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Jun 2018 · 561
Rhythmic Parallels
Ashlee Jun 2018
It's all the same;
the destructive kind,
the beautiful kind.
It's an obsession;
satisfied only by desperation.
it tears you apart,
it puts you back together.
It is weakness,
it is strength,
Without it we are alone;
with it we are forgotten.
It can be overturned so quickly,
it's nature changes.
Light to dark,
Dark to light.
Hope turns to fear,
fear turns to hope;
it's all the same,
Now read it backwards
May 2018 · 312
Ashlee May 2018
It's in everything.
The release of endorphins as I hit my stride,
the way my legs burn as I take turn after turn,
It's the air that scorches my lungs as I inhale;
the cheering that fills my head,
it's the way I fly when I peak,
It's the white noise in my head when I can't go any further,
and it's the way I collapse when i finish;
it's in everything and it's in nothing.
Just a fun little poem that I decided to write
May 2018 · 353
Stifling Affection
Ashlee May 2018
You say I'm Beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking,
You say you could write an entire essay about my beauty.
Maybe it's true, maybe it isn't.
The point is,
You say all these nice things,
And all can think is it's too much.

You tell me I'm amazing,
with that smile of yours,
and I should be lit up inside;
but I'm just scared.

You talk about our future,
like it's something that's set in stone,
like we're forever.
And I should be amazed that anyone one make that commitment,
but I'm still scared.

You've done this before,
and, every time,
you fall for her.
That girl who is perfect in every way.
They are your world, your everything.

This time,
I am that girl;
and it's scary,
it's too much,
and I feel like I'm;

What can I do?
Wait for you to go?
That's the simple answer, yes.
But is it the right one?
May 2018 · 533
Where They Used to Be
Ashlee May 2018
Do you hear them?
Because you can't.
They died;
so long ago,
and yet,
so recently.
Their voices forever silenced.
By the
gun that went;
So many lives lost with no reason as to why.
They left us;
their friends,
their family,
their classmates,
their fellow citizens.
Wondering why.
Why did they leave us so soon,
those affected by gun violence?
They are all around us,
families of victims,
that kid you shot in the street,
those who committed suicide,
all of them;
All of them gone.
Never to be heard from again.
A tribute to those who lost their lives, loved ones, and those who are affected by gun violence.
Ashlee Apr 2018
Why does no one hear us when we call?
We call out for change,
they say "you're too young"
When we reman silent,
they say, "why don't you say anything?"
When we ask for help,
they call us weak.
when we push through,
they ask us why we don't get help.
When we cry,
they call us "too emotional."
When we don't show any emotion,
they say we're not "emotional enough."

Why is it never enough?
We try and try and try again,
but it's never enough.
How can we please you?
Maybe we can't.
Maybe we will always be silent

I suppose that's out greatest weapon
The silence of out generation
Wow that was angsty
Apr 2018 · 164
Time's Edge
Ashlee Apr 2018
I stand on a soaring peak, in a forest of peaks.
Their towering heights so high they scrape the sky;
Jagged edges cut through my line of sight,
and I wonder how these indomitable beasts
can stand to be so alone.
They seem untouched by time as it passes by,
it swirls around them in silent eddies;
stirring up snow on the most ambitious peaks,
and howling through the darkest, deepest valleys.
It attacks every crack and crevice,
but always fails to penetrate the mountaintop.
It is here, a place far from time's cold grasp,
that silence can be found.
Here we are alone, truly alone,
with the vast expanse of time and space surrounding us.
It is in this place that time's edge can be found.
#time #soliloquy #Shakespeare # existence #nature #silence #mountains
Apr 2018 · 399
Twist and Turn
Ashlee Apr 2018
The sly fox is none more sly than you are.
Words come out of your mouth, they are all lies.
There is this gap between us, it is far,
The ties that hold us are coming untied.
But can I let you go? It would mean death.
You are my lifeblood, my everything;
Without you, I cannot find any breath,
My heart stops beating, my eyes stop seeing.
Yet you betray me, I can’t fathom why.
I gave you my love, my years, my life.
It seems like we have already said bye;
After all this, it still cuts like a knife.
Despite everything, I still love it;
I suppose that’s why I took that bullet.
Apr 2018 · 301
Ashlee Apr 2018
You seem to me like a cold winter’s day,
Sparkling beauty, yet to cold to fathom.
Your beauty too often leading astray;
People forget that you are a phantom.
Confusing and blinding all at one time,
You are a creature I long to realize.
Your complex nature something I can't mime,
I cannot seem to forget your cold eyes;
With you I am elated and destroyed.
 If I am a scarf enveloping you,
 You unravel me, I am paranoid.
When I am without you my world is so blue.
If we are a flame, you are the lighter;
A puzzle I will never decipher.

— The End —