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yúyīn Jan 2017
Alone in bed she looks around
Afraid of what's to come
The shadows dance along her wall
She hears her daddy hum

Tears fill her eyes she starts to cry
Up out of bed she runs
And locks the door; the **** then turns
And Daddy whispers one

"Don't make me wake your mother up
To tell her you've been bad
Come give Daddy a kiss goodnight-
You're making me very mad"

She turns the key and steps away
And Daddy walks inside
Slowly shutting down again
She crawls inside to hide

Alone inside her little world
She cannot feel the pain
Innocence lost long ago
Left in a ****** stain

Images fly through her mind
First her then Kristy too
Baby Carrie's next in line
Before the night is through

Anger builds around her heart
"Please stop!" she tries to yell
But Daddy's hand is on her neck
He knows she'll never tell

She struggles underneath his wieght
As he removes her shoe
She tries to hit but misses
And Daddy whispers two

His grip on her is tightened
And his fist comes crashing down
She tries to fight unconsiousness
As Daddy rips her gown

He rolls her on her belly
Pulls her close so he won't miss
Then he enters hard and quickly
As he gives her "Daddy's kiss"

The minutes seem like hours
As she opens up her eyes
And she hears the desperation
In her little sister's cries

Daddy thrusts in one more time
Then rolls onto his back
And she just lies there motionless
And awaits his next attack

She looks into her sisters eyes
And reaches out a hand
And little Carrie reaches back
And slowly starts to stand

But Daddy isn't finished yet
And Carrie's pushed aside
He holds her down and spreads her legs
And takes another ride

She falls asleep all bruised and naked
****** and surrounded
By the sisters she had reached for
While her innocence was pounded

14 years of **** and lies
She fall into depression
And suicide is what's to come
Of a childs molestation

3 days later a little body
Washes up on shore
A suicide; her wrists are slit
But the sherrif sees much more

The headlines scream the story
Of a young girls devastation
And the silent screams that go unheard
All throughout the nation

But Kelly's story isn't through
Her secrets now unfold
For she tells them with the bruises
On her body now so cold

Now the lights flash through the windows
And there's people all around
Asking all these questions
But we don't make a sound

Kristy hasn't spoken since they
Told her Kelly died
And I am little Carrie
In a corner I now hide

Handcuffs bind his hands and wrists
The evidence they found
Her body told of the abuse
When Daddy was around

"How many?" Mommy askes of him
"How many and God why?"
And Daddy looks away from her
And Mamma starts to cry

"How many did you do this to?"
And then he looks at me
My green eye bruised the night before
And Daddy whispers "three"
This brings tears to my eyes everytime
I haven't been a victim, but this touches me very deeply.
** I can't remember the poet who wrote it
Tenaj Lee Taylor Oct 2015
First day of school,
The day kids come back from a long summer break.
I didn't know anyone,
No one knew me.
New kid to the school,
Shy boy, that's what I am.
Sitting in class,
Avoiding eye contact and speech with everyone.
She then came with her friends,
Beautiful red hair,
Big brown eyes,
Snow white skin.
I wanted her to be mine.
She askes for my name,
I, lost in thought, didn't respond.
She askes again,
Surprised she was talking to me,
I respond quietly my name.
"Tenaj. Tenaj Taylor."
She compliments me on my clothing and my name.
Her friends talking to me,
Not responding to them,
Lost in the gaze of her eyes.
Words, compliments, stuck on the tip of my tounge.
Couldn't get them out.
Staring at her creepily.
She had me the first day.
OneCorn Apr 2012
the cuts on my arms
no one asks
because no one sees
because no one wants to see

the bruises on my legs
no one askes
because no one sees
because no one wants to see

the red stains of fallen tears on my cheeks
no one asks
because no one sees
because no one wants to see

They want to see cat scratches
They want to believe I fell
They want my lies

They want to see a fake smile
They want to hear a fake truth
They want a fake girl
Starry Aug 2019
Princess mononoke
Stands there
In deep though
As she asks her self
"what's my next move"
"What to do to
Save the forest God."
As she askes these questions
She comes up with
piquewhispers Nov 2014
I only see him once a year
This day.
And he askes me why
Why not any other day?  
"Because it's Halloween,
He laughs and we fall
For each other.
But the next day, we pick
Up the pieces of our self
And live life like complete

But this year was different
He pulled me onto the floor
And got me to dance.
It was loud but it felt so
We pretended it was new years
And kissed at 12.
Then took a long walk and watched
the leaves fall like snow falls
On Christmas eve.
It was all so perfect.
Well almost.

Until he asked me my name.
"Laura," I said.  
I lied and he didn't realize  
He told me how beautiful it was
And how he'd call me tomorrow.
But I was afraid.                          
Because it was Halloween.
It was the only time of the year
I didn't have to feel guilty to
Be someone else.
Poetoftheway May 2020
Clueless, Restless, but then the Moon Speaks!

can you see clouds at night, askes the moon,
my train, my assemblage of word worshippers,
who ask me by the thousand for clearer answers,
“one if by day, two if by night” is my evere’d reply,
bereft of confidences, steps unsteadied, full of distemper,
shaky uncertain, so answer all, once more, but only with
difficulty am I understood, for the simplicity so so great!

the moon comes to you nightly, never! never are you ignored,
your lost alone words always well heard, we are two together,
we are all
two, if by night, my lune bright, ours, your answer!

Together Nightly, Are We Not Poets of the Way?
Zeyu Nov 2018
At the tunnel’s end,
I see the snow country.
Heavy bough bends
Then breaks abruptly.

January’s Sakura,
Stands in the court yard.
Sweet scent drifting,
To Honden’s guard.

Fourteen is Izu’s dancer.
Singing in Shinto’s garden.
Leaving a heart without answer,
For she askes of beauties olden.

Awake to snow’s calling
I hear the petals falling
The flower at midnight
Yet asleep
A tribute to Yasunari Kawabata
Beda Flores Oct 2017
The demon inside her
can no longer be controlled
she is crying for help
but all she hears is silence
people don't hear her
she askes for help
but all she get's is nothing
because the truth is
i am the demon

— The End —