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Falguni Sudan May 2018
Softly and gently, I swim him along
the frail whirlpool of a lie,
He visits like a lamp in the froth of cold
forward towards but shy

I remember to keep my palm onto the cold night's sheet
and tell him how his would fit in,
how every moment of my cold nights would burn
into the arms of his unconscious sin

I canst remember thy face though,
o love, was the dust of snow much.?

Swaying like a leaf in the wind of my poem
skimming on the foam of an immortal stream,
with his perfect structured fingers touching his evening cup,
he flutters like a laugh from the lips of a weeping dream.

A dream.
O my.! Was this illusory?

Years of long closed eyelids imagining their perfect fit
The word exists the definition doesn't,
Dejection over fancies is dejecting
Perfection is straight where you find true love.
Both girls and boys alike, dream about their "perfect" life-partner from the very beginning of their formative years. This "perfect" illusion seems to surmount over their subconscious self and when they aren't provided with the same revolutionised "perfect" partner, they feel dejected.
"don't be", I say. "Perfect" has no meaning. That one moment when you find true love, It is, nevertheless, "Perfect".
AMISHA Jun 2018
" Who is in there? !  Answer eh! "
The shadow trembled .                 " Are you black or white?!"       
  " I am hungry, sir. '' The voice replied.

Why is it that souls are judged on the basis of their colour?  This disgraceful conjecture which has been dejecting people  for centuries, seems on an external tenure. When will it bear a full stop? Be it the western nations, where it determines a person's status or the southern, where it decides a person's magnitude of beauty. Although, this mind set is hobbling downwards, yet some vestiges are still sparky, which are needed to be hushed off. 
Feel free to share your thoughts.
JaxSpade Aug 2018
Sometimes we feel
Dispirited and Crestfallen

By the world
And all its

It's so despairing
Dejecting and woebegone

It seems a neverending blue
Wrapping around you
Pulling your smile down

And devouring

   There is a cure
Called ice-cream

Feel like a kid again
With a few licks
You'll forget about
      The sad things

The cool cream
      Vanilla swirl
In chocolate covered eye dreams

Don't be conquered by the world
And all it screams

Just grab your self a cone
Of your favorite flavor known

And enjoy the cure
Called ice cream
Glenn McCrary Sep 2012
Tones of depreciation eject forth estuaries of spittle
Causing unsought billows of panic
Why can’t society be more appreciative
Instead of dejecting them
And divesting them of criticism
Communication is significant
Yet people omit it’s qualities
Chagg Feb 2021
This delight fragrance of the soil below
Reveals the hovering of dark, humid shadow.
There’s a joy in the air,
There’s a blossom in each rainy tear.

Each melody has a deep sensation,
That gives my heart an ambition.
Each resonance initiates a new desire,
Each asks me to follow its own admire.

Oh, this dejecting shower came to end,  
All my desires are also abandoned,
All this halt with a gloomy end,
Abrading all my dreams in a glance.
For living life to the fullest...
enjoy and truly feel its essence...
I think I know what's keenest...
assuredly the key is love.

it strongly binds yet it liberates...
uplifting souls to high domains...
a reason for living most times generates...
you know what I mean if you've truly loved.

its absence can make life seem so bare...
feels dejecting no one cares...
love doses genuinely clears despair...
in any way try to show some love.

the one thing that can heal the world...
universal, it cuts across all tongues...
but can't always be expressed in words...
indeed the greatest, yes  it's love.

some think it's found in sharing mornings...
one feeling I know rejuvenates...
for sure it's one of all life's cravings...
for it fills life when its truly love.

love in its true form is always pure...
be it for kids or the special one...
for family,friends or mother nature...
you're blessed if you've truly found love.

a feeling that's for angels only...
godly stance to those who bear...
am sure it transcends this earthly dwelling...
larger than life is the feeling of love.
Cj Jun 2020
The fear of failure pales in comparison
To the craving and attempt
At perfection
Where failure can be dejecting
Dampening to the confidence
Damaging the will to continue
I instead find myself devoted
To the attainment of my ambitions

Focused in my vision I steadily work
My faith in myself ferociously held firm
My destiny has been written
The stars have sang it to me since my youth
My future is undeniable
My ambition will be realized
No one person in this world
Can hold me back from my prize
My track will not be derailed
Ayesha Jun 2020
So here it is again;
a perfect being staring at a broken mirror
hoping to catch a glimpse of life
in those bottomless, unlit eyes.
Here I am, once again
lost in a fiction that's shattered asunder.
Maybe it's just my reflection that's damaged.
Or maybe just me.

Once again, I'm betraying the Lord,
begging Him for peace in my broken prayers,
in my broken faith.
No, my heart ain't broken nowhere.
It's me. Everything about me.
I am not hurt, I'm broken.
Damaged in many places;
my mind, a mere splinter
my soul, wilted and withered,
my being, decayed.
Or maybe it's just my vision.

Here I am, once again
staring at a dark roof that faces a starless sky.
I try to ache,
I try breaking apart,
and screaming my death out.
But nothing happens.
Sorrow doesn't come by,
no one throws me off the edge,
my voice sinks deep into my stomach, shivering
There's no hopelessness to bring me hope
no pain, no escape, all poetry in vain.

I let my eyes get lost in the hollow of the sky
that looks at me through the glass window.
I wonder how far I actually see
Wonder if there are sparks but my eyes are clouded
wonder if my soul strives to escape the arid of my body
perhaps that's why my heart keeps beating
trying to break the cage of my ribs and run away
perhaps that's why I feel my blood flowing
running and racing in search of a wound, a way out.
I wonder how long I'll last
without seeing a star
wonder how long I'll last before my cracks give in
and I fall into the depths of my own void.

Then I turn around,
Undraw the curtains
and in the dejecting darkness
I convince myself to sleep
for there'll be no whining tonight
there'll be no hoping tonight.

Yet again.
13 year old me.
Ayesha Jun 2020
The first poem that I ever painted
but never wrote was not about a
pretty princess with a dress,
it was about a princess with a pretty dress.
Because that was exactly how I drew it.
I didn't make the cloth red so it would go with her pink lips,
I made the lips pink so they would adorn the red dress.
First I sprinkled the pearls and planted the laces
with great precision and perfection,
then I added one last stroke of a crocked smile.
Though I knew something was not right,
I let it be for it was all about the dress that night.

The first poem that I ever wrote
but never painted was not about
how pretty moon looked in the velvet sky.
It was about how she encircled the earth
and how all earths bowed before the sun.
How the sun too had a hero she revolved around
and how the hero too had a sun that he respected.
If each universe was whirling around something,
I wrote, each infinity was doing it's own dance.
And wasn't that what we all had become?
Infinities envying infinities trying to be bigger
than the others until our mere existences mattered no more.
Wasn't that what we were, I asked the words.
A million suns dancing about a million suns dancing about a million suns dancing about a million suns dancing about....
Though I knew it didn't end well,
I let it be incomplete, for that was all it was about.

The first poem that I never wrote
and never painted was about my Grandma.
I drew a short, tired figure holding a cane
to support her wilted body.
I drew her beautiful
because that was exactly how she was.
I made her snowy hair into notes of violin
and molded the wrinkles on her face
into rows of sunflowers across a moor.
Her hands, I adorned them with gems,
her lips, I filled them with flavor of her youth.
Her eyes,
her eyes were perfect.
They were the suns that encircled themselves.
The moons that practiced immortality.
I then gave her the usual battered clothes and worn out shoes.
Though people said they sensed something wrong,
I knew no one could look more perfect.

The poem that I'll never write
and definitely never paint is not about
how you look charming in that dress
but about how the dress looks charming
because it's on you.
How the thousand sumptuous suns
burn in the night sky for you to see
but you're too busy fearing the stormy sea.
I'll draw a million moments compiling up
for a single you to like them and
you breaking yourself up into pieces
for the worthless world to like you.
I'll craft your lips into a beautiful smile
that you used to wear back in the days
before the kids pushed you off the slide
saying you weren't invited and
the crescent of your face broke into two
as I watched from a distance, immobile.
I'll stir the bottom of your eyes where, I believe,
all your light has settled now, and
watch as life comes running into your placid eyes.
Though it will feel a little criminal and wrong,
I will leave it be for this is all I've ever known.

But that is just my wishful thinking.

The first poem that I ever wrote
and ever painted, I did in black.
It was not about the jet-black depth of your eyes
but weak bloodstreams that often
lingered there like spider-webs due to your sleepless nights.
I wrote about blood and how it knew
each part of you better than anyone else
and how, when it flowed, it could move people
to tears or screams, or laugh and cheers
I wrote about the blood because that was all I had
seen the day I had kicked open the door and
seen your being sail away.
I wrote about violence because that was all I had done
as I had silently watched you curse at your reflection
in the dejecting, clear surface of the lake.
I wrote about pain for that was all I had felt
when you had given me a bleak smile
in reply to my inquiry about your heart.
I wrote about death for she was the only one
you had missed and remembered and loved
in the last eternities as she lifted you up
and drifted away with your weightless life.
Though the honesty of my words took my breath away,
I let them be for that was all I had wanted in the moment.
A tale.

— The End —