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Azad Akkash Apr 2015
To Jody;
My five years old friend and nephew

I put down the telephone,
entering a nap of elation,
till the echo of your sweet utterance
On the back of expatriation's wind
Swims away, dims.
By then, medusas of melancholy with their thick sorrow
fill up my throat
and my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

With good and bad big wolves
tracing lost children or stuffing shaking goat kids into their paunch.
With ravenous bears, malignant hyenas
and crude giants,
garrulous  gracious squirrels, laborious ants
and active voracious hares.
With them, the two of us
had upholstered the land and sky of the wonderland,
and with their voices and whoops all,
we had irritated the dreamland's walls.

No matter how many times
we were building the villages for stories of straw, furze sticks and bricks,
I would only visit your house of mattresses and pillows.

Only for you,
I did revived the dead wolf
in order to revenge the "predatory" lumberjack.
With no regret I kept sending "wolfy" to the roasted chicken's shop
to defeat the hunger,
So that he won't eat the trapped little girl.
And before your smile,
the wolf in walrus moustache would play with the girl till daddy comes and takes her home.

And you are …
popping out, never closing the wide eyes of yours,
waiting for grandpa to take us to the village.
Up from the houses' roofs,
with Qarmeetlak's1 rabbits,
beyond the barbwires and in secret,
we stick the tongues out to the Turkish barracks.
Along with goat kids,
in tracking smugglers' traces,
we fool the landmines,
sneak to the other side of the border.
With smiley faces and hidden bleats,
We ****** the poppies and the grass that grow out from the edges of spring and the craters.
We hide from smuggler's ghosts who
in the  labyrinths of landmines
because of the unclaimed hands and legs are grabbing the collars.
We taunt the jackals' yowling and the patrolmen.
And in front of the rumbling sky, we do our best to look prettier;
Isn't  it "God taking photos of us"?
And like coward puppies we flee and go back to the safe village,
just before the dusk's winds could carry our smell to the angry spirit of Salan2
who is scouring the Kurmanj's Mountain3,
pursuing his endless vengeances.

Till the break of day,
with your slim clever squirreliness,
out of the branches of the most interlocked sorrowful stories,
you were shaking the attached laughs and guffaws
on the  hair of the deceiver Ashrafieh and the grumpy Sheikh Maksood's4 night.
Eventually, in taking its revenge,
the night would stuff you in a small basket and throw you away into the waves of sleep and dream
accompanied with all that eager to see the giants' kingdom and the mice's storehouses,
squirrels' village, their dances and bridals,
the departure will lead you to the waterfalls' cliffs of a dreamy sparrow's new day.
With the beaming love out from our eyes,
you dry up your tousled feathers and
take into the open.

Nevertheless, how simple-hearted the lies were when I kept telling you:
"Dog is a dog, a wolf is a wolf and the kitty is a kitty, and what are we, my Jody?
We are humans!"

I didn't want you to know
how in the world, could a dozen of
rabid armed dogs
smash down the door
and out from your eleven months old eyes,
with a persistent thronged barking,
they did take your dad away to the deepest liars of the ranch of malevolence,
introducing him to all kinds of animality.

How might I explained to you
why in the world, they reduced 'dad' for you
to that thing which every month
from behind a doubled bars
keep sending you a tearful laugh?
Why did they minimized the ancient capital for you into
both of the Political Security Branch and Siednaya's Jail5?

Your fingers had just started taking to writing and drawing.
You had just started
cantering your own stories
along with unsaddled breezes' foals
when herds of jackals with dark mouths
deported 'your Azad' into a fool refuge.
an orphan.

Inside the brushwood of the story and the wilderness of the epic,
since neither your fingers have become able to rise the sign of victory correctly,
nor could your throat match the letters of 'Kurdistan' properly,
whatever cave you step in,
no matter how shiny is the globe in the witch's hands,
she would never be able to tell you,
these lacrimatory mist and clouds,
with the emerging of every spring,
from which valleys of the ranch of malevolence  
did they come to overflow the Kurdish neighborhoods.
How did they vilely with no permission go up to the third floor
in order to join you in a poisoned feverish soiree.
And since when
the creatures of darkness
that they had brought
have been grazing their hyenas
among our fresh hopes.

when I tell you that
I'll come back with the snowfall,
it is nothing but a lie!
When you ask me to come back in summer
in order to hang on my back
and swim together
along with the little fishes,
such an imagination!
When you are not sleeping in my empty bed anymore
Intending to let my pillow and blanket await for
my return,
only a childish dream!!
Yet, when you
in the sweet and soft Afrini accent of yours
say to me
'Ozod, I mithed you thoo thoo thoo much',
my heart
would blindfolded fall on the knees and
die down…

Azad Ekkaş
Erbil: 3-1-2011
1-The village that Jody's family decsends from. It is located on the very Syrian Turkish borders.
2-  A traditional hero of the region.
3- Kurds in Afrin district in the remote north western corner of Syria call their region the Kurmanj's Mountain
4- The two largest Kurdish neighborhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
5- The largest political and militaty prison in Syria where Jody's father was imprisoned. It is located in namesake town near to the Damascus.
An attempt to tempt temptation we're facing
The entire nation is wasting
While the time clock is racing
Sitting idle I dwell
Don't know what to do
A bottomless well
filled with good intentions
That I forgot to mention
while men's sons
climb the walls
Fingers bleed
so I choose to run
Pain outweighed only by guilt
An attempt to hide so no one would see
Added my hand by not lending a hand
The inevitable entropy

Criticize the critter's size
This infiltration among us
A monstrous demon
indeed in need of expatriation
The daily battle uphill
An upheaval, this weasel
An endless war of soldiers who sold their souls
Signed their mark on the dotted line
Became a mere dot left in time
Sand in the glass we know will not last
Last train leaves the station
Can not stay
Have been shunned

Should have listened when told
On an endless list now too old
The souls that time has forgotten
A swirl in the whirlpool for getting into this mess
A choice we did not choose
Being lost made us lose
A loser with nothing to lose
Loose with our lips
Quick with the fists
A tunnel with no light
The endless darkness in sight
Filled with fear, we do not fright
For what is wrong feels so right
Take the plunge
I just might
Endlessly spinning in time
while getting so high
Spinning out of control
This way I live, this way I die
Written: Early 2018

All rights reserved.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
B.R.O.M.B. is the abbreviation
of an amalgamation of a
situation in abomination by
dissipation of a nation in
segregation & humiliation
with an expectation in
deviation by procrastination
of delineation by a cessation
and violation to a predestination
of a unification by a precondition
without reservation, exploitation,
condemnation or expatriation.

So, the B.R.O.M.B. in Derry was
in anticipation of a preparation
an indication for a hesitation.


Just exploded in Derry!
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2017
i hardly think workers matter by now, given the overt desire for self-employment... not so much a party of workers, but a party of investors... and did you know that when, self-employed, companies transcend working rights, by not explaining the reasons behind cutting wages? by comparison **** germany seems like Eden; oops.

please, tell me, how the ****, did i mention
to live with my parents, drank
a litre of whiskey every night for the past year,
treat poland as a quasi-rehab....
  and still continue writing?
      **** me, then it dawned on me...
i can't be such a bad person, after all!
             rehab was:
        sleeping in the same bed my great
grandfather died in, overlooking
a cemetery...
                    the greatest irony is death...
i only mentioned i was a "****",
simply because, if i were alive in poland
in the current political climate,
i'd probably be in those freedom marches
attracting 60+ thousand flag weaving patriots...
shame that it's called
patriotism in north america
and nationalism in europe,
immigrantion in england,
expatriation in england...
                       due to the elsewhere...
flares, hello?! flares! not tiki torches...
i really feel though, that it's nice to have
an outlet of nationalism outside the football
               but i did manage to attach
a counter to the term ****...
or what i'd like to call the: kamikaze.
         america is a national capitalistic
      beside the fact that it's labelled
                        cut the ******* Matt
give them the acronym feeding...
                            you're dealing
with N'AH-KEYS!
two fat ladies naked, cooking up a storm...
  not yankees, n'ah-kees...
               however you spell it...
        that's nákee without the H...
        what did you expect?
  i'm laughing!
                   point being...
or the joke being:
             there's actually no party to identify
this movement with...
the love of democracy begins with
the love: passing on, rather than identifying
with the blame...
  so we'll never know...
democracy was conjured up by
                       democracy is nothing
short of Chinese whispers...
               at least in an autocracy you
don't have to listen to ditto-heads,
given the one, and only, gottkopf...
                          1 gottkopf is worth more than
100 ditto-heads...
  which end up turning into a Hydra of
1000 heads...
           we only go to school to learn
structure... but then some people
ask us to rebel and brake from norms...
notably in the realm of language...
and so we do, and cannot find the adhesive
to be "reunited" with society...
       i don't why people didn't pick up
the remains of nationalised socialism and
merged to the answer that is, what remains
of socialism, in that what remains
  is the lost nation, but the existing economic
model of capitalism,
ergo? nationalkapitalistisch...
   national capitalism...
                    but heavy the head
that dons the crown,
   given this nationalistic capitalism is so
heavily reliant on Chinese socialism.
means jack ****, when the end credits
           the same sort of **** that's
equivalent of social media...
which is only accounted for by content
     the repeated "revision" of what is a blank
    that is merely a context canvas...
how original... to be celebrated
for creating a blank piece of pixel "paper".
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
you don't read much philosophy books, do you? believe me, i don't mind you reading harry potter, but stop being a well beaten ***-gob when attempting to read philosophy... please don't bother if you haven't educated yourself to a chemistry / physics degree... you'll just hurt yourself thinking this through... pretentious? sure: throw in: ****! i'm way past giving a **** and a two pence coin's worth of caring for an argument... i've just spent 5 times on the ******* today... i've got bigger problems to mind than an online opinion; yeah, odd, i actually have a life, outside the pixel-eyes of the internet beelzebub gnat, of a computer screen.

sometime this lazy,
gurgy drunk comes around and says:
  i want an epic!
   he doesn't get it,
   he's been sober all day,
made roast beef and roast
  sat in the shade,
  drank a litre of milk for breakfast
and he's trying to escape
the world with something
abstract: rather than writing
lumberjack fiction...
  i have to admit, he manages the enterprise...
it still centres around heidegger...
the space-time "continuum"
  simplified by the: here-there...
and pluralism of article measure
within the confines of the *sein
as ever, niche topics...
                    the whiskey tastes more
carbonated with ms. cookie-cola (diet),
but it's still the welcome mix...
  there's being and da-ist-sein:
  but the there is a spatial assertion...
these days, with the topic of
immigration & native spoken expatriation...
well... there will always remain
a space...
             but there's also
the hier-sein: the here being -
or as philosophy minds to answer,
congregational statements, geographic
there had to be an answer to heidegger...
the sort of german existentialism
that minded time more than a space...
with regards to this humanist endeavour
of the space-time continuum:
namely? the here-there mantra is the equal
            and i know this is technical,
i know when i see or write what is,
or what isn't technical, and i know that this, is.
we have moved our affairs from
concerning ourselves with spatial orientation,
globalisation has allowed this loss
to happen...
     we deal with the zeitgeist these days...
we have "forgotten" spatial orientation
in ethnically-centred spheres of interest...
we have moved to temporal orientation
in counter-ethnic-centrism of "spheres"
of disinterest...
       there's always going to be a "there",
within the framework of an is:
a  da ist...
                for foreign "invasions" will alway
be minded by the cognitive sponge
soaking up foreign interests...
with a "there" (da):
   there's always a here (hier)...
point being:
          dort = space
                whereupon hier = time...
              where? that's a spatial lack
of coordinates, wo, woher (sein) -
               as is when? that's a spatial
             lack of chronology, wenn, als?
such simple words compete over
the grandiose "self"-made"testimonies",
we all have our pet projects,
       and i know mine to be:
having been made, without a grand wait
for common appeal...
               but reducing the grand stiff
originators of thought: namely time
& space, and thereby reducing them to
the words in an adverb category of words...
to make the noun space a german
adverb, i.e. space = dort...
       while making the noun time a german
adverb, i.e. time = hier...
as with the english articles:
    there's being (a) - indefinite -
  thus as much regarding
   here's being (the) - definite -
thus as much regarded given what the grammar
of the english language reveals,
when studying papa german.
Mane Omsy Sep 2017
Growling curses into unknown faces
Chants to create glorious battle places
Just troop the forces for your defence
Anonymous missiles flew to no-man's land
Bet the devil confronted the angels there
Is this situation watched and celebrated?
When this comes to you, it's frightening
You bring the religious down to doom
But, the more you stress it, it gets stronger
History is a witness, and you know it
Time when mass expatriation and ******
Believing to wipe out the whole kind
His attempt failed, they play the game now
Creating villains in the world, they try
Attempts to tear a whole religion apart
C'était la plus belle soirée de ma vie
J'aimerais m'en rappeler comme si c'était hier
C'était la plus horrible journée de ma vie
J'aimerais oublier comme si ce n'était hier:

Je suis dans une gare, le train n'arrive pas
Je me soumet la question, ce que j'aimerais m’éviter
J'attend ma belle et elle n'arrive pas
Je perds le temps que j’essaie de gagner

Je parle aux voyageurs antipathiques
Pour tuer le temps perdu
Coincé dans ce gâchis esthétique.
Avant que le temps ne me tue
Je quitte ce café pathétique,
Purgatoire pour excommuniés
Avant, je commande un autre verre, foutu tic,
Foutue expatriation, je veux t'oublier

Je me retrouve donc dans un carrefour sombre
Où se rencontrent les civilisations
Pas un arbre pour profiter de l’ombre
Il n’y a plus de lumière ni plus de son
On me noie
Au milieu d’une mer de gens qui n’ont pas vécus
Je suis assoiffé d’un ami
Au milieu du désert avec personne en vue
Dans ma propre ville je suis intru.
L’anonymat de l’exil,
On me connait bien à l’institut,
Je m’y reconnais dans chaque tuile,
Dans ses murs peints à l’huile
Je suis ici, et je suis là
Je m’imagine ailleurs mais c’est futile
Détachez-moi, je ne fuirais pas !

Je suis rescapé,
Je suis perdu !
Les heures m’ont échappées,
Le temps m’est perdu
Comment s’en sortir quand on est un débauché ?
Je suis mort, je suis pendu !
Comment repartir quand le train a déraillé ?
Quel guet-apen l’on m’a tendu !

On me somme de rentrer chez moi,
Le dernier train est passé, et je ne l’ai pas pris
Mes oeufs dans le même panier, et j’ai fais le mauvais choix
Je ne me reconnais plus, qu’est-ce qui m’as pris ?

J’essaie de me souvenir
Ce n’est certes pas la dernière fois
On m’a pris mes souvenirs
Comment me suis-je retrouvé là ?

Au retour d'une aventure (rêverie) que je regrette
Mes amis me dévisagent en traître
Je me défend en phrases toutes faites
Ah, si j’avais appris de mes ancêtres...

J’y retourne chaque matin,
Dans l’espoir de retrouver celui-ci (l’espoir)
Pas de libre arbitre pour un pantin
Chaque fois on m’affirme que je ne viens pas d’ici (chaque soir).

L’élégance d’une mort heureuse
Je ne pense plus au car de la malheureuse,
J’attend celui qui me portera **** de ces malheurs;
Jamais n'est-il à l’heure.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2022
.           Smoking Salmon

     When we retire it gives us

      ample time to look after

     our failing health faulting

     minds and broken spirits.

     Constipated thoughts are

    the blockages preventing

    us from interacting as we

   did when we were younger.

Some of us become reclusive

   we hide away from society

  our self imposed quarantines

become permanent hibernations.

Expatriation, migration, diaspora,

    the ones that got away fish

always wanting ever wishing to

get back to the spawning ground.

But alas, as is often the case, the

  dam weirs get taller, our lungs

shallower we end up foul hooked,

gasping at the gills, struggling for air.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2018
Audible wind, amplified
    down our potbellied
   periscope, whines the
loneliness of expatriation.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2022
Provenance et Le Destin
There is an endless movement
Of universal forces ||
Then, there is migration, voluntary
Immigration, and forced expatriation
When it rains, snails take off on a
Huge adventure across the road, worms
Likewise, well not quite, one would
Hardly equate that with sagacity.
Some creatures are more adventurous
Than others or are they simply curious,
I always air lift L’escarg@ts off the tar-seal
And drop them off where they were headed.

_____@                            >. Other side of road.
=========== (o)================
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2022
We are to blame for our homelessness,

because we assisted in the dismantling

of our lives.

Expatriation is a self imposed sentence,

it is a penance which often becomes a

permanent purgatory.

One does not have to be living on the

street or park bench to qualify for a

P.O. Box ‘At No Fixed Abode’.

Detachment is a divorce, a dispersion,

excommunication of self, a banishment,

the guilt laden goat, with a conscience.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2022

There are no standard tolerance

Threshold levels, endurance is

unique not a universal gauge

Yard sticks of life emanate from

A variety of different branches

Some more pliable than others

Isolation expatriation homelessness

Co-habit a timeshare where melancholy

Gate crashes centurions of the mind

We are not all the same colour

We are not all the same make

We are not all assembly line children

If there is no accommodation for

Difference then same will proliferate

And encroach its mundane on Dullsville.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024
If I was a refugee
Without the language
Of the hostile nation
Hosting me.

If I was a refugee
Without the religion
Of the hostile nation
Hosting me.

If I was a refugee
Without the culture
Of the hostile nation
Hosting me.

If I was a refugee
Without the colour
Of the hostile nation
Hosting me.

If I was a refugee
Without the respect
Of the hostile nation
Hosting me.

If I was a M.E. Refugee
Without the hosting
Of the hostile

I would probably be
Dead by now, so,
Your bigotry, racism,
And, hate, are sustainable.


Empathy and compassion are
born of uncertainty, fear, pain,
and experiencing expatriation.
But few of us have lived under
threat violence and intimidation.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 26
The neurologist spelt it out
in layman’s language for me.

He likened my cognitive
malfunction to plug/points.

The gap is too wide and the
spark is not getting across.


There is no feeler gauge for
minds, so it’s the dunces hat.

Expulsion, rejection, addiction,
depression, expatriation, isolation.

Autistic, dyslexic, eccentric,
idiosyncratic, erratic, poetic!


I was 41 years old when I
discovered this in Auckland
New Zealand after one of
my many migrations or as
Alcoholic Anonymous call it,

— The End —