a glimer of faint dust
Glowing across the night
Trying to find a destination we haven't set.
We can walk, we can run but no matter how fast or slow
we are always exactly where we should be the current
I believe fate is circumstance
Every one alive is destined to live
They exist
So they'll be another heart fighting against the waves of the sea wondering where heaven may be
But circumstance has found me here
Right now next to you
So call it fate
But I'll gladly except it if you do to
Wander the stars a little longer than forever and no longer alone. I could be with you.
Time isn't always a burden
If Its spent chasing lights of more than stars
Zachary Jun 2014
Waiting for superman
She's got everything else
Wishes like a paper plane
Throw them like hands dealt
I got all this single frames
Captures more then hell
If penny's were made for wishes
Then dollars would never fail
How desperate are our needs
Pay it forward to tell the tale
Figure how trigger words
Speak bigger towards
Little kids or mini ******
Friends like me who want to be
What is more then what we see
glimer of a Gimp liquor, trying to sniff quicker
then Sneak mixers into the bar so they can
**** they still out there looking for fixers,
taking pills to get stiffers
Sure im the one whos sicker
is this your trick here?
Right hand full of dreams
Had a hand left with ******
sinner is in misery
***** you cant even play elixer
hold my hand why i choke slam all our plans of scam blasphemy is only for man
Watching slowly as the horizon of the sun begins to fade with a dence glimer beyond the mountains, earth shaking causing a trimer. Im busy day dreaming of you. Feeling as if my body has lost controll loving you so much has taken its toll on me. I cant believe someone as perfect as you exsist. So the given fact makes me want to hold onto this with great protection and never ending love.
I miss you, but I watch slowly until I see you once again.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
Inner Light
There are days and nights
when the smog in the city
Is so thick
You can not see the stars

Yet if you get above
The Smog
You Can See the Stars!
What to see more stars?

When meteor showers
Light up the sky
Trees pointing
To your personal star
Keep looking
And their colors will appear
Wonder-mint-fully Amazed!

For Between Heaven and Earth we stand
Under the star lite sky
Pure whole
Divine Love

Day by day
Walking between Heaven and Earth
Beneath Our Bright Star
In and out of the storm
Unaware of who we really are
Or from where we have come

Then it begins!
A stirring from deep within
Catching a glimer of awareness
Yes! There it is!!!

Our eyes begin to see
Turing from
The shadows
It is shinning!
The Power of our Star!!!

Good morning
It's a new day!
@ In Spirit
The story of our journey of coming to our own inner self awareness.
In and out of the darkness and the storms. Then re remember that we have always known how to look above the fogs into the stars. When we keep looking we begin to find  our inner light and inner wisdom.
To enjoy the video created especially for poem go to:
Jack Thompson Mar 2015
I'm lying there in your arms.
Wrapped and tightly entwined.
Your soul reaching out to me.
Through those eyes they glimer.
In this light I've found beauty.
So perfect blue and green.
Mesmerized draw me in close.
We're in a bubble.
The sound of rain it's beautiful.
It intensifies now deadening.
A dead silence only rain.
Your open mouth.
Your lips move but that's all.
You say "I love you".
You meant it but you've meant it before.
Will this be the last time.
This must be love.
Nothing else exists.
This must be love.
In our bubble.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Sovit Pokhrel Jul 2020
Grasping my pen, i ground myself.
I start to breathe as the nib glides across the canvas.
The ink drops, forming lines, curves & more,
Breathing life into the paper,
My heart starts to beat,
giving me a sense of life.
As i form,
Letters into words,
Words into sentences,
Sentences into paragraphs,
As i try to graph, illusions into reality.
Trying to cling on,
To the little glimer of HOPE,
That you provide me NOW & THEN.
Sometimes i close my eyes Just to get a glimpse of your memory as it gives me hope.

— The End —