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Dark lover Jul 2023
It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood.
things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
It's the outwordly.
It's the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
By the
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.

It's well even in the land of well..
It's well even in the kingdom of well ..
It's all garbage in garbage out all from garbage . Just like the name, the thoughts of many are, like in most.. it's garbage to those  in the same vibration but below exceptions makes it seem godly and magnificent.
I wish.
I understood the things, words, language the fingers  scribes some times...
Trying to make sense but making nonsense, ha, I get it, sense takes one third of nonsense,
twisted for the disabled.
It's just too twisted for the disabled but not for the ables.
Twisted scientists making clones..
So they say...
So they feel..
So they remain...
Twisted it is and twisted it will be..
Cause, it's believed that twisted is for the unbeing..
Is the outwordly.
Is the unreal..
Few escapes, the fews that grasp twisted and make it a friend and a guardian..
A partner and a mentor...
Hence they sleep with twisted..
Pray with twisted..
Worship twisted..
Eat with twisted..
Eats twisted..
Marry twisted..
Bond twisted
And starts delivering twisted babies.. everything rolls down with the understanding of twisted..
Never could end this infinite theorem.. cause the source is twisted and twisted is goodness and goodness is in all but all isn't in goodness...
Even fates are twisted..
Cause our fates are being changed in per second not discovered yet but now or soon..
Steps taken...
Choices made...
Thoughts expressed.
Thoughts conceived..
Conceived, oh, I remember a line in one of the forgeten books of agony..
Agony in processes.
Agony in delivery..
Once again twisted it is.
Sense is one third of nonsense..
Days are very slim here and nights are very colossal..
So awaken and prepare, for the rainy days might seem no end.
Drought might be handy.
Sorrow might be arrowed through the heart.
Preparedness toughens and Patience exonerate..
Patience can be twisted with weakness, it's okay, Patience is weakness to the extent that weakness compels strength....
That's the TWIST..
Many fight to distance weakness yet run after strength but never realize that strength is the shadow to weakness.
Shoma morita's..
Embrace with..
Accept it..
Adopt it..
But never tolerate it from the weak..
Else, excuses will be made from it.
Procrastination will be fashioned.
And discouragement will be manifested..
The resulting culmination of things..
Things precipitated by TWISTED...
Now Wakeup.
Twisted inspired,   live is twisted  and only the twisted enjoys it.
SassyJ Jul 2017
Imbued by the fountain of elixir
where beauty beacons and lease
giving life and half full joy
old schools, some new fews
bring all the passing tales
Lest we forget the life we tell
Lest we regret the love that fell

Infused in the condensed vapours
eased into the trodden thoughts
never to reoffend the lessons
and their glowing seasons
those that burn right deep inside
Lest we forget the life we tell
Lest we regret the love that fell

Men of all sorts leave truths aside
beside the chances they promise
takes and tales of hidden tastes
Pastes of fading secrets secreted
In croons and hooks of all dares
Lest we forget the life we tell
Lest we regret the love that fell

Never can the time grow old
neither the beating heart faint
nor the raving rain can hide
in a ride so serene and restorative
in a thousand known records
Lest we forget the life we tell
Lest we regret the love that fell
I love writing , it's all I want
Kj Kennedy Jun 2019
Children of the moon
Wait for Cthulhu's return
As they dine on human fear
In hopes he will appear

When The stars align
It will stand with straightened spin  
opening his tired eyes
Followed by the worlds demise

Sleeping in a hole
Far beneath the sea
He delivers horrid scenes
to a chosen fews dreams

Visions of the future
Drowned in smouldered ash
Screams of countless voices
Silenced in a flash

When you look upon his face
A horror to behold
There’s no chance to turn and run
Your soul has turned too cold
Yeah im having flashbacks of combat back in Iraq
Got **** thought this wasn't suppose to feel this wack
Once I cocked back
The sweet sixteen naw it was M4
See how much blood I could paint on the sandy floor
Against the war but what am I here for ?
There's a battle in my own ghetto my shadow
Even fighting with my shadow breakin' plateaus
Been knocking at death's door
But it won't open I guess I'm doomed for
The penitentiary how many soldiers riding with me
Drinking til I throw my guts up what's up
I'm feelin' good but ill at the same time
These ain't for reasons of rhymes
Just something to past time hit one line
Rest in peace to ****** who left me
In the battle field hope to find my will
Next to y'all grave plots still waiting for the cold steel

Twenty one guns salute to all my troops
Wither disable mentally rocking the cradle can't break the sables
Of pain leeched unto my brain snort *******
Til my thoughts go numb far from dumb
On the verge of a suicide tryna hide
And cope my feelings deep inside demons hide
Talking to me while I sleep peacefully
But naw ***** it's just my heartbeating rapidly
Thinkin' slave is watching me see me
In the dark though its bright outside homicide
Laid daily in Ramadi catching multiple bodies
From left to right now I look in front of my sight
Another brother gone hard to be strong
When you got boots and rifle my disciple
Is my nine millimeter only drink by the liters
Til the glass is staring at me waiting for hells army
Cuz ain't charming me up prepare to die
And release the steel as my i wake up for the killing fields

Fews days left til we roll out see what that artillery life bout
We'll blows holes in ya skulls for sho
No converse here just my vest n kevlar
And my m4 aiming at ya chest stress
Ya strongest arteries so come after me
But I ain't going out easily so be ready
Youll see the faces of death coming from my breath
Necroplasm has em spasm as I grasp em
Flawless victory call me Piccolo
The man with a thousands blows
That'll make a light show no plugs needed
As in greeted by another entity for my identity
They ain't on Earth see but they pose as friendliesTo my workin' enemies
Cant hide from me causing much tragedy
I'm King Tut back up in the cut finna gut
Out all these phonies I'm pending the final bill
My certificate of death laid for the killing fields
Holly Owen Oct 2015
as the wind gently kisses the leaves
and the sky slowly transforms
into the calming night
i begin to wonder if he ever cared.
he never once truly expressed
love or hurt to any word i said.
he always remained so collected
and mindful towards his words and actions.
he still yelled
he still screamed
he still attempted to change my fews
and yet those caring words "i love you"
still passed his lips .

he said he loved me

i always wondered why he pretended
to tell me that i was his one and only.
why every moment we spent together
he remained immersed in the digital world
and never once expressed any interest in my life.
i yelled
and i screamed
i still told him that i loved him
i meant ever word that passed my lips
and yet he never flinched or stirred.

he said he loved me

all fluttered across my face
and yet i still meant every "i love you"
that fell from my lips.

why wasn't
he honest
Old wounds are still wide open but the pain is slowly going away.
Whos the man with the master plan
With a wand in his hand
Understand divisions stands
Over unison they be the devils son
Mad the blueprint on Jekyll Island
1910 fews years later
Catastrophe struck in
Feds was created birth date were initiated
Recorded on scriptures
See the picture
Cloned us and loaned us
As slaves to the corporate field
Cant make cuz my endz break
But say just wait
Great things will come if
You put in your mind state
But that **** dont work
Everyday hustling
Only to be left struggling
Times is juggling
Disaster structuring
Over our very lives
And the run to church for lies
When they all apart of the
The american pie
Keep you dumb down and head to the ground all around
You see satellites taking pictures
Of a false heaven
Nothing but projectors images
World is a hologram
And reality is an illusion
Tactics made for confusion
People arguing over
Whos wrong whos right
When the rich folks set the sight
Following man made institutions
I couldn't take it
So i let the pistols began shooting
Intellect lootin'
We in deep need of a substitution
Cuz this world aint my home
I wasnt born to pay bills s
And die
Lift my hands to the sky
And God will multiply?
But thats lie
Ya just caught in a spiritual tie
Emotions vs logic Americans so **** lethargic
If truth is in the front of the  battlefield
Most will run behind the lines of lie
And be a defense shield
Instead of using conscious mind
Free will????????
Unknown musicians paying their dues
Grill smoke , multicolored blankets , children
riding seesaws , lollygagging on swings , curing my blues
Laughter and celebration ,the smell of Brunswick
stew and barbecue filling the Sunday air
A fews hours with zero cares , a sweet smile and
auburn hair , a beach towel for two , we gaze into
cobalt sky blue
Searching for angels , faces and Presidents
Feeding the nuthatches , the thrushes and the ravens
We're the hot dog and hamburger mavens , we're the connoisseurs of plum wine , brie , swiss and shortbread biscuit , sweet tea picnic table caramel corn cravings  
Holding each other tight in sleepy , piedmont sunshine
Savoring this memory forever* .
Copyright February 14 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
daniela Oct 2017
“pero no amo tus pies
sino porque anduvieron
sobre la tierra y sobre
el viento yo sobre el agua,
hasta que me encontraron”
-- pablo neruda, your feet

baby, you have the most perfect body i have ever seen.
and when i say that you always roll your eyes at me,
embarrassed. and i get it,
women are only taught to feel beautiful in certain ways,
in ways to that fit women like you and me badly,
like hand-me-downs or things shrunken in the laundry.

the world does not teach us how to think
of ourselves as anything other than commodities,
things to be bought and eaten alive.
i spent so long reading stories riddled with
mocha, butterscotch, toffee, cinnamon, olives
that sometimes i look at myself in the mirror like i am something
to devoured and spit back out.

but, baby, i love you even when you don’t feel right in your skin,
like i know the way i don’t feel at home in my own.
and i love the way your heart keeps time to mine,
erratic and anxious,
and the way your eyelashes like to tangle in the corner of your eyes.
and i love those hands, ****, i love those hands
and the covinhas, the craters, the dimples in your cheeks.
i love you down your molecules.

see, i had a friend once tell me that she believed in reincarnation
simply because this universe isn’t as infinite as it seems
and eventually we’re bound to run out of matter
and the universe will be forced to start recycling --
a conservation of souls.
and i don’t know if i believe that, but if it’s true i have this feeling
that in the very beginning, we were two atoms
tangled up in each other, holding on too tightly to ever really let go
and ever since i just keep finding my way back to you.
and that’s *******, probably, i’m not a scientist,
but if you hate yourself right now, it’s okay.
i think we all do sometimes.
i still love every inch of you, even the centimeters
that don’t get that much attention
like the soft spot under your ear or the backs your knees  
and a body is just a body,
just remember that all we are is molecules, follicles,
and every fews weeks we’re brand new again,
we’ve got new skin and maybe it won’t fit right this time either
but, ****, i love the wrinkles and the scars and the words emblazoned
on the fragile skin stretched over your ribcage
and you can’t see it,
but there’s something misshapen etched in ink
with a stick’n’poke there, too.
i can only find it when i’m looking.
i run my hand down your side
feeling all the echoes of other people on your skin.
i worry that my hands are much louder than i want them to be.
i worry someday your feet your carry you somewhere far, far away from me
and i’ll be left memorizing nothing
but the shape of you.
i read a pablo neruda poem today and cried and then i wrote this
rac1 Dec 2016
Alize called me last night and
said she wanted to come spend
a fews days before she has to fly
off to Australia so she can get some
rest away from it all I told her she
sure picked the right place so she knocked on my door and we had a
glass of wine and sat on the couch
listening to music on my stereo
and I made her dinner but not French because I have no idea but
she enjoyed it and we had another glass because you know how they are
and then she went to sleep and I stayed on the couch and a few days later she flew off to Australia.
But I'll watch her on T.V.
I sit alone in the dark
And reminisce the essence of your touch
Feel your whisper across my skin
Let my memory intoxicate me with your smell

I wonder if you're holding another woman tonight
If she notices the softness of your eyes
And gentleness of your touch
The kindness of your kiss

I hold onto the fews pieces of you I still own
"I'll alway's be your first"
I mumble to the emptiness of the room
And the feeling of missing you takes over
SassyJ Jun 2019
He tunes all my elements
deep feelings that never existed
a penetrate to the reclusive state
yet, I shield away from emotions
feelings of strong attraction
those sentiments of butterflies
that coexist in the in between lines

He skips the beat of my heart
above the currents of downwards oceans
past the mirage of a destructive naunce
yet, I shield away from his pastures
such a storm of unreckoned thunder
where time to try is a lost option
simmering at the mercies of the heaven front

He will soon fade into the winds
beyond those unreachable bridges
of the never return thoughts
yet, I shield my knees from falling
becoming vulnerable at the mercy
of another wandering beautiful soul
prying in the depths of my many fews
It's just a crush.....??!!! primate attraction.
Maggie Gonzalez Nov 2017
You’re ******* me off
You’re acting like I’m the only one at fault
Though you play a wonderful victim
Cut the *******

I mean I’ve dated some *******
I’ve made plenty of mistakes,
But don’t act like you haven’t

You’re boyfriend is ******* me off
The fact that you’re that ******* blind
To not realize how toxic
And just a plain ******* ******* is your loss

If you were in my shoes
You’d be dying to leave too,
But instead you just focus on the fact that I want to leave
You don’t take time to see the full story

You ask me to open up and talk,
But you don’t listen
If he’s around, I’m no longer relevant
I’m just the child who’s around

And to be fair, I’m just starting to know who you are.
You never acted this way around dad.
Then again I guess you were depressed.
I sympathized with you.
I let you spread your wings.

Never thought you would put me in the same position as him…
It’s hard okay
I can’t talk about things as easily as everyone else can
I choke up
So I don’t talk
I like to fester
Then it leads to stories like these pathetic ones.
Another reason why I keep my emails personal

I just find it pretty ******* pathetic that you couldn’t notice that I don’t act like normal teenagers
Or that I don’t talk as much as others
Or that I don’t express myself as much as other
It took you 17 ******* years to figure that out
Now you wanna try and act ****** towards me
So honestly just *******
And honestly it hurt cutting dad out
I was ****** and upset for days
I was legitimately depressed for those fews days
You acted like it was ******* nothing
So yeah I’m ready to get the **** out of here.
I wish I would have left with Noah or anyone really…
Cause right now I feel like the only guy I really loved was noah
He was there for me at the very least
He knew if I wasn’t okay
He doesn’t have much, but he tries.
So anyways Thank You
Thank You Very ******* Much For Giving Me Another Reason To REALIZE My Life Is ******* ****

Rant over.
This was just a way of taking out temporary anger, everything is better now no need for concern
Duncan Brown Jun 2018
There’s a pawn shop broking on the corner
Doin’ some good business
As the venerable beads of the abacus announce
Their returns
An’ the parking lot hasn’t a lot of what
It was equipped for
Meanwhile the pillars of salt are crumbling

Flickering signs changing all the times
For the manys
Whilst flashing on for enlightenment
Of the fews
Broken light’s dancing on the pavement
It’s a sign on the shoes
While the sun blinds up as regular

These are the good times for the bad
Robbers of the daylight
Even better times for curtains
Nobody’s payin’ any attention to anybody
Stuttering out their views
We’re just watching a concerto
Making an overture to the blues.
Speed racer, coke chaser, sting ya with da, vivid laser,
Shock ya visor, spiritual adviser, learned game wiser,
Three kings, searching for the north, star, looking afar,
I par, from evil ways, these days, most folks in th grey's,
Black and white, mentality cant see pass the fakery,
Enemies, front street, guns and blood,for satan's keep,
Demons fleet, amongst the humans, how can God love us,
When I see so much ****** amongst us, hunger,
For graves, lives cant be saved, see ya thoughts,grazed,
Feel these sting rays, Gillespie blows, link w Satchmo,
Yo, you know the spots bout to blow, carnage hickory,
Savagery, played across the scenery, long forged victory,
My mind was brought, by paying, attention, to ambition,
Let off ammunition, at the invisible, commission, convicting,
All my past sins, along with fake friends, looking for bends,
In the game, fifteen seconds a fame, just to loose, my name,
Nah, I rather toast the flame, yo you know the name, shame,
Love to lay with guilt, pleasure, and pain, all the same game,
For many years, struggled tattoo tears, bleed our fear,
Picture the face, with no face, beat any case, lace up the place,
With the styles, of  Chase Manhattan, see the flows batting,
Above average, better yet, a thousand, island wildin,
Out every time, I lay out, excellence mic performance, golden,
Glaring, like a touch of honey, dripping of the comb,
Girls staring me, down, wave blue magic crown, sounds,
Sweet soulful, vinyl touch seventy, beautiful skins, heavenly,
Lifetime of crimes, but I still, love amongst the blinds,
Many signs, of angels, garlic shots for vampire spots,
Watch em fly away, duck when the words say, prey day,
Who stop.the predator, news editor, rumbling thunder,
Critics under, pressure guns lay the measure, stretcher,
Very skill, against my will, I ain't scared to die, from a ****,
War trained veteran, combat like david, not a Letterman,
Comprehend, a fews words, chipped in, luxury mind clippin,
Sippin, off the henny, rub a bottle, out pops, a genie,
In a bikini, looking ****, she tried to get next to me, see,
She just another succubus, waiting for me bust, dust,
Me at the fiery , crossroads I rather stay, with the spiritual glow,

Looking at the tears, after the laughter, see the disaster,
Laid amongst, the citizens, where am I again, living in sins,
Perdition, just the ending of the beginning, sending,
All my fakes, that wish me hell, see ya soul dwell, sing shells,
Shotguns looking lovely, ****, when she laying next to me,
Bringing prophecy, in the form of tragedy, ya majesty,
Take a blast at me, skip the gates, of the heavenly, beverly,
Been on the hills, watch the thrills, how many love, blood spills,
No chills, see them feeling rusty, to many folks dusty, musty,
Cuz they cant clean they thoughts, I stay casket sharp, harp,
The strings of Robert Johnson, gangsta blues, dejavu,
Beat down crews, give em a taste, of what texas, ****** do,
Yo miss the hearse, funeral my casket, caped these *******,
Thinking they mastered, I caster, the seeds, fill the needs,
Of the dying breeds, pride I swallow, I'll go out, like Apollo Creed,
Rocky Balboa, stamina swole, feel depths, of a soul glow,
Went to rich, from poor, mentality up my locality, in divinity,
No fake in me, I been real, since the birth of the hip hop,
Walked out my cradle, with the shanks, and a toasted bagel,
Excuse me, I'm talking about my guns, clips for ecstasy,
Love my girls ebony, thick fit, thighs looking Pepsi, crispy,
Once I I knock the flavors, forget all the, wannabe jocks,
I keep it lock, like a Senate, hard to survive, satan's pendant,
See me in it, to win it, flip my biscuit, music, for ya mellow soul,
Stroll with me, as we vibes, to old school, hallow destiny,
Saw jesus, before he hit thirty three, he advised me, to see,
The world, hate it much, but love the soul, daring touch, clutch,
Only what'sreal, shoot through cupid's heart, with these darts,
Tomorrows never promise, follow the wisdom, of Thomas,
Gospel, gangsta disciples, holding bibles, with rifles, rivals,
Cant match up, I'm draped up, king tut, with the snake, bezel,
Word to devils, that try to get on my level, no nah, check the maw,
Never spit, what I never saw, combat stats, sticking like tats,
And that's, where I draw the line, brace, melanin for sunshine,
One line, I take a snort, miss the courts, back at up the beach,
Near the miami airport, distort those who thought, they had the fort..
Word up
Cait Mae Aug 2017
the sun is rising
the morning has come
the dew it dances
and the earth it thrums.
i can't yet see the light ahead
my body too weak to lift my head.
the birds they sing as morning breaks
my ears are deafened by the thundering shakes
of night
of life
of the fews & far betweens
I picture ghosts of glory dancing on the seas.
the sun is rising the morning has come
I begin to hear a distant strum
of footprints slapping the distant waters
as the sun on my back grows only hotter
i charge the shore to escape its rays
and plunge into a sea of grace.
Whoareyou96 Jan 2020
Next time, When they ask
“How is it going?”
Talk about the pithole of life
And they would be startle
Struggling to find their tongue
The question has just became
A causal, friendly chat
Nobody wants to know the hell of you
Unless of course they hate you
Most of the rest
We don’t really care
We are just killing the time
Or is it the openness that is rare
And the world is still redeemable
And they are not indifferent
But rather your answer is different
And that nobody, nobody risk vulnerability

No one want to know
Who you are
What’s your story
What made you
What broke you
And why
I am guilty of it too
Anyway the world is mostly dull
And only few stands out
Others- they are just too **** loud
With so little content
And too much *******
And their ideal projection
Just never seems to end
Too full of themselves
That only the river weeps
Only the water gets salty

There are handful of those free spirited soul
It’s not much
But that gotta account for something
At today’s time
At today’s world
To have one’s soul intact
Is an astonishing feat
Some are scared of the dark
I find my solace in it
And the little thing
that shines
That illuminates
Makes me hang on to my hope
No matter how little it is
Compared to the vastness of the darkness
May it not be flashy enough to illuminate others
At least it dares to shine

Talking to these people is so satisfying
You are one of them
They talk about the things that matter
Or thing that resonates with one’s soul
It’s as good as any ***
Or maybe I haven’t had a good *** yet
Some of them
They just stays with you
In your heart
In your brain
In your **** being
Though not completely out of the touch of  the norm
They aren’t as constrained
They dare to act out
Or at least they don’t know
Know how to truly fit in
And they just carry on

Maybe you are burned and out
But I love how hard you try to reignite
And only few cares
Only few are worth the time and trouble
But these mad people are the one
That keeps the world’s dynamic going
I too am guilty of the thing I accuse others of
Anyway the world is mostly dull
And those fews are the blessings
They don’t hide beneath the sheet
Or at least they know when to raise that sheet
You are one of them
You dare to reveal the ugliness
While rest of just rather hide
In conquest for the perfection
Which never ends
And in all your shortcomings- You are

And you are poetically beautiful
Inside out

— The End —