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MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Can’t control what I say
Hope that’s ok

I try my best to distract
From what is and what’s

Wolves coming from all over
During the night

Will you stay or will you fight?

I like your presence it makes me feel warm

I guess I kinda like
Being wrapped in your arms

It’s weird for me
Because I expected someone else

But no matter what
My heart will always

To: Lemon boy
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
There once was a lady
Who lived in a shoe

Not because she had to,
She just liked it.

Everyone else told her to get a proper house

She thought a shoe was a perfectly good home
She even had a gnome

She had kids

They liked the shoe too
that was all they knew

But when they left
They came back stronger
And didn’t want a shoe for a house
Any longer

Turns out her shoe was not nice
It rotted and gave her children lice

It ate their brains until they couldn’t see
It gave little soph
A cavity

Her only regret
As she looked back on her life
Was not how to remove the knife

But to
Find a new shoe.
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
One last poem before I drift off….

Today I realized I look for others pride
Sometimes I think I need it

Turns out I don’t

I know I’m an artist whether you do or you won’t,
acknowledge it.

My poems breathe for me
And when I’m not hungry they eat for me
I write what I see

They sleep with me while I shed my tears
They force me to face my fears.

And when I wake up I have new words filling my head
My stomachs in a knot
Lyrics to a heartfelt song, an angry response, or perhaps just a taunt

Poetry is one of my favorite art forms
The beauty, elegance
The walls broken down
Sharing what I never could admit before

My heart isn’t so sore anymore.
I wonder if they feel it too
Me letting them go?

I saw him today
He looked terrible
I hate to admit it for a moment I felt like I won
Until I realized we both lost a close friend
We’re both hurting but it’s not up to me

A lone willow tree met a golden retriever
Little did they know he’d leave her

I used to wish he would visit again
Until I heard about the manipulation

Turns out the golden retriever was actually a wolf
And the willow was a boy all along
I should turn this into a song.
Willow Tree (started to fall asleep and then thought of another poem)
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
I thought I would write again to help me fall asleep

I took my final today and got an A
It was easy but it’s still something so yay

Im working on staying positive
And when the depressive hits
I let it sit and feel it fully
No more pushing the waves down
No more hiding my frown.
Nap time
MuseumofMax Dec 2021
The watcher, the fast learner
I’m the hook and she’s the eye
Keeping each other grounded
When we feel like sinking

She’s a pretty cool guy
She wanted me to add that she’s ‘fly’
Hanging with her is like a high
But It doesn’t go away

She’s German too
She taught me a bit

Du bist ein Arsch

Hope you let that one pass..
my German is pretty trash.
A letter to my wonderful friend and roommate
  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
He scanned his whole life
But found pure lies...then he hugged
The ultimate truth...
Whether u're poor or rich... A king or a beggar... One day ur designation will be vanished, when u will face the ultimate truth : the death...

(Taking a small break from here to complete my assignments and other stuffs....

Will be back soon 😊)
  Dec 2021 MuseumofMax
Fighting down my fears
I've got so strong, that even
In my pain, I smile...!
Sometimes, Our fear breaks us down but sometimes, the same fear builds us up to fight the pain...
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