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Jared Eli Sep 2013
Joey Comeau
Writes things I sometimes don't understand
They're like little bones in a tiny
Bat skeleton
I don't know what they mean
Or what they do
Or how they fit in the whole scheme of things
But they make me feel powerful
And that's mostly good

Joey writes sentences that start with
"I want to"
And end with things like
"Break into an old lady's house and tell her I am the FBI"
He writes sentences that make me think
Of all the things I want to do
I want to crash my private helicopter
Into the side of a mountain
But escape just in time
I want to write like Joey
Simple sentences that hold the world in their hands
And crush it a little
Just because

Stephen King
Writes books that sometimes scare me
Right back to the second trimester
Right back to fetal position in the womb
But he tells the stories so well
The actions are so true
I believe them all
And I know I'd never be the hero in a horror story
(I'll be dead in the first twenty minutes of the film)
But I get excited at the prospect of reading
Because it requires less running on my part

Stephen wrote of his drug addiction
And his mom's cancer
And his ****** jobs
And his alcoholism
And his multiple failures before his success
And his loving wife
And it made me think
That even though I'm an itty bitty little person
With but one life to give for this universe
Maybe, just maybe
I can make it
In some scheme of things
K Balachandran Jan 2014
*Gongs and drums sound rambunctious,
a wild rhythm tears the silence of the night,
a slow number first, then in quick time
racing fast,everything ends in a blast.
his self control lost, he dances like one possessed,
in the moon lit places and shadows alike.
This angst is not his alone, he feels,
as if mad at the way the world these days is.
Freedom of a special kind, it was, catharsis,
drums sounding mysterious, made life different.
Once when he and his girl were making love
deep in his veins drums rumbled,
and he couldn't but stop and listen,
she was curious,"What is this, what do you listen?"
smiling, he resumed his dance
thorough the valley and plains, like wind,
to the tune of temple drums,
his hair flying and sweat pouring  like rain,
she could catch the change of rhythm
intense love was there, in the depth of fury.

Then, they ended up panting,then lying quiet.
holding each other tight,she said;
"you are like one possessed, fantastic,"
but he had felt the presence of a third,
he felt in his bones,
a benign female presence, who is she?
The oracle holding a sword with a shining blade,
wearing a red silk turban and a white **** cloth, told:
"It's the possession of a woman, a wild spirit,
her songs and dance were snuffed out
at a young age, when it slowly emerged,
it happened at a time we don't know when,
a kindred spirit, your tumult suits her soul."
the oracle was in a trance when he opened his eyes,
"Not a curse, a blessing, symbiotic it is"
the oracle  threw a bit of holy ash on him and said:
"Well son, in you Devi, the mother goddess
is pleased, this spirit will survive,
her speakings will come out from you,
all will be just fine, being kind you received her,
so pleased and contented she is, wouldn't disturb"

They walked together, the woman without a body
to fulfill her dreams or sing her songs,
at times of loneliness the drums sound,
she comes in to his tumultuous soul, he makes her alight,
in their entwined destiney, he sings her songs, they dance.
Ronald J Chapman Sep 2016
My Sky!
My love, my bright golden sunrise,
You make my Soul rise,

Together, we can do anything,

A new day,
Blue silver clouds,
My bright golden yellow sunshine,

I wish I could fly high into your arms,
Flying above, oceans blue,
Flying above an Eastern sea,

I love dark haired Angels,

Oh! darling Sky,
Please send me a Miracle,
I want to fly home,

Into your, beautiful Cherry Blossoms on a spring day,
My Princess Sky, the Angel in my dreams,
I wish to walk with you under the spring skies of Seoul,

God! Please send me a Miracle,

My Destiney is in front of me,
My beautiful dark haired Princess is waiting for me.

Copyright © 2016 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Because of You - Baek Ji Young [Hyde, Jekyll, Me OST Part 2] (Eng Sub+Hangul+Rom)_FMV
Ronald J Chapman Nov 2015
Walking alone on snow covered mountain roads,
Everything is changing while clouds fly through a brilliant blue sky,
Slay riding down steep hills,
The sun is getting high,

In the blink of an eye;

An old cabin in the woods, with a warm fireplace burning,
Another blink of an eye,
Snow falling lightly on roads, Skiing down hills, Drinking wine while,
 Covered with a blanket in front of a warm fireplace with you,
Want to stay, never let you go.

You and I together on a bench in front of a frozen pond,
Covered in a blanket, Taking your hand, Is this heaven?
Fate continues to point me to my Destiney I see every night in my dreams. 
 You and I making memories,
Opening my eyes wide,  I see you're still here, Not a dream.

Our home with a warm fireplace burning,
Our children singing,
Snow falling lightly on mountain roads, Skiing down hills, 
Drinking wine while covered with a blanket in front of our fireplace,
Want to stay, not to go, I love you...

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
winter sonata ( from the beginning till now English subtitled )
QIsis May 2016
I don't  want to wait anymore...
I just want you here..
by my side..
im sick of waiting
you know im yours
you always have known
so what is it exactly we are waiting for??

I'm doing my part yes
I'm building my dreams
taking every little step by step

My wings are stretching out
testing the winds
flowing in-between my feathers..

free as a bird... is the way I wanna be .

as you would tell me..

I see my future so clearly
just like how we imagined it to be boo..
I feel it on my finger tips
as I reach for the stars
high they peak:

Burning sensation as they connect  
entwined  into one
Forever rooted
Deep in my viens
Running through out my DNA
The maps of our
Lost homes constellation
Rooted in each othters heart
Blood vain race in beat.

Forever the map will be
In the palm of our hands..

*Dream Big...
Deserie Indigo Jun 2013
I dare you
I dare you my son
To take off that faulty mask
and show your true colors
For you are no special god
no special creature at all

You made me believe in
hope, destiney, love at first sight
But I guess believing
is not worth knowing
until that mask has been
torn upon your face;
Glowing below the moonlight
To show the world
your monstrous form

My heart has been shattered
into thousands of pieces
But you won't dare bother
to pick them up
To be that brave warrior
And clean up the horror
you have thrusted upon me

I used to look into your eyes
And see the heavens
shining from above
Giving hope to all
my weaknesses in life

But now all I see is a ***** mask
Filled with unwanted
critters and clumpy dirt

You may as well love me
But I certainly
do not love you back
Knowing that wonderous mask
appeals to your face

Silence has faded out now
Let go of my hand
And let my heart
****** to the ground
Watching me sink
in the hurricane of my wonders

Dont follow me
Don't try to come back
Because now I see your true colors;
Black and white
No life
Just a prison
Captivated by torn walls

I loved you
I will always love you
But as long as that mask
is thrown on your face
My heart will never come
Robert Guerrero Jun 2012
They call it evil
when i speak of morbid things
when i think sinister thoughts
when i feel lower than dirt

They call it evil
when i write my poems
when i become inraged
when i feel death lurking

I call it being myself
I dont care if you hate me
you can die choking on your blood
get hit by a bus

they call it evil
when i speak of demons
when i draw dark things
when i let my emotions be known

they call it evil
when the sun dont rise
when the moon is dark
when the world falls into peril

i call it being *******
you turn your backs on me
i dont care for humanity
they can die burning to ash

they call it evil
when i speak the truth
when thier lies are known
when i do something right

they call it evil
when i dont care
when i feel like my life is over
when i release my rage

you know what
you all can go get bent
i control my destiney
my life is my own

no leash or collar
no chains or cages
im free like the eastern winds
so good bye and farwell

they call it evil
when i tell you
forget me if you doubt me
someday i can say
i told you
Ronald J Chapman Nov 2015
Thank you, Heaven's Angels,
For guiding me to you.
Meeting you here on Earth,

My life shines every day,
With bright and beautiful sunshine,
Because of you,

Hand in hand, walking forward,
Through life,

Looking at our lives,
Discovering the mysteries of Earth and the Heavens,

Looking into each others eyes,
Finding gifts in our hearts,

How can I hold on to a free Spirit?
Your Soul deserves to fly, like a Dove,

I must let this dream go,

I know,
I'll find you in life,
If it takes a thousand lifetimes, our paths will cross again,

Hand in hand walking the path Fate has placed before us,
Holding on to our dreams,

Many possible endings,
Scattered by the tides of time,

You and I in Heaven and on Earth,
Protected by the Angels,

In life and death,
Love, Faith, and Hope will keep our, memories
Locked safely in our hearts,

We have to be brave,

Long ago promises were cut into rings of diamonds and gold,
Meeting you was preordained by Heaven's Angles,
Two beautiful Souls joined in Love,

Many possible Destinies scattered through space and time,
I always see a Destiney with you.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
[MV] Lyn My Destiny(My Love From the Star OST)
Matthew O'Reilly Nov 2014
When I has born
My destiny was made
The doctors said "he will make his own future"

When I was eight they gave me a block of wood and said
"create what your future will be"

I was eighteen
The doctors returned and the block was unchanged
They asked "why?"

My future was sitting right next to me
The girl I'd fallen for
The girl that has a heart of gold
I didn't need to craft anything for my future
Because you are my future
Because my destiney is you
Make life how you want it to be, create your own path
Descovia Feb 2021
Magnificent eyes that contain countless ancient mysteries

This world alone is not ready to accept or embrace

You wield a will stronger than any other.

Your power impacts the universe heavily!

Graceful with endless blessings

You ever had a kiss from an angel?

She shows mercy as a queen

Until circumstances present undesirable events.

She has no problem, protecting her kingdom

even with the fall of another.

Her human body restricts her to being a queen

Until Destiney calls for her to be a Goddess

She possesses a universal weapon, more dynamic than any

Force living of nature, or any elements of this dimension

That could shatter Excalibur into pieces...

Careful not to cross her

Deadly with disaster

Ready to descend oblivion upon us all!
Ronald J Chapman Dec 2016
True love,
It's impossible to stay,
Life goes away,

You and I,
Destiney missed,
Angels singing Heaven's Lullaby,

My sweetheart,
Time for loneliness,
Time to say goodbye.

Sadness comes,

Goodnight my Angel,
Sweet dreams my love.

Copyright © 2016 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Endless love instrumental
Stu Harley Jul 2015
what deeper
deal with
this pain
gray storm clouds
haunted rain
Graff1980 Aug 2017
Deception is the art of media, church, and state. It should not be the foundation of how human beings veiw and treat each other. That we are seperate is a deciet. As humans we are all bound together, not in some magical web of destiney but as a human collective with a social responsability to make this world a place of peace love and understanding; instead of a world driven by self-interest, and fear.

— The End —