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Nefelibata Nov 2013
There's a girl that I will never stop loving
She's my past and my future
I  believe that she's an unrealistic dream
I believe that she's my destiny
I earsed all the pages in my book to have clear white ones for her only
An ink won't describe
a soul won't breath
a clock won't tick
when her eyes meet mine
I die I die and I die
when I continuesly kiss the warmth of her lips
I swear that this is beyond description
poor words and letters when it comes to describe  her
She's my endless desire and obsession
Valerie valiere Jul 2012
Ode to food . 

Barbecue Ribs ; 
I Swear If Youu Were a person  youu'd Have a Crown . 
You'd Be The Queen of your town . 
Youu make Other Foods Envy Youu Because of your delicious Barbeque  Sauce And Your Juicy Meat . 
Youu got fans because Your who their mouth wants to meet . 

Ice cream ; 
Your cold , 
But you never get old . 
Everyone Loves Youu ,Your Like Your Heaven sent .
Everyone Loves you Exept For the lactose - intolerant .   
You come in different flavors , 
Your served in different Dishes , 
You have different Toppings , 
The one thing people Is Scared To do to youu is dropping . 
Youu melt down people's Throat , 
Filling them with joy . 
Youu make babys Wanna leave their favorite toy . 

Chips ; 
Crunchy , 
Munchy . 
Who Dosnt Eat Youu ? 
Like , I mean everyone Likes you new . 
Your so fly . 
Not literaly Fly . 
Thats Apparently a lie , 
Its Obvious  you cant fly . 
Your different . 
Youu Come differently .. 
Your so good they clone youu Continuesly . 

Chicken ; 
Youu had to die 
To Satisfy . 
Youu do Good to my stomach , 
Make Me Feel good . 
Your so good . 
Youu Can even be barbequed , 
Your so good i wanna play a harp for youu .
You Can Be Boiled Too . 
But I Dont Like you like that , Eww .

Candy ; 
Your so dandy . 
You Come In Different Varieties . 
Skittles , M&MS; Even Jelly beans . 
Who dont love youu , i mean Youu That Babie . 
Everyone love youu Exept People with Diabetes . 

This Is My Ode Too Food . 
Food That Taste M-m-m Good .
Umi Jun 2018
To a sky which showed no sign of light,
Black smoke was rising, from no other than a flagship which sailed across the stormy ocean, Nagato, ready to fight was however at ease.
Until we encountered two enemy ships, a Kongou and a Tirpitz.
Both of them, with a merciless sight fired everything they got, a hard decision was to be made, who shall hit us if we dodge, who shall not?
The Kongou, landed some hits as the sea consumed the others shells,
Just overpenned, lucky for us it seemed, until we re-adjust our angle,
What does the future hold for one who survived but couldn't protect her friends, as the sun no longer rises these memories return.
It didn't take long, the weakspot of one of them was their petty armor,
Kongou sank, spilling her tears into the water she was unable to escape from, another turn was made, it was the final battle, final hope,
Reparing some damage in the little time we had, Nagato drove like an absolute mad man, left, right continuesly just so our ship would not end up like their Kongou, our citadel was an easy target, after  all.
Shells are to be exchanged, smoke escapes from our guns, this lady was refusing to let her life slip away until she at least do what she could, exhausted and almost out of ammo, we landed a lethal strike.
Watching the enemy ship slip away before our eyes, knowing that Nagato was to sail almost into the same fate made us then realise...
Even if the damage could be repaired and parts exchanged, brought anew and even if we make it back in one piece without capsizing:
Forever will be the marks of battle painted in her burnt, wounded steel.

~ Umi
lost to my world of emotion loathed by confusion i can't define existance between the lines of coruption manipulated human justifyin death wit superior instructions weapon or not  the choice was chosen by deception never recognisin your actions these are the troubles of afections when men are punished by unrealised intention i nw hand my attention my insides made to continuesly feel passion  but lost lack the attitude to not loose the perception beauty in pian wat strange attraction
syanne Sep 2011
He ask me "Do you remember me?" he says it with looking my eyes deeply.
"Yes", I said,"I do remember you...
Remember your fingers that touched my face
Continuesly my hair softly.
Remember  your breath that closely to my ears.
Remember your lips kisses peatedly mine.
Remember all of our's memories".
"Do I have permissions to feel you ?" he asked politely whispering a words "I love you".
Then we drawn into our love in passionate emotion.
Vasilis Jan 2019
I may fool myself,
But dont be fooled you dont.
I mean yourself
To think you know.

Its a deeper meaning,
A closer look,
The ones-self i mean
To define as a whole.

Its not just this term
That words cant describe.
Each letter of any language,
The meaning depends on how you write.

But who gives the meaning?
And how it came to be?
If someone continuesly trys to wonder,
The mind will set to agony.

Your only comfort is your inner peace
And you constantly looking to find.
What many have died in search for,
Its only a threat and your mind will decline.

So you can't understand yourself,
Because there is no meaning in ones-self.
Its a paradox world which you only have to accept.
1st attempt :)
Nicole Joanne Mar 2015
Eyes brighter than the sun that acts as my heat in this cold world,
the smiles on their faces,
their loving embraces,
locked in each-others arms;
I'm tangled in the limbs of roughed-skinned trees and faceless barks.

A slap in the face from the wind is my kiss on the cheek,
their shelter is the roof above their head,
mine the endless blue sky.

Blue is all I've ever known.
I feel blue, I see blue,
faces turn into oceans at the sight of me;
they turn cold, they get scared, they rush at me like strong waves.
I cannot swim, I am drowning beneath the body [of water]
I have admired and adored.

My fantasies and dreams shoot at me with guns and sharp objects;
the one who could've understood me
was protected by those who think they understand him;
I can no longer keep running into the ocean
just to be continuesly thrown back to shore.

He throws me out to sea,
but yells at me when he steps on the  sharp pieces of me.

I am only a shell;
I am fragile.

You're yelling at me for hurting you,
you're the one who hurt me.

(NJ2015) All Rights Reserved
This is based off of Frankenstein, the novel.
The Creatures point of view upon meeting the De Lacy family.
Freeman on the land is worth two in the hand
believe you me its hard to understand
how to make one mend with the other
without the other feeling smothered
at birth we emerge with one last surge
swooped away tagged and weighed
registered like some foriegn cargo ship
certified then denied selling freedom lies
conditioned the schooler with the golden ruler
we sinned with social security pins
at 14 did we see what we should have seen
or just a false sense of security
did we willingly voluntarily and intentionally
enter into these one sided contracts naively
ignorance had a different meaning
relying on employer seeking to empower by
continuesly consuming and devouring
returning to the land as a flesh n blood being
living modestly circled and truely free again
Baqir Talpur Nov 2018
Goddess, such a relegating term
But then again,
How do you abridge someone
Who embodies universes inside?
How do I, a mere wanderer,
who is in awe of your luminous wit
Who has traversed her terrains,
Strolled from the glacier
Though her well carved volcanoes
Down to her meadows where,
Her majestic rivers meet and form conflux.
Where her flower continuesly disperse
The elixir of eternal life,
When it is kindled by the desire.
How could i, a mere nomad
Who continouesly crave this water of life
Who is always seeking this fountain,
do you justice,
And encapsulate you, the infinite beauty,
In one word,
Except for the relegating term Goddess,
That my petty mind could come up with.
Sirenes Jan 2016
How rude of you
To invade my still mind
Like a blast
Of all colors
Heating up... Well everything.
Was that crude?
My bad.
I can only express it
The way it comes out
Keeping me from sleep

How rude of you
To be so unavailable
So untangable
How rude indeed
Of you to come in to my mind
Like it's yours to keep
I have not pledged
Loyalty to you
To my great dismay.
Might you be indeed
As gentle as I imagine you to be

How unfair of you
To be all that you are
Continuesly out of reach
Your mind might be genious
But I'll never know
Such is life
Can't always have what I want
When I want it
Wish I could wait
But I can't
Too cute

I've come to resent
The scent of unbleached cotton
On acrylic adhesive.
Sirenes Apr 2016
Why are you always alone?
The prevailing question
Since I was a little girl
Well it's not to prag
But I quite enjoy
My own company
Rarely miss people
Not because I don't care
But because it feels right
That they're not always there
That there would be times
When I didn't see them
Even the closest of friends
But then there are a few
Who I miss continuesly

So then is missing another
Just the sign
That there's something
Left to be said?
Sirenes Feb 2016
what the mind thinks, the body becomes*

If I continuesly hate myself
For the way I look
Will my body not become resentfull
Surely, nobody wants to be
Told off all day long

Today a lady said to me
Don't change, now you look good
I resisted the urge to say
"I looked good 10 kilos ago"
It makes sense that others don't see it
They don't love their own bodies

So instead I told her
"Love your body and it will love you back"
However never use your love
As a conditioning technique
It will surely backfire.

So if I close my eyes
And tell my hands to type a word
They will surely do so
Not just because I can blindtype
But because my body knows how.

And if I close my eyes
And tell my body to hold on
To the last thing I see as I fall
My hands will never miss
Such is the intelligence
Of the mind-body connection.

So if I tell my body
You can adjust to anything painlessly
Surely she can do so

She has done it many times before
Even as I resisted the urge to run away
In order not to rip myself apart
But I never ripped
Because my vessel
Is as flexible as I humbly request her to be
And she knows it.
Love your body and it will love you back
Sirenes Mar 2016
I spend my time
Strolling back and forth
The shopping street
Not wanting to go home
As though there's something
To be found

I've watched a robbery
In a cigarette store
For the value of 17€
I smiled and tipped
The lady 12€ to help her
As she sobbed
Her fear away

I gave my coffee and a cigarette
To a homeless woman
And strolled around
Looking for the young girl
The homeless girl
With a puppy in her arms
Intending to dump out
My coin section in to her cup
As if the 7€ I gave her the other day
Wasn't enough

I've had lengthy conversations
With my cat
Who is not at all pleased
That we moved
He doesn't like
The new cats in this house
Mostly because he's scared
Continuesly complaining
That the water I gave him
Doesn't taste good
He wants a fountain instead

I've found all the Signs now
And I came to understand
That I did the same thing to you
As I did to the person who went before you.
The billboard said:
"Will we understand each other better?"
The ring that displayed an anchor
Whispered that I'm stuck
In still waters
I cried at the loss of you

If only I had understood
What I understand now.
And yes eye contact is still an issue
But maybe your eyes are not
That scary now
Maybe I'd spill all my emotions now
As though knowing
I cannot hide them anyway.
If only I had known better then.
I have now officially lost my mind.
Thomas Oct 2016
I have told you of the delema I face with my mother and sister, in the perspective of my sister.
My mother is drawing near to the brink of suicidal thoughts,
All due to the conflictions with my sister, I continuesly blamed my mother, not knowing, not wanting to know my sisters role as the whipper to the whipped was.   But I am at a crossroads, I believe my sister, I believe my mother, but to fight for each other's approval is absurd.
The thing is that I am a person who strives to make things better, no matter the cost or the probability of success.
Right now the war at the peak,
My mother is praying to her god that she be hit by a semi.
While my sister revolts against society and destroys her future.
While I sit here uselessly in between the both of them pulling them away from the bridge of suicide.
It's a statement on my life
I’m ******* tired
Of your *******
Fed up with making
Me feel so ******* useless
Sick of all
Your manipulative ways
My wasted days
Sitting around crying
Punishing myself by
getting high Or cutting.
All because of your avoidance,
Sents to voicemails
no replies ,
Tears down my cheeks
While Beers, music , parting
In your Eyes.
I walking lonely dark streets
To blow of the angered frustrated steam that Whistles
Out my body
Because you continuesly
Hide , lie , deny
Every question asked.

I hate I cry
I cry I hate
I’m tired of being
In this Same place

Piles after piles
Emotionally abused
Self esteems so low
Been told many things
To make me feel
Like I truly have no worth .
So sad
That I’m just going with everyone’s flow of me
Being the chaos To
Anything , everything
That goes wrong .

I’m drowning in the sea
People see my desperation
to swim up To breath
Watching me Suffer
Do nothing when I scream
The words h e l p

They just stand by & point a finger
“Shouldn’t have gotten near
the water”
Yeah I know that above phrase made no sense
To you the reader
But there’s so much to explain

I’m just done
I can’t find words to explain
Wrapping my self up
I don’t want drugs
I don’t want pain
I don’t want to run away
I just want to sit
Shove the stick into my mouth
& Pull back the Burner
Push hard & fast
On the trigger
blow up My brain
I’m sad I’m hurt
I just can’t cope
I don’t want dope
Don’t want smoke
want No Sharp objects
I just want all of this to stop

Close my eyes & wake up
To a life where I have it all together
A career
Job , car
Normal life with the basic problems every one els deals with

Idk idk
Why’d he break my heart
Gave Love a chance
High hopes of finally
Making it out my current misery
Start up a new
I got twice pain
I got shredded
My life’s at its worst
Going to bed
Sweet dreams to me
Written in FEB 17 2019
Randolph Napoles Jun 2018
" Appreciation "

Oh, How do i start to flatter you my dear?
Should i start with those pretty eyes that you bear?
Or that beautifully curvy smile that you have,
Which never fails to make me fall in love.

Wait! Flaterry is a sin for me to do!
I am not writing this to flatter you.
This is a poem of my appreciation,
To the things is see in you, that surpasses my imagination.

So let me start with your very core,
Your ever so positive spirit that I adore.
So positive that it influences me in so many ways,
Taught me to see things with a smile always.

Then we go to your generosity and understanding,
I am a beggar but instantly i became rich as your friend.
You always do the things that makes me happy,
This woman is not only a thing of beauty and for that I thank thee.

Up we go to how great you care,
Like a mother? A friend? Or a lover? No! You are the care i need when i despair.
You bring the light that flickers in my darkest night,
The hope that always wants me to stay alive.

Now the cutest thing is your innocense,
Coupled with those puppy eyes, it just doesn't make sense.
You can just get away everything because of this,
I get mad at you, but in the end this brings us peace.

Now, now, this is the best part, it is how you love,
Let me make this one longer, this is what i wanted you to have.
The feeling that you give is something that is so plain,
But Alas! Plain is what i always wanted and was praying.
I do not want a love that is savage and fierce like thing,
Because that will exhaust a and drain all of our being.
I just want the love that you are giving me,
Simple, honest, respectfull and as true as you can be.
The love that continuesly pours, not forceful, but gently falls like the morning dew,
This may not last for eternity, but what i am asking is only a lifetime with you.
Crazychick2001 Apr 2019

If i am depressed dont try and compete with me
Depression isnt a game or a progression in life
It is an obsession of pain and time that comes back continuesly
Once it hits u fake or not ur gone until u have what ur heart desires
Even if u had to light a thousand fires every night to get it u would
But thats only 5% of it..
You will think everythings going to be fine
Yea i guess it will
Just not now
How can things be fine when u commit the crime of hate and abuse to urself sometimes physically and sometimes emotionally
You try and forget all the words they said
Try build new worlds where u could be happy
But its just another ****** outcome of pain all over again...
I have never felt depression worst than this
Slits on my wrists
Tears that race down my face
Maybe ill just go stand in the rain
Cause that way no one can see ur tears and pain
I cry and hell i wish i could end it all and fly into heaven
But thats not how it works
All these ropes have ties
And i cant undo all my crimes and cries attached to them
.... ....
-Mari De Villiers xoxo

— The End —