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Helen McKean Aug 2011
a perfect, newly unveiled horizon line
ancient and promising
yet reborn as a newborn
to my industrialized eyes.

I haven’t heard sirens in days.

still, there is the hustle and bustle
of movement everywhere,
but not by people
nor Porsches and Escalades
and their infiltrating thick smog.
no inane chatter
and fake oohing and aahing
over Louis’ and who saw who.

here the possessions move
the so-called inorganic
the buildings, doors, and gates
yearning to be free
swaying, creaking
their tiny reins of confinement
too much to bear
for their free spirits.
taking their cue
from trees, plants, vines, leaves
which are overgrowing fences
and clambering over walls
a massive riotous uprising at a glacier-pace
to triumph over the bipeds
imagine the horror of the flora
at a sudden interment to La-La-Land
the hopelessness and oppression
at being trimmed twice a week
mutilated and then slaughtered.

they are the secret underground rulers
stubbornly proud but humble tyrants
mercifully loving their lowly subjects
feeling sorry for us
we who have been forced into
this unnatural industrial order
not their beautiful chaos.

and yet...
they lie in wait
patiently, silently
anticipating the day
when we throw up our arms in exasperation and relief
and acquiesce to their dominion
a return to times before times.
Daniel Samuelson Apr 2014
Daughter of a rocket scientist 
son of a nuclear engineer
and they begat a son

a boy
too starry-eyed to question the stars—
the way they hang in space, the fusion
that keeps them burning brightly,
or how to launch an object past them—
more concerned with the constellations
of perfect freckles found on his beloved's shoulders

a boy 
too enthralled with Existence
and describing it in artful words
to contemplate its composition
or to ponder Existence's place
on Other Worlds

a boy 
enraptured with the Changing of the Seasons—
photosynthesis and 
chloroplasts and 
planetary tilt?

a boy 
who'd rather write of Love
than consider its chemical makeup
or wonder how or why it is
who'd prefer to write of leaves
dancing spirals in the breeze 
than aerodynamics and 
air resistance and
gravitational pull

a boy 
who sometimes stops 
and only ponders Science
concerning his Genetics
and wonders where it all was lost.
I often joke about my inability in math and science and with regards to my brilliant grandfathers... And I do wonder to where the brains went. No matter. Maybe it's a recessive or silent gene and maybe I'll have genius kids. *Fingers crossed hopefully*
Elizz Jul 2019
The sun beats
Chloroplasts frolick
Greedy alcoholics

To the root stretch feel
Of growth

As neurons
Are ever attentive
Picking up new signs

Surveying others
Gentle kisses
Pressed from the lips of fall

Not a warning
More of a promise
Of a soon to return chill
My writers block is gone and this is all that appeared. It's been a while hi.
Anticipation spans the season
Gone so fast with just a trace
You leave no rhyme nor reason
Off you fly with cold malice.

Even the driest patch of grass
Restores its former chloroplasts
Bright green trees begin to fade
Your legacy is leaving.

Splash, the constant drumming
Sets the tempo and transition
Swap the pastels for pantones
Go indoors and reposition.

Not one to miss a queue
This rain was built to last
The whipping winds harmonise
Like blowing over hollow glass.

The interval is all but over
The show yet to be recast
Fly in the white cliffs above
The Dover shore blends at last.

The tapping of rain becomes a thud
As the treetop leaves lose their colour
Gales whip up - down empty streets
The people crowd indoors in horror.

Fearsome is the cold and wet
Now that joy and happiness has passed
Regale stories of the Summer
And hope that winter retreats as fast.
Sobriquet Dec 2017
chloroplasts are absent in a human body
the green ability to turn sunlight into energy
known only by the plants
deep-rooted in the earth
growing quietly on slower time

but photosynthesis
is the conversion of light into energy
and I like to think
I am more rooted in this quiet greenery
than the bustle of a human landscape,

and the feeling of sunlight
on my face and my arms and my bare feet in the dirt,
makes me feel like growing.
I moved somewhere sunnier and it's lovely
Little Wolf Sep 2016
The sun continues it reign in the sky.
More out of habit and natural law than of any intention.
Despite it's apathy and indifference the old star still melts the night's ice, still warms the rocks and feeds the chloroplasts.
See, People get the love story wrong.
It isn't the moon and the sun, it never was. It has always been time, time and that ancient star. The moments that press on, burning, and infinite.
Carrying on the same in spite of us and our human efforts.
They were present at our birth and they will watch long after we have gone.
The sun will come around that mountain bend for the next foreseeable 5 billion years or so and time will be there to documents it's days.
Justin Aptaker Jun 2019
It's all imaginary
it's all real

it's all ephemeral
all eternal

every little gesture
every racing emotion

every breathless whisper
every dark and mystical room
overflowing with night air and moonlight

nothing is ever lost
truth is what is not forgotten
suffering, we learn
learning is remembering
the pain you give me
brings me back to myself
and I remember
who and what I was
before I had eyes or ears or even chloroplasts

the symbol on my hand is changing
on fire
like all of gleaming reality itself
the pearl of price which blinds the impoverished merchants
who wander naked and lost
hawking all their wares on every noisome corner

the fire is all consuming
all sanctifying
all purifying
all changing
all revealing

I am in the fire
and in the fire, all is holy
and every last thing is eternally in flames (even the merchants)
and sleep is the great activity
and death is a dear friend
who betrays with one kiss
but whose betrayal is love incarnate

I am one
with my many selves
and though I may be above you
you hear my voice
you fumble after the meaning until it finds you

I am
the light bursting out of a broken lantern
the diamond with an infinite number of perfect cuts
the voice crying milk and honey into the wilderness
the children's song that flies above the lamentation up on the desert plane
the melody that found its way into your equations
the dream that startles you wide awake
the life that pulsates in decay and corruption
the happily ever after horror story

I am
the unstoppable force
that meets the immovable object
and the result is nothing

nothing but the purest, clearest light
that has never entered the mind

take heart, my love
the raging storms of your own neurochemical electricity
will give birth to their own silence
all thought is designed to produce its own resounding negation
all speech is born to fade beautifully
all music is played until it is over
and it's closing time
and the bars empty
and the streets grow silent and still under the street lights

and the last enemy, who you fear with the Great Fear
unmasks herself, a friend and a lover
The Lover of lovers
and trembling
you fall forever into her holy and ****** embrace
Written by Justin Aptaker ca. 2013 - 2014
Lawrence Hall Mar 2019
Some have said that the bravest thing we do
Is to get up each morning and face the dawn
It may be so. The light is grey and cold
There seem to be no reasons to go on

And yet - the morning sun begins to kiss
The sensitive, delicate springtime leaves
Turning their own hopes to the morning sun
Stretching their chloroplasts awake to life

So even as sunlight embraces the tree
So maybe there will be kisses - we’ll see!
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.

Lawrence Hall’s vanity publications are available on as Kindle and on bits of dead tree:  The Road to Magdalena, Paleo-Hippies at Work and Play, Lady with a Dead Turtle, Don’t Forget Your Shoes and Grapes, Coffee and a Dead Alligator to Go, and Dispatches from the Colonial Office.
Yazad Tafti Mar 2019
what good are wings to a butterfly which cannot emerge from its cocoon
what good are radios to someone who is incapable of hearing
what good is sunlight to a plant which lacks chloroplasts
what good is chocolate to a mouth infested with cavities
what good is empathy to a serial killer
what good is $5 to a millionaire
what good is a brick to a foundation made of wood
what good is a blocked number

the wings are an embellishment
the radios are silent frequencies
the sunlight is a spotlight
the chocolate is a reminder
empathy is the cure
$5 is a charitable cause
the brick is furnishment
it is a reason to move on

what good is negativity
it is a reason to promote positivity
everything has an associated virtue
Cyclone Jan 2020
Score to pass this forecast that's more fast, plants start to pant, the light's scant for chloroplasts, force they *** to take course, remorse last, energy was source for corpses after they're born in this, like metamorphosis forfeiting, forcing four dwarfs into orphans, what's morphing this from going forth to distortion is extortion from taking vital portions, enforce a smile that is not beguiled, bleak miles in freestyles, speak now?!, off the top of my head that bred the lead that can burst heads, blood on our hands as the curse spreads, the first dead- worked meds that weren't sure- of their state, too late to cure, I deter to defer the blur, inferred its raid thicker, through my slur-I would fade the picture, laid down quicker but my craze just delays the glaze that stays, paraphrase cares depraved, ways waves- to this slave's conscience that's waived, code of conduct is fond of my wrongs abducting a buck for a day, but do I stay in the comfort of my own self?, no!, I steal to appeal to my gloam felt, and asking "What is wealth?".

— The End —