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Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"She's finally here!" Sue claps as we all rise
from our seats and walk to the Ballroom.
There they are, atop the marble steps!
Queen Donna and Dean of proud Vesian,
both dressed in bright red. The couple faces
each other with loving smiles as the cacophony
of cheers and claps echoes through the great
Luciuscemi Palace.

From afar, I study Donna's beautiful gown;
the shade of wine, made of velvet, her sleeves
long and puffed. Her bodice embrodiery is
extraordinary; patterned with red Rose of Vesian,
but since her marriage, she added a white
one. The embrodiery comes alive under the
light of chandelier; glittering with intricately
cut rubies and agates and sunstones for
Donna's red roses, emeralds and peridots
for the coiling stems and thorns, quartz
and white opals and moonstones for
the white roses.

Her hair in a curly updo, ringlets framing
her wise and kind face with a simple white
diamond tiara resting upon her head; a simple
rose chain and earrings to complete her look.
In contrast, King Dean wears a deep crimson
coat of red and white roses brocade that falls
past his knees and above his ankles;
slits on the sides  and on the back as well,
I imagine. I can see the black lining
underneath that fine coat.
Part 9 is done! ^-^
Lyn ***
Dani Sep 2014
Words are uncatchable, fleeting
Soft and sharp
To heal your wounds and break your heart
They can be smoothed and polished to perfection
Or sharpened to create a deadly perforation
Make them shimmer and glitter like sparks of light
Or cast a gloom of perpetual night
Weave them, hold them, string them up
Taint them, paint them, but never use them up
They can be cold and cruel and hard and dark
And kind and warm and bind our hearts
They're twistable, kissable, catchings of glee
Embrodiery in the mighty world tree
Enhancements which dull the melancholy humm
Of work and stress and all things dumb
I'll use them, abuse them, fill them with me
Pay people with words and words with seas
Of amazing knowledge and words of grandeur
They'll always be rich and never be poor
Words are my forte, my intricate strength
But for you, I have no words left.
A third and final old poem I wrote a while back :)
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
They enter the Queen's chambers.
So much light, yet sombre and silent.
Ainhara walks to the bedroom door;
rosewood with carvings of lilies, angels
and wings, and knocks, "My Lady?"
When she did not hear a response,
she knocks again. "My Lady, it's me
and Esshi. May we come in?"
"Yeah, come in..." comes a hoarse
voice on the other side which worries
Esshi and Ainhara both.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Opening the door, Ainhara enters first,
Esshi pushing the serving trolley behind.
They found their young queen sitting on
my iris-purple kimono robe
She is not in her grand-bed; also made
of rosewood with a cherry finish. Intricate
carvings of lilies and nymphs are on the
posts, the headboard even the cream marble

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
The canopy curtains shimmer, cream-gold,
diamonds in the winds. Her rose-silk sheets
and pillows of creams, golds and browns are
covered in papers and open notebooks. Turning
their heads in the right corner of her room is
their young queen, sitting on the stool,
leaning on her hand-painted writing desk
with two large drawers, four small drawers
with golden handles; a gift from King Paul.

~ ⚪♫⚪ ~
Upon it are some small inkpots, gifts from
Queen Kim. She is even wearing her second
favourite kimono-robe, made from white rose
-silk with peacock embrodiery with matching
slippers; gifts from her mother.
Surrounding her are several letters, opened
and sealed. When she turns to face them,
they can see her smile is weak and touched
by fatigue.
Enjoy part 6!
How I'm feeling here in writing is exactly how I'm feeling in real life...
I'm excited, scared and emotional, knowing my course starts tomorrow...
So I chose to write it all out...
Lyn ***

— The End —