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I am not short, I am not small
I am perfect I tell myself
while wishing I was one feet
Don't depend too much on anyone in this world

Even your shadow leave you in darkness
I cut
And could you not
Ask me why
Why I cry
Its not a crime
I do it all the time
When I cut onions
My bike got stolen
Outside a KFC
It wasnt Dolan
It was a guy I couldnt see
He ran fast, faster than light
Wasted some kool aid on the floor
And then he was out of sight
I didnt even reach the door
The theif was asian
He was once a handsome fellow
filled with dreams and hope
now his eyes are hollow
struggling so hard to cope

Did you know he was once married
and held a good position?
but then he turned worried
calling life an illusion

Somewhere along the way
something went terribly wrong
his mind began to stray
wondering where he belonged

No one knows why life turned bad
and perhaps no one can be blamed
But it was just so sad
His body was never claimed
 Feb 2016 William Robinson
A river is aware
of its course...
wise to the ways
of water.
~Jai Ma~
I vredens tider
Med de triste munde
Er det vigtigt at huske
På de gode stunde

Kroppen bliver bundet
Af sindets tanker
Og udvikler sig efter
Til et emotionelt anker

Når vreden den rammer
Og bliver til fysiske skrammer
Bliver sund fornuft
Sat bag stål og trammer
I once knew a girl with a giant heart
Beautiful, sweet and awful smart
But far too kind and too naive
To give so much, and not receive

She would smile and satisfy
but at night, she would cry
She would sacrifice in secrecy
and weep in secret frequently

But in our eyes, she was blessed
So we didn't see her one request
Her scream of help wasn't heard
And gone, she was like a manakin bird.
I am back again after a week vacation. Where I was reminded of an old friend I lost because of ignorance. A fake smile can hide an ocean of sorrow.
Sometimes I wish I was invisible.
Not to go around and be sneaky.
Doing **** that upsets people or hurts them.
I just wish I was invisible because
I'm just so ******* tired of being seen.
Having to hide my insecurities.
Having to lock up my emotions.
Having to keep myself safe.
Just being out there.

I rock.
Not the kind where i'm awesome...
The kind where I find I hug myself.
Where I move back and forwards.
All the ******* time.
When I eat.
When I write.
When I read.
When I do anything.
Just gently rocking.
Always have and probably always will.
But it comforts me.
I comfort me
That's so ******* weird.
But it's honest.

I wish I was invisible.
So that the world could leave me alone.
Because it gnaws on my bones.
Like it has the right to do that to me.
I just want to be invisible so I can live quietly.
Doing my own thing.
And no one will know I am there.
And hopefully no one will see me.
And, if I close my eyes.
And rock quietly, and slowly.
I think that's the closest I will ever get.
To being invisible.
Anxiety *****. Being an introvert in a world of extroverts is so draining. Just makes me want to be invisible for a while.
"Ahhh I scream, what is wrong with you?"
"Don't run around I didn't raise you like that!"
"Have these pills!"
"**** you, why are you not like the normal kids..."

"Am I really that weird?"
"Drugged beyond recognition"
"Head as heavy as the weight of himalaya"
"Drowned in medication"

"Always nice too meet you, I am James"
"Do they accept the true me?"  
"I am fine. How are you doing?"
*"Don't show them. Do drugs"
You are not yourself when you are on medicine, but sometimes it might be better?
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