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judy smith Nov 2016
Whether in Montreal, where she was born and raised, or in Delhi, where her award-winning brasserie sits, the stylish chef’s love for gastronomy has always run deep. She came to India to chase her passion about eight years ago, after leaving behind an engineering career and having trained at the esteemed ITHQ (Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec). In 2014, she introduced unusual combinations like oysters with charred onion petals, tamarind puree, and rose vinegar when she became the first Indian chef to be invited to host a solo dinner at the James Beard House in New York City. Also presented there was her very own coffee-table book called Eating Stories, packed with charming visuals, tales and recipes.

In pursuit of narratives

“I am studying Ayurveda so, at the moment, I’m inspired by the knowledge and intuition which comes with that, but otherwise I completely live for stories. Those of the people around me — of spices, design forms, music, traditions, history and anything else I feel connected to.”

Culinary muse

“I truly believe that nature is perfect, so I feel privileged to use the ingredients that it provides, while adding my own hues, aromas and combinations…it feels like I get to play endlessly every day.”

After-work indulgence

“My favourite places to eat at are Cafe Lota and Carnatic Cafe in Delhi, and Betony and Brindle Room in NYC.”

Dream dish

“This salad I created called ‘secret garden’. It’s so beautiful to look at and has such a unique spectrum of flavours…all while using only the freshest, most natural produce to create something completely magical.”

Reception blooper

“Most people make the mistake of over-complicating the menu; having too much diversity and quantity. Wastefulness isn’t a good way to start a life together.”

A third-generation entrepreneur from a highly distinguished culinary family, she runs a thriving studio in Khar where state-of-the-art cooking stations and dining tables allow her to conduct a variety of workshops and sessions. Her grandfather is remembered as the man who migrated from Africa to London to found the brand that brought curry to the people of the UK — Patak’s. She took over as brand ambassador, having trained at Leiths School of Food and Wine and taught at one of Jamie Oliver’s schools in London. What’s more, Pathak is also the author of Secrets From My Indian Family Kitchen, a cookbook comprising 120 Indian recipes, published last year in the UK.

Most successful experiment

“When I was writing recipes for my cookbook, I had to test some more than once to ensure they were perfect and foolproof. One of my favourites was my slow-cooked tamarind-glazed pork. I must have trialled this recipe at least six times before publishing it, and after many tweaks I have got it to be truly sensational. It’s perfectly balanced with sweet and sour both.”

Future fantasy

“As strange as it sounds, I’d love to cater my own wedding. You want all your favourite recipes and you want to share this with your guests. I could hire a caterer to create my ideal menu, but I’d much prefer to finalise and finish all the dishes myself so that I’m supremely happy with the flavours I’m serving to my loved ones.”

Fresh elegance

“I’m in love with microgreens for entertaining and events…although not a new trend, they still carry the delicate wow factor and are wonderfully subtle when used well. I’m not into using foams and gels and much prefer to use ingredients that are fuss-free.”

This advertising professional first tested her one-of-a-kind amalgams at The Lil Flea, a popular local market in BKC, Mumbai. Her Indian fusion hot dogs, named Amar (vegetarian), Akbar (chicken) and Anthony (pork), sold out quickly and were a hit. Today, these ‘desi dogs’ are the signature at the affable home-chef-turned-businesswoman’s cafe-***-diner in Bandra, alongside juicy burgers, a fantastic indigenous crème brûlée, and an exciting range of drinks and Sikkim-sourced teas.

Loving the journey

“The best part of the job is the people I meet; the joy I get to see on their faces as they take the first bite. The fact that this is across all ages and social or cultural backgrounds makes it even better. Also, I can indulge a whim — whether it is about the menu or what I can do for a guest — without having to ask anyone. On the flip side, I have no one to blame but myself if the decision goes wrong. And, of course, I can’t apply for leave!”

Go-to comfort meal

“A well-made Bengali khichri or a good light meat curry with super-soft chapattis.”

What’s ‘happening’

“This is a very exciting time in food and entertaining — the traditional and ultra-modern are moving forward together. Farm-to-fork is very big; food is also more cross-cultural, and there is a huge effort to make your guest feel special. Plus, ‘Instagram friendly’ has become key…if it’s not on Instagram, it never happened! But essentially, a party works when everyone is comfortable and happy.”

A word to brides

“Let others plan your menu. You relax and look gorgeous!”

This Le Cordon Bleu graduate really knows her way around aromas that warm the heart. On returning to Mumbai from London, she began to experiment with making small-batch ice creams for family and friends. Now she churns out those ‘cheeky’ creations from a tiny kitchen in Bandra, where customers must ring a bell to get a taste of dark chocolate with Italian truffle oil, salted caramel, milk chocolate and bacon and her signature (a must-try) — blue cheese and honey.

The extra mile

“I’ll never forget the time I created three massive croquembouche towers (choux buns filled with assorted flavours of pastry cream, held together with caramel) for a wedding, and had to deliver them to Thane!”

Menu vision

“For a wedding, I would want to serve something light and fresh to start with, like seared scallops with fresh oysters and uni (sea urchin). For mains, I would serve something hearty and warm — roast duck and foie gras in a red wine jus. Dessert would be individual mini croquembouche!”

Having been raised by big-time foodie parents, the strongest motivation for their decision to take to this path came from their mother, who had two much-loved restaurants of her own while the sisters were growing up — Vandana in Mahim and Bandra Fest on Carter Road. Following the success of the first MeSoHappi in Khar, Mumbai, the duo known for wholesome cooking opened another outlet of the quirky gastro-bar adjoining The Captain’s Table — one of the city’s favourite seafood haunts — in Bandra Kurla Complex.

Chef’s own

AA: “We were the pioneers of the South African bunny chow in Mumbai and, even now, it remains one of my all-time favourites.”

On wedding catering

PA: “The most memorable for me will always be Aarathi’s high-tea bridal shower. I planned a floral-themed sundowner at our home in Cumballa Hill; curtains of jasmine, rose-and-wisteria lanterns and marigold scallops engulfed the space. We served exotic teas, alcoholic popsicles of sangria and mojito, and dishes like seafood pani puri shots and Greek spanakopita with beetroot dip, while each table had bite-sized desserts like mango and butter cream tarts and rose panna cotta.”Read more at: |
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas

Today and each and every day I’m told.
Halos hanging in my wardrobe tell me so
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas.
Not just an ordinary pair for an alley cat.
Know that I am a modest cat. It must be true

I think I am the cat’s pyjamas

And I will explain to you the clever things I do
My mummy cat try’s to curb my vanity

Though I think I am the cat’s pyjamas
Have you ever seen a cat writing poetry ?
Extra special pedigree cat’s can do this !

Can’t you see I am the cat’s pyjamas
And writing is my forte. It is my cloak.
Though I sleep every night with my beliefs
See I believe I am the cat’s pyjamas

Pyjamas of the finest Indonesia silk.
Yes in hues of pinks and vivid purple
Justification I am the cat’s pyjamas
And my modesty is known far and wide.
My goodness I am such a splendid Tom.
And to finalise know I am the cat’s pyjamas
See she told me last night so it must be true.!!
Written by Philip.
November 10th 2018.
The old English saying “He thinks he is the cat’s pyjamas”. Yes he’s so vain.
Oliver Philip Nov 2018
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas

Today and each and every day I’m told.
Halos hanging in my wardrobe tell me so
I think I am the cat’s pyjamas.
Not just an ordinary pair for an alley cat.
Know that I am a modest cat. It must be true

I think I am the cat’s pyjamas

And I will explain to you the clever things I do
My mummy cat try’s to curb my vanity

Though I think I am the cat’s pyjamas
Have you ever seen a cat writing poetry ?
Extra special pedigree cat’s can do this !

Can’t you see I am the cat’s pyjamas
And writing is my forte. It is my cloak.
Though I sleep every night with my beliefs
See I believe I am the cat’s pyjamas

Pyjamas of the finest Indonesia silk.
Yes in hues of pinks and vivid purple
Justification I am the cat’s pyjamas
And my modesty is known far and wide.
My goodness I am such a splendid Tom.
And to finalise know I am the cat’s pyjamas
See she told me last night so it must be true.!!
Written by Philip.
November 10th 2018.
A nonsense rhyme
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2016
yeah, the serious ones
have babies, and finalise
being single by becoming
hubby or hub hub hub
hubby dub da'h satisfied
cupcakes (bake 'em
while they're monkey do dah dough)...
and the ones
never originating for a replica
had their poems treated
by a pop orchestra as unplayable,
because of the profit margins...
and the necessity of power
being kept for a country
a fraction of the tenths' of monaco,
because, after all... not everyone
nerved to tie a bow-tie for the occasion.
Josh Morter Mar 2013
When you gaze at the whole picture taking in the decision of each brush stroke,
each flick of the wrist, each speck of paint has been purposefully placed.
It's there to complete the image.
To finalise the composition.
If a stroke goes wrong, into the background it eventually fades.
To the unbeknownst onlooker
it's looks impeccably done
But there shall always be a mistake there and highly likely more than one.
Yet it's there for a reason, to add some dark and shade
to the light and masterful creation.
A creation we've all made.
Written on 26/03/13 by Josh Morter ©

Short poem,  began to think about the big picture and its significance on a day to day basis.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
why should there be a medical diagnosis of pronoun use, when the pronoun they is treated as show-off problematic and paranoiac naturally, to ease the conversation?*

the day when the tetra gram ah tonne
met the compass of the crux
and turned the sacred YHWH
into N.E.W.S. -
to make it easier, the crucifix,
an abstracted square - collapsed -
they are indeed shoving ***** at as,
with prayers at the Hagia Sophia,
they're shovelling ***** at us,
because they're realising that the power
they claim to have is ineffective,
hence their need for religious topics
to organise legions, to utilise religion
is to finalise political ineffectiveness;
political apathy breeds
religiosity and attachment to symbolism
rather than geometry.
Satyan Sharma Aug 2015
Blacker than the black is my white,

Deeper than the earth’s core is my flight,

Brighter than the day is my night,

Shorter than an electron is my height.

Stupid or crazy though it may sound,

We’ve all got a bush to beat around,

It’s all pictures & imagination,

What’s a wise or stupid creation?

Close so close is the ultimate real,

Yet so far ’cause our gates so shut,

It’s just a peep what we finalise,

As the ultimate truth, but.

I cannot say what I am,

I’ve made a story, a lyric for it,

It could be false like many,

But just as the truth, so uncanny.
Macstoire Feb 2014
This field feels the rhythm
The ground beneath me beats
And the breeze gently hums
To harmonise a choir who bring back the love
In an echo that electrifies the sole

Never has a day started better
Than with ****** Mary in generous glugs
To wash away the lingering ache
of the devilish night before
and I find myself in my element
celebrating the knight of nowhere
conquest reign to the wobbly log

From my horizontal viewpoint
I’m soaking up the suns shining rays
Whilst overlooking jesters fight sock wars with small children
But my skin wont suffer for these friendly strangers
Have lubed me up with their compassionate oil
No-ones really a stranger in this Small World, so it seems
Not if the tug-of-war has anything to do with it

The eclectic collection of eccentric events
Is rounded off delightfully when we sit
together in a burning sauna
to outlet amongst ourselves the toxins
absorbed as an energetic additive to the atmosphere
At this festival everyone is your friend
and there’s no shame in ****** here

In close proximity we endure the heat
Until we are saturated in sweat
and then plunge ourselves one-by-one
into a bath shared with mischievous children
making weapons of the ice cold jets

Feeling fresh faced and cleaner than before
I finalise the feeling of freedom as a **** pull-along
For a child’s’ home-made truck
The juveniles journey accelerates as my liberation overwhelms me
I’m fulfilling an accomplishment I never dreamt I’d meet

But the succeeding element of this festive environment that I most enjoy
Is the fact that here none of this is odd
edwill makamu Dec 2015
Be loyal and reliable
Be responsible against dreams, wishes, sharing and love
Be patient and facet defiance
Be specific and give positive solutions

Change environment before is overdue
Opt breath and not paradise
Opt harmony and not misery
Facet factuality and not fraudulence
Hold on what or where you deserve

Be thoughtful of every step you take
Think twice before you go further
Finalise everything and do the best.

Be yourself
in life we come across many challenges so we need to be responsible and be ourselves. We need to face those challenges and choose the safe tract.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now I’m NOT In Some Room...
Playing Roles With Tom Cruise... !!!

You Can Handle THE TRUTH... ?!?

I’m Simply Asking...
Because It’s HARD To Do... !!!

When Truth Is Released...
Like Some Viral Disease...
Or Make You Feel Healthy... !!!

Is It EASY To Take...
When People Make Claims...
That You Are... UGLY...
Or Are Far From Pretty... ?!?

Cos’ It’s Happened To Me...
And Has NOT Been Easy... !!!
To Hear Someone’s Truth...
That... ISN’T So Cool... !!!

But I’ve Handled It Due...
To Others Who’ve Proved...
That Their Truth Saw A Dude...
Whose Good Looking In Ways...
That Made Them Want To Lay...
And Get **** In Bedrooms... !!!!!!

But Do You Recognise...
That Truth Hurts Sometimes...
When People Deny...
The Truth To Spread Lies... !?!

Or That... That Truthful Line...
Twists The Truth To Define...

That... Even A LIE...
Can Make The Truth Shine... !!!

Run THAT Line Through Your Mind...
And Then See If I’m Right... ?!?

Do You Try To Conceal...
Rather Than Just Reveal...
How You Truly Do Feel...
About Life’s Daily Meal... ???

Or Do You Contrive...
Play Possum And Hide...
The Truth From Yourself... ?!?

Do You Think That Serves Well... ?!?

Do You Think That Your Ego...
Does Not Affect People...
Or Do You NOT CARE...
About Others Welfare... ?!?

Do You HONESTLY Share...
Your Thoughts When Your Scared... ?

Or... Live In DENIAL...
Like Some SICK *******... !?!

Who Thinks That It’s OKAY...
To Cause Young Children Pain... !?!

Cos’ To Me That’s INSANE...
And Is Just NOT The Way... !!!

Do You Sexually Sway...
And Have Deviant Traits...
That You’d Truly DISPLAY...
If They’d Put You In JAIL... ?!?

Do You See What It Is...
That This Piece Is Asking... ???

Cos’ It’s Asking You THIS... ?!?

How HONEST Are You...
When It Comes To The TRUTH... ?!?

What You Would Like To Do... ?!?

Or Are You Just Doing...
What Others Are Doing...
So That You Fit In...
And Aren’t Seen As A Freak...
Or Someone Who Sins...
By Friends And Family... ?!?

Do You Choose To Present...
A World of Falseness...
When You Are Online...
That Allows You To Hide...
What You Really Look Like... ???

Do You Present Yourself...
As... Somebody ELSE... ?!?

Why Would You Do That... ?

Do You Think That It’s Cool...
To Put Up An Act Instead of Be True... ?!?
Because Clearly Some Do...
Like To Play Folks For FOOLS... !!!

Do You Really Place Trust...
In Someone Who Does... ?!?

Do You Just Want To Cuss....
When You Think of This Stuff...
Do You Care Anymore...
About What’s Now In Store...

Now Corona Has Called...
And Locked People Indoors... !?!

Do You Write Honest Verse...
When It Comes To This World... ???

Do You Now Follow Trends...
And Use The Internet...
To Claim That Your Story...
Is NOT... Allegory...
When Posts That You Make...
DON’T Relate To YOUR Name... ?!?

Do You See The Nonsense...
of Posts That Relate...
To OTHER Folks Stories...

Do You See Your Own Flaws...
Check Yourself And Then Pause.

Do You See That These Questions...
Could Go On... FOREVER... ?!?

Do You Think That It’s Clever...
To Create Vendettas...
Through Usage of Letters...
Instead of To BETTER...
And Show That You’re Measured...
In Things That You Write...
That Will Reach People’s Eyes...
As Well As Their Minds... ???

Do You Think That It’s Time...
For Me To End These Rhymes... ???

Do You Think That It’s Right...
For... YOU To Decide... ?!?

Well On That Last Line...
Is Where I’ll Recline...
And Will Now Finalise...
This Question Filled Write...

So Here’s The Last Question...
That I’ll Now Put To Heads...
Who’ve Read This Poem...

When It Comes To The TRUTH...
That Revolves Around YOU...
And The Things That You Do...

My Question Is THIS...
When You Take Time To Think...
About Your Life’s Content...

When You Look At Your World...
And How It Now Turns...
Are These The Two Words...
That You TRULY Do View...
To Be The Ones That You’d Use...

Cos The Words Are These Two...
That I’ll Use To Conclude...

They Are Simply....

...... “ Do You ? “.....
“Do You” ... A Poem written By Big Virge 22/1/2021
Jackie Mead Oct 2019
On the darkest night of the year.
I was alone at home, quivering with fear.
I started remembering the year before; I had a fright.
Just as the day was fading to night.

I recounted the encounter which gave me such a fright.
On the scariest, darkest of nights.

Walking home, alone, I pulled my coat tight; I was chilled to the bone.
First a shiver ran down my spine.
Then “many” long arms wrapped around me, tightly squeezing, like a creeping vine.
I couldn’t move, I was paralysed with fear.
Then I heard the voices of “many” whispers in my ear.

Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum
We like All Hallows Eve fun

I opened my eyes to look the “many” up and down
It was as if I had stumbled into a Ghost Town.
The “many” wore clothes tattered and torn.
Their har thin, and like a sheep, shorn.
Their skin hanging from their skeletal frames.
The “many” started to play their games.

First, they took some rope from their pocket.
Then they took a picture out of a gold locket.
They used the roped to bind my hands.
Then they huddled in a circle to finalise their plans.

They stood me up and spun me around.
I was giddy and almost fell to the ground.
They showed the picture to me, it was one I held dear.
Me as a child, before I knew fear.

They said they would set the picture alight.
Showing fear would not help my plight.
As the picture burned it would take my soul; deliver it to the devil.
I began to twist my hands; I began to scream and wrestle.

I did not want to live below, where the fire is intensely hot.
Where the devil chooses someone each day to scare and tie that person in knots.
The “many” closed in and took me by my bound hands, led me away.
To a pit they had dug that very same day.

The pit was 6 feet deep and lined in red.
The first thing to do was to bury me standing, up to my head.
The “many” stood me in the pit and picked up their shovels.
They quickened their pace and filled the pit on the double.

I stood once again paralysed with fear.
I felt my cheeks wet, with the tracks of my tears.
The “many” took the picture and held it high over my head.
Laughing, shouting in my face “had I wet my bed”

I knew there would be no turning around from this, tonight would be my last.
I grew calm and waited for the final blow, shot or blast.

I had my eyes shut tight.
But...nothing happened, nothing came, the picture did not ignite.
I was still trembling though feeling terrified.
I couldn’t move, my hands were still tied.
I prayed to heaven; I did not want to die.

Then a bit of luck perchance; I did a little happy dance.
I wriggled my hands and pulled them in tight, the rope began to loosen.
Just maybe I would remain on this earth, remain human.

My hands broke free and pushed away the earth; set myself free.
I looked at the time on my watch, saved by the bell, 01:01, last admittances to hell.

When the clock had struck 0100hrs, All Hallows Eve Fun was over.
Saved for another year, but to be on the safe side I will remain indoors this year.
Before the evening is over a spooky tale for your delight.
Hurricane Aug 2018
Create me ,
conjure up an image in your head .

I'm curious now .

Posit me ,
confine me to a thought .

Why did you choose that shade ?

Edit , re-edit , finalise me ,
I want to be completed .

Apply boundaries , lock the door ,
I am merely a product of your mind .
Big Virge Jan 2020
... " I Just CAN'T SLEEP " ... !!!

Because of THE HEAT On The Third of July ...
The Sun's Up HIGH And Shining BRIGHT ... !!!

In The Year One AFTER ... 2K5 ...

I've Had A RESTLESS SLEEPLESS Night ... !!!!!!
Because of THE HEAT That's ... NOT SO Sweet ... !!!!!!

I Was REALLY In NEED of A Good Nights' SLEEP ... !!!!!!
And This Is Why I've Written This Piece of Poetry ...

Giving It The Title ... " I Just Can't Sleep " ... !!!

Because I'm HOT and BOTHERED ...
As If PURSUED By Coppers ... !!!

Trying To STOP Criminals Who ROB ...
MONEY Like The Sleep I've Been ROBBED Of ... !!!!!

On Streets Their Moves And Plots Are HOT ... !!!!!!
Like Girls Who've Got Those **** Bods' ... !!!
That Make Men Want To STOP and DROP ...

...... " Complimentary Speech " ...... !!!

So That She's There SHARING His Bed ...
WITHOUT The Sheets On Nights of HEAT ... !!!!!

Getting FRIENDLY ... KNOW What I Mean ... !!!

See Girlies Like THESE ...
Are Sometimes Why ... " I Just Can't Sleep " ... !!!

They RUN Through My Mind Causing SLEEPLESS Nights ...
Because of HOW They Run Their Lives ... ?!?

And CHOOSE SLY Guys Who USE ... " Designs " ...

EVEN When They Make Them CRY ... !!!

DON'T Get Me Wrong That's THEIR PROBLEM ... !!!
But When Women TRY To Defend ...
These Men Whose Love Is ALL Pretence ...

My SLEEPLESS Nights HELP Me To Write ...
Poetic Lines of THIS HERE Type ...
That Move Along Just Like Sad Songs ...

..... " I Just Can't Sleep " ..... !!!

When Poetry Through Words Like These ...
Run Through My Mind ... CONTINUALLY ... !!!!!!
Until My Pen Sets My Thoughts ... FREE ...
Like Something Simply ... MEANT TO BE ... !!!!!

It's Now The Way My Thought Waves SPEAK ...
When Life DISPLAYS It's Troughs And PEAKS ...

I See This IN How Youngsters Be ...
These Days It Seems They're NOT Happy ... !!!

Relationships That Leave Them STRIPPED ...
of POSITIVES ... That Help UPLIFT ... !!!

Boyfriends And Girlfriends Mums And Dads ...
Stories I Hear Now Leave Me Sad ...
When Things They Do Leave People TRAPPED ... !!!

I DON'T Lose Sleep Over THESE Things ... !!!
Because That's LIFE And It Has Some SWINGS ... !!!

My Mind REWINDS Feelings That ... RING ...
Like Bells And Chimes That Help Design ...
Poetic Rhymes ... of THIS HERE Type ...

TODAY As I've Said ... Is The Third of July ...
And I've Left My Bed To Sit And Write ...

Because My Mind Would NOT ... Recline ...
UNTIL This Poem Was ... " Designed " ...

I'm CLOSE Now To The Finishing Line ... !!!!!

But NOT Just YET If You Haven't Guessed ...

.......... " I Just Can't Sleep ! " ..........

Because The Heat's AFFECTING Me ...
But ALSO Cos' A ... Young Lady ...
Has Got My Mind ALL TWISTED See ...

She's A REAL ... " Cutey' " ... !!!
INNOCENT And ... " Sweet " ...

But She's In Love With THIS Young Gun ...
Who CLAIMS He'll ... COMMIT SUICIDE ... !!!

If She Decides To CUT Their Ties ... !!!

I Told Her ...

"Baby, that's not right, and is clearly not love,
If you've had enough, you've had enough !
You should think about this,
he'd be being selfish, if he did such a thing !
What kind of man would force your hand,
to stay with him, on this basis ?"

Her Friends And I ...
Explained That Love ...
Should NOT Be Tied ...
By THREATS and LIES ... !!!

Because In Time She May Just Find ...
That She'll Feel Like She's Had NO LIFE ... !!!!!!

She Left Because He Called Her TWICE ... !!!

But NOT In A Way That Made Her Day ... !!!

It Seemed More Like He was ... " Calling TIME " ...
On When Her Night Should .... FINALISE ....

She LOVES Him But WITHIN Her Mind ...
APPEARS To Hide A FLOOD of Doubts With RISING TIDES ... !!!

When She Left I Gave Her A Hug ...
One That FILLED My Heart With ... " LOVE " ...

My Feelings For Her ARE Oceans DEEP ... !!!
But It Seems She'll Just Be ... " In My Dreams " ...

Because This Boy She Will NOT Leave ...
This Is How She Makes Me ... " FEEL " ... !!!

She Makes Me Weak Just Like The HEAT That's Made Me Write ...
This Lyrical Piece of Poetry That's Simply Called ....

................. " I Just Can't Sleep ! " .........................
Thankfully, only one or two young women have caught me like this one did in my life, but, as the poem shows, this young lady definitely caught my attention for a while, and she like this particularly hot London night, inspired this write ....

— The End —