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Mercury Chap Dec 2014
She's an innocent little girl
Unknown about the people in this world
Who think it's a curse that she is born.
It's nothing to do with her but with her gender.
She has to suffer because she's her.

She grows up while listening to those painful words
By the voices of herds.
Those words which struck her like a bullet inside her heart
Now it's broken so much, it can't be mended even if we try hard.

This is not what she wants
But she's dumbfound like a mime,
Stuck inside, bounded by walls
Walking inside the empty halls.

She screams but no one hears
She wails but no one cares.
There's no one here who feels her pain anymore
As people ignore.
It's a curse that she is born even if she did nothing bad at all.

She has nothing else to do
But to dream about another universe,
Where people are one,
Where there's no boy or girl
That's what she thinks is a world.

But that's not true,
It's sad to say:
She is a curse in every way.

Why would they hurt such beauty and charm
When they do so,
She is so calm.

She has wings
Which are broken now
And it stings
If she tries to fly.
But still try,
You are not alone.
Alonzo Pizarro Feb 2014
I thought your smile
was a fence;
and so,
I tried to climb it.

Now my legs ache,
and my hands drip red
from the cuts of the attempt.

What hurts the most
is realizing that I --
standing behind a velvet rope --
have been left dumbfound, staring
at art
I simply will never understand.
The superstitious,
all and about
But who, that gullible?
Come forth ye,
and lend me your ears!
I tell of a superstitious being!

Born and raised she was,
with the superstitious act,
was it external?
Or internal?

She told once her superstitions,
one out of numerous times,
what doubt I was in!

The superstition dumbfound itself,
hearken her superstitions!
The pride she carries within them!
Pierre Ray Mar 2012
No hope brought nor thought! Not from the dope or the pope! Or the imaginary rope, tightly around my throat. As I boast, as I note and quote! These bright, white halls and walls surround me in dumbfound! Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy and lazy... A squire in dire! A squire in fire and need! Shadow’s greed, conspiring too feed in desire, on my admire, inspire, perspire and wires. Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy and

lazy... Hey, they say I’m insane in the brain! Despite the real pain of the sprains and strain! Despite these wires I feel in my veins. In spite of the constant, existent, insistent and persistent rain. Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy and lazy... Forgotten directions, recollections and revelations.
Insecure affections and seducing reflections. Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy

and lazy... Once more adhering, enduring, fearing the nearing, the infection, the rejection and injections! The ongoing detention and retention! Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy and lazy... At times I dread in my head! Those crimes and prime rhymes that sing of dreams, gleams, themes and things are not as they seem! Stare crazy, frenzy, hazy and lazy…
Look there, you see it? Its a full moon hanging above a lousy *******, and your moans go unnoticed like boring movie scenes.
Kamasutra your name you say? Well, I just assumed you were not that at all.
I see you more like spilled cold coffee looking on enviously at tea leaves holding a boring straight *** conversation in a purple rain teepee.

Somewhere beneath a bed of stars and a sliver skyline falling in free form with a tribe of features, floating down no matter the weather, but to where?
Who knows? But I did notice my mind take the scenic route.
Because the GPS speaks a dangerous language.
So I take chances and flip a coin, *** up heads down
I beat the odds and win, but what?
Who knows? But moving on right pass the earth’s after birth
and on to the next one, on to the next one
On to the blueprint to why freedom never rings it just sings
In a monotone *** position of undressed flesh
and out of the reach of our dumbfound imagination barely
and our hearts that are broke like a lack of money and barely beating,
and our breath that is filled with smoke and barely breathing.
Like chronic asthma in a bent over backward dream taking it up the, who knows?
But I Do like wearing lipstick and catching ****** needs off guard,
as ******* take a life of it’s on. Doing it with or without me
I use to being *******. I grew up in a broken home, America where u at?
With your newly hidden slavery the same thing just different cotton.
They assign jobs to us our children to the state we live to work not work to live.
We do the same thing but make different mistakes.
And two days is not enough to recover from five, this **** is a disgrace
Oh beautiful for spacious skies, where at, who knows?
What I am trying to tell you is heaven has basic desires and a low self-esteem.
Just ask Natureboy the Christ, no ask him can he swim on land since he can walk on the sea.
and what I said got some of you bothered feeling some kind of way
But what would Jesus say if he was here? Forgive her father she knows not what she says.
Maybe Jesus is wrong I know exactly what I do. I am a pusher to this poem.
I will make it snort a ******* line that exactly what I would do.
Burn pictures on the conscious mind fire’s awake now making something better out of itself.
Just like a group of words, no one never thought about grouping together. No, really I don’t know when too much is too much, so I am liable to say things like does God like his face? Then why
doesn’t he show it
Would we judge him bully him if we saw it? Holy ****** baby feet Batman I can’t trust the alphabet or vegetables
This unsustainable way of living and that the government did not take part in those special fireworks done on
9/11. Body parts everywhere and since some time has passed I want to know does anyone care?
But who am I? But a beast in smallness with a mean left hook and have the things the world believe in
Really got me shook. I cannot walk around with the believes and definitions that are not mine.
My beliefs don’t weigh anything so I am not weighed down mentally or emotionally
I listen to the language of the earth because all the other languages are brittle
Nature all about cooperation, taking the good with the bad, and that's fine but you know what is not?
It is how religion aggravates me. I know you believe in God but does he believe in you?
No, because if he did he wouldn’t test you and still you are unable to see the acceptance you seek really come from you.
The Illuminati taught me that, but you know what is really truly interesting?
It is how Hall and Oats is white and of course angel ****.
And again I need to be careful what I say because I will have folks looking at me in the wrong way.
Wishing I would die and burn in heaven, well luckily for them I stay suicidal and I thought up about nine and eleven
Ways I can end it tonight. In death, my mind would be gone and that’s alright.
I will still create frighten poems. I will make my ghost write.
But as we all know dying is not an option and as we can see no fear just caution.
And I stay humble all day every day because I was told having too much pride that is for those who are gay, and happy I am not. I want to see the government put to a stop
A world with no freaking cops, the elite on the bottom and the less fortunate on top.
And my most random camouflaged thoughts open up the eyes of the senile so that they can see now.
What they could not.
A Spoken Word Piece With A Lot Of Passion and Random Thoughts Link Together.
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
King of the jungle, tall and proud.
My luxurious mane, soft and sound.
Warrior preparing for battle.
Hear my roar, mighty and loud.

Mediocrity, chains of mindless cattle.
Better to die than follow the crowd.
I stand ready; they dumbfound.
Blink of an eye, their world crumbles.

Flight of the lone to the Alone
Watch me as I stand my ground.
Adeola A Feb 2011
Heathcliff my love,
Had I known you at times before
Before the glory days of your tormentor
Perhaps your future would not be so bleak.

Heathcliff my love,
If you had not been so hated
Your misery and doom lain fated
Your life might have reached its peak.

Heathcliff my love
Were you not bruised and beaten?
Were you not shamed without reason?
Until you had no cause to be weak.

Heathcliff my love
Once you have broken free
With your rage contained barely
Will you find the revenge you seek?

Heathcliff my love
When terror is six feet below ground
And all that remains is offspring dumbfound
Will equivalent wind render his oblique?

Heathcliff my love
The one you detested you have become
And young son’s potential left unsung
Do you finally see the havoc you wreak?
Inspired by Wuthering Height by Emily Bronte
I do not own Heathcliff (though I'd love to), Hindley, or any of the characters in that lovely book.
JJ Hutton May 2011
After murderous fall of moon, after starving cat's croon,
my body remains.

After getaway car turns to rust, after skyscraper scatters as dust,
my body remains.

After milk carton goes missing, after women disposed in kissing,
my body remains.

After the cackling retreat, after the burying buzz of her words on repeat,
my body remains.

After greeting card ages yellow, after whiskey tastes mellow,
my body remains.

After white suburb tastes of ****, after inner-city tastes black death,
my body remains.

After fifth or sixth televised war, after commercial break bore,
my body remains.

After drunken desperation, after belated bedroom exasperation,
my body remains.

After propaganda pill-popping, after church pew splinter sopping,
my body remains.

After farm fields on fire, after ***** clothes hung on wire,
my body remains.

After open casket sorrow, after sympathy borrow,
my body remains.

After winter of extreme tire, after binge and pyre,
my body remains.

After tearing nostalgic shoreline, after parking fine,
my body remains.

After dumbfound pride, after proving my hide,
my body remains--

awaiting a whitewash of hot rain,
awaiting a ***** cradle free of pain,
awaiting a salty crest daydream,
awaiting a snip from the seams and--

sweet release.
- From Anna and the Symphony
Juneau Jan 2015
it has been said for ages that a woman
could lead a man willingly to his demise
a song or a dance; a touch or a glance
simple gestures could dumbfound the wise
these have always just been strange stories
tall-tales or faerie-tales, even outright lies
until half a year ago. until the day that I-
became so very lost within her deep blue eyes
it was just a simple look
that's all it took              
my heart missed a beat
then it shook

and in that moment, I finally did realize
how very powerful they can be; a woman's eyes
January 8, 2015

Julian Feb 2017
In the cavernous expanse gilded out of silicon robes of Greece flattened into the diminutive spaces between crags and rock, the swimmers of the natatorium embrace to plunge in transparency where they erred in covert chivalry
Knighted partially by association but yet unofficially born of sentiments rebarbative to the well-heeled, I linger like tar heels lamenting that the supernova eventually bequeaths the death of the ultimate chapel hill a shining city on a valley masquerading as a hill
From past and repast, the nurture of former presidents calumniates if also embraces the possibility of unfettered liberty and prosperous futurity, they simper in silent lugubrious reflection at lives shortened by liberty prolonged, of hearts opened but death devolved
Latitude and the caress of brazen attitudes corners the ***** in a tightened alcove of a restrictive forest of livid and limpid dastardly deeds, the arm of hunched idiots grazing with dumbfound idiocy at their own protective duty to shepherd the forest only for the singular trees as though disease itself is only a tease in a flirtation too exposed to believe
I joust with giants in a town that brooks lions and lyon estates with too many GrayZe superintending too many fain and valiant graves littering the stream besides the Pennsylvania forest in a past sunken in intrigue slipping in and out of an ethereal time invented by a harvest moon too attuned to be a lunatic any time soon
Whither is the outcome of a Shakespearean demise of prattle becoming the pasture of specious but solid skies, gleaming that a science fiction theater isn’t hailing a fuhrer or jingoistic furor any time soon hopefully I do too croon.
Militant tapestries of unhinged madmen craven in their disregard for every bent temptation, we witness the downfall of scrounged indecency and lonely hearted thieves contemned as they condemn perdition upon an unsuspecting victim
The victim is the hope of galvanized promise, a regal flutter of liberty tracing the skies elaborately for the flight plan most likely volitant and most destined to succeed
Corporate heads shake hands with desperate beds that Damocles himself wishes blood himself was yet shed or never shed but cutthroat collapse is avoidable with the recrudescence of provident relapse and rejoinder, asunder the ships may seem but now aimed so directly like a laser pointer
Titanic is a father to founding fathers only in the regress of avoidant times, sheepish of the whispered grime of inutterable blithe sublime time, limpid in partial acknowledgment of a wretched fate as avoidable as possible with the proper introduction and the right heeded date of a love better than choice wine and the wineskins of an indian province live as well just as much in a Skinnerian time.
Read the palimpsest, pittance proferred for every skeptical and undeclared bet that skewers the coffers of a criminal ring of Barnum Brothers in bed with burned asylum, a sanitarium wider and menacing like the most minatory lion
But the jaws of these aliens in time, whether specious or not thrill only those susceptible to the flattery of swank and the travesty to which we thank our deliverance and suspected exoneration
Flanking the outstripped malls that sprawl in the orbit of cities engorged like a skyscraping promise littered by Walled Ease and regaled bleats that belay down the cliffs of rigid insurrection only partially courageous to noble and partial inflections.

The courage of a wistful day slipping into the fathomless depths of dudgeon and pain the dungeons clamoring of insanity willfully reign, we clip the newspapers to the walls and scrawl our loves into the fallen scrawl.

Crimson red beneath the spangled spars, the author of debauchery immemorial that swills and wassails its own heartrending blues. And this movie squandered in limelight but buttressed by blithe regards for morally debased frights. Sting me the police and see the wasps nest infest your hollow diatribe to the extent you are hobbled in the depths, ennobled aboveground but nevertheless widely pitied.
The mathematics of love and loss, cravings for distrusted sacraments on a blue bus swiveling though the recesses of aleatory or controlled time. But then I lament that fully loved and fully lived is a fluff of sacerdotal emulation rather than the true authorship of heaven blanketing the earth.
Polished polity renegades and the rumpus of crumbled heaped ashes in a cremated time, where sand itself is eternal and sentience is somehow the door to nothing but despair, in their blinkered hubris that scales the lizards back in order to be lifted by olfactory graft.
In that light I see a bright whisked wind carrying the secrecy of portentous spared revelations and the spate of intermittent lightheardedness blows away my skepticism, but sides have been chosen and the bluster of the past emulating the culmination of an amenable future scares the birds from their chavish
Chiliads chill like excellency dissembled as the husk of an eternal monument of punctuated emphatic glory lingering above the ground with intransigent resistance to gravity and an slaver of better sincerity in the attempt to become beyond guileless tourists.
Dressed rankled blue swayed news, always operative in militant conformity to an eradicated sentience but simulatenously a wider sing song enlightenment. I struggle for words in this debased state of pitiable futures plastered all over every billboard that ever matters rather than the closure of closed doors trampled by intermittent dreams and seamless cows becoming the heifers of unified peace.
Smaller that the ants the infest the hills but more glorified than the quiet pristine ponds that outskirt the skirts that need less descent and more ascendancy.

Blitzkreig of cosmic wars swelters the torrid desiccation of a languor existing in human platitude but defiled of human gratitude. We swiftly wait for the erosion of sanity to become the author of a novella of craven deeds and bolted brimstone, serenading a rush towards sensation and an abandonment of rivers libation
Beneath which rivers flow, scrounged glowers endemic to a ruddy blush of sun-stricken grace, I clasp every remedy and every catholicon becomes more ecumenical and more rabid with stricken gaze of disordered streets in festivity but inured of nothing but lazy passions rather than sought rations
Dickens and hard hammers scribble the parched concrete with Chinese depths masqueraded as a suburban muse for canned applause and raucous crews relishing everything crude.
In the refinement the poet slings his garment over his shoulders and buys coffee for his ***** queen, and how to outfox such gallantry and how to temper so much enthusiasm. Only by the skullduggery of dead hands anointed with Greenwich bands.
Alexander Nov 2017
It’s there,
Where water meets fire,
Where lightings strikes the ground.
That’s where my heartbeat goes.

My chest feels like it was filled
With tampered strings.
Once so sharp and precise,
Now dull and inconsistent.

Mother always asks where my love is.
I tell her it hasn’t moved in years.
Her dumbfound look
Meets my half smile.

How do I lie to a broken mirror?
Where even my reflection is fake.
How do I mute the cannon fire,
Deep within my chest?
Leira May 2013
I knew you were damaged and broken
But I never knew how much
You hid it so well at times
This thing with us was new
I couldn't tell at first how hurt you were
There came a day
When we went on this special date
You surprised me
By taking me out to the country
Setting up a beautiful scene
In front of a mountain view
Under the stars
For a while, all was fine and normal
Then, tears started out of your eyes
You became so angry
Before I knew it, I was on the ground
Shellshock and dumbfound
Part of me wanted to get up and fight
The other part knew you never meant to
My face already feeling the ramifications of the attack
When you saw what you had done
I had never seen such horror before
Your eyes so wide
Kneeling down and tenderly grabbing my face
Kissing me
Punctuating each with I'm sorry
Trying to console and reassure you
It was alright
But we both knew it wasn't alight or okay
You needed healing
When I got home
Making you sure you were gone
Before I went in alone
Trying to hide the injury under my hat
Run to my room as fast as I could
Without looking stupid
He was coming down the hall
Asking how things went
I replied then went on
But he could tell; he could see things weren't okay with me
He blocked my way
Then gently lifted my hat
Much similar to your reaction, he responded with horror
Wide eyes, confusion and then realization
Anger came right after that
I knew he was going **** you
Putting my hands on his chest
Blocking his forward passage
Stopping him
Telling him the situation
Almost yelling at him
There were things he didn't know
That I did and understood
Then the door bell rang
Suddenly, desperation was replaced with horror
I knew exactly who it was
……And so did he
Part one of Three
When the sun sets we unrest
When the trees shake we keepsake

While the wind blows we implode
While love drowns we're dumbfound

Where souls hide in foresight
Where faith goes to scapegoat

Why do lies sing by lightning
Why truth lies in fools' eyes

What high cliffs we're climbing
What fear don't we feel here

Who then views the temples
Who is greeted by peace
Jennifer Weiss Jul 2015
Our God is Lord
who can do ALL things.
He can take your broken heart
and give it angel's wings.
He can lift your weary head
and give you strength to
hold it high.
Meet all of this life's demands
and keep you safe and nigh.
I've seen His works dumbfound
and amaze, bringing joy through
the night.
God will never give you away,
or let you leave His sight.
What will you do
for this unending love
Harmony Jan 2017
written October 16th, 2016

"I hate their way of living

There's a bowl on the floor

There's ash covering the counter tops so I'm moving next door

I'm tired of the noise, the dumbfound statements, and the fights

I'm tired of hearing *** for 2 hours every night

I hate how selfish they've become, taking advantage of others

Getting money from their parents yet refusing to speak to their mother

So goodbye to this hell hole, I will miss very little

I hope you all enjoyed my stupid mockery of Paul's 'riddles' "
Nik Price Oct 2011
When is it the best time?
I don't know.
Every time I look at my watch,
above all,
I wonder where the time's gone.

lost in thought,
unable to understand that I have to go.

I am able to move now,
focusing back in
then my thought process returns
and that gaze turns into a look.

So from that frozen stance,
I'm now your slave, Time.
Now, are you beautiful
or terrible?

Time goes
but eyes never change.
like when your seconds tick away,
and the splendid things fade away,
and the smiles dissolve into nothing.
Part five of ten poems all containing a hidden poem.  Find the Poem read from 10 to 1
Manonsi Apr 2015
Should-haves* are dangerous words in my ears –
They’ll side with the season’s expectations
Weaving thoughts in absent dreams where my fears
Take shape, conquering pulses’ vibrations.
Might is not a word that speaks reliance
Paired with fits of unrequited musings.
Alas it’s through my stubborn defiance
That I predict the eventual choosing
By an uninformed heart of another.
Greater signs I should read for me to see
This storybook ending in love – rather
Your indifference speaks harsh truths, agreed.
But sharp pangs still dumbfound me, ripping tears
In a heart that should have loved, did not dare.
Music of life Feb 2016
The silent night
Almost dawn
With a cool breeze
It starts,
From the east.
You'd have seen
Nothing like it,
They call it.

By the sight of it,
Shimmering street lights
But clear.
A Harley
Roaring on
The highway.

An unimaginable
But real
Par excellence.
I can see
The darkness
Fade away,
And abruptly
Comes the grey.
brandon nagley May 2015
These lines on this face extends the heart I want to give freely,
Smothered, patched up, bleeding,
I yearn a maiden's curtain!

Furtively I stair out this prison cell you call a body,
Where's that chalice to dumbfound me? Compound me to her frenetic volition.

Virulent are all mine surroundings, for this blooded box skips beats as a child to playground games, panic attack hysteria!!

Visionary genre, mandatory I seek you, where's thine partisan all true, and a well we would make out of our own wishes..
Lamenting stitches...

Exuberant, I want you to cuddle me close, where we shall have a toast of temperament parallel. Our own heaven, our own malleable kinship..

This seeking soo trucelent, where the diagram is bent, I'm bended in with it..
Forget it I say!!!
Why do I keep looking? Didn't mother tell me ( one shall come to you!)
So wise you are mummy dearest....

I cannot goad one to see me for me,
For beauty is bound in the eye of the beholder.../
Nomad May 2014
You've asked me several time,
the simple question, with the answer so hard to find


"Why do you care,
about what I do,
why do you care at all,
what's it matter to you?"

I stared back plainly, affectionate smile
from mouth to eye,
when you kept standing there,
asking me,

I gave you my hand,
to help you on your feet,
my smile not ending,
you pushed away in defeat.

I disarmed your hostility,
because you could not find blame,
even for an ol' boy like me,
whose smile is...
kinda lame.


"Why don't you go somewhere?
Don't you have some place to be?
Why are you here!
Why do you care about me?"

I smiled back, but this time my eyebrow raised
just for fun,
when you turned your back on me,
and was about to run.

Before you took another step,
I spun you right around,
and then I wrapped you up
up in a tight hug,
in which you stood, dumbfound!

You wanted to push away,
away from this strange creep,
but all in side you,
you had a wanted feeling so deep.

For Love.

You stood for a second,
a few minutes more,
I wouldn't let you go,
even when you were eyeing the door.

Then you started to cry,
tears starting to flow,
streaming down your precious face,
diamonds falling from your eye.
And yet still you asked me,
the very simple question.


The answer was simple,
but was not all to clear,
I said,
"That's because your my friend,
and I love you so dear."

I held you in my arms,
as you let the tears flow,
and I promised to you,
that I'd never let you go.

I haven't back then,
and I won't start now,
I'll hold you tighter still,
as tight as you'll allow.

I love you greater,
each and every day,
I'll always love you,
like I did back then,
even until now.

Why, you ask,
do I give this love to you?
Because I'm your friend you see,
and that's what friend's do.

So why not?
Sa Oct 2018
My bebe fight with her eyes,
Sit on my lap
With em thick ***
Knock me out
With her hair down,
52 ways of lookin fly!
Queen of hearts
She 'ont need a crown
Got the world on her heels
Is how she walk around.
Stay close to me ma
I 'ont wanna loose you now,
So much to say
But one look in your eyes
Makes me so dumbfound,
That's okay though,
Let our eyes talk
Let's hide within
Each other
Like them we too
Shall build some walls
To stay forever
Infi-nite ma,
In ur arms
Safe & sound.
Yenson Sep 2019
In the shallow the shallows go
wearing snazzy goggles made in Dumbfound land
and they wrote litanies in praises of the clowns they are
for it is the age of the blind-sighted and me-too can be us-too
because those ****** Elitist has robbed everyone of us too much
we want equal distribution of wealth for us Westerners have suffered enough....
The equatorial people are too much
they are stealing our sunshine, rain and drought
they've taken all the natural tans in world to use for themselves
and have a secret supply of slimming pills cause most look so slim
look how they have all the wars, famine and pestilence they're greedy
and then they come to the West and steal from us poor underfed people

In the shallow the shallows go.......
Good n plenti riches abound
unreachable to gentle
hermit while aboveground,
human ship of state
fore'er stranded aground
only thru death do him part will
his grievous soul get spirited airbound

chokehold sensation ceased when freedom
against debtor's prison unshackled
humongous human corporeal being all around
to little monetary largesse
arrived too late to astound
pipe dream eternally left within background
******* kippered, milquetoast pockmarked,

Goliath scarred, voodoo battleground
visible near completely ****** lovely bones
partly denuded flesh
buried shallow belowground
scouting, scenting, scrabbling
one after another bloodhound
clamors leaps and doth bound

nosing, trumpeting, yelping...
despite snout muzzled reinforced brassbound,
no deterrent grisly bared, limp, lifeless body
sacrificed at skull and bones campground,
despite decay tell tale
hunch unearthed mound
picked over remains evince sound

bloated girth deceased,
not surprisingly packed orotund
size appetite conveniently weighted
gravity helped fell
giant gourmand chowhound
demise linkedin automatically tightened
neckerchief doubled as noose clothbound

neck, the luckless bard dead -
poets society he didst cofound
oh captain my captain compound
suffering no more, departure doth not confound
those familiar with ravages of pennilessness
although glum spouse doggone bewailing
analogous to melancholy coonhound

inescapable woebegone travails decompound
constituted complex challenges
doom also depressed petsmart deerhound
four footed friend invisibly yoked, where
writings witnessed scrivener
daily voluntarily deskbound
unsuccessful chicken scratch disbound

dispersed newpages feted
German, Oriental and American cockroaches
courtesy proffered grubhub,
wet precipitation courted mildew,
and mold beheld fancy feast dumbfound
ding maggoty parasites riddled
treasure trove discovered earthbound

corpse hungry flocking carrion
heralded all points of compass - eastbound
most popular, hence route crow did house,
cutthroat beasty boys
aided, devoured, gorged...,
among which canine corps elkhound
leader of pack tacking course enwound

roundabout path barking commands
ruff lee didst expound
slinked sly as foxes -
shushed kindred brothers
up ahead wolf gang,
thence took faux minute paws
aware fresh meat fairground

survival of fittest edict woof lee decreed,
when sudden thick terrain fogbound
not impossible mission, though
totally opaque foreground
keen sense of smell and hearing aid found
dead reckoning, i.e. ground zero.
Big Virge Jul 2021
Now I Think That I Should Mention...
That Tensions Have STRENGTHENED...
In These... CRAZY Times... !!!

Because of The PRESSURES …
of … Modern Life... !!!

Masks Now In Sight...
Daytime And Night...?!?

That NO LONGER Surprise...
Or Give People FRIGHTS... ?!?

But There’s An Off Key Vibe... !!!

That Currently Rides...
When You Go Outside....
And The Sun Now Shines...

I Have To Be Honest...
It’s One That I DON’T Like... !!!

That A Word Like STRESS...
Is One That Rhymes With TENSE... !!!

Are Clearly CLOSE Friends...

And Clearly Now Rests...
In A LOT of Humans...  !!!!

Talking of Friendships...
When Tension... LIFTS...

It Seems That What Happens...
Is Worse Than Gun Clapping... !!!

It Can Make Combatants...
Because of Detachments...
That Seemed Hard To Imagine...

BEFORE Tensions Captured...
And Caused The Type of Fractures...
That Come From The Battles...
That Tension CAN’T Handle...

That Are QUICK To DISMANTLE... !!!
Mind States That Are... “ Fragile “...

And DON’T Get It Confused...
The STRONGEST Dudes And Women TOO...
Prove That Tension Moves...
And Creates... DARK MOODS... !!!

In People WHO Are Usually COOL...

Because Strength of Mind...
Is Subject To... DECLINE...

When Tension Rides.......
HIGH Like The Sky...
And Has No Time To Recognise...
Or Sympathise With The Wisest Guys...

Whose Tensions Tend...
To Use... WEAPONS... !!!

But Tensions Now...
SURROUND Race Rows...
And World Lockdowns... !!!

And Policies That People Now Flout...
Across... Various Towns... !?!

Even Though They KNOW...
That CORONA’s Around... !!!

And NO... NOT The Drink...
That Makes Bottles Clink... !!!

The One I’m On About...
Is The Virus That’s Found...

... PROTEST Grounds... !!!
That Now Confound...
As Well As Dumbfound... ?!?

That’s Bringing Out Crowds...
Who Are Shouting OUT LOUD...
Cos’ They’re Trying To DROWN...
The Sounds of Government Mouths...

Who Seem Willing Now...
To Send The Feds’ Out...
To Use Tear Gas Rounds... !!!

That Are Causing TENSIONS...
To Now KEEP Spreading...

... FAR And WIDE... !!!

Which I Guess Is Why...
I’ve Written These Rhymes...

About This Thing...

The PROBLEM of....
What Seems To Have STRENGTHENED...

of These... GLOBAL...

.... “ TENSIONS “... !!!
They are definitely on the increase ....

— The End —