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call me a fool
if I have said too much
I have been called more
from the ones I love
for thinking this much
 16h Vishal Pant
as i turn the chapter and let go,
my mind calms.

my last hurrah,
waving my final white flag,
i surrender.

met in this bittersweet moment,
and let it all go.
for the first time in years
that cigarette was laid down
for the first time in years
I put the **** down
for the first time in years
I'm feeling like my old self
for the first time in years
I'm feeling happy
From here to you I say
Writing is your healing,
Never let it get away.
The community of lovers, hurts, addicts, wonderers & wanderers.
Don't wish.
God isn't a genie.
No Comparison

Outsides are different,
than insides
27 poems 
28 would be better
Should I write a new
or Perhaps revive an old.
Is the old not new, if its never been told?
Oh so many,
 Only known by me.
 From  corners of my mind,
to pages yet unseen.
Unfinished bits of line
to good to not jot down.
 How long gathering dust,
Before final words
 Are found.
Looking back through old bits thinking
Why didn't I finish this, this isn't bad, oh this is crap!
delete, save, change a word, take out a line.
Close the book again, maybe next time.
अक्सर गलती करने पर
नींद ढंग से आती नहीं,
तुम ही बताओ,
सोने की खातिर
किस विध दूँ ,
निज को थपकी ।
बेचैनी को भूलभाल कर
सो सकूँ निश्चिंत होकर
और रख सकूँ  क़ायम
जिजीविषा को।
दूँढ सकूँ
अपना खोया हुआ

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